36 research outputs found
Proteasome inhibition and mechanism of resistance to a synthetic, library-based hexapeptide
Chemical Immunolog
Structural Characterization of a Novel Chlamydia pneumoniae Type III Secretion-Associated Protein, Cpn0803
Type III secretion (T3S) is an essential virulence factor used by Gram-negative pathogenic bacteria to deliver effector proteins into the host cell to establish and maintain an intracellular infection. Chlamydia is known to use T3S to facilitate invasion of host cells but many proteins in the system remain uncharacterized. The C. trachomatis protein CT584 has previously been implicated in T3S. Thus, we analyzed the CT584 ortholog in C. pneumoniae (Cpn0803) and found that it associates with known T3S proteins including the needle-filament protein (CdsF), the ATPase (CdsN), and the C-ring protein (CdsQ). Using membrane lipid strips, Cpn0803 interacted with phosphatidic acid and phosphatidylinositol, suggesting that Cpn0803 may associate with host cells. Crystallographic analysis revealed a unique structure of Cpn0803 with a hydrophobic pocket buried within the dimerization interface that may be important for binding small molecules. Also, the binding domains on Cpn0803 for CdsN, CdsQ, and CdsF were identified using Pepscan epitope mapping. Collectively, these data suggest that Cpn0803 plays a role in T3S
Novel rabies virus-neutralizing epitope recognized by human monoclonal antibody: Fine mapping and escape mutant analysis
Anti-rabies virus immunoglobulin combined with rabies vaccine protects humans from lethal rabies infections. For cost and safety reasons, replacement of the human or equine polyclonal immunoglobulin is advocated, and the use of rabies virus-specific monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) is recommended. We produced two previously described potent rabies virus-neutralizing human MAbs, CR57 and CRJB, in human PER.C6 cells. The two MAbs competed for binding to rabies virus glycoprotein. Using CR57 and a set of 15-mer overlapping peptides covering the glycoprotein ectodomain, a neutralization domain was identified between amino acids (aa) 218 and 240. The minimal binding region was identified as KLCGVL (aa 226 to 231), with key residues K-CGV- identified by alanine replacement scanning. The critical binding region of this novel nonconformational rabies virus epitope is highly conserved within rabies viruses of genotype 1. Subsequently, we generated six rabies virus variants escaping neutralization by CR57 and six variants escaping CRJB. The CR57 escape mutants were only partially covered by CRJB, and all CRJB-resistant variants completely escaped neutralization by CR57. Without exception, the CR57-resistant variants showed a mutation at key residues within the defined minimal binding region, while the CRJB escape viruses showed a single mutation distant from the CR57 epitope (N182D) combined with mutations in the CR57 epitope. The competition between CR57 and CRJB, the in vitro escape profile, and the apparent overlap between the recognized epitopes argues against including both CR57 and CRJB in a MAb cocktail aimed at replacing classical immunoglobulin preparations
Taking down the FLAG! How Insect Cell Expression Challenges an Established Tag-System
In 1988 the preceding journal of Nature Biotechnology, Bio/Technology, reported a work by Hopp and co-workers about a new tag system for the identification and purification of recombinant proteins: the FLAG-tag. Beside the extensively used hexa-his tag system the FLAG-tag has gained broad popularity due to its small size, its high solubility, the presence of an internal Enterokinase cleavage site, and the commercial availability of high-affinity anti-FLAG antibodies. Surprisingly, considering the heavy use of FLAG in numerous laboratories world-wide, we identified in insect cells a post-translational modification (PTM) that abolishes the FLAG-anti-FLAG interaction rendering this tag system ineffectual for secreted proteins. The present publication shows that the tyrosine that is part of the crucial FLAG epitope DYK is highly susceptible to sulfation, a PTM catalysed by the enzyme family of Tyrosylprotein-Sulfo-transferases (TPSTs). We showed that this modification can result in less than 20% of secreted FLAG-tagged protein being accessible for purification questioning the universal applicability of this established tag system
EurA1c: the European HbA1c Trial to Investigate the Performance of HbA1c Assays in 2166 Laboratories across 17 Countries and 24 Manufacturers by Use of the IFCC Model for Quality Targets
Background: A major objective of the IFCC Committee on Education and Use of Biomarkers in Diabetes is to generate awareness and improvement of HbA1c assays through evaluation of the performance by countries and manufacturers. Methods: Fresh whole blood and lyophilized hemolysate specimens manufactured from the same pool were used by 17 external quality assessment organizers to evaluate analytical performance of 2166 laboratories. Results were evaluated per country, per manufacturer, and per manufacturer and country combined according to criteria of the IFCC model for quality targets. Results: At the country level with fresh whole blood specimens, 6 countries met the IFCC criterion, 2 did not, and 2 were borderline. With lyophilized hemolysates, 5 countries met the criterion, 2 did not, and 3 were borderline. At the manufacturer level using fresh whole blood specimens, 13 manufacturers met the criterion, 8 did not, and 3 were borderline. Using lyophilized hemolysates, 7 manufacturers met the criterion, 6 did not, and 3 were borderline. In both country and manufacturer groups, the major contribution to total error derived from between-laboratory variation. There were no substantial differences in performance between groups using fresh whole blood or lyophilized hemolysate samples. Conclusions: The state of the art is that 1 of 20 laboratories does not meet the IFCC criterion, but there are substantial differences between country and between manufacturer groups. Efforts to further improve quality should focus on reducing between-laboratory variation. With some limitations, fresh whole blood and well-defined lyophilized specimens are suitable for purpose
Four types of scrapie in goats differentiated from each other and bovine spongiform encephalopathy by biochemical methods
