105 research outputs found


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    presente estudo pretende investigar os efeitos de um programa de treino funcional no desenvolvimento dos 7 padrões de movimento do FMS em sujeitos idosos.A amostra foi constituída por 30 idosos divididos em 2 grupos: Grupo Experimental (GE; n=14; média de idade= 68,21±2,88 anos) submetido a um programa trissemanal de treino (2 sessões de treino multicomponente + 1 sessão de treino funcional), durante 6 meses; e Grupo Controlo (n=16; média de idade= 76,88±5,28 anos) sujeita a 2 sessões semanais de treino multicomponente. A bateria de testes FMS foi usada para avaliar os padrões de movimento individuais em condições dinâmicas e funcionais e a respetiva deteção de distúrbios do movimento antes e após o período experimental. Os dados obtidos foram tratados com base nas estatísticas descritivas, média, desvio padrão e frequência. Para avaliar as diferenças entre a pré e pós intervenção utilizou-se o teste não paramétrico de Wilcoxon que permite comparar amostras emparelhadas. O nível de significância em todos os testes estatísticos foi definido em p≤0,05.Os resultados mostraram: i) diferenças significativas entre o pré e a pós intervenção no GE mas não no GC e; ii) diferenças significativas nos padrões do movimento entre o GE e o GC após o protocolo experimental correspondentes a uma percentagem de alteração de 22,66% e de 4,47%, respetivamente em cada um dos grupos.Os resultados sugerem que o treino funcional provocou melhorias significativas nos padrões de movimento avaliados pelo FMS e, consequentemente, na funcionalidade do idoso.The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a functional training programme in the development of the 7 FMS patterns of movement in elderly adults.The sample consisted of 30 elderly divided in 2 groups: Experimental Group (EG; n=14; mean age= 68,21±2,88 years) which underwent on a triweekly training program (2 sessions of multicomponent training + 1 session of functional training), during 6 months; and a Control Group (CG; n=16; mean age= 76,88±5,28 years) which participated twice a week in sessions of multicomponent training. FMS battery was used to assess the individual patterns of movements in dynamic and functional conditions and the detection of movement disorders before and after the experimental period. Data was analyzed with SPSS (v24) based on the following descriptive statistics: average, standard deviation and frequency. In order to evaluate the differences between pre- and post-intervention, the non-parametric Wilcoxon test, which enables the comparison of paired samples, was used. The level of significance for all statistic tests was set to p≤0,05.The results show that: i) there were significant differences between pre and post-intervention on the Experimental Group; ii) there were significant differences in the patterns of movement between the Experimental Group and the Control Group after the experimental protocol translated respectively in 22,66% and 4,47% of change.Our findings suggest that a functional training program may improve the patterns of movement as assessed by the FMS, and therefore improve older people functionality

    Myths and legends of the fountains of Trás-os-Montes

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    O distrito de Bragança para lá de diversas qualidades tanto a nível gastronómico, paisagístico e cultural possui também um grande caráter histórico, nomeadamente recheado de lendas e mitos relacionadas com as fontes. Estas histórias mostram, igualmente, que no passado a crença em presságios era algo permanente, principalmente quando havia algo de mau a acontecer a sociedade tentava encontrar a sua salvação com algo visível, como a água.The district of Bragança beyond various qualities, landscaping, gastronomic and cultural ones, also has a great historic nature, namely full of legends and myths related to fountains. These stories also show that in the past the belief in omens was something permanent, especially when there was something bad happening, society tried to find their salvation with something visible, like water

    Os Estados Unidos da América e o Acordo Nuclear Iraniano

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    Esta dissertação tem por objetivo analisar o envolvimento dos EUA na conceção, negociação e apoio ao Plano de Ação Conjunta Global (JCPOA, na sigla inglesa), mais conhecido por Acordo Nuclear Iraniano, destacando os EUA das demais Partes Contratantes e propondo uma análise evolutiva que examina esse envolvimento até ao seu ponto culminante, com a decisão do Presidente Donald Trump de retirar os EUA do Acordo, em Maio de 2018. Desenvolvendo uma abordagem histórica, este trabalho baseia-se em pesquisa eminentemente qualitativa, complementada por pesquisa quantitativa (por exemplo, de cariz económico ou de defesa) e análise documental do texto do Plano de Ação Conjunta Global, de legislação, de relatórios e de discursos de decisores políticos das Administrações Obama e Trump. A análise crítica das fontes e da bibliografia aponta para uma evolução gradual da posição dos EUA na conceção, negociação e apoio ao Acordo Nuclear Iraniano, a qual sofre uma forte alteração com a eleição do Presidente TrumpThis dissertation aims to analyse the United States’ involvement in the design, negotiation and support to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), better known as the Iranian Nuclear Deal, emphasizing the US from the other Contracting Parties and proposing an evolutionary analysis that examines this involvement until its culmination with President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw the US from the agreement, in May 2018. By developing a historical approach, it is eminently based on qualitative research, complemented by quantitative research (for example, data concerning economy or defence) and documental analysis of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, legislation, reports and speeches of policy officials of Obama and Trump’s Administrations. The critical analysis of those sources and bibliography suggest that there is a gradual evolution of the design, negotiation and support to the Iranian Nuclear Deal, which suffers a major change with the election of President Trump

