221 research outputs found

    Did the Easterlin Paradox apply in South Korea between 1980 and 2015? A case study

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    Request from Jan Slag to the Trustees of the Village of Holland

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    Jan Slag made a request to the trustees of the village of Holland to obtain a piece of land on which he would build a shipyard. The tract of land is described in the document. The trustees of the village are Van der Sling [?], J. A. Verhorst, J. Binnenkant, A. C. Van Raalte, J. Schrader, and B. Grootenhuis.https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/vrp_1840s/1213/thumbnail.jp

    Prognostic value of thyroid hormone levels in patients evaluated for liver transplantation

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    The thyroid hormones T4, T3, rT3 and TSH were assayed in 134 adult patients evaluated and accepted as potential liver transplant candidates at the Universty of Pittsburgh from March, 1981 to December, 1983. The subsequent course of these patients was evaluated with respect to the levels of these hormones obtained at the time of acceptance for transplantation. T4 levels were increased significantly while their T3 levels were reduced (both p < 0.01) in those who survived and were discharged home as compared to either those who died waiting to be transplanted or died following the procedure. As a result, the ratio of T3/T4 was reduced markedly (p < 0.01) in those who were transplanted and survived as compared to those not transplanted or dying following transplantation. Importantly, the rT3 levels clearly separated (p < 0.01) those who would die prior to transplantation from those who would survive to be transplanted. Finally, the ratio rT3/T3 even more clearly separates those who will die prior to transplantation (p < 0.01) from the other two groups. These data suggest that thyroid hormone levels, particularly rT3 levels, might be useful in setting priorities for which patients referred for a transplantation evaluation should be accepted into the program and in determining who among accepted patients should be operated upon in preference to others also accepted and waiting to be transplanted. Copyright © 1985 American Association for the Study of Liver Disease

    Did the Easterlin Paradox apply in South Korea 1980-2015? A case study

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    In 1974 Richard Easterlin presented data showing that there is no relationship between economic growth and average happiness in the USA, yet a higher personal income did go with greater individual happiness in that nation. This phenomenon came to be known as the ‘Easterlin Paradox’. Easterlin explains this pattern using the relative income theory, which holds that the positive effect of income increase is offset by: (a) adaptation to income change and (b) comparison to the income of compatriots. There is discussion as to whether this pattern is universal and, in this context, Easterlin (Easterlin et al. 2010) claims that the enormous economic growth in South-Korea over the last decade has not lead to an increase in average happiness. In this paper we report an empirical check of this claim, using another dataset from South-Korea. We also check whether the relative income theory applies in this case. Contrary to Easterlin’s claim, we found that South-Koreans became happier and that the relative happiness theory did not apply in this case. It appears there is more in the relationship between economic growth and average happiness than Easterlin thought in 1974

    Bebida láctea fermentada com semente de chia e xarope de acerola: caracterização físico-química, microbiológica e sensorial

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    O objetivo desta pesquisa foi desenvolver uma bebida láctea fermentada utilizando o soro de leite como base láctea com semente de chia (Salvia hispanica L.) e xarope de acerola (Malpighia emarginata), avaliar parâmetros físico-químicos (pH, atividade de água, sólidos solúveis totais, acidez, sinérese), composição centesimal (umidade, cinzas, proteínas, matéria gorda láctea, carboidratos e valor energético), β-caroteno, ácido ascórbico, parâmetros microbiológicos e sensorial. Os resultados de acidez variaram de 1% a 1,27%; pH de 3,86 a 4,11; sólidos solúveis de 15,67 a 21,6; atividade de água de 0,93 a 0,99; sinérese de 46,67 a 68,08. Apresentaram condições satisfatórias para Coliformes termotolerantes e Salmonella spp., apresentou viabilidade celular de L. acidophilus: E4 (2,9 x 107 a 9,7 x 107) e E8 (1,3 x 107 a 8,6 x 107), porém Bifidobacterium spp. não apresentou viabilidade. As bebidas tiveram bom índice de aceitação pelos provadores (7,0). Os resultados de umidade foram de 74,21% a 74,34%; cinzas de 0,42% a 0,55%; proteínas de 2,93% a 2,99%, matéria gorda láctea de 1,47% a 0,93%; carboidrato de 20,97% a 21,19%; valor energético de 108,83% a 105, 09% e β-caroteno de 12,33% a 8,19%; e o ácido ascórbico variou de 222,23 (mg/100g) a 418,10 (mg/100g). Conclui-se que as bebidas lácteas formuladas são consideradas uma alternativa viável para indústria de alimentos, com o diferencial da inclusão da semente de chia e polpa de acerola, devido a sua boa aceitação sensorial, estabilidade físico-química, análise sensorial satisfatória, padrões microbiológicos adequados durante o período de estocagem de 21 dias. Palavras-chaves: Indústria; qualidade; soro de leite; Salvia hispanica L.; Malpighia emarginata

