202 research outputs found

    Louis XV: ancien régimen ajan kuninkaan ihanteen säilyttäjä vai tuhoaja? : Aikalaistulkintoja hallitsijan kyvystä ylläpitää absoluuttista monarkiaa

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    Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan Louis XV:n (1710-1774) hallintokautta, ja sitä kautta hänen pyrkimyksiään ylläpitää ancien régimen ajan ja erityisesti Aurinkokuninkaan (Louis XIV, 1638-1715) asettamaa kuninkaan ihannetta. Lisäksi tutkimus keskittyy tarkastelemaan Louis XV:n ja hänen hallintokautensa absoluuttista valtaa. Tutkijoiden, kuten Julian Swannin ja Jeremy Popkinin mukaan Louis XV:n aikana näkemys absoluuttisesta monarkiasta alkoi hälventyä, ja siksi tutkimus selvittää niitä syitä, miksi näin tapahtui. Louis XV on aiheuttanut historioitsijoiden keskuudessa eriäviä näkemyksiä, vaikka viimeaikaiset tutkimukset ovat pyrkineet ottamaan enemmän neutraalin tai jopa puolustavan kannan Louis XV:n hallintokaudesta. Louis XV ja hänen hallintokautensa oli pitkään leimattu historiankirjoituksessa epäonnistuneeksi, ja siksi tämä tutkielma selvittää millä tavoin hallintokautta tai Louis XV:tä on oikeutetusti tai epäoikeutetusti kritisoitu. Tutkielmassa on käytetty pääasiallisina alkuperäislähteinä markiisi d’Argensonin päiväkirjaa, kreivi Dufort de Chevernyn muistelmia ja herttua de Croÿn päiväkirjaa. Tutkimuksessa on huomioitu, että kyseiset lähteet tuovat esiin kirjoittajansa subjektiivisen näkökulman ja mahdolliset motiivit, joskin näiden lähteiden käyttöä voidaan perustella sillä, että näiden kirjoitusten kautta tutkimuksessa osoitetaan Louis XV:n aikalaisten näkemyksiä kuninkaasta ja tämän hallinnosta. Koska tutkimus keskittyy henkilöhistoriaan, tutkimuksessa on täytynyt huomioida Louis XV:n henkilöhahmo, hänen luonteensa ja näihin vaikuttavat ympäristölliset tekijät. Lisäksi Louis XV:n elämää ja hallintokautta on täytynyt tarkastella oman aikakautensa näkökulmasta. Tämän takia tutkimus esittää 1700-luvun kolmen kuninkaan – Louis XIV:n, Louis XV:n ja Louis XVI:n – suoraan vertailuun liittyvän ongelman. Lisäksi tutkimus selvittää aikakaudelle ominaisten ihanteiden, kuten maineen ja kunnian, merkitystä Louis XV:n hallintokauteen. Tutkielma selvittää Louis XV:n toimia Ranskan kuninkaana eri teemojen kautta, luodakseen kattavan katsauksen Louis XV:n hallintokauden eri aspekteista. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan Louis XV:n strategiaa kontrolloida hoviaan, ministereitään ja parlamenttia, Ranskan sodankäyntiin liittyvää vaikeutta ylläpitää suurvalta-asemaa, sodankäynnin rahoittamista ja siitä seurannutta kroonista velkaantumista ja lisääntyviä veroja. Tutkielma tarkastelee Louis XV:n syitä ja motiiveja olla nimittämättä virallista pääministeriä kardinaali de Fleuryn kuoleman jälkeen. Pääministerin puute oli monien aikalaisten, kuten markiisi d’Argensonin, kardinaali Bernis’n ja herttua de Choiseulin mukaan monarkian hallinnon kannalta isoin ongelma. Selkeän johtohenkilön puuttuminen ministeriöstä, johti ministeriön sekasortoisuuteen ja kyvyttömyyteen tehdä johdonmukaisia valtion päätöksiä. Vastaavasti Louis XV:n päätös antaa aristokraattien nousta ministerinvirkoihin aatelisten rinnalla johti jatkuviin poliittisiin juonitteluihin ja kilpailuun eri viroista, johtaen näin hovin politisoitumiseen. Tämän jälkeen aristokraatit alkoivat vaikuttaa myös enemmän parlamentissa. Tämä kehityskulku johti hitaasti Louis XV:n hallintokaudella tilanteeseen, jossa parlamentti alkoi yhä vahvemmin ajaa omia perustuslaillisia muutoksia kuninkaan vallan vähentämiseksi. Näin ollen absoluuttinen monarkia oli ajautumassa kriisiin. Tutkielma antaa näkökulman siitä, miten kuningas itse suhtautui ministeriensä tai parlamentin toimintaan: Louis XV:n motiivin voi katsoa olleen monissa eri päätöksissään oman auktoriteettinsa säilyttäminen ja siten hänen oma pyrkimyksensä ylläpitää absoluuttista monarkiaa. Siis vaikka tapahtumaketju johti absoluuttisen kuninkaanvallan vähenemiseen, Louis XV aikanaan ei ole voinut tiedostaa sitä. Siksi tutkielmassa on täytynyt tarkastella hänen toimiaan tai päätöksiä hänen oman aikansa näkökulmasta, ja on pyritty rakentamaan mahdollisimman tarkka kuvaus alkuperäislähteiden ja tutkimuskirjallisuuden avulla, siitä miten kuningas todennäköisesti koki näissä tilanteissa. Tutkimus osoittaa, että vaikka Louis XV:n hallintokausi erosi monin tavoin maineikkaan Louis XIV:n hallintokaudesta, näiden kahden hallintokauden välillä on selkeä jatkumo. Louis XV siis pyrki kunnioittamaan ancien régimen perinteitä. Tutkimus osoittaa Louis XV:llä olleen aito halu yltää mahtavan hallitsijan, kuten Louis XIV, tasolle. Louis XV:n henkilökohtainen ja salainen strategia palauttaa Ranskan arvovalta sekä hänen toimensa ministeriensä ja hovinsa suhteen, osoittavat hänen pyrkimyksistään vahvistaa kuninkaan auktoriteettia ja siten myös absoluuttisen monarkian säilymistä

