23 research outputs found

    Oral S-adenosyl methionine (SAM) mediates disruptions in methyl group metabolism due to retinoic acid therapy and alters neurotransmitter metabolism: implications for major depressive disorder

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    Disruptions in methyl group metabolism have been associated with a number of disease states, including birth defects, cardiovascular disease, and neurological disorders. Therefore, characterization of the factors that regulate folate and methyl group supply is essential for the development of disease treatments and prevention. Glycine N-methyltransferase (GNMT), an enzyme essential to methyl group balance, is markedly increased by retinoic acid treatment. Furthermore, retinoid therapy has been shown to impact neurotransmitter metabolism, thereby contributing to the development of major depressive disorder. Recently, it has been shown that depressed patients have low levels of folate, other B-vitamins, and s-adenosylmethionine (SAM), all compounds essential for maintaining effective methyl group metabolism. The following studies were conducted to further characterize the impact of oral retinoic acid administration, and to investigate the potential prevention of any detrimental effects by administering oral SAM. In the preliminary study (Chapter 2), as expected, GNMT activity was significantly increased in rats receiving all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA). Additionally, whole brain serotonin levels were decreased by 46% in rats receiving ATRA, an effect that was partially attenuated by oral SAM. The experiment was repeated with an improved dosing method, longer duration of treatment, and another form of retinoic acid, 13-cis retinoic acid (13CRA). Retinoic acid was shown to increase liver lipids and triglycerides, decrease hepatic SAM, and mildly elevate serotonin, in contrast to the first experiment. ATRA slightly decreased whole brain dopamine transporter (DAT) and 13CRA slightly decreased whole brain norepinephrine transporter (NET); these effects were not seen in rats that received supplemental SAM. Furthermore, SAM abrogated liver lipid content in rats receiving 13CRA, partially prevented increases in liver triglycerides, and restored hepatic SAM levels in both retinoic acid groups. Rats that received only SAM supplementation had extremely high dopamine, and increased norepinephrine. SAM supplementation may be an effective therapy for both the mitigation of retinoic acid-related side effects and the prevention or treatment of major depressive disorder

    Slavkov bypass, MÚK Holubice - MÚK Slavkov south

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    Předmětem diplomové práce je vypracování technické studie obchvatu města Slavkov u Brna. Návrh se zabývá přeložením stávající silnice I/50 v úseku mezi obcí Holubice a Slavkovem. Důvodem pro vybudování obchvatu je vysoká intenzita dopravy a nevyhovující dopravně technické parametry. Komunikace navíc prochází zástavbou, což má negativní dopad na zdraví obyvatel. Silnice je navržena v kategorii S21,5/110. Součástí práce je navržení tří mimoúrovňových křižovatek, z nichž jedna je vyhotovena ve dvou variantách.The subject of the thesis is processing of the technical study bypass of the city Slavkov u Brna. Design deals with the relaying of the existing road I/50 in the section from village Holubice to Slavkov. The reason for building the bypass is high traffic intenisty and unsatisfactory transport technical parameters. The road also passes through an existing development, which has a negative impact on the health of the population. The road is designed in road category S21,5/110. Thesis also includes design of the three grade-separated junctions, one of them is processed in two options.

    Extension of Průmyslová Street

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    Bakalářská práce se ve formě technické studie zabývá úpravou stávající ul. Průmyslová s cílem zajistit kapacitní řešení pro připravovaný rozvoj území. Úprava zahrnuje také navázání na připravované silniční stavby v okolí (Rozšíření dálnice D1, Velký městský okruh). Práce řeší zkapacitnění komunikace a zabývá se návrhem kapacitních a bezpečných křižovatek se stávajícími i výhledovými komunikacemi. Součástí je také řešení pěších a cyklistických tras.The bachelor's thesis, in the form of a technical study, deals with the modification of the existing Průmyslová street in order to provide capacity solutions for the planned development of the area. The modification also includes a connection to the planned road constructions in the area (Extension of the D1 motorway, Great city ring road). The bachelor's thesis addresses the road capacity and deals with the design of capacity and safe junctions with existing and prospective roads. Part of the bachelor's thesis is also walkway and cycle path design.

    Resistant Starch: Promise for Improving Human Health

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    Ongoing research to develop digestion-resistant starch for human health promotion integrates the disciplines of starch chemistry, agronomy, analytical chemistry, food science, nutrition, pathology, and microbiology. The objectives of this research include identifying components of starch structure that confer digestion resistance, developing novel plants and starches, and modifying foods to incorporate these starches. Furthermore, recent and ongoing studies address the impact of digestion-resistant starches on the prevention and control of chronic human diseases, including diabetes, colon cancer, and obesity. This review provides a transdisciplinary overview of this field, including a description of types of resistant starches; factors in plants that affect digestion resistance; methods for starch analysis; challenges in developing food products with resistant starches; mammalian intestinal and gut bacterial metabolism; potential effects on gut microbiota; and impacts and mechanisms for the prevention and control of colon cancer, diabetes, and obesity. Although this has been an active area of research and considerable progress has been made, many questions regarding how to best use digestion-resistant starches in human diets for disease prevention must be answered before the full potential of resistant starches can be realized

    MRI detection of distinct incidental cancer in women with primary breast cancer studied

