33 research outputs found

    Digital identity at the time of Google services

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    Cílem diplomové práce bylo zjistit, jaké informace osobní i neosobní povahy poskytují uživatelé společnosti Google výměnou za možnost bezplatného využívání jejích služeb a jaký obraz digitální identity lze z těchto informací sestavit. Jelikož lze samotný pojem digitální identita interpretovat různými způsoby, je nejdříve jeho význam vymezen pro účely této práce. Pro lepší pochopení tématu je dále popsána stručná historie a současnost společnosti Google a nabízené služby. Rozsah digitální identity je do značné míry ovlivněn politikou společnosti v oblasti sběru a uchování uživatelských dat. Z tohoto důvodu je jí věnována samostatná kapitola. V další části jsou pak představeny nástroje pro správu digitální identity dostupné v rámci uživatelského účtu. V praktické části byla následně provedena analýza reálných uživatelských dat ze všech služeb spojených s uživatelským účtem.The aim of the thesis was to find out what information of personal and impersonal nature users provide to Google in exchange for free use of its services and what image of digital identity can be compiled from this information. Since the concept of digital identity can be interpreted in different ways, its meaning is first determined for the purposes of this study. For a better understanding of the subject is further described a brief history and present of Google and the services it offers. Range of digital identity is influenced by the company's policy on the collection and storage of user data. For this reason, it is discussed in a separate chapter. The next part presents tools for managing digital identity available within the user account. In the practical part the real user data from all services associated with the user account were analyzed.Ústav informačních studií a knihovnictvíInstitute of Information Studies and LibrarianshipFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    Constraining long-term denudation and faulting history in intraplate regions by multisystem thermochronology: An example of the Sudetic Marginal Fault (Bohemian Massif, central Europe)

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    The Rychlebské hory Mountain region in the Sudetes (NE Bohemian Massif) provides a natural laboratory for studies of postorogenic landscape evolution. This work reveals both the exhumation history of the region and the paleoactivity along the Sudetic Marginal Fault (SMF) using zircon (U-Th)/He (ZHe), apatite fission track (AFT), and apatite (U-Th)/He (AHe) dating of crystalline basement and postorogenic sedimentary samples. Most significantly, and in direct contradiction of traditional paleogeographic reconstructions, this work has found evidence of a large Cretaceous sea and regional burial (to >6.5 km) of the Carboniferous-Permian basement in the Late Cretaceous (~95–80 Ma). During the burial by sediments of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin System, the SMF acted as a normal fault as documented by offset ZHe ages across the fault. At 85–70 Ma, the basin was inverted, Cretaceous strata eroded, and basement blocks were exhumed to the near surface at a rate of ~300 m/Ma as evidenced by Late Cretaceous–Paleocene AFT ages and thermal modeling results. There is no appreciable difference in AFT and AHe ages across the fault, suggesting that the SMF acted as a reverse fault during exhumation. In the late Eocene–Oligocene, the basement was locally heated to <70°C by magmatic activity related to opening of the Eger rift system. Neogene or younger thermal activity was not recorded in the thermochronological data, confirming that late Cenozoic uplift and erosion of the basement blocks was limited to less than ∼1.5 km in the study area

    Koncepce snižování oxidu siřičitého v československém hutnictví do roku 2000

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    Influence parameters brake system on dynamism brake motor vehicles

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    Import 05/08/2014Diplomová práce se zabývá základním rozdělením brzdových systému silničních motorových vozidel, především jejich konstrukcí. Jsou zde uvedeny často se objevující závady a příznaky těchto poruch. V úvodu je rozebrán právní rámec související s řešenou problematikou. Obsahem této práce je i statistika dopravních nehod způsobených závadou brzdového systému. Detailně jsou rozebrány i elektronické asistenční komponenty brzdové soustavy, jejich funkce a složení. V závěru je provedeno experimentální zkoumání délky brzdných drah a průběhu brzdění za různých podmínek.This diploma thesis deals with the basic division of braking systems for motor vehicles, particularly their structures. They are listed here frequently occurring faults and symptoms of these disorders. In the introduction the legal framework associated with the problem. This work focuses on the statistics of accidents caused by problems in the brake system. We have discussed in detail as well as electronic brake assistance system components, their functions and composition. In conclusion the experimental investigation of braking distances and during braking in various conditions.Prezenční060 - Katedra bezpečnostních služebvelmi dobř

    Digital footprints-possibilities of control and elimination by selected freely available tools

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    The goal of this bachelor thesis is to find out to what extent the user is able to protect his privacy against negative impacts linked to digital footprints, using tools that are available for free. At the beginning, the term digital footprint is investigated from several points of view, according to fields that use it. Based on these differences, the definition of the term is stated, suitable for the purpose of this work. Then the origin of the digital footprints, and connected risks, are described. In the next chapter, the opportunities of control, finding of scale, and possible remove of digital footprints by the user, are outlined. In the practical part, that immediately follows the previous chapter, the suitable tools are chosen, and by the mutual comparison, it is investigated whether it is possible (and if so, to what extent) to prevent possible risks and protect the privacy

    Analysis of the activities of automotive brake systems

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    Import 03/08/2012Bakalářská práce se zabývá základním rozdělením brzdových ústrojí automobilů, především jejich konstrukcí. Jsou zde uvedeny možné závady a příznaky těchto poruch. V úvodu je popsán právní rámec související s danou problematikou. Obsahem této práce je také statistika dopravních nehod způsobených přímo závadou brzdového systému. Dále jsou detailně rozebrány elektronické bezpečnostní komponenty brzdové soustavy, jejich funkce a složení. V závěru je provedeno praktické měření délky brzdných drah a času brzdění za různých podmínek.This thesis deals with the distribution of automotive brake systems, particularly their structures. There are the possible defects and symptoms of these disorders. The introduction describes the legal framework related to the topic. The content of this work is also statistics on traffic accidents caused directly by the brake system malfunction. There are discussed electronic safety brake system components, their functions and composition. In conclusion there is a practical measurement of the length and time of braking under various conditions.Prezenční060 - Katedra bezpečnostních služebvelmi dobř

    Digital identity at the time of Google services

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    The aim of the thesis was to find out what information of personal and impersonal nature users provide to Google in exchange for free use of its services and what image of digital identity can be compiled from this information. Since the concept of digital identity can be interpreted in different ways, its meaning is first determined for the purposes of this study. For a better understanding of the subject is further described a brief history and present of Google and the services it offers. Range of digital identity is influenced by the company's policy on the collection and storage of user data. For this reason, it is discussed in a separate chapter. The next part presents tools for managing digital identity available within the user account. In the practical part the real user data from all services associated with the user account were analyzed