4,530 research outputs found

    Astronomy: Starbursts near and far

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    Observations of intensely bright star-forming galaxies both close by and in the distant Universe at first glance seem to emphasize their similarity. But look a little closer, and differences emerge.Comment: 6 pages including 1 figur

    Levy distribution and long correlation times in supermarket sales

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    Sales data in a commodity market (supermarket sales to consumers) has been analysed by studying the fluctuation spectrum and noise correlations. Three related products (ketchup, mayonnaise and curry sauce) have been analysed. Most noise in sales is caused by promotions, but here we focus on the fluctuations in baseline sales. These characterise the dynamics of the market. Four hitherto unnoticed effects have been found that are difficult to explain from simple econometric models. These effects are: (1) the noise level in baseline sales is much higher than can be expected for uncorrelated sales events; (2) weekly baseline sales differences are distributed according to a broad non-Gaussian function with fat tails; (3) these fluctuations follow a Levy distribution of exponent alpha = 1.4, similar to financial exchange markets and in stock markets; and (4) this noise is correlated over a period of 10 to 11 weeks, or shows an apparent power law spectrum. The similarity to stock markets suggests that models developed to describe these markets may be applied to describe the collective behaviour of consumers.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Physica

    Inner retinal inhibition shapes the receptive field of retinal ganglion cells in primate

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    The centre-surround organisation of receptive fields is a feature of most retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) and is critical for spatial discrimination and contrast detection. Although lateral inhibitory processes are known to be important in generating the receptive field surround, the contribution of each of the two synaptic layers in the primate retina remains unclear. Here we studied the spatial organisation of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs onto ON and OFF ganglion cells in the primate retina. All RGCs showed an increase in excitation in response to stimulus of preferred polarity. Inhibition onto RGCs comprised two types of responses to preferred polarity: some RGCs showed an increase in inhibition whilst others showed removal of tonic inhibition. Excitatory inputs were strongly spatially tuned but inhibitory inputs showed more variable organisation: in some neurons they were as strongly tuned as excitation, and in others inhibitory inputs showed no spatial tuning. We targeted one source of inner retinal inhibition by functionally ablating spiking amacrine cells with bath application of tetrodotoxin (TTX). TTX significantly reduced the spatial tuning of excitatory inputs. In addition, TTX reduced inhibition onto those RGCs where a stimulus of preferred polarity increased inhibition. Reconstruction of the spatial tuning properties by somatic injection of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic conductances verified that TTX-mediated inhibition onto bipolar cells increases the strength of the surround in RGC spiking output. These results indicate that in the primate retina inhibitory mechanisms in the inner plexiform layer sharpen the spatial tuning of ganglion cells. © 2013 The Physiological Society

    A Systematic Review of the Literature on the Use of Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy in Criminal Justice Work to Reduce Re-offending

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    A systematic review of the published literature from 1995 to 2007 considers the published evidence on the use of interventions employing Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy in criminal justice efforts to reduce re-offending. Thirty-six studies are briefly described, summarised and appraised for research quality using a six point scale. Twenty-four studies were excluded from further analysis due to insufficiently rigorous or weak research design and method. Twelve studies were appraised as sufficiently robust to reliably inform the research interest. Further analysis of the studies indicated an association between negative emotional states and offending behaviour, some evidence of REBT effectiveness in treating emotional disturbance in offender populations, and mixed evidence of REBT effectiveness in reducing re-offending. It is concluded that interventions using REBT might be a promising approach for aiding criminal justice aims to reduce re-offending

    The evidence for and against astronomical impacts on climate change and mass extinctions: A review

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    Numerous studies over the past 30 years have suggested there is a causal connection between the motion of the Sun through the Galaxy and terrestrial mass extinctions or climate change. Proposed mechanisms include comet impacts (via perturbation of the Oort cloud), cosmic rays and supernovae, the effects of which are modulated by the passage of the Sun through the Galactic midplane or spiral arms. Supposed periodicities in the fossil record, impact cratering dates or climate proxies over the Phanerozoic (past 545 Myr) are frequently cited as evidence in support of these hypotheses. This remains a controversial subject, with many refutations and replies having been published. Here I review both the mechanisms and the evidence for and against the relevance of astronomical phenomena to climate change and evolution. This necessarily includes a critical assessment of time series analysis techniques and hypothesis testing. Some of the studies have suffered from flaws in methodology, in particular drawing incorrect conclusions based on ruling out a null hypothesis. I conclude that there is little evidence for intrinsic periodicities in biodiversity, impact cratering or climate on timescales of tens to hundreds of Myr. Furthermore, Galactic midplane and spiral arm crossings seem to have little or no impact on biological or climate variation above background level. (truncated)Comment: 51 pages, 7 figures, 140 references. To appear in the International Journal of Astrobiology. For hyperref version with full resolution figures see http://www.mpia-hd.mpg.de/homes/calj/astimpact_ija.pd

