746 research outputs found

    Cronologia absoluta para o campaniforme da Estremadura e do sudoeste de Portugal

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    Separata de "O Arqueólogo Português"Mais de vinte datas de radiocarbono são actualmente conhecidas para contextos campaniformes na Estemadura e no Sul de Portugal. Por outro lado, escavações recentes isolaram contextos campaniformes bem definidos, que foram datados. Estes dados permitem novas interpretações para o fenómeno campaniforme, bem como o estabelecimento de uma cronologia mais precisa para o mesmo.At present twenty radiocarbon dates are knoun for bell beakers in Estremadura and the soutb of Portugal. 0n the other hand, recent archaeological digging allowed to isolate well defined bell beaker contexts, wbich were radiocarbono dated these new data allow new interpretations for the bell beaker phenomenon, as a more precise chronology for the different pottery styles

    A duna consolidada de Oitavos, a Oeste de Cascais, região de Lisboa : a sua datação pelo método do radiocarbono

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    A duna consolidada de Oitavos, atribuída ao Quaternário, situa-se junto ao litoral, a oeste de Cascais. Apresenta-se o programa de datações pelo radiocarbono que permitiu a datação dessa duna e discute-se a fiabilidade das datas obtidas. Processaram-se amostras de Helix provenientes não só da duna de Oitavos, mas também da duna consolidada de Magoito, localizada cerca de 16 km para norte e já devidamente datada por aquele método de datação absoluta, e ainda amostras de um contexto arqueológico da Encosta de Sant'Ana (Baixa da cidade de Lisboa), com o objectivo de aferir a validade das datações de Oitavos sobre Helix. Também o paleossolo existente na base da duna de Oitavos foi objecto de datação. Determinou-se assim uma data de elevada fiabilidade para a geração da duna de Oitavos, indicando que esta se terá formado no intervalo 33-30 ka BP, provavelmente durante o interestadial que precede a fase final do OIS 3

    Paleolítico médio e superior em Portugal : datas 14C, estado actual dos conhecimentos, síntese e discussão

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    No âmbito des pesquisas do CEPUNL sobre o Paleolítico médio e superior foram obtidas novas datas de radiocarbono em situações bem definidas do ponto de vista estratigráfico; com outras, permitem uma visão cronológica global aproximada. As datas não parecem distribuir-se ao longo dos tempos de modo aleatório. No estado actual dos conhecimentos, parecem corresponder a vários conjuntos: (a) 14000 a 15000 anos BP, Solutrense superior; (b) cerca de 20 000 BP, Solutrense; (c) com datas cerca de 25000 BP, já Solutrense, e, a pouco mais de 26000 BP, ainda Musrierense; (d) entre 29 000 e 31 000 BP, Mustierense. Demonstra-se a persistência de Mustierense muito após o limite admitido; cerca de 34 000 BP - e, por conseguinte, a dos seus autores neandertalianos. Pela primeira vez, foi possível a datação do limite cronológico superior do terraço marinho de 5-8 mettos (Tirreniano III) da Arrábida, bem como de jazidas sem indústrias ou com indústrias incaracterísticas. As datas obtidas permitem correlacionar jazidas e depósitos com episódios da última glaciação. Parece haver nítida correlação entre a ocupação de grutas e abrigos pelo Homem e episódios de clima mais desfavorável.New radiocarbon measuremenrs were obtained from middle and upper Paleolithic sites currenrly under research by the CEPUNL, in well defined stratigraphical situations. Wirh other dates, they yield an approximarive chronological global view. Measurement distriburion in function of time does not seem to be an hazardous one. ln rhe actual status of our knowledge, rhis disrriburion seems ro fit in some assemblages: (a) 14000 to 15000 BP, Solurrean; (b) about 20 000 BP, Solucrean; (c) árca 25 000 BP, already Solutrean, and slighdy older than 26 000 BP, still Moust~rian; (d) berween 29 000 and 31 000 BP, Mousterian. The persistance of Mousterian much later than its acknowledged upper limit ar about 34 000 BP (and hence the survival of its neanderrhalian authors) is demonstrated. For the first time ir has been possible ro ascercain rhe upper time limit of the marine 5-8 metres raised beach (Tyrrhenian III) at Serra da Arrábida, and also rhe age of archaeological sires wirhour stone arrifacrs, or wirh uncharacteristic ones. The obtained measurements allow us to correlate localities and sedimencary units wirh lasr glaciation events. There seems to have been a distinct correlation berween cave and shelter human occupation and events marked by rhe worsening of climare.Dans le cadre des recherches du CEPUNL sur le Paléolithique moyen et supérieur ont été· obtenues de nouvelles dares 14C correspondant à des situarions bien définies du point de vue srrarigraphique; avec d'autres, elles permeccent une vision globale apptoximative de la chronologie. La discribution des dates en fonction des temps ne parait pas alléatoire. Dans I' état aCtuei des connaissances, certe discribution semble correspondre à quelques ensembles: (a) 14000 à 15 000 ans BP, Solutréen supérieur; (b) environ 20000 BP, Solutréen; (c) árca 25000 BP, Solurréen déjà, er avec un peu plus de 26 000 BP, Moustérien (encore); (d) enrre 29 000 et 31 000 BP, Moustérien. La persistance de Moustérien bien apres la date limite admise (34 000 BP environ) - et donc celle de ses auteurs neanderthaliens - est démontrée. Pour la premiere fois ii a éré possible de darer la limite chronologique supérieure de la terrasse marine de 5-8 merres (Tyrrhénien III) dans la Serra da Arrábida, ainsi que des sites dépourvus d'indusrries ou ayant livré des industries incaractéristiques. Les dates obtenues permettenr de corréler des gisements er dépôts avec des épisodes de la derniere glaciation. II semble avoir eu une nette correspondance enrre I'occupation de grottes et abris par I'Homme et des épisodes à climar plus défavorable

