2,595 research outputs found

    La mirada latina sobre la psicología positiva

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    El siguiente trabajo intenta mostrar el avance que presenta Latinoamérica en cuanto al estudio y aplicación de temáticas relacionadas con la Psicología Positiva (PP). Por un lado, se pretendió describir cómo ha surgido el interés en PP en algunos países de Latinoamérica como Argentina, Perú, México, entre otros. Por otro lado, se analizaron los resultados de un rastrillaje realizado en el cual verifica el cúmulo de trabajos y pruebas psicológicas desarrolladas en la región, principalmente teniendo en cuenta los pilares de la PP propuestos por Seligman (2002, 2009): las emociones positivas, los rasgos positivos, las instituciones positivas y los vínculos positivos (la vida social). México, Chile, Brasil y Argentina, parecen ser los países con mayor productividad. Las temáticas frecuentemente estudiadas están en relación con el bienestar psicológico, las relaciones interpersonales y las intervenciones psicoterapéuticas. Palabras clave: Psicología positiva, pilares, evaluación, Latinoamérica.The present article aims to describe the progress of the study and application of Positive Psychology (PP) in Latin America. On one hand, it is described how the interest in PP has emerged in some Latin American countries such as Argentina, Peru and Mexico, among others. On the other hand, results of a literature review which explore the development of psychological assessments in the region are presented according to PP pillars proposed by Seligman (2002, 2009): positive emotions, positive traits, positive institutions and positive relationships (social life). Mexico, Chile, Brazil and Argentina appeared to be the countries with the highest levels of scientific production related to PP and the topics most frequently studied are psychological well-being, interpersonal relationships and psychotherapeutic interventions.Fil: Castro Solano, Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Palermo; ArgentinaFil: Lupano Perugini, Maria Laura. Universidad de Palermo; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    The Misadventures of Expectations

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    The following research and manuscript discusses the art of using characterization and storytelling to teach younger generations. If used effectively, characterization has the power to transport a reader into the story’s world. The manuscript that follows is the first attempt at a story about friendship, loyalty, and self-actualization. Against all odds, a young man leaves his country to uncover the truth about his family’s demise and reported treason. As he ventures forward, he meets all kinds of people and learns the value of true friendship

    El metabolismo urbano en la distribución del ciclo hídrico y de la superficie del suelo en el municipio de Zipaquirá

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciónLa investigación presentada a continuación busca analizar los antecedentes de explotación de las fuentes hídricas del municipio de Zipaquirá, teniendo en cuenta las cuencas que lo abastecen, además de indagar y examinar sobre la explotación de los recursos de la superficie del suelo de la misma con el objetivo de optimizar el uso de los recursos y plantear una solución para mitigar el impacto que ha causado el mal manejo de estos. Lo anterior en base a lo propuesto por los parámetros del metabolismo urbano, el cual se centra en buscar un equilibrio entre el entorno natural y el desarrollo civil, utilizando este como medio de control para la deficiencia en la distribución de los ciclos hídricos y para le explotación superficial del suelo.1. INTRODUCCION 2. GENERALIDADES 3. CARATERIZACION DEL TERRITORIO 4. METODOLOGIA 5. ANALISIS DE COBERTURAS POR AREAS 6. ANALISIS DE CUENCAS Y PRECIPITACIONES 7. ANALISIS INFILTRACION Y ESCORRENTIA 8. ANÁLISIS DE RESULTADOS 9. CONCLUSIONES 10. RECOMENDACIONES 11. BIBLIOGRAFÍAPregradoIngeniero Civi

    Few-qubit quantum-classical simulation of strongly correlated lattice fermions

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    We study a proof-of-principle example of the recently proposed hybrid quantum-classical simulation of strongly correlated fermion models in the thermodynamic limit. In a "two-site" dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) approach we reduce the Hubbard model to an effective impurity model subject to self-consistency conditions. The resulting minimal two-site representation of the non-linear hybrid setup involves four qubits implementing the impurity problem, plus an ancilla qubit on which all measurements are performed. We outline a possible implementation with superconducting circuits feasible with near-future technology.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figure

