1,244 research outputs found

    Translating a silent language : photographing social interaction : a thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Fine Arts at Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand

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    Working with photography to alter our perception of time, this project examines social interaction in a city environment. I have adopted the unobtrusive role of the flaneur and observed how social norms orchestrate social behaviour in public spaces. I chose to use constructed photography and I selected and recreated observed moments. I made images that I hope come alive within the expanded time of a still photograph. Through these reconstructions of observed behaviour I set out to question the capacity of photography to amplify reality and demonstrate how a fictional image might reach closer to a lived experience. I focussed on overlooked moments to produce an expansion of time that allows the viewer to question the ordinary values that shape social behaviours in the everyday, providing an opportunity to recognise the complexity of a lived experience as part of everyday actions

    Measuring recovery in Arabic countries: Translation of the self-efficacy for personal recovery scale

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    Self-efficacy-positive beliefs about one's own competencies and mastery-is associated with better recovery outcomes for people using mental health services. Aim: To translate the Self-Efficacy for Personal Recovery Scale (SEPRS) into Arabic and evaluate the psychometric properties of the Arabic version. Methods: An established translation methodology was employed, involving back-translation, comparison, forward-translation, comparison, and piloting. The pre-final version of the Arabic translated scale was tested for clarity with young people with a primary diagnosis of mental health problem. The final Arabic version and standardised measures of hope and loneliness were administered to 119 young people in two rounds. Results: Internal consistency was adequate (Cronbach's alpha = 0.87 in round 1, 0.91 in round 2). Consistent with the English version, a one-factor solution best fitted the data. The correlation between SEPRS and hope was R=0.60 (round 1) and R=0.61 (round 2), indicating convergent validity. The correlation between SEPRS and loneliness was R=-0.52 (round 1) and R=-0.60 (round 2). Correlation between test and retest was R=-0.998 indicated adequate test-retest reliability. Minimal floor and ceiling effects were detected. Conclusion: The use of the Arabic SEPRS with Arabic-speaking samples is supported. Further research to investigate divergent validity is warranted

    What activities might facilitate personal recovery for adults who continue to self-harm? A meta-synthesis employing the connectedness/hope and optimism/identity/meaning/empowerment framework

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    © 2017 Australian College of Mental Health Nurses Inc. Self-harm is an international concern. While treatment in health care focusses on methods to reduce the act, there is less exploration in how to assist adults who are unable to minimize their self-harm. In order to aid these people, in the present systematic review, we employed a qualitative meta-synthesis to explore the lived experience of what activities might facilitate personal recovery for adults who continue to self-harm. Findings were interpreted by drawing on the CHIME framework; a taxonomy of personal recovery comprising of connectedness, hope and optimism, identity, meaning and purpose, and empowerment. The located activities in the review converged on different support groups, and although face-to-face groups were discovered, the majority highlighted the benefits of Internet forums where mutuality and reciprocity were key to promoting personal recovery. Adults desired time to share accounts of themselves, to develop connection and identity. Furthermore, hope was established by group members accepting that self-harm has a role, while congregating with others who did not judge the act. Helping relationships also promoted hope by having a balance between goals and protection against disappointment. The nature of writing online seemingly had cathartic properties fostering meaning, alongside empowerment being facilitated by adults controlling the narrative of their self-harm. It is hoped that these insights might guide self-harm research to develop beyond the confines of minimizing self-injury in health care

    Remote identification of the invasive tunicate Didemnum vexillum using reflectance spectroscopy

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    Benthic coverage of the invasive tunicate Didemnum vexillum on Georges Bank is largely unknown. Monitoring of D. vexillum coverage is vital to understanding the impact this invasive species will have on the productive fishing grounds of Georges Bank. Here we investigate using reflectance spectroscopy as a method for remote identification of D. vexillum. Using two different systems, a NightSea Dive-Spec and a combination of LED light sources with a hyperspectral radiometer, we collected in-situ measurements of reflectance from D. vexillum colonies. In comparison to reflectance spectra of other common benthic substrates, D. vexillum appears to have a unique spectral signature between 500 and 600 nm. Measuring the slope of the spectrum between these wavelengths appears to be the most robust method for spectral identification. Using derivative analysis or principal component analysis, the reflectance spectra of D. vexillum can be identified among numerous other spectra of common benthic substrates. An optical system consisting of a radiometer, light source, and camera was deployed on a remotely operated vehicle to test the feasibility of using reflectance to assess D. vexillum coverage. Preliminary results, analyzed here, prove the method to be successful for the areas we surveyed and open the way for its use on large-scale surveys

    Microevolution during the emergence of a monophasic Salmonella Typhimurium epidemic in the United Kingdom

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    Microevolutionary events associated with the emergence and clonal expansion of new 27 epidemic clones of bacterial pathogens hold the key to understanding the drivers of 28 epidemiological success. We describe a comparative whole genome sequence and 29 phylogenomic analysis of monophasic Salmonella Typhimurium isolates from the UK 30 and Italy from 2005-2012. Monophasic isolates from this time formed a single clade 31 distinct from recent monophasic epidemic clones described previously from North 32 America and Spain. The current UK monophasic epidemic clones encode a novel 33 genomic island encoding resistance to heavy metals (SGI-3), and composite transposon 34 encoding antibiotic resistance genes not present in other Typhimurium isolates, that 35 may have contributed to the epidemiological success. We also report a remarkable 36 degree of genotypic variation that accumulated during clonal expansion of a UK 37 epidemic including multiple independent acquisitions of a novel prophage carrying the 38 sopE gene and multiple deletion events affecting the phase II flagellin locus
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