    Long-term storage affects resource availability and occurrence of bacterial taxa linked to pollutant degradation and human health in landscaping materials

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    Man-made landscaping materials form uppermost soil layers in urban green parks and lawns. To optimize effects of landscaping materials on biodiversity, plant growth and human health, it is necessary to understand microbial community dynamics and physicochemical characteristics of the landscaping materials during storage. In the current three-year study, the consequences of long-term storage on biotic and abiotic characteristics of eight commercial landscaping materials were evaluated. We hypothesized that long-term storage results in changes in microbial utilization of various energy sources and the diversity and relative abundance of bacteria with pathogenic or immunomodulatory characteristics. Three-year storage led to remarkable changes in bacterial community composition. Diversity and richness of taxa associated with immune modulation, particularly phylum Proteobacteria and class Gammaproteobacteria, decreased over time. Bacteroidetes decreased while Actinobacteria increased in relative abundance. Functional orthologs associated with biosynthesis of antibiotics and degradation of complex carbon sources increased during storage. Relative abundance of genera containing potential pathogens were mostly constant or decreased with time. Major changes can be explained by tightening competition over lessening resources. Bacterial communities in landscaping materials adjust to absent inflow of carbon and nutrients during storage. The increased signalling of functional orthologs related to degradation of complex carbon sources hints that bacteria dependent on labile carbon and readily available nutrients were outcompeted. This suggests storage reduces plant seedling growth. Long-term storage seems to decrease immunomodulatory potential of landscaping materials, but storage did not enrich pathogens or functional orthologs associated with pathogenicity. We recommend short storage and shelf life of organic landscaping materials.Peer reviewe