    Predictors of socio-cultural adaptation of foreign university students in Argentina

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    El interés para realizar esta investigación surgió a partir de que Argentina recibe un número creciente de estudiantes de otros países latinoamericanos, atraídos por el idioma, el prestigio académico y las condiciones económicas. Como resultado del contacto intercultural, los estudiantes atraviesan el proceso psicológico denominado aculturación, que implica cambios afectivos, comportamentales y cognitivos. En virtud de lo antedicho, este estudio se propuso identificar predictores de adaptación sociocultural en función de variables sociodemográficas, culturales y psicológicas de estudiantes que decidieron realizar sus estudios universitarios en Argentina. Participaron 216 estudiantes migrantes que se encontraban cursando diferentes carreras universitarias, el 57% eran mujeres (n = 124) y el 43% varones (n = 92), con un promedio de edad de 24.18 años (DE = 4.55). El 86% (n = 186) había nacido en Latinoamérica. El restante 14% provenía de países de Europa y Asia. El tiempo promedio de residencia en Argentina era de 3.31años. Se emplearon diferentes instrumentos diseñados ad hoc y/o adaptados para medir las variables involucradas en el estudio. A partir de los resultados obtenidos, no se pudo corroborar la influencia por parte de variables sociodemográficas (edad y tiempo de residencia). En cambio, entre las variables culturales se constató que percibir bajos niveles de discriminación y ansiedad intergrupal predice buenos niveles de adaptación sociocultural. En cuanto a las variables psicológicas, se corroboró que el apoyo social y la satisfacción percibida contribuyen a la adaptación sociocultural. En términos globales, las variables culturales y psicológicas predicen con mayor éxito la adaptación sociocultural en relación alas sociodemográficas.The interest of this research arises from that Argentina received a growing number of students from other Latin-American countries. International migration has risen exponentially in recent decades due to advances in technology and communications. According to the International Organization for Migration (OIM, 2010), the estimated number of international migrants in the world for that year was 214 million, doubling the previous two decades. Globalization has promoted exchanges among different cultures, but also caused the collision between different value systems, beliefs and customs that, in many cases, generates situations of confusion or discomfort in people (Furnham & Bochner, 1986). Approximately 2.9million people each year decide to make or complete their studies in other countries (OECD, 2008). Argentina receives an increasing number of students from other Latin-American countries, attracted by the language, the academic prestige of the local universities and the favorable economic conditions (Filmus, 2007). At the present, international students represent 1.6% of university students in Argentina. Therefore, Argentina is the fourth host country of America, after United States, Canada and Uruguay. As a result of intercultural contact, students go through the psychological process called acculturation, which involves affective, behavioral and cognitive changes. Taking into account the antecedents mentioned, this research proposed to identify predictors of socio-cultural adaptation based on socio-demographic, cultural and psychological variables, in international students who decided to make their university studies in Argentina. The participants of the study were 216 migrant students who were studying different careers. 57% were women (n = 124) and 43% males (n = 92) with an average age of 24.18 years (SD = 4.55). 86% (n = 186) were born in Latin-America. The remaining 14% came from Europe and Asia. The average residence time in Argentina was 3.31 years. The reasons for their arrival in Argentina were diverse, 50% (n = 108) of them considered that Argentina was a good place to study for its academic prestige and low costs. The remaining half was divided between family reasons (n = 47, 21%), to have a different cultural experience (n = 30, 14%), for student exchange (n = 19, 9%) or others reasons (n = 13, 6%). Regarding socio-economic status, the majority of respondents said they were in the middle class (n = 107, 50%) and upper middle (n = 82, 38%). Different instruments, designed ad hoc or adapted, were used to measure the variables involved in the study. To measure cultural variables were used instruments to assess perceived cultural distance, frequency of contact with foreigners and local habitants, intergroup anxiety and perceived discrimination. To measure psychological variables, were used instruments to assess social supportand life satisfaction. Besides, were used instruments to assess the level of socio-cultural adaptation. Based on results obtained, it could not be verified influence by socio-demographic varia bles (age and residence time). In contrast, among the cultural variables it was found that low levels of perceived discrimination an inter-grupal anxiety predicts good levels of socio-cultural adaptation. Regarding psychological variables, it was confirmed that social support and perceived satisfaction contribute to this adaptation. In summary, cultural and psychological variables predict most successful socio-cultural adaptation than socio-demographic variables. One of the limitations of the study was the low inclusion in the sample of immigrants from countries with greater cultural distance. Futures studies can focuses on the analysis of the processes of adaptation with foreign students with language and customs more distant than Latin-American students. Other future re search can study the perceptions of those who receive foreign students (host country) and analyze their relationship and influence on the perception of discrimination and prejudice from immigrants.Fil: Castro Solano, Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Lupano Perugini, Maria Laura. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Predictores de adaptación psicológica y académica de estudiantes universitarios extranjeros en Argentina

