23 research outputs found

    Discovery of a ~23 Mjup Brown Dwarf Orbiting ~700 AU from the Massive Star HIP 78530 in Upper Scorpius

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    We present the discovery of a substellar companion on a wide orbit around the ~2.5 Msun star HIP 78530, which is a member of the 5 Myr-old Upper Scorpius association. We have obtained follow-up imaging over two years and show that the companion and primary share common proper motion. We have also obtained JHK spectroscopy of the companion and confirm its low surface gravity, in accordance with the young age of the system. A comparison with Drift-Phoenix synthetic spectra indicates an effective temperature of 2800+/-200 K and a comparison with template spectra of young and old dwarfs indicates a spectral type of M8+/-1. The mass of the companion is estimated to be 19-26 Mjup based on its bolometric luminosity and the predictions of evolutionary models. The angular separation of the companion is 4.5", which at the distance of the primary star, 156.7 pc, corresponds to a projected separation of ~710 AU. This companion features one of the lowest mass ratios (~0.009) of any known companion at separations greater than 100 AU.Comment: To appear in ApJ, 9 pages, 9 figure

    Characterization of Low-mass, Wide-separation Substellar Companions to Stars in Upper Scorpius: Near-infrared Photometry and Spectroscopy

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    We present new 0.9-2.45 μ\mum spectroscopy (R∼1000R \sim 1000), and YY, JJ, HH, KsK_s, L′L^\prime photometry, obtained at Gemini North, of three low-mass brown dwarf companions on wide orbits around young stars of the Upper Scorpius OB association: HIP 78530 B, [PGZ2001] J161031.9-191305 B, and GSC 06214-00210 B. We use these data to assess the companions' spectral type, temperature, surface gravity and mass, as well as the ability of the BT-Settl and Drift-Phoenix atmosphere models to reproduce the spectral features of young substellar objects. For completeness, we also analyze the archival spectroscopy and photometry of the Upper Scorpius planetary mass companion 1RXS J160929.1-210524 b. Based on a comparison with model spectra we find that the companions, in the above order, have effective temperatures of 2700, 2500, 2300 and 1700 K. These temperatures are consistent with our inferred spectral types, respectively M7 β\beta, M9 γ\gamma, M9 γ\gamma, and L4 γ\gamma. From bolometric luminosities estimated from atmosphere model spectra adjusted to our photometry, and using evolution models at 5-10 Myr, we estimate masses of 21-25, 28-70, 14-17 and 7-12 MJupM_{\rm Jup}, respectively. J1610-1913 B appears significantly over-luminous for its inferred temperature, which explains its higher mass estimate. Synthetic spectra based on the BT-Settl and Drift-Phoenix atmosphere models generally offer a good fit to our observed spectra, although our analysis has highlighted a few problems. For example, the best fits in the individual near-infrared bands occur at different model temperatures. Also, temperature estimates based on a comparison of the broadband magnitudes and colors of the companions to synthetic magnitudes from the models are systematically lower than the temperature estimates based on a comparison with synthetic spectra.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, published in the Astrophysical Journa

    Studying the Physical Diversity of Late-M Dwarfs with Dynamical Masses

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    We present a systematic study of the physical properties of late-M dwarfs based on high-quality dynamical mass measurements and near-infrared (NIR) spectra. We use astrometry from Keck NGS and LGS AO imaging to determine orbits for late-M binaries. We find that LP 349-25 (M7.5+M8) is a pair of young brown dwarfs (Mtot = 0.120 Msun) for which Lyon and Tucson evolutionary models jointly predict an age of 140+/-30 Myr. This is consistent with the age of the Pleiades, but at least LP 349-25A defies the empirical Pleiades lithium depletion boundary, implying that the system is in fact older and that evolutionary models underpredict the component luminosities. We find that LHS 1901AB (M6.5+M6.5) is a pair of very low-mass stars (Mtot = 0.194 Msun) with model-derived ages consistent with limits from its lack of activity (> 6 Gyr). Our improved orbit for Gl 569Bab (M8.5+M9) results in a higher mass for this binary (Mtot = 0.140 Msun) compared to previous work (0.125 Msun). We use these masses along with our published results for 2MASS J2206-2047AB (M8+M8) to test four sets of ultracool model atmospheres currently in use. Fitting these models to our NIR integrated-light spectra provides temperature estimates warmer by ~250 K than those derived independently from Dusty evolutionary models given the measured masses and luminosities. We propose that model atmospheres are more likely to be the source of this discrepancy, as it would be difficult to explain a uniform temperature offset over such a wide range of masses, ages, and activity levels in the context of evolutionary models. Our results contrast those of Konopacky et al. as we find an opposite and smaller mass discrepancy from what they report when we adopt their model-testing approach since our Teff estimates from fitting spectra are ~650 K higher than from their fitting of broadband photometry alone.Comment: 53 pages, 12 figures, accepted to Ap