    What are the effects of herbivore diversity on tundra ecosystems? : A systematic review protocol

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    Funding Information: The project was funded by the Icelandic Research Fund (Grant Nr. 217754) and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme (CHARTER project, Grant Agreement Nr. 869471). Funding for open access publication was provided by the Agricultural University of Iceland. The funding bodies had no influence in the design of the study and collection, analysis and interpretation of data. Funding Information: This study is a contribution of the Herbivory Network (http://herbivory.lbhi.is), a UArctic Thematic Network. Publisher Copyright: © 2022, The Author(s).Background: Changes in the diversity of herbivore communities can strongly influence the functioning of northern ecosystems. Different herbivores have different impacts on ecosystems because of differences in their diets, behaviour and energy requirements. The combined effects of different herbivores can in some cases compensate each other but lead to stronger directional changes elsewhere. However, the diversity of herbivore assemblages has until recently been a largely overlooked dimension of plant–herbivore interactions. Given the ongoing environmental changes in tundra ecosystems, with increased influx of boreal species and changes in the distribution and abundance of arctic herbivores, a better understanding of the consequences of changes in the diversity of herbivore assemblages is needed. This protocol presents the methodology that will be used in a systematic review on the effects of herbivore diversity on different processes, functions and properties of tundra ecosystems. Methods: This systematic review builds on an earlier systematic map on herbivory studies in the Arctic that identified a relatively large number of studies assessing the effects of multiple herbivores. The systematic review will include primary field studies retrieved from databases, search engines and specialist websites, that compare responses of tundra ecosystems to different levels of herbivore diversity, including both vertebrate and invertebrate herbivores. We will use species richness of herbivores or the richness of functional groups of herbivores as a measure of the diversity of the herbivore assemblages. Studies will be screened in three stages: title, abstract and full text, and inclusion will follow clearly identified eligibility criteria, based on their target population, exposure, comparator and study design. The review will cover terrestrial Arctic ecosystems including the forest-tundra ecotone. Potential outcomes will include multiple processes, functions and properties of tundra ecosystems related to primary productivity, nutrient cycling, accumulation and dynamics of nutrient pools, as well as the impacts of herbivores on other organisms. Studies will be critically appraised for validity, and where studies report similar outcomes, meta-analysis will be performed.Peer reviewe

    Self and Informant Memory Reports in FINGER : Associations with Two-Year Cognitive Change

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    Background:Subjective memory complaints (SMCs) may be the first sign of cognitive decline in aging. Objective:To examine whether SMCs reported by oneself and informant predict cognitive change over 2 years among at-risk elderly people, and to determine the relationship of different types of SMCs (prospective and retrospective memory complaints) and change in cognitive function. Methods:This investigation is part of the FINGER project, which is a multicenter randomized controlled trial aiming at preventing cognitive decline in cognitively healthy older adults with increased risk of dementia. A subsample of 303 control-group participants (aged 60–80 years) and their informants (n = 261) rated the frequency of SMCs, using the Prospective and Retrospective Memory Questionnaire (PRMQ). Cognitive performance was measured at baseline and at 1- and 2-year follow-up visits using a neuropsychological test battery. Results:Participants who reported more SMCs improved less in global cognition, executive function, and memory during the subsequent 2 years in the fully-adjusted analyses. Self-reported retrospective memory problems predicted less improvement in all cognitive domains, whereas prospective memory problems did not. Informant-reported memory problems were not linked to subsequent change in cognition. Conclusion:Our results indicate that self-reported SMCs, measured with PRMQ, predict future cognitive change in several cognitive domains. By contrast, reports by informants were not linked to changes in cognition. Among cognitively healthy at-risk elderly individuals, the persons themselves observe more easily problems relevant for their future cognitive trajectories than their informants.Peer reviewe

    Associations between Prospective and Retrospective Subjective Memory Complaints and Neuropsychological Performance in Older Adults : The Finger Study

