42 research outputs found

    Kudliński i Osterwa. Sprawa „Hamleta”

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    This paper is dedicated to the theatrical novel by Tadeusz Kudliński 'Świętokradca' (1947), in which a fictional dialogue between the author of the novel and the performance concept of Shakespeare’s 'Hamlet' by Juliusz Osterwa is being held. Analysis of the novel, in which a metatextual frame is included as well, is confronted with earlier considerations of Wanda Świątkowska, who had conducted a close analysis of Juliusz Osterwa’s 'Hamlet', considering his personal and professional relationship with Tadeusz Kudliński, too. The novel 'Świętokradca' released in the year of Osterwa’s death, not only provides another interpretation of Hamlet, but also makes an attempt to combine both Kudliński’s and Osterwa’s concepts

    Paryskimi śladami Gabrieli Zapolskiej

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    Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Młodzi pozytywiści warszawscy wobec dramatu obcego (recenzje „Przeglądu Tygodniowego” 1866–1876)

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    ANNA SOBIECKA, dr hab., prof. AP, dyrektor Instytutu Polonistyki Akademii Pomorskiej w Słupsku, pracownik Zakładu Teorii Literatury i Badań Kulturowych AP. Koordynator Pracowni Dokumentacji Teatru w Słupsku AP. Zainteresowania badawcze: historia teatru polskiego i literatury dramatycznej drugiej połowy XIX wieku, historia teatru w Słupsku, najnowszy dramat polski. Redaktorka tomu: Szekspir(y) Żurowskiego (Słupsk 2014). Aktualnie pracuje nad monografią polskiej powieści teatralnej. Autorka wielu książek, w tym: Teatr w Słupsku. Instytucja artystyczna (Słupsk 2012); Teatr w Słupsku. Historie (o)powiedziane, Wydawnictwo Naukowe AP w Słupsku, Słupsk 2017.Akademia Pomorska w SłupskuMichalik J., „Ani kościół, ani wszechnica, ani apteka”, „Rocznik Komisji Historycznoliterackiej” 1990, t. XXVII.Przyborowski W., Wiktoryn Sardou, „Przegląd Tygodniowy” 1869, nr 7.Wanicka A., Dramat i komedia Teatrów Warszawskich 1868–1880, Kraków 2011.Wanicka A., Inne spojrzenie na „epokę gwiazd”, [w:] Nowe historie 1. Ustanawianie historii, red. A. Adamiecka-Sitek, D. Buchwald, D. Kosiński, Warszawa 2010.Żurowski A., Szekspir w cieniu gwiazd, Gdańsk 2001.28129

    Polish paralympic sports in the opinion of athletes and coaches in retrospective studies

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    The study aimed to identify the limitations observed in Polish Paralympic sport depending on the environment in which athletes train on a daily basis. The study included 581 persons divided into two basic groups. The first group consists of athletes (n = 324) and coaches (n = 88) appointed to the national team by associations and unions providing sports training exclusively for athletes with disabilities. The second group consisted of athletes with disabilities (n = 146) and their coaches (n = 23), who work in national sports associations working for both able-bodied and disabled people. The study used the diagnostic survey method with a questionnaire developed by Sobiecka. The difficulties indicated by the respondents referred to various aspects related to the activity in professional sport. Particularly emphasised difficulties were related to organizational and financial limitations as well as the management and coaching staff. At the same time, it was demonstrated that the environment was a differentiating factor between the studied groups of athletes and coaches

    Monitoraggio Ambientale di un'Area Contaminata nella Provincia di Pavia

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    Lo scopo di tale indagine è stato quello di valutare il livello di contaminazione, l'estensione e l'entità di contaminanti presenti nei suoli superficiali a suo tempo riscontrati mediante il Progetto Pavia. Il monitoraggio ambientale ha interessato un'area di circa 12 ettari che si trova nel comune di Carpiano. Complessivamente sono state identificate 33 aree di campionamento dove sono stati prelevati campioni di suolo sino alla profondità di 30 cm. In ciascun campione di suolo, dopo adeguati trattamenti, è stata valutata la concentrazione di metalli pesanti, metalloidi, macroelementi, sostanza organica, pH, densità apparente, contenuto d'acqua. In alcuni campioni, precisamente 11, si è analizzata la concentrazione di diossine e furani e si è approntato uno studio che ha visto l'utilizzo dei batteri e dei loro prodotti. Lo studio condotto attraverso l'uso dei batteri ha evidenziato anomalie in alcuni punti ad elevata contaminazione. I risultati analitici ottenuti hanno identificato la presenza di una importante contaminazione di metalli pesanti, metalloidi, diossine e furani che interessa un area di alcuni ettari. Tale livello di contaminazione, per la presenza di sostanza organica e per valori ridotti di acidità dei suoli stessi, potrà arrecare danni ingenti all'ambiente.JRC.DDG.H.7-Land management and natural hazard