    Development of the Hedonic Overeating–Questionnaire (HEDO–Q)

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    Addictive-like eating is prevalent, but a clear conceptualization and operationalization outside of an addiction framework is lacking. By adopting a biopsychological framework of food reward, this study sought to develop and evaluate a brief self-report questionnaire for the trait assessment of hedonic overeating and dyscontrol. Items in the Hedonic Overeating–Questionnaire (HEDO–Q) were constructed following a rational approach and psychometrically evaluated in a large random sample from the German population (N = 2531). A confirmatory factor analysis supported the unidimensional nature of the six-item HEDO–Q with the three postulated components of wanting, liking, and dyscontrol. Psychometric properties were favorable with good corrected item-total correlations, acceptable item difficulty and homogeneity, and high internal consistency. Population norms were provided. The HEDO–Q revealed strict measurement invariance for sex and partial invariance for age and weight status. Discriminant validity was demonstrated in distinguishing participants with versus without eating disturbances or obesity. Associations with the established measures of eating disorder and general psychopathology supported the convergent and divergent validity of the HEDO–Q. This first evaluation indicates good psychometric properties of the HEDO–Q in the general population. Future validation work is warranted on the HEDO–Q’s stability, sensitivity to change, and predictive and construct validity


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    Red optical and near-infrared spectroscopy are presented for SDSS J125637.13-022452.4, one of only four L subdwarfs reported to date. These data confirm the low-temperature, metal-poor nature of this source, as indicated by prominent metal-hydride bands, alkali lines, and collision-induced H2 absorption. The optical and near-infrared spectra of SDSS J1256-0224 are similar to those of the sdL4 2MASS J16262034+3925190, and we derive a classification of sdL3.5 based on the preliminary scheme of Burgasser, Cruz, and Kirkpatrick. The kinematics of SDSS J1256-0224 are consistent with membership in the Galactic inner halo, with estimated UVW space velocities indicating a slightly prograde, eccentric, and inclined Galactic orbit (3.5 lsim R lsim 11 kpc; |Zmax| = 7.5 kpc). Comparison to synthetic spectra computed with the PHOENIX code, including the recent implementation of kinetic condensate formation (DRIFT-PHOENIX), indicates T eff ≈ 2100-2500 K and [M/H] ≈ –1.5 to –1.0 for log g ≈ 5.0-5.5 (cgs), although there are clear discrepancies between model and observed spectra particularly in the red optical region. As such, any conclusions on the role of metallicity in condensate grain and cloud formation are probably premature. Indeed, a shift in the temperature scale of L subdwarfs relative to L dwarfs may obviate the need for modified condensate and grain chemistry in low metallicity atmospheres

    Optical and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of the L Subdwarf SDSS J125637.13-022452.4

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    Red optical and near-infrared spectroscopy are presented for SDSS J125637.13-022452.4, one of only four L subdwarfs reported to date. These data confirm the low-temperature, metal-poor nature of this source, as indicated by prominent metal-hydride bands, alkali lines, and collision-induced H2 absorption. The optical and near-infrared spectra of SDSS J1256-0224 are similar to those of the sdL4 2MASS J16262034+3925190, and we derive a classification of sdL3.5 based on the preliminary scheme of Burgasser, Cruz, and Kirkpatrick. The kinematics of SDSS J1256-0224 are consistent with membership in the Galactic inner halo, with estimated UVW space velocities indicating a slightly prograde, eccentric, and inclined Galactic orbit (3.5 lsim R lsim 11 kpc; midZ maxmid = 7.5 kpc). Comparison to synthetic spectra computed with the PHOENIX code, including the recent implementation of kinetic condensate formation (DRIFT-PHOENIX), indicates T eff ≈ 2100-2500 K and [M/H] ≈ -1.5 to -1.0 for log g ≈ 5.0-5.5 (cgs), although there are clear discrepancies between model and observed spectra particularly in the red optical region. As such, any conclusions on the role of metallicity in condensate grain and cloud formation are probably premature. Indeed, a shift in the temperature scale of L subdwarfs relative to L dwarfs may obviate the need for modified condensate and grain chemistry in low metallicity atmospheres. This paper includes data gathered with the 6.5 m Magellan Telescopes located at Las Campanas Observatory, Chile