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    Objectives: Subjective memory complaints (SMCs) are among the key concerns in the elderly, but their role in detecting objective cognitive problems is unclear. The aim of this study was to clarify the association between SMCs (both prospective and retrospective memory complaints) and neuropsychological test performance in older adults at risk of cognitive decline. Methods: This investigation is part of the FINGER project, a multicenter randomized controlled trial aiming at preventing cognitive decline in high-risk individuals. The cognitive assessment of participants was conducted at baseline using a modified neuropsychological test battery (NTB). SMCs were evaluated with the Prospective and Retrospective Memory Questionnaire (PRMQ) in a sub-sample of 560 participants (mean age, 69.9 years). Results: Having more prospective SMCs was associated with slower processing speed, but not with other NTB domains. Retrospective SMCs were linked to poorer function on NTB total score, processing speed, and memory. Executive function domain was not associated with any PRMQ ratings. Depressive symptoms and poor quality of life diluted the observed associations for NTB total score and memory. However, the association between PRMQ and processing speed remained even after full adjustments. Conclusions: Our results indicate that self-reported memory problems, measured with PRMQ, are associated with objectively measured cognitive performance. Such complaints in healthy elderly people also seem to reflect reduced mental tempo, rather than memory deficits. Slowing of processing speed may thus be negatively related to memory self-efficacy. It is also important to consider affective factors among those who report memory problems.Peer reviewe

    Diverse Environmental Microbiota as a Tool to Augment Biodiversity in Urban Landscaping Materials

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    Human activities typically lead to simplified urban diversity, which in turn reduces microbial exposure and increases the risk to urban dwellers from non-communicable diseases. To overcome this, we developed a microbial inoculant from forest and agricultural materials that resembles microbiota in organic soils. Three different sand materials (sieved, safety and sandbox) commonly used in playgrounds and other public spaces were enriched with 5 % of the inoculant. Skin microbiota on fingers (identified from bacterial 16S rDNA determined using Illumina MiSeq sequencing) was compared after touching non-enriched and microbial inoculant-enriched sands. Exposure to the non-enriched materials changed the skin bacterial community composition in distinct ways. When the inoculant was added to the materials, the overall shift in community composition was larger and the differences between different sand materials almost disappeared. Inoculant-enriched sand materials increased bacterial diversity and richness but did not affect evenness at the OTU level on skin. The Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio was higher after touching inoculant-enriched compared to non-enriched sand materials. The relative abundance of opportunistic pathogens on skin was 40–50 % before touching sand materials, but dropped to 14 % and 4 % after touching standard and inoculant-enriched sand materials, respectively. When individual genera were analyzed, Pseudomonas sp. and Sphingomonas sp. were more abundant after touching standard, non-enriched sand materials, while only the relative abundance of Chryseobacterium sp. increased after touching the inoculant-enriched materials. As Chryseobacterium is harmless for healthy persons, and as standard landscaping materials and normal skin contain genera that include severe pathogens , the inoculant-enriched materials can be considered safe. Microbial inoculants could be specifically created to increase the proportion of non-pathogenic bacterial taxa and minimize the transfer of pathogenic taxa. We recommend further study into the usability of inoculant-enriched materials and their effects on the bacterial community composition of human skin and on the immune response.Peer reviewe