Scrapie in goats has been known since 1942, the archetype of prion diseases in which only prion protein (PrP) in misfolded state (PrPSc) acts as infectious agent with fatal consequence. Emergence of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) with its zoonotic behaviour and detection in goats enhanced fears that its source was located in small ruminants. However, in goats knowledge on prion strain typing is limited. A European-wide study is presented concerning the biochemical phenotypes of the protease resistant fraction of PrPSc (PrPres) in over thirty brain isolates from transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) affected goats collected in seven countries. Three different scrapie forms were found: classical scrapie (CS), Nor98/atypical scrapie and one case of CH1641 scrapie. In addition, CS was found in two variants—CS-1 and CS-2 (mainly Italy)—which differed in proteolytic resistance of the PrPres N-terminus. Suitable PrPres markers for discriminating CH1641 from BSE (C-type) appeared to be glycoprofile pattern, presence of two triplets instead of one, and structural (in)stability of its core amino acid region. None of the samples exhibited BSE like features. BSE and these four scrapie types, of which CS-2 is new, can be recognized in goats with combinations of a set of nine biochemical parameters
Conformation of the core sequence in melanocortin peptides directs selectivity for the melanocortin MC3 and MC4 receptors
Melanocortin peptides regulate a variety of physiological processes. Five melanocortin receptors (MC-R) have been cloned and the MC3R and MC4R are the main brain MC receptors. The aim of this study was to identify structural requirements in both ligand and receptor that determine -melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) selectivity for the MC3R versus the MC4R. Substitution of Asp10 in [Nle4]Lys-2-MSH for Gly10 from [Nle4]-MSH, increased both activity and affinity for the MC4R while the MC3R remained unaffected. Analysis of chimeric MC3R/MC4Rs and mutant MC4Rs showed that Tyr268 of the MC4R mainly determined the low affinity for [Nle4]Lys-2-MSH. The data demonstrate that Asp10 determines selectivity for the MC3R, however, not through direct side chain interactions, but probably by influencing how the melanocortin core sequence is presented to the receptor-binding pocket. This is supported by mutagenesis of Tyr268 to Ile in the MC4R which increased affinity and activity for [Nle4]Lys-2-MSH, but decreased affinity for two peptides with constrained cyclic structure of the melanocortin core sequence, MT-II and [D-Tyr4]MT-II, that also displayed lower affinity for the MC3R. This study provides a general concept for peptide receptor selectivity, in which the major determinant for a selective receptor interaction is the conformational presentation of the core sequence in related peptides to the receptor-binding pocket
Identification of an interleukin-15 alpha receptor-binding site on human interleukin-15
To identify the epitopes in human Interleukin-15 (IL-15) that are responsible for binding to the interleukin-15 receptor -chain, antibody as well as receptor mapping by peptide scanning and site-directed mutagenesis was used. By peptide scanning, we identified four regions in IL-15: the first one (85CKECEELEEKN95) is located in the C-D loop and is recognized by a set of non-inhibitory antibodies. The second region (102SFVHIVQMFIN112) is located in helix D and is recognized by two antibodies that are inhibitory of IL-15 bio-activity, but not of IL-15 binding to IL-15R. The two remaining regions react with a recombinant soluble form of the IL-15R: the first (44LLELQVISL52, peptide 1) corresponds to a sequence located in the B helix and the second (64ENLII68, peptide 2) to a sequence located in helix C. The latter is also contained in the epitope recognized by an antibody (mAb B-E29) that prevents IL-15 binding to IL-15R. By site directed mutagenesis, we confirmed that residues present in peptide 1 (L45, E46, V49, S51, L52) and peptide 2 (L66 and I67) are involved in the binding of IL-15 to IL-15R. Furthermore, the results presented indicate that residues in the second peptide (E64, N65, I68) participate in IL-2R recruitment. This finding could have implications on the dynamic of receptor assembly. These results also indicate that the modes of interaction of IL-15 and IL-2 with their respective {alpha) chains are not completely analogous. Finally, some of the IL-15 mutants generated in this study displayed agonist or antagonist properties and may be useful as therapeutic agents
Peptide transport by the multidrug resistance protein MRP1
Small hydrophobic peptides were studied as possible substrates of the multidrug resistance protein (MRP)-1 (ABCC1) transmembrane transporter molecule. As observed earlier for P-glycoprotein- (Pgp; ABCB1) overexpressing cells, MRP1-overexpressing cells, including cells stably transfected with the MRP1 cDNA, showed distinct resistance to the cytotoxic peptide N-acetyl-Leu-Leu-norleucinal (ALLN). Resistance to this peptide and another toxic peptide derivative, which is based on a Thr-His-Thr-Nle-Glu-Gly backbone conjugated to butyl and benzyl groups (4A6), could be reversed by MRP1 inhibitors. The reduced toxicity of 4A6 in MRP1-overexpressing cells was found to be associated with lower accumulation of a fluorescein-labeled derivative of this peptide. Glutathione (GSH) depletion had a clear effect on resistance to ALLN but hardly affected 4A6 resistance. In a limited structure-activity study using peptides that are analogous to 4A6, MRP1-overexpressing cells were found to be resistant to these peptides as well. Remarkably, when selecting A2780 ovarian cancer cells for resistance to ALLN, even in the absence of Pgp blockers, resulting cell lines had up-regulated MRP1, rather than any of the other currently known multidrug resistance transporter molecules including Pgp, MRP2 (ABCC2), MRP3 (ABCC3), MRP5 (ABCCS), and the breast cancer resistance protein ABCG2. ALLN-resistant, MRP1-overexpressing cells were found to be cross-resistant to 4A6 and the classical multidrug resistance drugs doxorubicin, vincristine, and etoposide. This establishes MRP1 as a transporter for small hydrophobic peptides. More extensive structure-activity relationship studies should allow the identification of clinically useful peptide antagonists of MRP