    Metallurgical production evidences in the chalcolithic settlement of Moita da Ladra (Vila Franca de Xira, Portugal)

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    Poster apresentado na conferência realizada em Madrid de 1-3 de junho de 2015The archaeological site of Moita da Ladra is na emblematic settlement located at Vila Franca de Xira (Portugal), occupied predominantly during the second half of the 3rd millennia BC (Chalcolithic period). The presente study focuses on the chemical and microstructural characterization of selected artefacts and metallic nodules (metallurgical remains) found there. Its goal is to contribute to a better comprehension of the primitive copper-based metallurgy on the Portuguese estremadura, where other importante chalcolithic sites are located

    O concheiro de Salamansa (Ilha de São Vicente, arquipélago de Cabo Verde) : nota preliminar

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    Cardoso, João Luís [et al.] - O concheiro de Salamansa (Ilha de São Vicente, arquipélago de Cabo Verde) : nota preliminar. "Portugalia" [Em linha]. ISSN 0871-4290. Nova Série, vol. 23 (2002), p. 221-23

    Pearling: stroke segmentation with crusted pearl strings

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    We introduce a novel segmentation technique, called Pearling, for the semi-automatic extraction of idealized models of networks of strokes (variable width curves) in images. These networks may for example represent roads in an aerial photograph, vessels in a medical scan, or strokes in a drawing. The operator seeds the process by selecting representative areas of good (stroke interior) and bad colors. Then, the operator may either provide a rough trace through a particular path in the stroke graph or simply pick a starting point (seed) on a stroke and a direction of growth. Pearling computes in realtime the centerlines of the strokes, the bifurcations, and the thickness function along each stroke, hence producing a purified medial axis transform of a desired portion of the stroke graph. No prior segmentation or thresholding is required. Simple gestures may be used to trim or extend the selection or to add branches. The realtime performance and reliability of Pearling results from a novel disk-sampling approach, which traces the strokes by optimizing the positions and radii of a discrete series of disks (pearls) along the stroke. A continuous model is defined through subdivision. By design, the idealized pearl string model is slightly wider than necessary to ensure that it contains the stroke boundary. A narrower core model that fits inside the stroke is computed simultaneously. The difference between the pearl string and its core contains the boundary of the stroke and may be used to capture, compress, visualize, or analyze the raw image data along the stroke boundary

    Paleolítico médio e superior em Portugal: datas 14C, estado actual dos conhecimentos,síntese e duscussão

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    New radiocarbon measurements were obtained from middle and upper Paleolithic sites currently under research by the CEPUNL, in well defined stratigraphical situations. With other dates, they yield an approximative chronological global view. Measurement distribution in function of time does not seem to be an hazardous one. In the actual status of our knowledge, this distribution seems to fit in some assemblages: (a) 14000 to 15000 BP, Solutrean; (b) about 20 000 BP, Solutrean; (c) circa 25 000 BP, already Solutrean, and slightly older than 26 000 BP, still Mousterian; (d) between 29 000 and 31 000 BP, Mousterian. The persistance of Mousterian much later than its acknowledged upper limit at about 34 000 BP (and hence the survival of its neanderthalian authors) is demonstrated. For the first time it has been possible to ascertain the upper time limit of the marine 5-8 metres raised beach (Tyrrhenian III) at Serra da Arrábida, and also the age of archaeological sites without stone artifacts, or with uncharacteristic ones. The obtained measurements allow US to correlate localities and sedimentary units with last glaciation events. There seems to have been a distinct correlation between cave and shelter human occupation and events marked by the worsening of climate

    Beyond faith: Biomolecular evidence for changing urban economies in multi‐faith medieval Portugal

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    During the Middle Ages, Portugal witnessed unprecedented socioeconomic and religious changes under transitioning religious political rule. The implications of changing ruling powers for urban food systems and individual diets in medieval Portugal is poorly understood. This study aimed to elucidate the dietary impact of the Islamic and Christian conquests.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio