29 research outputs found

    Penerapan E-Learning pada SLTP Bruder Pontianak

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    Aplikasi e-Learning ini akan membantu guru menyampaikan materi-materi kepada siswa-siswinya di luar jam pelajaran di kelas. Selain itu, aplikasi e-Learning ini juga menjadi suatu media komunikasi yang efektif bagi guru dan siswa-siswi di luar jam pelajaran di kelas. Dengan adanya fasilitas bagi guru untuk menyediakan soal-soal latihan beserta solusinya, siswa-siswi akan terbantu dalam memahami soal-soal latihan yang dikerjakan, sehingga akan lebih memudahkan siswa-siswi dalam mengerjakan tugas-tugas yang diberikan. Penerapan aplikasi e-Learning ini diharapkan dapat mendukung proses belajar mengajar yang sedang berjalan di SLTP Bruder Pontianak sehingga komunikasi antara guru dan siswa-siswi dapat berlangsung lebih baik dengan pengembangan lebih lanjut yang menambahkan fasilitas webcam pada aplikasi e-Learning ini, sehingga guru dan siswa-siswi dalam melakukan komunikasi dua arah secara langsung melalui aplikasi ini

    Modifikasi dan Uji Kinerja Kompor Spiral dengan Bahan Bakar Minyak Jarak Pagar

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    Energy crisis in Indonesia is still a problem that has not been fully resolved. Kerosene as the primary fuel for cooking, the price is very expensive (at Rp 8000.-/liter). Until now, the pressure cooker kerosene isstill used by cake makers, bread, and noodle. By modifying the part of the cup rubbing alcohol and add a protective piping hot, the stove can be used with pressurized fuel Jatropha oil. Tobacco industry, ceramic and asphalt still use the stove. The purpose of this study is to obtain a prototype pressure cooker spiral type, fueled with jatropha oil by modifying the part of the reservoir cup rubbing alcohol, pipe and nozzle heat shield oil expenses. Modified pressure cooker and test performance using Jatropha oil is obtained as follows: the fuel consumption of 935 ml / hour; pre-heating 17 minutes; time required to boil 2 liters of waterwas 5 minutes; noise level of 83.3 dB and the reddish color of blue flame

    Optimization Of Integrated Management Model Of Tourism Industry On Culinary Business In Kenjeran Tourism Region Surabaya

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    ABSTRACT This research was aimed at (1) improving local wisdom values in integrated management of tourism industry and Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) center and (2) making tourism industry and MSMEs of a particular region to be an independent economic power; by being able to provide factual contribution for prosperity of the society observed from the perspective of tourism region, tourism actors, market, infrastructure, and management development aspects. The results showed that the implementation of tourism region and infrastructure aspects on a culinary business was within the score range of 80 to 100% or said to be in a very good factual condition. This implied that the employment of tourism region and infrastructure aspects played significantly influential and important roles for the development of tourism region allocated for culinary businesses within the area of THP Kenjeran. Meanwhile, for the implementation of tourism actors and market aspects, it was indicated that the score range was between 15 and 35%, and the implementation of management development aspect was between the score range of 0 and 5%. In other words, the implementations of those aspects were said to be very low in real conditions, especially on the indicators of training, cooperation with stakeholders, and suitable management implementation related to the business. This meant that the employment of tourism actors, market, and management development aspects were not suitable and did not accommodate the management development of the tourism region for culinary businesses within the area of THP Kenjeran.  Keywords : Optimization, Integrated Management Mode

    The Influence of Service Quality, Price Perception, and Store Atmosphere On Repurchase Intention (Case Study at The Teras Atas Cafe Surabaya)

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    Repurchase intention is very influential in developing a business. Many factors affect repurchase intention, including service quality, perception price, and store atmosphere. The purpose of this study was to determine how the influence of service quality, perception price, and store atmosphere both simultaneously and partially effect on repurchase intention. The data was collected using a questionnaire. The research method uses as many random samples of 281 people. The analysis method using SPSS 18. The results of this study indicate that the independent variables simultaneously influence the dependent variable. This research evidenced from the significance value of 0.000 or less than 0.05 and the Fcalculation = 194.777 while the Ftable obtained 2.66 and this meaning that Fcalculation > Ftable. But in partial variable, service quality is not significant into repurchase intention as in the results of testing showing tcalculation = 0.961 0.05

    Simlitabnas Soebandi

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    Pengaruh Kompensasi Dan Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Semangat Kerja Karyawan Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 (Study pada karyawan gudang UD. SINAR REJEKI Surabaya)

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    This research is an empirical study at UD SINAR REJEKI Business Entity in Surabaya which aims to prove that Compensation and Work Environment have a significant influence on employee morale. This study used a quantitative approach with a population of 57 people in the UD SINAR REJEKI business entity and a sample of 40 respondents. The analysis technique used is multiple linear regression using SPSS 20 software preceded by data quality test and classic assumption test. The results showed that all data were declared valid and reliabel and met the classical assumption test requirements. The conclusion of the study that compensation and work environment had a significant effect on the work spirit of employees with evidence of t-test results on both variables obtained a significance value of less than 0.05


