89 research outputs found

    Loss, yearning and curiosity

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    In his piece, the author of the article ponders on the experience of loss in human life. It is this particular experience, as well as the accompanying longing, that form the basic components of an elegiac attitude. However, in its broader sense, loss becomes one of the most universal experiences in literature and the arts of the twentieth century. After all, they shared the conviction that reality, no matter how looked upon, was never fully accessible to us and that man always played a losing game with it. Contrary to outward appearances, the above also applies to the creators of avant-garde movements. An analysis of the poem Do NN***, written by Miron Białoszewski, carried out first within the context of elegy and then with reference to the techniques and the program of cubism, makes us aware that Białoszewski somehow evades both elegiac mood and the avant-garde principles such as they are underlined in its program. The driving force for his writing is then curiosity. And it is curiosity, and just curiosity, independent and one that cannot be reduced to just the desire to know, that forms the only real alternative that, in a way, always remains metaphysical

    Aberration-corrected time aperture of an electro-optic time lens

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    Recently, there has been renewed interest in electro-optic time lenses due to their favorable properties for quantum photonic applications. Here, we propose a new analytical approach to estimate the chirp rate of a time lens implemented using an electro-optic phase modulator driven with a single-tone radio frequency voltage. Our approach is based on a user-defined time aperture for the time lens. We observe that the temporal aberrations depend on the amplitude of the phase modulation and the effective time aperture of the time lens. We derive an analytical expression for the maximum phase error that will allow the user to choose the maximal aberration-limited time aperture of the time lens. We apply our formalism to a Fourier-time lens system for the spectral compression of Gaussian pulses and find the optimal parameters of the setup. Our approach will provide a handy tool for efficient temporal system design based on electro-optical time lenses.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Robot Task Allocation Using Signal Propagation Model

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    AbstractThe problem of Multi-Robot Task Allocation has received significant attention over last years. The solutions with decentralized decision making have proven better durability than those using centralized planning. In this paper a method which does not use any explicit communication is presented. It is especially suitable for very high dynamics of tasks priorities, when other methods must often perform time-consuming replanning. The method uses a simple model of signal emission and propagation in the environment. Simulation experiments are provided to demonstrate usability and interesting features of the method

    Proceedings of an emergency medical team (paramedics) with a patient in anaphylaxis

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    Introduction: Anaphylactic shock is an acute allergic body reaction to allergens. This condition threatens the patient's life and health. Anaphylaxis can be caused by intolerance to many nutrients, medications or hymenoptera stings.Aim of the manuscript: The aim of the manuscript was to determine the pattern of proceedings of emergency medical teams with patients in anaphylactic shock.Material and methods: The individual case method of a patient stung by a Hymenoptera insect, for whom a medical rescue team was dispatched, was used. The research material was obtained thanks to the analysis of medical rescue operations and dispatch orders.Results: The analysis of medical records of the injured person depicted an appropriate algorithm of proceedings with a patient in anaphylactic shock. In anaphylaxis, it is important to gather information as soon as possible, make an accurate and prompt diagnosis, and provide immediate pharmacotherapy. In this case, the first-line drug is Adrenaline, which prevents the release of histamine and reverses the effects of shock. Further treatment requires oxygen, fluids and second-line pharmacotherapy. Conclusions: The emergency medical team followed the applicable algorithms and current knowledge. It implemented appropriate medical rescue operations, thanks to which the condition of the injured was stabilized. The first step is to stop the exposure to the allergen

    Experimental verification of Hyper-V performance isolation level

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    The need for cost optimization in a broad sense constitutes the basis of operation of every enterprise. In the case of IT structure, which is present in almost every field of activity these days, one of the most commonly applied technologies leading to good cost-to-profit adjustment is virtualization. It consists in locating several operational systems with IT systems on a single server. In order for such optimization to be carried out correctly it has to be strictly controlled by means of allocating access to resources, which is known as performance isolation. Modern virtualizers allow to set up this allocation in quantitative terms (the number of processors, size of RAM, or disc space). It appears, however, that in qualitative terms (processor's time, RAM or hard disc bandwidth) the actual allocation of resources does not always correspond with this configuration. This paper provides an experimental presentation of the achievable level of performance isolation of the Hyper-V virtualizer