    Vesienhoidon ympäristötavoitteista poikkeaminen – perusteet ja menettely

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    Vesienhoitolain (1299/2004) ja sen taustalla olevan EU:n vesipuitedirektiivin (2000/60/EY) ympäristötavoitteina ovat, että vesimuodostumien tila ei heikkene ja pinta- ja pohjavesimuodostumien tila on vähintään hyvä viimeistään vuonna 2015. Näistä ympäristötavoitteista voidaan rajoitetuin edellytyksin poiketa 1) uuden merkittävän hankkeen toteuttamiseksi, 2) lieventämällä vesimuodostumakohtaisia ympäristötavoitteita tai 3) pidentämällä tavoitteiden saavuttamisen määräaikoja enintään vuoteen 2027 asti. Suomessa näistä poikkeuksista on käytetty vain määräaikojen pidennyksiä. Ympäristötavoitteiden ja niistä poikkeamisen sääntelyä on tarpeen arvioida Suomessa uudelleen kahdesta näkökulmasta. Ensiksi EU-tuomioistuin linjasi Weser-tuomiossa (C-461/13), että vesienhoidon ympäristötavoitteet ovat oikeudellisesti sitovia, kun ne Suomessa vesienhoitolain säätämisen aikaan hahmotettiin pikemmin vesienhoidon suunnittelua ohjaaviksi tavoitteiksi. Toiseksi ympäristötavoitteiden määräaikoja on mahdollista pidentää enää seuraavan vesienhoitokauden ajaksi vuoteen 2027 asti. Raportissa arvioidaan Suomen oikeudellista nykytilaa ympäristötavoitteiden ja niistä poikkeamisen kannalta, verrataan sitä muiden valtioiden tilanteeseen ja esitetään vaihtoehtoja lainsäädännön kehittämiseksi. Keskeisinä sääntelyteemoina ovat vesienhoidon ympäristötavoitteiden oikeudellinen merkitys lupaharkinnassa ja ympäristötavoitteista poikkeamisen menettely uuden merkittävän hankkeen toteuttamiseksi. Niiden ohella raportissa kartoitetaan vesienhoidon ympäristötavoitteiden saavuttamisen määräaikojen pidentämistä ja ympäristötavoitteiden lieventämistä

    A Placebo-controlled double-blinded test of the biodiversity hypothesis of immune-mediated diseases : Environmental microbial diversity elicits changes in cytokines and increase in T regulatory cells in young children

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    Background: According to the biodiversity hypothesis of immune-mediated diseases, lack of microbiological di-versity in the everyday living environment is a core reason for dysregulation of immune tolerance and - even-tually - the epidemic of immune-mediated diseases in western urban populations. Despite years of intense research, the hypothesis was never tested in a double-blinded and placebo-controlled intervention trial.Objective: We aimed to perform the first placebo-controlled double-blinded test that investigates the effect of biodiversity on immune tolerance. Methods: In the intervention group, children aged 3-5 years were exposed to playground sand enriched with microbially diverse soil, or in the placebo group, visually similar, but microbially poor sand colored with peat (13 participants per treatment group). Children played twice a day for 20 min in the sandbox for 14 days. Sand, skin and gut bacterial, and blood samples were taken at baseline and after 14 days. Bacterial changes were followed for 28 days. Sand, skin and gut metagenome was determined by high throughput sequencing of bacterial 16 S rRNA gene. Cytokines were measured from plasma and the frequency of blood regulatory T cells was defined as a percentage of total CD3 +CD4 + T cells. Results: Bacterial richness (P < 0.001) and diversity (P < 0.05) were higher in the intervention than placebo sand. Skin bacterial community, including Gammaproteobacteria, shifted only in the intervention treatment to resemble the bacterial community in the enriched sand (P < 0.01). Mean change in plasma interleukin-10 (IL-10) concentration and IL-10 to IL-17A ratio supported immunoregulation in the intervention treatment compared to the placebo treatment (P = 0.02). IL-10 levels (P = 0.001) and IL-10 to IL-17A ratio (P = 0.02) were associated with Gammaproteobacterial community on the skin. The change in Treg frequencies was associated with the relative abundance of skin Thermoactinomycetaceae 1 (P = 0.002) and unclassified Alphaproteobacteria (P < 0.001). After 28 days, skin bacterial community still differed in the intervention treatment compared to baseline (P < 0.02). Conclusions: This is the first double-blinded placebo-controlled study to show that daily exposure to microbial biodiversity is associated with immune modulation in humans. The findings support the biodiversity hypothesis of immune-mediated diseases. We conclude that environmental microbiota may contribute to child health, and that adding microbiological diversity to everyday living environment may support immunoregulation.Peer reviewe