    Galaxy Evolution and Star Formation Efficiency at 0.2 < z < 0.6

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    We present the results of a CO line survey of 30 galaxies at moderate redshift (z \sim 0.2-0.6), with the IRAM 30m telescope, with the goal to follow galaxy evolution and in particular the star formation efficiency (SFE) as defined by the ratio between far-infrared luminosity and molecular gas mass (LFIR/M(H2)). The sources are selected to be ultra-luminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs), with LFIR larger than 2.8 10^{12} Lsol, experiencing starbursts; adopting a low ULIRG CO-to-H2 conversion factor, their gas consumption time-scale is lower than 10^8 yr. To date only very few CO observations exist in this redshift range that spans nearly 25% of the universe's age. Considerable evolution of the star formation rate is already observed during this period. 18 galaxies out of our sample of 30 are detected (of which 16 are new detections), corresponding to a detection rate of 60%. The average CO luminosity for the 18 galaxies detected is L'CO = 2 10^{10} K km/s pc^2, corresponding to an average H2 mass of 1.6 10^{10} Msol. The FIR luminosity correlates well with the CO luminosity, in agreement with the correlation found for low and high redshift ULIRGs. Although the conversion factor between CO luminosity and H2 mass is uncertain, we find that the maximum amount of gas available for a single galaxy is quickly increasing as a function of redshift. Using the same conversion factor, the SFEs for z\sim 0.2-0.6 ULIRGs are found to be significantly higher, by a factor 3, than for local ULIRGs, and are comparable to high redshift ones. We compare this evolution to the expected cosmic H2 abundance and the cosmic star formation history.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures, accepted in A&

    Modeled and Observed Volcanic Aerosol Control on Stratospheric NOy and Cly

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    Decreases in stratospheric NOx associated with enhanced aerosol have been observed after large volcanic eruptions, for example, after the eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991. While the 1991 Mount Pinatubo eruption was the last large explosive eruption, recent studies have shed light on the impacts of moderate-sized eruptions since the year 2000 on the global stratospheric aerosol budget. We use an ensemble of simulations from a coupled climate-chemistry model to quantify and analyze changes in NO and NO2 (NOx), N2O5, HNO3, ClO, and ClONO2 during periods of increased stratospheric volcanic aerosol concentrations since 2000. By using an ensemble approach, we are able to distinguish forced responses from internal variability. We also compare the model ensemble results to satellite measurements of these changes in atmospheric composition, including measurements from the Optical Spectrograph and Infrared Imaging Spectrometer on the Odin satellite and the Aura Microwave Limb Sounder. We find decreases in stratospheric NOx concentrations up to 20 hPa, consistent with increases in stratospheric HNO3 concentrations. The HNO3 perturbations also extend higher, up to 5 hPa, associated with periods of increased volcanic aerosol concentrations in both model simulations and observations, though correlations with volcanic aerosol are considerably higher in the model simulations. The model simulates increases in ClO at altitudes and magnitudes similar to the NOx reductions, but this response is below the detectable limit in the available observations (100 pptv). We also demonstrate the value of accounting for transport-related anomalies of atmospheric trace gases by regression onto N2O anomalies

    Tetra-μ-acetato-κ8 O:O′-bis­{[2-(2-fur­yl)-1-(2-furylmeth­yl)-1H-benzimidazole-κN 3]copper(II)}

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    The title complex, [Cu2(CH3COO)4(C16H12N2O2)2], forms a dimer of the paddle-wheel type located on a crystallographic inversion centre. The two CuII atoms [Cu⋯Cu = 2.7254 (11) Å] are bridged by four acetate anions. The geometry of the polyhedron around the metal centre can be described as tetra­gonal-pyramidal derived from the calculation of the value τ = 0.0018. The apical positions of the tetra­gonal-pyramidal copper coordination polyhedra are occupied by the N atoms of 2-(2-fur­yl)-1-(2-furylmeth­yl)-1H-benzimidazole ligands. In the crystal structure, mol­ecules are linked into a chain by inter­molecular C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds parallel to [010]. Two furan rings are disordered over two positions in ratios of 0.55:0.45 and 0.69:0.31

    A simple mathematical model for anomalous diffusion via Fisher's information theory

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    Starting with the relative entropy based on a previously proposed entropy function Sq[p]=dxp(x)(lnp(x))qS_q[p]=\int dx p(x)(-\ln p(x))^q, we find the corresponding Fisher's information measure. After function redefinition we then maximize the Fisher information measure with respect to the new function and obtain a differential operator that reduces to a space coordinate second derivative in the q1q\to 1 limit. We then propose a simple differential equation for anomalous diffusion and show that its solutions are a generalization of the functions in the Barenblatt-Pattle solution. We find that the mean squared displacement, up to a qq-dependent constant, has a time dependence according to K1/qt1/q\sim K^{1/q}t^{1/q}, where the parameter qq takes values q=2n12n+1q=\frac{2n-1}{2n+1} (superdiffusion) and q=2n+12n1q=\frac{2n+1}{2n-1} (subdiffusion), n1\forall n\geq 1.Comment: 13 pages,3 figure