    Application of computational intelligence methods for the automated identification of paper-ink samples based on LIBS

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    Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) is an important analysis technique with applications in many industrial branches and fields of scientific research. Nowadays, the advantages of LIBS are impaired by the main drawback in the interpretation of obtained spectra and identification of observed spectral lines. This procedure is highly time-consuming since it is essentially based on the comparison of lines present in the spectrum with the literature database. This paper proposes the use of various computational intelligence methods to develop a reliable and fast classification of quasi-destructively acquired LIBS spectra into a set of predefined classes. We focus on a specific problem of classification of paper-ink samples into 30 separate, predefined classes. For each of 30 classes (10 pens of each of 5 ink types combined with 10 sheets of 5 paper types plus empty pages), 100 LIBS spectra are collected. Four variants of preprocessing, seven classifiers (decision trees, random forest, k-nearest neighbor, support vector machine, probabilistic neural network, multi-layer perceptron, and generalized regression neural network), 5-fold stratified cross-validation, and a test on an independent set (for methods evaluation) scenarios are employed. Our developed system yielded an accuracy of 99.08%, obtained using the random forest classifier. Our results clearly demonstrates that machine learning methods can be used to identify the paper-ink samples based on LIBS reliably at a faster rate


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    The main features of the Cloud Computing system developed at IFJ PAN are described. The project is financed from the structural resources provided by the European Commission and the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Innovative Economy, National Cohesion Strategy). The system delivers a solution for carrying out computer calculations on a Private Cloud computing infrastructure. It consists of an intuitive Web based user interface, a module for the users and resources administration and the standard EC2 interface implementation. Thanks to the distributed character of the system it allows for the integration of a geographically distant federation of computer clusters within a uniform user environment