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    Background: Prior single institution studies suggest MRI may improve the assessment of the extent of cancer within the breast, and thus reduce the risk of leaving macroscopic disease in the breast following breast conservation therapy. We report on the rate of MRI and mammography detection of foci of distinct incidental cancer in a prospective, multi center trial involving 426 women with confirmed breast cancer at 15 institutions in the US, Canada, and Germany. Methods: Women underwent mammography and MRI prior to biopsy of the suspicious index lesion. Additional incidental lesions (IL) greater than 2 cm from the index lesion that were detected by mammography and MRI were noted and characterized. Biopsy recommendations were associated with ILs given an assessment of suspicious or highly suspicous (BiRads 4 and 5). These assessments were considered a positive test. Results: MRI had a significantly higher yield of confirmed cancer ILs than mammography (0.18 (95%CI: 0.142-0.214) for MRI versus 0.072 (95%CI: 0.050-0.100) for mammography). The cancer ILs detected by MRI alone appeared to be similar to those detected by mammography with respect to size and histology. The percentage of biopsies of ILs that resulted in a cancer diagnosis was similar between Philadelphia, PA 19104, Fax: 215-662-7238, 215-662-301

    Mutual connection between substantiv and procedual law

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    Předložená práce se zabývá vztahem práva hmotného a procesního se zaměřením na vzájemný vztah mezi občanským právem hmotným a občanským právem procesním. Jejich vztah je vztahem systémovým, tj, vztahem dvou systémů tvořících samostatná právní odvětví.Mezi oběma odvětvími vznikají silnější či slabší vazby. Tyto vazby spočívají v tom, že obě odvětví na sebe vzájemně cíleně působí, přičemž o konkrétní podobě tohoto působení rozhodují systémy oba. Právo procesní zajišťuje z obecného hlediska řádnou funkci práva hmotného a právo hmotné zase podstatně ovlivňuje funkci a obsah práva procesního. Procesní právo slouží ochraně subjektivního hmotného práva a má povahu kontrolního systému, který má zajišťovat náležité fungování soukromoprávního řádu.Katedra soukromého práva a civilního procesuObhájenoThe submitted thesis deals with the mutual relation of the substantive law and the procedural law. However, the thesis does not deal with this relation generally but focuses on the mutual relation between the Civil Substantive Law and the Civil Procedure. Their relation is the system relation, i.e. the relation of two systems creating separated branches of law.Stronger or weaker relations arise between both branches. These relations consist in that both branches interact purposefully and both systems decide on a specific form of this interaction. The Procedural Law ensures the proper function of the Substantive Law and on the other hand the Substantive Law significantly influences the function and the content of the Procedural Law. The Procedural Law serves as the protection of the substantive rights and it has a nature of a control system that shall ensure proper functioning of the system of the private law

    Graduate recitals

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    [no abstract]Arts, Faculty ofMusic, School ofGraduat

    Oral S-adenosyl methionine (SAM) mediates disruptions in methyl group metabolism due to retinoic acid therapy and alters neurotransmitter metabolism: implications for major depressive disorder

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    Disruptions in methyl group metabolism have been associated with a number of disease states, including birth defects, cardiovascular disease, and neurological disorders. Therefore, characterization of the factors that regulate folate and methyl group supply is essential for the development of disease treatments and prevention. Glycine N-methyltransferase (GNMT), an enzyme essential to methyl group balance, is markedly increased by retinoic acid treatment. Furthermore, retinoid therapy has been shown to impact neurotransmitter metabolism, thereby contributing to the development of major depressive disorder. Recently, it has been shown that depressed patients have low levels of folate, other B-vitamins, and s-adenosylmethionine (SAM), all compounds essential for maintaining effective methyl group metabolism. The following studies were conducted to further characterize the impact of oral retinoic acid administration, and to investigate the potential prevention of any detrimental effects by administering oral SAM. In the preliminary study (Chapter 2), as expected, GNMT activity was significantly increased in rats receiving all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA). Additionally, whole brain serotonin levels were decreased by 46% in rats receiving ATRA, an effect that was partially attenuated by oral SAM. The experiment was repeated with an improved dosing method, longer duration of treatment, and another form of retinoic acid, 13-cis retinoic acid (13CRA). Retinoic acid was shown to increase liver lipids and triglycerides, decrease hepatic SAM, and mildly elevate serotonin, in contrast to the first experiment. ATRA slightly decreased whole brain dopamine transporter (DAT) and 13CRA slightly decreased whole brain norepinephrine transporter (NET); these effects were not seen in rats that received supplemental SAM. Furthermore, SAM abrogated liver lipid content in rats receiving 13CRA, partially prevented increases in liver triglycerides, and restored hepatic SAM levels in both retinoic acid groups. Rats that received only SAM supplementation had extremely high dopamine, and increased norepinephrine. SAM supplementation may be an effective therapy for both the mitigation of retinoic acid-related side effects and the prevention or treatment of major depressive disorder.</p

    Human Milk Growth Factors and Their Role in NEC Prevention: A Narrative Review

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    Growing evidence demonstrates human milk’s protective effect against necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). Human milk derives these properties from biologically active compounds that influence intestinal growth, barrier function, microvascular development, and immunological maturation. Among these protective compounds are growth factors that are secreted into milk with relatively high concentrations during the early postnatal period, when newborns are most susceptible to NEC. This paper reviews the current knowledge on human milk growth factors and their mechanisms of action relevant to NEC prevention. It will also discuss the stability of these growth factors with human milk pasteurization and their potential for use as supplements to infant formulas with the goal of preventing NEC