447 research outputs found

    Statistical mechanics of a Feshbach coupled Bose-Fermi gas in an optical lattice

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    We consider an atomic Fermi gas confined in a uniform optical lattice potential, where the atoms can pair into molecules via a magnetic field controlled narrow Feshbach resonance. The phase diagram of the resulting atom-molecule mixture in chemical and thermal equilibrium is determined numerically in the absence of interactions under the constraint of particle conservation. In the limiting cases of vanishing or large lattice depth we derive simple analytical results for important thermodynamic quantities. One such quantity is the dissociation energy, defined as the detuning of the molecular energy spectrum with respect to the atomic one for which half of the atoms have been converted into dimers. Importantly we find that the dissociation energy has a non-monotonic dependence on lattice depth.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    A novel pathway for efficient characterisation of additively manufactured thermoplastic elastomers

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    Thermoplastic elastomers (TPE) are commonly used to fabricate structures for application in repeatable, energy absorption environments. The emergence of additive manufacturing (AM) means scope now exists to design and build complex TPE components that can mechanically outperform traditionally manufactured equivalents. The ability to efficiently characterize these new TPE AM materials is, however, a barrier preventing wider industrial uptake. This study aims to establish a novel pathway for efficiently characterizing materials used in transient, dynamic applications, to ultimately enable accurate finite element (FE) simulation. A laser sintered TPE powder was characterised by performing low, intermediate and high rate uniaxial tension tests, plus planar and equibiaxial loading states. These data demonstrated significantly different behaviour across strain rates and deformation modes, necessitating fit of an augmented hyperelastic and linear viscoelastic model. FE software was then used to calibrate material model coefficients, with their validity evaluated by comparing the simulated and experimental behaviour of the material in isolated (uniaxial tensile) and mixed modal (lattice-based impact) deformation states. Close correlation demonstrated this novel approach efficiently generated valid material model coefficients, removing a barrier to industry adopting these materials. This creates opportunity to exploit these new technologies for the design optimization and fabrication of high-performance component

    Towards precision medicine for pain: diagnostic biomarkers and repurposed drugs

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    We endeavored to identify objective blood biomarkers for pain, a subjective sensation with a biological basis, using a stepwise discovery, prioritization, validation, and testing in independent cohorts design. We studied psychiatric patients, a high risk group for co-morbid pain disorders and increased perception of pain. For discovery, we used a powerful within-subject longitudinal design. We were successful in identifying blood gene expression biomarkers that were predictive of pain state, and of future emergency department (ED) visits for pain, more so when personalized by gender and diagnosis. MFAP3, which had no prior evidence in the literature for involvement in pain, had the most robust empirical evidence from our discovery and validation steps, and was a strong predictor for pain in the independent cohorts, particularly in females and males with PTSD. Other biomarkers with best overall convergent functional evidence for involvement in pain were GNG7, CNTN1, LY9, CCDC144B, and GBP1. Some of the individual biomarkers identified are targets of existing drugs. Moreover, the biomarker gene expression signatures were used for bioinformatic drug repurposing analyses, yielding leads for possible new drug candidates such as SC-560 (an NSAID), and amoxapine (an antidepressant), as well as natural compounds such as pyridoxine (vitamin B6), cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12), and apigenin (a plant flavonoid). Our work may help mitigate the diagnostic and treatment dilemmas that have contributed to the current opioid epidemic