    Síntese e caracterização de complexos de platina (IV) com ligantes diaminados N-alquilados de cadeia longa

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    -Desde a descoberta da atividade antitumoral da cisplatina, um intenso programa de síntese e estudo da atividade biológica de complexos de platinatem sido desenvolvido. Apesar disto, poucos análogos têm avançado até os testes clínicos. Os objetivos de novas pesquisas têm sido melhorar oespectro de atividade antitumoral, bem como diminuir os efeitos colaterais e a resistência celular e ainda disponibilizar outras vias de administração.Descrevemos neste trabalho a preparação e caracterização de seis novos complexos de platina (IV) contendo derivados N-alquilados daetilenodiamina e propanodiamina com hidroxilas nas posições axiais. Estes compostos se tornam interessantes visto que a redução dos complexosde platina (IV) para complexos de platina (II) parece ser essencial para a atividade anticancerígena. Ligantes de cadeia longa podem apresentarpoder surfactante, característica bastante interessante, visto que, é possível utilizar deste caráter anfifílico para melhorar os meios de disposição dadroga visando um transporte eficiente no meio biológico.Os ligantes e os complexos precursores utilizados foram preparados e caracterizados nos nossos laboratórios.Para a síntese dos complexos, utilizamos 0,5 mmol do complexo de platina (II) análogo em água e sob agitação foi adicionado 10 mL de peróxido dehidrogênio a 30%. Os complexos sintetizados foram caracterizados por infravermelho, RMN de 1H e de 195Pt e por análise elementar. No espectro de infravermelhodos complexos foram observadas bandas na região de 3470 cm-1 referente ao estiramento OH, 3160 cm-1 referente ao estiramento N-H, 2920 cm-1característica de C-H alifático. Os espectros de RMN de 1H foram realizados em DMSO-d6 e apresentaram sinais em ́ 0,8 referente aos hidrogêniosde CH3, ́ 1,2 referente aos hidrogênios de CH2 da cadeia lateral, ́ 1,63 referente aos hidrogênios de CH2 da etilenodiamina. Os espectros de RMNdos derivados de propanodiamina também estão de acordo com a estrutura esperada. Os espectros de RMN de 195Pt apresentaram um sinal porvolta de + 780 coerente com a esfera de coordenação da platina.Os resultados de análise elementar encontrados estão de acordo com a formulação proposta

    Serviço de atendimento à violência contra as mulheres: perspectivas e desafios na visão dos profissionais / Violence against women: perceptions of professionals in São João del-Rei

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    O presente artigo apresenta as percepções e os desafios dos profissionais que atuam nos serviços de atendimento às mulheres em situação de violência no município de São João del-Rei/MG. O estudo consistiu em uma pesquisa quali-quantitativa na Delegacia Especializada no Atendimento à Mulher e no Centro de Referência Especializada em Assistência Social. Também teve como parâmetro a Política Nacional e o Pacto Nacional pelo Enfrentamento à Violência Contra a Mulher, que propõem a articulação entre os serviços prestados. Os dados obtidos neste estudo revelam entraves no enfrentamento à violência no município, como dificuldade de incorporação das ações propostas pela Política e Pacto nacionais, fragilidade de articulação entre a rede de atendimento e falta de especializações dos profissionais

    Endothelial progenitor cells in diabetic patients with myocardial infarction – Can statins improve their function?

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    The effect of statins on endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) function derived from diabetic patients (DMpts) with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is unknown. In this study we assess the response of early and late EPCs from diabetic versus non-diabetic patients (NDMpts) with AMI to statins. EPCs were obtained from 10 diabetic and 10 age-matched non-diabetic male patients with AMI. For each patient, cultures of early and late EPCs were performed under 4 different conditions: normal glucose concentration (control); high glucose concentration; normal glucose concentration with atorvastatin supplementation and normal glucose concentration with pravastatin supplementation. To compare the effect of these treatments on EPC function in DMpts versus NDMpts, we performed in vitro: EPC colony-forming units (CFU) assay; cell cycle analysis; viability assessment and expression of the surface markers CXCR4, CD133, CD34 and KDR. Under control conditions, CFU numbers were reduced in DMpts-derived EPCs when compared to those of NDMpts (1.4±0.8 vs 2.6±1.2 CFU/well, P=0.021). When early EPCs from DMpts were cultured in the presence of statins, CFU capacity was restored, surmounting that of NDMpts under control conditions. Statins significantly improved viability of early EPCs and delayed the onset of late EPCs senescence, even in cells from DMpts. In addition, statins induced approximately a 2-fold increase in the proportion of late EPCs in S-phase of the cell cycle (P<0.05). Statins have a beneficial effect on both early and late EPCs from DMpts with AMI. Despite the functional impairment of EPCs from DMpts, they exhibit similar responsiveness to statins as equivalent cells from NDMpts

