393 research outputs found

    O2 delivery and CO2 production during cardiopulmonary bypass as determinants of acute kidney injury: time for a goal-directed perfusion management?

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    Introduction: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is common after cardiac operations. There are different risk factors or determinants of AKI, and some are related to cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). In this study, we explored the association between metabolic parameters (oxygen delivery (DO(2)) and carbon dioxide production (VCO(2))) during CPB with postoperative AKI. Methods: We conducted a retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data at two different institutions. The study population included 359 adult patients. The DO(2) and VCO(2) levels of each patient were monitored during CPB. Outcome variables were related to kidney function (peak postoperative serum creatinine increase and AKI stage 1 or 2). The experimental hypothesis was that nadir DO(2) values and nadir DO(2)/VCO(2) ratios during CPB would be independent predictors of AKI. Multivariable logistic regression models were built to detect the independent predictors of AKI and any kind of kidney function damage. Results: A nadir DO2 level < 262 mL/minute/m(2) and a nadir DO(2)/VCO(2) ratio < 5.3 were independently associated with AKI within a model including EuroSCORE and CPB duration. Patients with nadir DO(2) levels and nadir DO(2)/VCO(2) ratios below the identified cutoff values during CPB had a significantly higher rate of AKI stage 2 (odds ratios 3.1 and 2.9, respectively). The negative predictive power of both variables exceeded 90%. The most accurate predictor of AKI stage 2 postoperative status was the nadir DO(2) level. Conclusions: The nadir DO(2) level during CPB is independently associated with postoperative AKI. The measurement of VCO(2)-related variables does not add accuracy to the AKI prediction. Since DO(2) during CPB is a modifiable factor (through pump flow adjustments), this study generates the hypothesis that goal-directed perfusion management aimed at maintaining the DO(2) level above the identified critical value might limit the incidence of postoperative AKI

    Universality in the Screening Cloud of Dislocations Surrounding a Disclination

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    A detailed analytical and numerical analysis for the dislocation cloud surrounding a disclination is presented. The analytical results show that the combined system behaves as a single disclination with an effective fractional charge which can be computed from the properties of the grain boundaries forming the dislocation cloud. Expressions are also given when the crystal is subjected to an external two-dimensional pressure. The analytical results are generalized to a scaling form for the energy which up to core energies is given by the Young modulus of the crystal times a universal function. The accuracy of the universality hypothesis is numerically checked to high accuracy. The numerical approach, based on a generalization from previous work by S. Seung and D.R. Nelson ({\em Phys. Rev A 38:1005 (1988)}), is interesting on its own and allows to compute the energy for an {\em arbitrary} distribution of defects, on an {\em arbitrary geometry} with an arbitrary elastic {\em energy} with very minor additional computational effort. Some implications for recent experimental, computational and theoretical work are also discussed.Comment: 35 pages, 21 eps file

    Inhibition of cytochrome P450 2D6 metabolism of hydrocodone to hydromorphone does not importantly affect abuse liability

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    ABSTRACT Enzymatic conversion of hydrocodone to hydromorphone is catalyzed by cytochrome P450 2D6, which is inactive in about 7% of Caucasians [poor metabolizers (PMs)] and can be inhibited by quinidine pretreatment in the remainder [extensive metabolizers (EMs)]. If hydromorphone, having a substantially higher -receptor affinity than hydrocodone, contributes importantly to the physiological and subjective effects of oral hydrocodone, then PMs should be less responsive to the same doses, and quinidine pretreatment should cause EMs to temporarily respond as PMs. Seventeen EMs and 8 PMs who previously responded positively to hydromorphone s.c. received placebo and hydrocodone (10 mg, 15 mg and 22.5 mg p.o.) and were retested with their favorite dose after placebo or quinidine (100 mg) pretreatment; physiological and subjective measures were collected at base line and four times after drug administration, and urine was collected for 8 hr. EMs and PMs were equally responsive to oral hydrocodone, and quinidine had no consistent effect on their responses, even though quinidine abolished the pre-existing metabolic differences in hydromorphone production, as measured in urine. These data suggest only a small role of hydromorphone in eliciting abuserelated responses to oral hydrocodone. The genetic polymorphism of the drug-metabolizing enzyme CYP2D6 results in phenotypic differences in the pharmacokinetics of many drugs One drug for which there is evidence of phenotypic differences in response is codeine, which is O-demethylated by CYP2D6 to form morphine Hydrocodone differs structurally from codeine in that the C6-position is occupied by a keto-group, and thus the drug does not undergo the extensive conjugation (Ďľ60%) that codeine undergoe