    Analysis of the link between the redox state and enzymatic activity of the HtrA (DegP) protein from Escherichia coli

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    Bacterial HtrAs are proteases engaged in extracytoplasmic activities during stressful conditions and pathogenesis. A model prokaryotic HtrA (HtrA/DegP from Escherichia coli) requires activation to cleave its substrates efficiently. In the inactive state of the enzyme, one of the regulatory loops, termed LA, forms inhibitory contacts in the area of the active center. Reduction of the disulfide bond located in the middle of LA stimulates HtrA activity in vivo suggesting that this S-S bond may play a regulatory role, although the mechanism of this stimulation is not known. Here, we show that HtrA lacking an S-S bridge cleaved a model peptide substrate more efficiently and exhibited a higher affinity for a protein substrate. An LA loop lacking the disulfide was more exposed to the solvent; hence, at least some of the interactions involving this loop must have been disturbed. The protein without S-S bonds demonstrated lower thermal stability and was more easily converted to a dodecameric active oligomeric form. Thus, the lack of the disulfide within LA affected the stability and the overall structure of the HtrA molecule. In this study, we have also demonstrated that in vitro human thioredoxin 1 is able to reduce HtrA; thus, reduction of HtrA can be performed enzymatically

    Screening Papaveraceae as Novel Antibiofilm Natural-Based Agents

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    The antimicrobial properties of herbs from Papaveraceae have been used in medicine for centuries. Nevertheless, mutual relationships between the individual bioactive substances contained in these plants remain poorly elucidated. In this work, phytochemical composition of extracts from the aerial and underground parts of five Papaveraceae species (Chelidonium majus L., Corydalis cava (L.) Schweigg. and Körte, C. cheilanthifolia Hemsl., C. pumila (Host) Rchb., and Fumaria vaillantii Loisel.) were examined using LC-ESI-MS/MS with a triple quadrupole analyzer. Large differences in the quality and quantity of all analyzed compounds were observed between species of different genera and also within one genus. Two groups of metabolites predominated in the phytochemical profiles. These were isoquinoline alkaloids and, in smaller amounts, non-phenolic carboxylic acids and phenolic compounds. In aerial and underground parts, 22 and 20 compounds were detected, respectively. These included: seven isoquinoline alkaloids: protopine, allocryptopine, coptisine, berberine, chelidonine, sanguinarine, and chelerythrine; five of their derivatives as well as non-alkaloids: malic acid, trans-aconitic acid, quinic acid, salicylic acid, trans-caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid, chlorogenic acid, quercetin, and kaempferol; and vanillin. The aerial parts were much richer in phenolic compounds regardless of the plant species. Characterized extracts were studied for their antimicrobial potential against planktonic and biofilm-producing cells of S. aureus, P. aeruginosa, and C. albicans. The impact of the extracts on cellular metabolic activity and biofilm biomass production was evaluated. Moreover, the antimicrobial activity of the extracts introduced to the polymeric carrier made of bacterial cellulose was assessed. Extracts of C. cheilanthifolia were found to be the most effective against all tested human pathogens. Multiple regression tests indicated a high antimicrobial impact of quercetin in extracts of aerial parts against planktonic cells of S. aureus, P. aeruginosa, and C. albicans, and no direct correlation between the composition of other bioactive substances and the results of antimicrobial activity were found. Conclusively, further investigations are required to identify the relations between recognized and unrecognized compounds within extracts and their biological properties

    Michał Bałucki’s Literary Disputes

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    Artykuł charakteryzuje wypowiedzi krytyczne Michała Bałuckiego, autora rozprawy O różnych modach w literaturze powieściowej (1894), dotyczące modernizmu oraz wypowiedzi przedstawicieli krytyki młodopolskiej formułowane w stosunku do twórczości Bałuckiego. Spór literacki przybiera najbardziej tragiczne zakończenie z możliwych. Kontekstem rozważań czyni autorka kategorię agonu literackiego, która okazuje się interesująca przy próbie opisu dokonań artystycznych ostatniej dekady życia i twórczości krakowskiego komediopisarza.The aim of this article is to summarise critical responses of Michał Bałucki, the author of the essay O różnych modach w literaturze powieściowej (1894), concerning modernism and the criticism expressed about his own works by the critics of the Young Poland movement. The literary feud takes on the most tragic end possible. As a context for her reflections, the author of this article utilises the category of literary agon, which turns out to be a very illuminating idea when applied to describing the artistic achievements of the last decade of the playwright’s life