    The cost of inbreeding in a socially polymorphic ant population

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    Trabalho de projecto de mestrado em Medicina (Gastroenterologia), apresentado á Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de CoimbraA encefalopatia hepática é uma das principais complicações da doença hepática crónica e pode estar presente em 50 a 70% de todos os pacientes cirróticos, incluindo aqueles com alterações demonstráveis apenas por testes psicométricos, sendo uma complicação de grande relevância clínica. Na insuficiência hepática aguda, os doentes podem sucumbir a uma morte neurológica, com edema cerebral e hipertensão intracraniana. A sobrevida em pacientes com doença hepática crónica depende da avaliação dos critérios da classificação de Child-Pugh que reconhece a importância prognóstica da encefalopatia hepática. Esta complicação da doença hepática, aguda ou crónica, resulta da diminuição da actividade hepática com incapacidade marcada de eliminação de determinadas toxinas do organismo. Hoje sabe-se que os astrócitos, nomeadamente as células de Alzheimer tipo II, tem um papel importante na fisiopatologia da encefalopatia hepática. A epidemiologia e a fisiopatologia da encefalopatia hepática permanecem ainda apenas parcialmente esclarecidas, tornando este tema fonte importante de estudos constantes. O trabalho proposto tem como objectivo uma actualizada revisão bibliográfica, centrando-se nos últimos avanços científicos sobre esta alteração neuropsiquiátrica. Com este trabalho, propõe-se estudar os diferentes métodos de diagnóstico, indicações das diferentes opções terapêuticas, comparando-as entre si, identificar o impacto económico e social da encefalopatia hepática, assim como perceber os mecanismos fisiopatológicos que contribuem para esta grave alteraçãoHepatic encephalopathy is one of the main complications of chronic liver disease and can occur in 50 to 70% of all cirrhotic patients, including those with alterations demonstrated only through psychometric tests, being a complication of great clinical relevance. In severe liver failure, patients can perish due to neurological death, with brain swelling and intracranial hypertension. Chronic liver disease patients’ survival time depends on the evaluation of Child- Pugh classification criteria that recognizes the prognostic importance of hepatic encephalopathy. This liver disease complication, chronic or severe, is a result of the reduction of liver activity with marked incapacity to eliminate certain toxins from the organism. Today it is known that astrocytes, namely Alzheimer type II cells, have an important role in hepatic encephalopathy physiopathology. The epidemiology and physiopathology of hepatic encephalopathy still remain partially clarified, becoming this subject an important source of constant studies. The main goal of this study is to make an actualized bibliographical revision, grounded on the last scientific advances on this neuropsychiatric abnormality. Through this work, one considers studying the different diagnostic methods, the different therapeutic option indications, by comparing them, identifying the economic and social impact of hepatic encephalopathy, as well as understanding the physiopathological mechanisms that contribute for this serious abnormalit

    Perceived Barriers to Regular Class Attendance of BCommH Students in University of Community Health, Magway

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    Education is essential not only for every citizen to survive in dignity but also for nation building. In any education settings, students’ regular class attendance plays a vital role for obtaining good academic achievements. A cross-sectional analytic study was conducted among BCommH students (n=410) of University of Community Health, Magway from October to December 2017 using a mixed method with objectives of exploring their perceived barriers of regular class attendance and possible solutions. Data collected by pretested semi-structured questionnaires were entered into computers and analysed by SPSS software version 18.0 with a significant level of 0.05. Qualitative data were assessed by content analysis. Significant findings related to irregular class attendance were level of previous class [OR = 3.08 (95% CI: 1.6 – 5.91) (p < 0.005)], monthly financial aid from family of MMK 100,000 or more [OR = 2.24 (95% CI: 1.29 – 3.86) (p = 0.003)], travelling pattern to and from campus by other means [OR = 7.76 (95% CI: 2.13 – 28.21) (p < 0.005)] and lunch taking pattern in week days [OR = 1.91 (95% CI: 1.13 – 3.23) (p < 0.025)]. Among the perceived barriers most of students (82.2%) stated illness as a barrier followed by being busy with preparation for examinations (46.4%), getting up late from bed in the morning (41.1%) and lecture room with high indoor temperature (40.5%). In in-depth interviews, students mentioned the reasons of missing classes as weakness in teaching system, their socio-behavioral factors and poor class room conditions. In conclusion the present study unearthed the various perceived barriers and these barriers should be removed by appropriate means including intensive oversight of faculty and staff on the students, reinforced with introduction of time management concepts into curriculum and making teaching learning environment more friendly to and happy for students, leading to more regular attendance among the students finally to achieve their high academic grades