    Study of the viability of using lipase-hydrolyzed commercial vegetable oils to produce microbially conjugated linolenic acid-enriched milk

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    This work studied the viability of using vegetable oils as precursor substrates to develop a dairy product enriched in microbial conjugated linoleic (CLA) and conjugated linolenic (CLNA) acids. Hydrolysis of hempseed, flaxseed (FSO) and soybean (SBO) oils was tested with Candida rugosa (CRL), Pseudomonas fluorescens, or Pancreatic porcine lipases. FSO and SBO, previously hydrolyzed with CRL, were further selected for cow’s milk CLA/CLNA-enrichment with Bifidobacterium breve DSM 20091. Thereafter, higher substrate concentrations with hydrolyzed FSO were tested. For all tested oils, CRL revealed the best degrees of hydrolysis (>90%). Highest microbial CLA/CLNA yield in milk was achieved with hydrolyzed FSO, which led to the appearance of mainly CLNA isomers (0.34 mg/g). At higher substrate concentrations, maximum yield was 0.88 mg/g CLNA. Therefore, it was possible to enrich milk with microbial CLNA using vegetable oil, but not with CLA, nor develop a functional product that can deliver a reliable effective dose.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Synthesis of platinum complexes from N-benzyl ethylenediamine derivatives

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    N-benzylethylenediamine derivatives have been prepared in good yields using methodology diferent than that described in the literature. 1H and 13C NMR spectra were used to characterize those compounds. Nine new platinum(II) complexes, analogs of cisplatin and carboplatin, containing these ligands have been prepared and characterized. Preliminary in vitro tests against buccal human carcinoma cell lines (KB cells) showed that the complexes are cytotoxic.O ligante N-benziletilenodiamina e derivados foram preparados em bons rendimentos utilizando-se metodologia diferente da descrita na literatura. Espectros de RMN de 1H e de 13C foram empregados para a caracterização destes compostos. Nove novos complexos de platina(II) com estes ligantes, análogos da cisplatina e da carboplatina, foram preparados e caracterizados. Testes preliminares in vitro em linhagens celulares de carcinoma bucal humano (células KB) indicam que estes complexos são citotóxicos

    Synthesis and characterization of a novel platinum (IV) complex from its platinum (II) analogue using molecular iodine as an oxidizing agent: an interesting synthetic route for the preparation of new platinum complexes

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    In an attempt to reduce toxicity and widen the spectrum of activity of cisplatin and its analogues, much attention has been focused on designing new platinum complexes. This work reports the synthesis and characterization of novel compounds of the platinum (II) and platinum (IV) containing 2-furoic hydrazide acid and iodide as ligands. Although the prepared compounds do not present the classical structure of biologically active platinum analogues, they could be potentially active or useful as precursors to prepare antitumor platinum complexes. The reported compounds were characterized by 1H NMR, 13C NMR, 195Pt NMR, IR and elemental analyses.

    Detection of virulence-associated genes in pathogenic and commensal avian Escherichia coli isolates

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    Poultry colibacillosis due to Avian Pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) is responsible for several extra-intestinal pathological conditions, leading to serious economic damage in poultry production. The most commonly associated pathologies are airsacculitis, colisepticemia, and cellulitis in broiler chickens, and salpingitis and peritonitis in broiler breeders. In this work a total of 66 strains isolated from dead broiler breeders affected with colibacillosis and 61 strains from healthy broilers were studied. Strains from broiler breeders were typified with serogroups O2, O18, and O78, which are mainly associated with disease. The serogroup O78 was the most prevalent (58%). All the strains were checked for the presence of 11 virulence genes: 1) arginine succinyltransferase A (astA); ii) E. coli hemeutilization protein A (chuA); iii) colicin V A/B (cvaA/B); iv) fimbriae mannose-binding type 1 (fimC); v) ferric yersiniabactin uptake A (fyuA); vi) iron-repressible high-molecular-weight proteins 2 (irp2); vii) increased serum survival (iss); viii) iron-uptake systems of E. coli D (iucD); ix) pielonefritis associated to pili C (papC); x) temperature sensitive haemaglutinin (tsh), and xi) vacuolating autotransporter toxin (vat), by Multiplex-PCR. The results showed that all genes are present in both commensal and pathogenic E. coli strains. The iron uptake-related genes and the serum survival gene were more prevalent among APEC. The adhesin genes, except tsh, and the toxin genes, except astA, were also more prevalent among APEC isolates. Except for astA and tsh, APEC strains harbored the majority of the virulence-associated genes studied and fimC was the most prevalent gene, detected in 96.97 and 88.52% of APEC and AFEC strains, respectively. Possession of more than one iron transport system seems to play an important role on APEC survival