289 research outputs found

    Leveraging Mobile UX Principles for Nudges In Green Transportation

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    Smart nudging has a goal to try to nudge users, these nudges are personally tailored for their specific situation and needs. In this thesis we will combine knowledge from Nudging and principles from user interface design and user experience research to increase the likelihood of the smart nudges to be as effective as possible

    Moderators, mediators and nonspecific predictors of outcome after cognitive rehabilitation of executive functions in a randomised controlled trial

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    Moderators, mediators and nonspecific predictors of treatment after cognitive rehabilitation of executive functions in a randomised controlled trial Objective: To explore moderators, mediators and nonspecific predictors of executive functioning after cognitive rehabilitation in a randomised controlled trial, comparing Goal Management Training (GMT) with an active psycho-educative control-intervention, in patients with chronic acquired brain injury. Methods: Seventy patients with executive dysfunction were randomly allocated to GMT (n = 33) or control (n = 37). Outcome measures were established by factor-analysis and included cognitive executive complaints, emotional dysregulation and psychological distress. Results: Higher age and IQ emerged as nonspecific predictors. Verbal memory and planning ability at baseline moderated cognitive executive complaints, while planning ability at six-month follow-up mediated all three outcome measures. Inhibitory cognitive control emerged as a unique GMT specific mediator. A general pattern regardless of intervention was identified; higher levels of self-reported cognitive—and executive–symptoms of emotional dysregulation and psychological distress at six-month follow-up mediated less improvement across outcome factors. Conclusions: The majority of treatment effects were nonspecific to intervention, probably underscoring the variables’ general contribution to outcome of cognitive rehabilitation interventions. Interventions targeting specific cognitive domains, such as attention or working memory, need to take into account the patients’ overall cognitive and emotional self-perceived functioning. Future studies should investigate the identified predictors further, and also consider other predictor candidates

    A reduction in long-term spatial memory persists after discontinuation of peripubertal GnRH agonist treatment in sheep

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    Chronic gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRHa) administration is used where suppression of hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis activity is beneficial, such as steroid-dependent cancers, early onset gender dysphoria, central precocious puberty and as a reversible contraceptive in veterinary medicine. GnRH receptors, however, are expressed outside the reproductive axis, e.g. brain areas such as the hippocampus which is crucial for learning and memory processes. Previous work, using an ovine model, has demonstrated that long-term spatial memory is reduced in adult rams (45 weeks of age), following peripubertal blockade of GnRH signaling (GnRHa: goserelin acetate), and this was independent of the associated loss of gonadal steroid signaling. The current study investigated whether this effect is reversed after discontinuation of GnRHa-treatment. The results demonstrate that peripubertal GnRHa-treatment suppressed reproductive function in rams, which was restored after cessation of GnRHa-treatment at 44 weeks of age, as indicated by similar testes size (relative to body weight) in both GnRHa-Recovery and Control rams at 81 weeks of age. Rams in which GnRHa-treatment was discontinued (GnRHa-Recovery) had comparable spatial maze traverse times to Controls, during spatial orientation and learning assessments at 85 and 99 weeks of age. Former GnRHa-treatment altered how quickly the rams progressed beyond a specific point in the spatial maze at 83 and 99 weeks of age, and the direction of this effect depended on gonadal steroid exposure, i.e. GnRHa-Recovery rams progressed quicker during breeding season and slower during non-breeding season, compared to Controls. The long-term spatial memory performance of GnRHa-Recovery rams remained reduced (P < 0.05, 1.5-fold slower) after discontinuation of GnRHa, compared to Controls. This result suggests that the time at which puberty normally occurs may represent a critical period of hippocampal plasticity. Perturbing normal hippocampal formation in this peripubertal period may also have long lasting effects on other brain areas and aspects of cognitive function

    Spatial memory is impaired by peripubertal GnRH agonist treatment and testosterone replacement in sheep

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    Chronic gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRHa) is used therapeutically to block activity within the reproductive axis through down-regulation of GnRH receptors within the pituitary gland. GnRH receptors are also expressed in non-reproductive tissues, including areas of the brain such as the hippocampus and amygdala. The impact of long-term GnRHa-treatment on hippocampus-dependent cognitive functions, such as spatial orientation, learning and memory, is not well studied, particularly when treatment encompasses a critical window of development such as puberty. The current study used an ovine model to assess spatial maze performance and memory of rams that were untreated (Controls), had both GnRH and testosterone signaling blocked (GnRHa-treated), or specifically had GnRH signaling blocked (GnRHa-treated with testosterone replacement) during the peripubertal period (8, 27 and 41 weeks of age). The results demonstrate that emotional reactivity during spatial tasks was compromised by the blockade of gonadal steroid signaling, as seen by the restorative effects of testosterone replacement, while traverse times remained unchanged during assessment of spatial orientation and learning. The blockade of GnRH signaling alone was associated with impaired retention of long-term spatial memory and this effect was not restored with the replacement of testosterone signaling. These results indicate that GnRH signaling is involved in the retention and recollection of spatial information, potentially via alterations to spatial reference memory, and that therapeutic medical treatments using chronic GnRHa may have effects on this aspect of cognitive function

    Low attentional engagement makes attention network activity susceptible to emotional interference