    Ontogenetic Profile of the Expression of Thyroid Hormone Receptors in Rat and Human Corpora Cavernosa of the Penis

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    Introduction. In the last few years, various studies have underlined a correlation between thyroid function and male sexual function, hypothesizing a direct action of thyroid hormones on the penis. Aim. To study the spatiotemporal distribution of mRNA for the thyroid hormone nuclear receptors (TR) alpha 1, alpha 2 and beta in the penis and smooth muscle cells (SMCs) of the corpora cavernosa of rats and humans during development. Methods. We used several molecular biology techniques to study the TR expression in whole tissues or primary cultures from human and rodent penile tissues of different ages. Main Outcome Measure. We measured our data by semi-quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) amplification, Northern blot and immunohistochemistry. Results. We found that TR alpha 1 and TR alpha 2 are both expressed in the penis and in SMCs during ontogenesis without development-dependent changes. However, in the rodent model, TR beta shows an increase from 3 to 6 days post natum (dpn) to 20 dpn, remaining high in adulthood. The same expression profile was observed in humans. While the expression of TR beta is strictly regulated by development, TR alpha 1 is the principal isoform present in corpora cavernosa, suggesting its importance in SMC function. These results have been confirmed by immunohistochemistry localization in SMCs and endothelial cells of the corpora cavernosa. Conclusions. The presence of TRs in the penis provides the biological basis for the direct action of thyroid hormones on this organ. Given this evidence, physicians would be advised to investigate sexual function in men with thyroid disorders. Carosa E, Di Sante S, Rossi S, Castri A, D'Adamo F, Gravina GL, Ronchi P, Kostrouch Z, Dolci S, Lenzi A, and Jannini EA. Ontogenetic profile of the expression of thyroid hormone receptors in rat and human corpora cavernosa of the penis. J Sex Med 2010;7:1381-1390

    Value added utilization of by-product electric furnace ferronickel slag as construction materials: A review

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    This paper reviews the potential use of electric furnace ferronickel slag (FNS) as a fine aggregate and binder in Portland cement and geopolymer concretes. It has been reported that the use of FNS as a fine aggregate can improve the strength and durability properties of concrete. Use of some FNS aggregates containing reactive silica may potentially cause alkali-silica reaction (ASR) in Portland cement concrete. However, the inclusion of supplementary cementitious materials (SCM) such as fly ash and blast furnace slag as partial cement replacement can effectively mitigate the ASR expansion. When finely ground FNS is used with cement, it shows pozzolanic reaction, which is similar to that of other common SCMs such as fly ash. Furthermore, 20% FNS powder blended geopolymer showed greater strength and durability properties as compared to 100% fly ash based geopolymers. The utilization of raw FNS in pavement construction is reported as a useful alternative to natural aggregate. Therefore, the use of by-product FNS in the construction industry will be a valuable step to help conservation of natural resources and add sustainability to infrastructures development. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the available results on the effects of FNS in concrete as aggregate and binder, and provides some recommendations for future research in this field

    Identifying reputation collectors in community question answering (CQA) sites: Exploring the dark side of social media

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    YesThis research aims to identify users who are posting as well as encouraging others to post low-quality and duplicate contents on community question answering sites. The good guys called Caretakers and the bad guys called Reputation Collectors are characterised by their behaviour, answering pattern and reputation points. The proposed system is developed and analysed over publicly available Stack Exchange data dump. A graph based methodology is employed to derive the characteristic of Reputation Collectors and Caretakers. Results reveal that Reputation Collectors are primary sources of low-quality answers as well as answers to duplicate questions posted on the site. The Caretakers answer limited questions of challenging nature and fetches maximum reputation against those questions whereas Reputation Collectors answers have so many low-quality and duplicate questions to gain the reputation point. We have developed algorithms to identify the Caretakers and Reputation Collectors of the site. Our analysis finds that 1.05% of Reputation Collectors post 18.88% of low quality answers. This study extends previous research by identifying the Reputation Collectors and 2 how they collect their reputation points