    Non-syndromic Sensorineural Prelingual Deafness: The Importance of Genetic Counseling in Demystifying Parents’ Beliefs About the Cause of Their Children’s Deafness

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    Recent advances in molecular genetics have allowed the determination of the genetic cause of some childhood non-syndromic deafness. In Portugal only a small proportion of families are referred to a clinical genetics service in order to clarify the etiology of the deafness and to provide genetic counseling. Consequently, there are no published studies of the prior beliefs of parents about the causes of hereditary deafness of their children and their genetic knowledge after receipt of genetic counseling. In order to evaluate the impact of genetic counseling, 44 parents of 24 children with the diagnosis of non-syndromic sensorineural prelingual deafness due to mutations in the GJB2 (connexin 26), completed surveys before and after genetic counseling. Before counseling 13.6 % of the parents knew the cause of deafness; at a post-counseling setting this percentage was significantly higher, with 84.1 % of the parents accurately identifying the etiology. No significant differences were found between the answers of mothers and fathers either before or after genetic counseling. Parents' level of education was a significant factor in pre-test knowledge. After genetic counseling 95.5 % of the parents stated that the consultation had met their expectations, 70.5 % remembered correctly the inheritance pattern, and 93.2 % correctly recalled the chance of risk of deafness. These results underline the importance of genetic counseling in demystifying parents' beliefs about the etiology of their children's deafness

    Association of Atopobium vaginae, a recently described metronidazole resistant anaerobe, with bacterial vaginosis

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    BACKGROUND: Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a polymicrobial syndrome characterized by a change in vaginal flora away from predominantly Lactobacillus species. The cause of BV is unknown, but the condition has been implicated in diverse medical outcomes. The bacterium Atopobium vaginae has been recognized only recently. It is not readily identified by commercial diagnostic kits. Its clinical significance is unknown but it has recently been isolated from a tuboovarian abcess. METHODS: Nucleotide sequencing of PCR amplified 16S rRNA gene segments, that were separated into bands within lanes on polyacrylamide gels by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), was used to examine bacterial vaginal flora in 46 patients clinically described as having normal (Lactobacillus spp. predominant; Nugent score ≤ 3) and abnormal flora (Nugent score ≥ 4). These women ranged in age from 14 to 48 and 82% were African American. RESULTS: The DGGE banding patterns of normal and BV-positive patients were recognizably distinct. Those of normal patients contained 1 to 4 bands that were focused in the centre region of the gel lane, while those of BV positive patients contained bands that were not all focused in the center region of the gel lane. More detailed analysis of patterns revealed that bands identified as Atopobium vaginae were present in a majority (12/22) of BV positive patients, while corresponding bands were rare (2/24) in normal patients. (P < 0.001) Two A. vaginae isolates were cultivated from two patients whose DGGE analyses indicated the presence of this organism. Two A. vaginae 16S rRNA gene sequences were identified among the clinical isolates. The same two sequences were obtained from DGGE bands of the corresponding vaginal flora. The sequences differed by one nucleotide over the short (~300 bp) segment used for DGGE analysis and migrated to slightly different points in denaturing gradient gels. Both isolates were strict anaerobes and highly metronidazole resistant. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that A. vaginae may be an important component of the complex bacterial ecology that constitutes abnormal vaginal flora. This organism could play a role in treatment failure if further studies confirm it is consistently metronidozole resistant

    Respiratory-gated (4D) contrast-enhanced FDG PET-CT for radiotherapy planning of lower oesophageal carcinoma: Feasibility and impact on planning target volume