    Endoscopic ultrasound-guided needle aspiration in lung cancer

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    Introduction: The aim of the study was to assess the diagnostic yield of transoesophageal endoscopic ultrasound-guided needle aspiration (EUS-NA) in lung cancer (LC). Material and methods: Real time EUS-NA was performed under local anaesthesia and sedation in consecutive LC patients. All negative EUS-NA results in NSCLC patients were verified by transcervical extended bilateral mediastinal lymphadenectomy (TEMLA). Results: In 146 patients there were 206 biopsies performed in lymph node stations: subcarinal (7):124, left lower paratracheal (4L):70, paraoesophageal (8):9 and pulmonary ligament (9):3. A mean short axis of punctured node was 10 ± 6.3 (95% CI) mm. Lymph node biopsy was technically successful in 95.6% and was diagnostic in 40.1% of LC patients. In NSCLC staging, the sensitivity of EUS-NA calculated on the per-patient basis was 85.5%, specificity 100%, accuracy 93.6% and negative predictive value (NPV) 89.7% in stations accessible for EUS-NA, but in all mediastinal stations it was 70.7%, 100%, 84.3% and 74.7, respectively (p = 0.009). The sensitivity of EUS-NA in NSCLC staging patients, calculated on the per-biopsy basis was 88.6%, specificity 100%, accuracy 95.4% and NPV 91.4%. A diagnostic yield of EUS-NA on the per-biopsy basis was higher for station 4L than 7, but the difference was not significant (χ2 p = 0.4). Conclusions: The diagnostic value of EUS-NA in LC is high. In NSCLC staging EUS-NA is insufficient and should be complemented by other invasive techniques, especially those that give access to the right paratracheal region.Wstęp: Celem pracy była ocena skuteczności diagnostycznej przezprzełykowej biopsji węzłów chłonnych śródpiersia pod kontrolą ultrasonografii wewnątrzprzełykowej w czasie rzeczywistym (EUS-NA) w diagnostyce raka płuca. Materiał i metody: U kolejnych chorych na raka płuca wykonywano EUS-NA w znieczuleniu miejscowym i płytkiej sedacji. U chorych na niedrobnokomórkowego raka płuca (NSCLC) i z ujemnym wynikiem EUS-NA wykonywano weryfikującą operacyjną obustronną rozszerzoną limfadenektomię śródpiersiową. Wyniki: U 146 chorych wykonano 206 EUS-NA węzłów chłonnych śródpiersia: w grupie 7 - 124, grupie 4L - 70, grupie 8 - 9 i grupie 9 - 3. Wymiar poprzeczny bioptowanych węzłów chłonnych wynosił 10 ± 6,3 (95% CI) mm. Materiał diagnostyczny uzyskano w 95,6% nakłuć, a przerzuty raka płuca stwierdzono u 40,1% chorych. Czułość metody EUS-NA w ustalaniu stopnia zaawansowania NSCLC w przeliczeniu na pacjenta (biorąc pod uwagę wszystkie stacje węzłów chłonnych śródpiersia) wyniosła 70,7%, swoistość 100%, dokładność 84,3%, a wartość predykcyjna wyniku ujemnego (NPV) - 74,7%; natomiast w stacjach węzłów chłonnych śródpiersia osiągalnych metodą EUS-NA wyniosły odpowiednio: 85,5%, 100%, 93,6% i 89,7%. Różnice pomiędzy obydwiema grupami były znamienne statystycznie (p = 0,009). Czułość metody EUS-NA w ustalaniu stopnia zaawansowania NSCLC w przeliczeniu na biopsję wyniosła 88,6%, swoistość 100%, dokładność 95,4%, a NPV - 91,4%. Skuteczność diagnostyczna metody EUS-NA była większa w grupie 4L niż w grupie 7, jednak różnice nie były znamienne (p = 0,4). Wnioski: Skuteczność diagnostyczna metody EUS-NA w diagnostyce raka płuca jest duża. W ocenie stopnia zaawansowania niedrobnokomórkowego raka płuca EUS-NA może nie być wystarczająca i należy ją uzupełnić o inne metody eksploracji śródpiersia, zwłaszcza umożliwiające dostęp do okolicy przytchawiczej prawej

    Metal Fluorides as Analogs for Studies on Phosphoryl Transfer Enzymes

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    The 1994 structure of a transition state analog with AlF4- and GDP complexed to G1, a small G protein, heralded a new field of research into structure and mechanism of enzymes that manipulate transfer of the phosphoryl (PO3-) group. The list of enzyme structures that embrace metal fluorides, MFx, as ligands that imitate either the phosphoryl group or a phosphate, is now growing at over 80 per triennium. They fall into three distinct geometrical classes: (i) Tetrahedral complexes, based on BeF3-, mimic ground state phosphates; (ii) Octahedral complexes, primarily based on AlF4-, mimic "in-line" anionic transition state for phosphoryl transfer; and (iii) Trigonal bipyramidal complexes, represented by MgF3- and putative AlF30 moieties, additionally mimic the tbp geometry of the transition state. The interpretation of these structures provides a deeper mechanistic understanding of the behavior and manipulation of phosphate monoesters in molecular biology. This review provides a comprehensive overview of these structures, their uses, and their computational development. It questions the identification of AlF30 and MgF4= as tbp species in protein complexes and discusses the relevance of physical organic chemistry and water-based model studies for understanding phosphoryl group transfer in enzymes. It describes two roles for amino acid side-chains that mediate proton transfers during phosphoryl transfer, based on the analysis of protein/MFx structures. First, they deploy hydrogen bonding to neutral oxygen nucleophiles so as to orientate them for correct orbital overlap with the electrophilic phosphorus center. Secondly, they behave as classical general acid/base catalysts