240 research outputs found

    Sublinear Higson corona and Lipschitz extensions

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    The purpose of the paper is to characterize the dimension of sublinear Higson corona νL(X)\nu_L(X) of XX in terms of Lipschitz extensions of functions: Theorem: Suppose (X,d)(X,d) is a proper metric space. The dimension of the sublinear Higson corona νL(X)\nu_L(X) of XX is the smallest integer m0m\ge 0 with the following property: Any norm-preserving asymptotically Lipschitz function f ⁣:ARm+1f'\colon A\to \R^{m+1}, AXA\subset X, extends to a norm-preserving asymptotically Lipschitz function g ⁣:XRm+1g'\colon X\to \R^{m+1}. One should compare it to the result of Dranishnikov \cite{Dr1} who characterized the dimension of the Higson corona ν(X)\nu(X) of XX is the smallest integer n0n\ge 0 such that Rn+1\R^{n+1} is an absolute extensor of XX in the asymptotic category \AAA (that means any proper asymptotically Lipschitz function f ⁣:ARn+1f\colon A\to \R^{n+1}, AA closed in XX, extends to a proper asymptotically Lipschitz function f ⁣:XRn+1f'\colon X\to \R^{n+1}). \par In \cite{Dr1} Dranishnikov introduced the category \tilde \AAA whose objects are pointed proper metric spaces XX and morphisms are asymptotically Lipschitz functions f ⁣:XYf\colon X\to Y such that there are constants b,c>0b,c > 0 satisfying f(x)cxb|f(x)|\ge c\cdot |x|-b for all xXx\in X. We show dim(νL(X))n\dim(\nu_L(X))\leq n if and only if Rn+1\R^{n+1} is an absolute extensor of XX in the category \tilde\AAA. \par As an application we reprove the following result of Dranishnikov and Smith \cite{DRS}: Theorem: Suppose (X,d)(X,d) is a proper metric space of finite asymptotic Assouad-Nagata dimension \asdim_{AN}(X). If XX is cocompact and connected, then \asdim_{AN}(X) equals the dimension of the sublinear Higson corona νL(X)\nu_L(X) of XX.Comment: 13 page

    Venus Interior Structure Mission (VISM): Establishing a Seismic Network on Venus

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    Magellan radar data show the surface of Venus to contain a wide range of geologic features (large volcanoes, extensive rift valleys, etc.). Although networks of interconnecting zones of deformation are identified, a system of spreading ridges and subduction zones like those that dominate the tectonic style of the Earth do not appear to be present. In addition, the absence of a mantle low-viscosity zone suggests a strong link between mantle dynamics and the surface. As a natural follow-on to the Magellan mission, establishing a network of seismometers on Venus will provide detailed quantitative information on the large scale interior structure of the planet. When analyzed in conjunction with image, gravity, and topography information, these data will aid in constraining mechanisms that drive surface deformation

    Compact maps and quasi-finite complexes

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    The simplest condition characterizing quasi-finite CW complexes KK is the implication XτhK    β(X)τKX\tau_h K\implies \beta(X)\tau K for all paracompact spaces XX. Here are the main results of the paper: Theorem: If {Ks}sS\{K_s\}_{s\in S} is a family of pointed quasi-finite complexes, then their wedge sSKs\bigvee\limits_{s\in S}K_s is quasi-finite. Theorem: If K1K_1 and K2K_2 are quasi-finite countable complexes, then their join K1K2K_1\ast K_2 is quasi-finite. Theorem: For every quasi-finite CW complex KK there is a family {Ks}sS\{K_s\}_{s\in S} of countable CW complexes such that sSKs\bigvee\limits_{s\in S} K_s is quasi-finite and is equivalent, over the class of paracompact spaces, to KK. Theorem: Two quasi-finite CW complexes KK and LL are equivalent over the class of paracompact spaces if and only if they are equivalent over the class of compact metric spaces. Quasi-finite CW complexes lead naturally to the concept of XτFX\tau {\mathcal F}, where F{\mathcal F} is a family of maps between CW complexes. We generalize some well-known results of extension theory using that concept.Comment: 20 page

    Deep space 2: The Mars Microprobe Mission

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    The Mars Microprobe Mission will be the second of the New Millennium Program's technology development missions to planetary bodies. The mission consists of two penetrators that weigh 2.4 kg each and are being carried as a piggyback payload on the Mars Polar Lander cruise ring. The spacecraft arrive at Mars on December 3, 1999. The two identical penetrators will impact the surface at similar to 190 m/s and penetrate up to 0.6 m. They will land within 1 to 10 km of each other and similar to 50 km from the Polar Lander on the south polar layered terrain. The primary objective of the mission is to demonstrate technologies that will enable future science missions and, in particular, network science missions. A secondary goal is to acquire science data. A subsurface evolved water experiment and a thermal conductivity experiment will estimate the water content and thermal properties of the regolith. The atmospheric density, pressure, and temperature will be derived using descent deceleration data. Impact accelerometer data will be used to determine the depth of penetration, the hardness of the regolith, and the presence or absence of 1.0 cm scale layers

    Volcanic and Tectonic Constraints on the Evolution of Venus

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    Surface geologic features form a detailed record of Venus’ evolution. Venus displays a profusion of volcanic and tectonics features, including both familiar and exotic forms. One challenge to assessing the role of these features in Venus’ evolution is that there are too few impact craters to permit age dates for specific features or regions. Similarly, without surface water, erosion is limited and cannot be used to evaluate age. These same observations indicate Venus has, on average, a very young surface (150–1000 Ma), with the most recent surface deformation and volcanism largely preserved on the surface except where covered by limited impact ejecta. In contrast, most geologic activity on Mars, the Moon, and Mercury occurred in the 1st billion years. Earth’s geologic processes are almost all a result of plate tectonics. Venus’ lacks such a network of connected, large scale plates, leaving the nature of Venus’ dominant geodynamic process up for debate. In this review article, we describe Venus’ key volcanic and tectonic features, models for their origin, and possible links to evolution. We also present current knowledge of the composition and thickness of the crust, lithospheric thickness, and heat flow given their critical role in shaping surface geology and interior evolution. Given Venus’ hot lithosphere, abundant activity and potential analogues of continents, roll-back subduction, and microplates, it may provide insights into early Earth, prior to the onset of true plate tectonics. We explore similarities and differences between Venus and the Proterozoic or Archean Earth. Finally, we describe the future measurements needed to advance our understanding of volcanism, tectonism, and the evolution of Venus

    Near Surface Properties of Martian Regolith Derived From InSight HP3-RAD Temperature Observations During Phobos Transits

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    The Mars moon Phobos passed in front of the Sun from the perspective of the InSight lander on several occasions. The Mars surface temperatures measured by the lander became slightly colder during these transits due to the lower amount of sunlight the surface received at this time. The transits only last 20–35 s and therefore only the very top layer, about 0.3–0.8 mm, of the ground has time to cool significantly. The top layer cools and heats up faster than we expected based on the temperature changes of the day-night cycle, which affects about 4 cm of the ground. Based on this observation we conclude that the material in the top mm of the ground is different from that below. A possible explanation would be an increase of density with depth, a larger fraction of smaller particles such as dust at the top, or a layer where particles are slightly cemented together beginning at 0.2–4 mm below the surface.Additional co-authors: Axel Hagermann, Matthew Siegler, and W Bruce Banerd