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    Background: To assess the feasibility and potential impact on target delineation of respiratory-gated (4D) contrast-enhanced 18 Fluorine fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography - computed tomography (PET-CT), in the treatment planning position, for a prospective cohort of patients with lower third oesophageal cancer. Methods: Fifteen patients were recruited into the study. Imaging included 4D PET-CT, 3D PET-CT, endoscopic ultrasound and planning 4D CT. Target volume delineation was performed on 4D CT, 4D CT with co-registered 3D PET and 4D PET-CT. Planning target volumes (PTV) generated with 4D CT (PTV 4DCT), 4D CT co-registered with 3D PET-CT (PTV 3DPET4DCT) and 4D PET-CT (PTV 4DPETCT ) were compared with multiple positional metrics. Results: Mean PTV 4DCT , PTV 3DPET4DCT and PTV 4DPETCT were 582.4 ± 275.1 cm 3 , 472.5 ± 193.1 cm 3 and 480.6 ± 236.9 cm 3 respectively (no significant difference). Median DICE similarity coefficients comparing PTV 4DCT with PTV 3DPET4DCT, PTV 4DCT with PTV 4DPETCT and PTV 3DPET4DCT with PTV 4DPETCT were 0.85 (range 0.65-0.9), 0.85 (range 0.69-0.9) and 0.88 (range 0.79-0.9) respectively. The median sensitivity index for overlap comparing PTV 4DCT with PTV 3DPET4DCT, PTV 4DCT with PTV 4DPETCT and PTV 3DPET4DCT with PTV 4DPETCT were 0.78 (range 0.65-0.9), 0.79 (range 0.65-0.9) and 0.89 (range 0.68-0.94) respectively. Conclusions: Planning 4D PET-CT is feasible with careful patient selection. PTV generated using 4D CT, 3D PET-CT and 4D PET-CT were of similar volume, however, overlap analysis demonstrated that approximately 20% of PTV 3DPETCT and PTV 4DPETCT are not included in PTV 4DCT , leading to under-coverage of target volume and a potential geometric miss. Additionally, differences between PTV 3DPET4DCT and PTV 4DPETCT suggest a potential benefit for 4D PET-CT. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier - NCT02285660(Registered 21/10/2014)

    Triple negative breast cancer: proposals for a pragmatic definition and implications for patient management and trial design.

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    In trials in triple negative breast cancer (TNBC), oestrogen and progesterone receptor negativity should be defined as < 1% positive cells. Negativity is a ratio of <2 between Her2 gene copy number and centromere of chromosome 17 or a copy number of 4 or less. In routine practice, immunohistochemistry is acceptable given stringent quality assurance. Triple negativity emerging after neoadjuvant treatment differs from primary TN and such patients should not enter TNBC trials. Patients relapsing with TN metastases should be eligible even if their primary was positive. Rare TN subtypes such as apocrine, adenoid-cystic and low-grade metaplastic tumours should be excluded. TN and basal-like (BL) signatures overlap but are not equivalent. Since the significance of basal cytokeratin or EGFR overexpression is not known and we lack validated assays, these features should not be used to subclassify TN tumours. Tissue collection in trials is mandatory so the effect on outcome of different tumour phenotypes and BRCA mutation can be explored. No prospective studies have established that TN tumours have particular sensitivity or resistance to any specific chemotherapy agent or radiation. TNBC patients should be treated according to tumour and clinical characteristics

    MR imaging of therapy-induced changes of bone marrow

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    MR imaging of bone marrow infiltration by hematologic malignancies provides non-invasive assays of bone marrow cellularity and vascularity to supplement the information provided by bone marrow biopsies. This article will review the MR imaging findings of bone marrow infiltration by hematologic malignancies with special focus on treatment effects. MR imaging findings of the bone marrow after radiation therapy and chemotherapy will be described. In addition, changes in bone marrow microcirculation and metabolism after anti-angiogenesis treatment will be reviewed. Finally, new specific imaging techniques for the depiction of regulatory events that control blood vessel growth and cell proliferation will be discussed. Future developments are directed to yield comprehensive information about bone marrow structure, function and microenvironment
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