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    The aim of this study was to investigate whether emotion-attention interaction depends on attentional engagement. To investigate emotional modulation of attention network activation, we used a functional MRI paradigm consisting of a visuospatial attention task with either frequent (high-engagement) or infrequent (low-engagement) targets and intermittent emotional or neutral distractors. The attention task recruited a bilateral frontoparietal network with no emotional interference on network activation when the attentional engagement was high. In contrast, when the attentional engagement was low, the unpleasant stimuli interfered with the activation of the frontoparietal attention network, especially in the right hemisphere. This study provides novel evidence for low attentional engagement making attention control network activation susceptible to emotional interference. © 2014 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.Fil: Exposito, Veronica. Fundación para la Lucha contra las Enfermedades Neurológicas de la Infancia; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Tampere; FinlandiaFil: Pickard, Natasha. California State University; Estados UnidosFil: Solbakk, Anne-Kristin. University of Oslo; NoruegaFil: Ogawa, Keith H.. Saint Mary's College Of California; Estados UnidosFil: Knight, Robert T.. California State University; Estados UnidosFil: Hartikainen, Kaisa M.. Universidad de Tampere; Finlandi

    Hvordan kartlegger kontaktlærer i grunnskolens 1.-4. trinn elevers særskilte utfordringer i den begynnende lese- og skriveopplæringen

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    Master i grunnskolelærerutdanning 1-7. Nord universitet 2021Sperret til 2024-05-1

    Ethical endgames: Broad consent for narrow interests; Open consent for closed minds

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    The ongoing legal and bioethics debates on consent requirements for collecting, storing, and utilizing human biological material for purposes of basic and applied research—that is, genomic research biobanking—have already managed to pass through three ostensibly dissimilar stages</jats:p

    Omsorg i barnehagen.

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    Bacheloroppgave, barnehagelærerutdanning, 2016.Norsk: Denne bacheloroppgaven redegjør for omsorgsbegrepet i barnehagen med problemstillingen «Hvordan forstår barnehageansatte omsorgsbegrepet og hvordan synliggjøres dette gjennom dokumentasjon i barnehagen?». Formålet med oppgaven er økt kunnskap og forståelse, gi begrepet dybde og løfte det frem. Erfaringsbasert kunnskap viser at det er økt press på kartlegging og dokumentasjon av aktiviteter og læring. Dette er bra og spennende. Men med økt fokus på noe, vil noe annet stå i fare for å komme i skyggen og det er stilt spørsmål til om omsorg usynliggjøres. For å besvare problemstillingen inneholder oppgaven teori om dokumentasjon, omsorg, naturlig og etisk omsorg og den omsorgsfulle væremåte. Det er benyttet to metoder; intervju og dokumentanalyse for å innhente datamateriale, som senere drøftes. Det viser seg at god, men også mindre god omsorg eksisterer i barnehagen. Det er antagelser om at ytre faktorer som press fra politiske hold, lite bemanning og barnehageansattes egne erfaringer kan få negative konsekvenser for barnas omsorg.English: This bachelor thesis explains the care concept in kindergartens with the question "How does the kindergarten staff interpret the care concept and how is it made visible through documentation?". The purpose of this paper is increased knowledge and understanding, giving the term depth and lifting it up. Experience- based knowledge shows that there is increased pressure on mapping and documenting activities and learning, which is good and exciting. However, with increased focus on some parts, anything else stands a danger of being overshadowed and it is questioned whether care is made invisible. To answer this topics this paper contains theory and documentation regarding care, natural and ethical care and the caring demeanor. Two methods are used; interviews and document analysis to collect data, which is later discussed. It turns out that both good and less good care exists in kindergarten. There is an assumption that external factors like political pressure, understaffing and kindergarten employees' own experiences can have negative consequences for children`s care

    Implementation of digital deposit at the National Library of Norway

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    Artykuł omawia pokrótce strategie przyjęte w Bibliotece Narodowej (Norwegia) dotyczące gromadzenia i zdobywania publikacji tworzonych oryginalnie w wersji elektronicznej bezpośrednio od wydawców, nawet jeśli sama publikacja została wydana drukiem lub zapisana na innych nośnikach. Ponadto przedstawiono zasady wprowadzania tych strategii w bibliotece, a także doświadczenia z faktycznego procesu implementacyjnego. Proces ten obejmuje zarówno stały kontakt i dialog z wydawcą, rozwiązania techniczne stosowane w cyfrowym odwzorowaniu materiału, jak i obsługę opracowania publikacji cyfrowych w samej bibliotece. W artykule omówione zostały konkretne procesy implementacyjne dotyczące czasopism. Warto jednak odnotować, że opisane zasady działania mają charakter uniwersalny. Zaprezentowano skrótowo, w jaki sposób najważniejsze strony WWW z domeny „.no” (Norwegia) przechwytywane są obecnie z myślą o ich indeksacji i zachowaniu w zbiorach. Na koniec omówione zostały zasady egzemplarza obowiązkowego dotyczące materiałów cyfrowych oraz tzw. web harvesting (technika gromadzenia materiałów w internecie na potrzeby ochrony zasobów cyfrowych), przedstawione w kontekście ambitnego programu digitalizacyjnego prowadzonego w Bibliotece Narodowej.The paper will outline the strategies at the National Library of Norway for capturing digital born publications directly from the publishers, even though the publication itself is on paper or other physical media. Also the actual implementation of these strategies and lessons learned in the process will be presented. This includes both the dialog with the publishers, the technical solutions for digital capture, and the processes for handling digital publications within the library. The paper will focus on a concrete implementation for newspapers. However, the principles are general. The paper will also briefly cover how the most important parts of the Norwegian Internet are currently captured for preservation. Finally, the digital deposit and the web harvesting will be placed into the context of the ambitious digitization program at the National Library of Norway.1823524611Bibliotek