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    El objetivo fue identificar predictores de adaptación académica y psicológica en función de variables sociodemográficas (sexo, edad, tiempo de residencia), culturales y psicológicas de estudiantes internacionales que realizaron sus estudios en Argentina/AR. Participaron 216 estudiantes migrantes, 57% mujeres y 43% varones, promedio de edad = 24,18 años (DE = 4.55). 86% había nacido en Latinoamérica, el resto en Europa y Asia. Tiempo promedio de residencia en Argentina = 3,31 años. Se emplearon diferentes instrumentos diseñados ad hoc y/o adaptados. Se hipotetizó mayor peso de las variables psicológicas y culturales, por sobre las sociodemográficas, tanto para la adaptación académica como psicológica. En función de los resultados, la hipótesis fue verificada ya que las variables que mostraron mayor peso fueron: ansiedad intergrupal, discriminación percibida y apoyo social.The objective was to identify academic and psychological predictors in function of sociodemographic (sex, age, residence time), cultural and psychological variables of international students which realized their studies in Argentina/AR. The participants were 216 migrant students. 57% were women, 43% male, average age = 24.18 years (SD = 4.55). 86% were born in Latin America, the remaining 14% came from Europe and Asia. Average residence time in Argentina = 3.31 years. Different instruments, designed ad hoc or adapted, were used. It was hypothesized brunt of the psychological and cultural variables, over the sociodemographic, both academic and psychological adjustment. Depending on the results, it is stated that the hypothesis was verified since the variables that showed greater weight were: intergroup anxiety, perceived discrimination and social support.Fil: Lupano Perugini, Maria Laura. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Castro Solano, Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Palermo; Argentin

    Erratum to: Leishmania infantum-specific production of IFN-γ and IL-10 in stimulated blood from dogs with clinical leishmaniosis