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    The objective of this research is to evaluate the inter-relationship among the experiental marketing, customer satisfaction and repurchase intention in the context of restaurant or cafe in Indonesia. A total of three hypotheses will be tested. A quantitave research will be carried out to address the research objective. Purposive sampling technique and the distribution of a total 187 responden will be selected as part of the research methodology specially in customer of Janji Jiwa Jilid 358 Surabaya. The statistical data will be analyzed by SEM-PLS. And the result shows that experiental marketing has positive effect on repurchase intention. Also indicates that the positive effect has been fully mediated by the customer satisfaction of the customer at Janji Jiwa Jilid 358 Surabaya. According to the conclusions, this research provides that sense and feel experiences are positively related to the repurchase intention as well as experiental marketing is positvely related to the customer satisfaction


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    Pohon sengon merupakan jenis tanaman kayu yang sangat baik di tanam di area hutan rakyat Indonesia dan merupakan tanaman yang cepat tumbuh karena sengon tidak memerlukan tapak tumbuh yang sulit. Pohon sengon memiliki hama dan penyakit, salah satu hama yang terdapat pada pohon sengon hama boktor atau biasa disebut kumbang. Dampak yang terjadi ketika hama mulai menyerang ialah pohon sengon mati bahkan rapuh, hal ini jarang diketahui oleh pemilik pohon karena kurangnya pemahaman petani muda pohon sengon. Dikarenakan petani muda kurangnya pengetahuan mengenai penyakit yang ada terhadap pohon sengon, maka di buatkanlah sebuah web sistem pakar guna mempermudah petani muda menganalisis penyakit pada pohon sengon. Metode sistem pakar yang digunakan adalah certainty factor, karena metode ini mempunyai tingkat kepastian yang digunakan oleh seorang ahli atau pakar untuk mengambarkan tingkat keyakinan suatu masalah. Setelah adanya web sistem pakar ini diharapkan dapat membantu petani-petani muda pohon sengon untuk mengetahui penyakit atau hama yang menyerang pohon sengon serta cara penanggulangannya sehingga penyakit pada pohon sengon bisa berkurang dan tidak bertumbuh kembali

    Modifikasi dan Uji Kinerja Kompor Spiral dengan Bahan Bakar Minyak Jarak Pagar

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    AbstractEnergy crisis in Indonesia is still a problem that has not been fully resolved. Kerosene as the primary fuel for cooking, the price is very expensive (at Rp 8000.-/liter). Until now, the pressure cooker kerosene isstill used by cake makers, bread, and noodle. By modifying the part of the cup rubbing alcohol and add a protective piping hot, the stove can be used with pressurized fuel Jatropha oil. Tobacco industry, ceramic and asphalt still use the stove. The purpose of this study is to obtain a prototype pressure cooker spiral type, fueled with jatropha oil by modifying the part of the reservoir cup rubbing alcohol, pipe and nozzle heat shield oil expenses. Modified pressure cooker and test performance using Jatropha oil is obtained as follows: the fuel consumption of 935 ml / hour; pre-heating 17 minutes; time required to boil 2 liters of waterwas 5 minutes; noise level of 83.3 dB and the reddish color of blue flame.Keywords : pressure stove, jatropha oil, spiral type cooker, modification.AbstrakKrisis energi di Indonesia masih menjadi masalah yang belum sepenuhnya teratasi. Minyak tanah sebagai bahan bakar utama untuk memasak, harganya menjadi sangat mahal (mencapai Rp 8,000,-/liter). Sampai saat ini, kompor bertekanan berbahan bakar minyak tanah masih digunakan oleh pembuat kue, roti, dan mie. Dengan memodifikasi pada bagian cawan tempat spiritus dan menambahkan pipa pelindung panas,maka kompor bertekanan dapat digunakan dengan bahan bakar minyak jarak pagar. Industri pengovenan tembakau, keramik dan pengaspalan masih menggunakan kompor tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian iniadalah untuk mendapatkan prototipe kompor bertekanan tipe spiral yang berbahan bakar minyak jarak pagar dengan cara memodifikasi pada bagian cawan penampung spiritus, pipa pelindung panas dan noselpengeluaran minyak. Hasil modifikasi dan uji kinerja kompor bertekanan dengan menggunakan minyak jarak pagar diperoleh sebagai berikut: konsumsi bahan bakar 935 ml/jam; pre-heating 17 menit; waktuuntuk mendidikan 2 liter air diperlukan waktu 5 menit; tingkat kebisingan 83.3 dB dan warna nyala api biru kemerahan.Kata kunci : kompor bertekanan, minyak jarak pagar, kompor tipe spiral, modifikasi.Diterima: 23 April 2013; Disetujui: 18 Juli 201