    Physiological confounders of renal blood flow measurement

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    Objectives Renal blood flow (RBF) is controlled by a number of physiological factors that can contribute to the variability of its measurement. The purpose of this review is to assess the changes in RBF in response to a wide range of physiological confounders and derive practical recommendations on patient preparation and interpretation of RBF measurements with MRI. Methods A comprehensive search was conducted to include articles reporting on physiological variations of renal perfusion, blood and/or plasma flow in healthy humans. Results A total of 24 potential confounders were identified from the literature search and categorized into non-modifiable and modifiable factors. The non-modifiable factors include variables related to the demographics of a population (e.g. age, sex, and race) which cannot be manipulated but should be considered when interpreting RBF values between subjects. The modifiable factors include different activities (e.g. food/fluid intake, exercise training and medication use) that can be standardized in the study design. For each of the modifiable factors, evidence-based recommendations are provided to control for them in an RBF-measurement. Conclusion Future studies aiming to measure RBF are encouraged to follow a rigorous study design, that takes into account these recommendations for controlling the factors that can influence RBF results

    Transplantation of Skeletal Muscle-Derived Sca-1(+)/PW1(+)/Pax7(-) Interstitial Cells (PICs) Improves Cardiac Function and Attenuates Remodeling in Mice Subjected to Myocardial Infarction

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    We have previously shown that skeletal muscle-derived Sca-1+/PW1+/Pax7&minus; interstitial cells (PICs) are multi-potent and enhance endogenous repair and regeneration. Here, we investigated the regenerative potential of PICs following intramyocardial transplantation in mice subjected to an acute myocardial infarction (MI). MI was induced through the ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery in 8-week old male C57BL/6 mice. 5 &times; 105 eGFP-labelled PICs (MI + PICs; n = 7) or PBS (MI-PBS; n = 7) were injected intramyocardially into the border zone. Sham mice (n = 8) were not subjected to MI, or the transplantation of PICs or PBS. BrdU was administered via osmotic mini-pump for 14 days. Echocardiography was performed prior to surgery (baseline), and 1-, 3- and 6-weeks post-MI and PICs transplantation. Mice were sacrificed at 6 weeks post-MI + PICs transplantation, and heart sections were analysed for fibrosis, hypertrophy, engraftment, proliferation, and differentiation of PICs. A significant (p &lt; 0.05) improvement in ejection fraction (EF) and fractional shortening was observed in the MI-PICs group, compared to MI + PBS group at 6-weeks post MI + PICs transplantation. Infarct size/fibrosis of the left ventricle significantly (p &lt; 0.05) decreased in the MI-PICs group (14.0 &plusmn; 2.5%), compared to the MI-PBS group (32.8 &plusmn; 2.2%). Cardiomyocyte hypertrophy in the border zone significantly (p &lt; 0.05) decreased in the MI-PICs group compared to the MI-PBS group (330.0 &plusmn; 28.5 &micro;M2 vs. 543.5 &plusmn; 26.6 &micro;m2), as did cardiomyocyte apoptosis (0.6 &plusmn; 0.9% MI-PICs vs. 2.8 &plusmn; 0.8% MI-PBS). The number of BrdU+ cardiomyocytes was significantly (p &lt; 0.05) increased in the infarct/border zone of the MI-PICs group (7.0 &plusmn; 3.3%), compared to the MI-PBS group (1.7 &plusmn; 0.5%). The proliferation index (total BrdU+ cells) was significantly increased in the MI-PICs group compared to the MI-PBS group (27.0 &plusmn; 3.4% vs. 7.6 &plusmn; 1.0%). PICs expressed and secreted pro-survival and reparative growth factors, supporting a paracrine effect of PICs during recovery/remodeling. Skeletal muscle-derived PICs show significant reparative potential, attenuating cardiac remodelling following transplantation into the infarcted myocardium. PICs can be easily sourced from skeletal muscle and therefore show promise as a potential cell candidate for supporting the reparative and regenerative effects of cell therapies

    Enhancing Business Performance Of CV Primanto Pangan Selaras Indonesian Fruit Chips Goes International

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    Javanis Food is a trademark of Malang kripik factory which is a form of entrepreneurship spirit, based on the processing technology of various fruits and vegetables into chips as food. We want to develop the potential of chips into a delicious and nutritious product, and perform the production stages based on non-chemical research experience and hygienic supervision. Since 2015, Javanis Food has conducted production trials and cooperated with fruit farmer groups in Malang and extends to East Java. Javanis Food learns with farmers and suppliers to produce quality standards of raw materials, through desirable quality standard education and discussion during the development and planting of fruit trees. Javanis Food wants to continue to improve the partnership standards with fruit farmers, suppliers and business partners throughout Indonesia, to produce Internationally-qualified local products
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