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    BACKGROUND: There is limited information available on cytokine profiles in dogs with different degrees of disease severity due to natural infection of Leishmania infantum. The aim of this study was to investigate L. infantum-specific IFN-γ and IL-10 production in blood from dogs with leishmaniosis at diagnosis and correlate these findings with disease severity, humoral immune response and blood parasitemia. METHODS: Sixty dogs were diagnosed based on physical examination, routine laboratory tests, L. infantum-specific antibody levels measured by quantitative ELISA and blood parasitemia by real-time PCR. Heparin whole blood was stimulated with L. infantum soluble antigen (LSA) and concanavalin A (ConA) and incubated for 5 days. IFN-γ and IL-10 concentrations were measured in supernatants with sandwich ELISAs. RESULTS: The majority of dogs (n = 36) were classified as LeishVet stage II (moderate disease). The rest of the dogs were classified as stage I (n = 10), III (n = 10) and IV (n = 4). Dogs classified with stage I and IIa presented significantly higher (P = 0.02) LSA IFN-γ concentrations, lower (P <0.0001) antibody levels and a tendency for lower blood parasitemia (P = 0.1) than dogs classified with stages IIb, III or IV while no differences in ConA IFN-γ or IL-10 concentrations were observed among groups. Thirty-five dogs produced significantly higher LSA IFN-γ (mean ± SD: 2320 ± 3960 pg/ml) and ConA IFN-γ (mean ± SD: 7887 ± 7273 pg/ml) when compared with 25 dogs that did not produce detectable LSA IFN-γ but produced ConA IFN-γ (mean ± SD: 4917 ± 5233 pg/ml). IFN-γ producer dogs presented lower (mean ± SD: 5750 ± 14,082 ELISA units (EU), P = 0.001) antibody levels and blood parasitemia (mean ± SD:   5 ± 10 parasites/ml, P = 0.001) when compared with IFN-γ non-producers (mean ± SD: 19,638 ± 28,596 EU and 1100 ± 5112 parasites/ml), respectively. LSA IL-10 was not detectable in 34 dogs while 49 dogs secreted ConA IL-10 (mean ± SD of 90 ± 103 pg/ml). LSA IFN-γ concentration was negatively correlated with blood parasitemia and antibody levels and positively correlated with ConA IFN-γ and LSA IL-10 concentrations. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study demonstrate that sick dogs lacking L. infantum specific IFN-γ production in stimulated whole blood produce a strong humoral response, have a high blood parasitemia and severe clinical disease. IL-10 does not appear to be a marker of disease severity

    Description of the courtship and copulation behaviours of the wall spider \u3ci\u3eOecobius concinnus\u3c/i\u3e (Oecobiidae)

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    Courtship and copulation behaviours are yet scantily described in many spider families, and this lack of information limits our understanding of the evolution of such behaviours within and across families. Here, we provide a detailed description of both courtship and copulation behaviour for Oecobius concinnus Simon, 1893. A striking characteristic of the male courtship is the construction of a tubular web (mating web) in which most courtship and copulation occurs. This web likely functions to restrain the female in a reduced space and as a substrate for male pheromones. The courtship consists of a complex web of interactions between both sexes, with some interactions being nonrandomly performed

    Linguistically Responsive Teaching in pre-service teacher education: A review of the literature through the lens of cultural-historical activity theory

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    This article presents an integrated systematic review of scholarship related to preparing preservice teachers (PSTs) to teach multilingual learners in U.S. schools. We drew from cultural-historical activity theory to investigate how teacher educators who focus on preparing PSTs to work with multilingual students attended to the linguistically responsive teaching (LRT) framework. We identified three distinct activity systems, each linked to specific LRT dimensions. The ways in which the components of each activity system integrated LRT have implications for both theory and practice. Specifically, our findings highlight the need for program-wide coherence in teacher preparation and for comparative analysis examining teacher education across diverse policy contexts

    Analysis of socio-environmental problems: an experience from the virtual

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    El presente artículo expone una experiencia de aula virtual sobre la elaboración de un Podcast ambiental. La actividad tuvo como objetivo aprender sobre la geografía nacional a través de la exploración de los conflictos socioambientales que le han aquejado. Bajo los lineamientos de la Enseñanza para la Comprensión, se implementó una unidad didáctica que desarrolló habilidades en los estudiantes según los estándares de competencias en ciencias sociales. El documento concluye que la propuesta es una alternativa atractiva y eficiente de enseñanza virtual para la comprensión de conflictos de este tipo.This article presents a virtual classroom experience on making an environmental podcast. This activity aimed to learn about national geography through the exploration of the socio-environmental conflicts that had arisen there. Under the guidelines of Teaching for Understanding, this didactic unit increased students' skills according to the development of social science competencies. The document concludes that this proposal is an attractive and efficient virtual teaching alternative for understanding conflicts of this type