115 research outputs found

    Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

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    The potential disease suppressiveness of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi of various origins on Bipolaris sorokiniana in barley has been investigated. Firstly, a survey considering the occurrence of AM fungi in arable fields in Sweden were conducted with the aim to exploit site specific genetic resources in relation to disease suppressiveness. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi were present at all 45 sampling sites surveyed all over Sweden at densities ranging from 3 up to 44 spores per gram air dried soil. The highest spore density was found in a semi-natural grassland and the lowest were found in a cereal monoculture. The AM fungi were then multiplied in trap cultures in the greenhouse with the aim to use these for studying potential disease suppressiveness. Thus, the effects of the AM fungi trap cultures on the transmission of seed-borne B. sorokiniana in barley were investigated, using the trap culture inocula, but also including inocula consisting on spore mixtures. The arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi were able to suppress the transmission of B. sorokiniana in aerial parts of barley plants. The degree of suppression varied with the origin of the AM fungal trap cultures. The trap culture inoculum with the highest suppression of the B. sorokiniana transmission originated from an organically managed barley field with undersown ley. The two spore-inocula with the best suppression of the pathogen originated from fields with winter wheat and spring barley, respectively. Eventually, an in vitro method was developed for studying the effect of AM fungal colonisation of roots on the development of foliar diseases and the reaction of the actual host plant of the disease causing organism. Using the developed method, it was indicated that AM fungal colonisation of barley plant suppressed the development of leaf necroses due to B. sorokiniana. Further in vitro studies on the interaction between B. sorokiniana and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi showed that B. sorokiniana decrease the germination of the AM fungal spores. In conclusion, AM fungi suppress the development of B. sorokiniana in barley. My data suggest that for biocontrol of B. sorokiniana AM fungi should be considered

    Lääkehoidon jatkuvuus Hyvinkään kaupungin kotihoidon ja Hyvinkään sairaalan päivystyspoliklinikan välillä

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää lääkehoidon jatkuvuuden nykytilaa potilaan siirtyessä Hyvinkään sairaalan päivystyspoliklinikan ja Hyvinkään kaupungin kotihoidon välillä. Tavoitteena oli selvittää millaisia haasteita yksiköissä oli koettu lääkehoidon jatkuvuuteen liittyen ja oliko niistä aiheutunut potilaalle haittaa. Tavoitteena oli myös kehittämiskohteiden esille tuominen saatujen tulosten pohjalta, jotta toimintaa voitaisiin kehittää potilasturvallisuuden parantamiseksi. Tutkimusteorian kokosimme potilasturvallisuutta, hyvää hoitoa, etiikkaa ja lääkehoitoa käsittelevästä kirjallisuudesta. Tutkimusmenetelmänä oli laadullinen, eli kvalitatiivinen tutkimus. Aineiston keruu toteutettiin kyselyllä, johon osallistui sekä lähihoitajia, että sairaanhoitajia molemmista yksiköistä. Tutkimusaineisto analysoitiin sisällönanalyysiä käyttäen. Kyselylomakkeen kysymyksillä haluttiin saada vastaus sekä teorian pohjalta, että osittain omien havaintojen pohjalta nousseisiin tutkimuskysymyksiin. Tutkimuksessa selvisi, että lääkehoidon jatkuvuudessa yksiköiden välillä on ongelmia. Tämä kävi ilmi melko yksimielisesti molempien yksiköiden vastauksista. Suurimmiksi ongelmiksi kyselyssä nousivat esiin vanhentuneet tai puuttuvat lääkelistat, vaikeudet toisen yksikön tavoittamisessa sekä lääkemuutoksista ilmoittamisen laiminlyönti ja puuttuvat reseptit. Potilaille koettiin aiheutuneen ongelmista haittoja, jotka liittyivät pääasiassa potilaan lääkehoitoon. Suurimmiksi syiksi ongelmien syntyyn mainittiin kiire, resurssien vähyys, vaihtuvat ja uudet työntekijät sekä ongelmat tiedonkulussa yksiköiden välillä. Lääkehoidon jatkuvuuden kehittämiseksi toivottiin resurssien lisäämistä, selkeitä ohjeistuksia potilaan siirtotilanteisiin liittyen, sekä keinoja yksiköiden välisen yhteydenpidon helpottamiseksi. Tämä työ auttaa näkemään ongelmakohdat nykyisessä yksiköiden välisessä toiminnassa, jolloin kehitystoimien kohdentaminen oikein on helpompaa. Työ on potilasturvallisuuden kehittämisen ja hoidon laadun parantamisen kannalta tärkeä. Tutkimustulosten perusteella lääkehoidon jatkuvuutta potilaan siirtyessä yksiköiden välillä tulee kehittää. Kehittämiskohteiksi nousivat yhteydenpidon helpottaminen, ohjeistusten luominen, resurssien lisääminen sekä uusien työntekijöiden perehdytykseen panostaminen ja yhteistyön kehittäminen.The purpose of this thesis was to examine the current state of the continuity of medical treatment of the patient during transfer between Hyvinkää hospital emergency department and the city of Hyvinkää home care. The aim was to find out what kind of challenges units had experienced concerning continuity of medical treatment and whether the patient suffered harm. Another aim was to raise development targets on the basis of the results obtained in the inquiry, in order to improve patient safety. Research theory covered patient safety, good medical care, ethics, and medical treatment. The research method used was qualitative research. Data collection was carried out by a survey, which was attended by nurses from both units. The data was analyzed using content analysis. The questionnaire was expected to answer research questions which were raised on the basis of the theory and in part based on our own findings. The study revealed that there are problems with treatment continuity between the units. This was revealed through fairly unanimous responses from both units. The biggest problems that came out of the survey were; out of date or missing drug lists, difficulties in reaching the other unit, as well as neglecting to report changes in medications and missing receipts. Patients were considered to have experienced harm, which was mainly related to the patient's drug therapy. The biggest reasons for the problems which were mentioned were; rush, resource scarcity, changing and new employees, as well as problems in the flow of information between departments. For the development of the continuity of the medical treatment they wished for an increase in resources, clear guidelines related to patient transfer situations, as well as ways to facilitate communication between units. This thesis helps us to see problem areas in the current operations between the departments, which makes the targeting of development activities properly easier. This thesis is important for the improvement of the quality of the development and management of patient safety. According to the results the continuity of medical treatment and the patient transfers should be developed between the units. Development targets that came out were; making communication easier between units, creation of guidelines, increasing resources, as well as investing in the orientation of new employees and in the development cooperation

    Allmänkirurgipatienters tillfredsställelse av den preoperativa informationen kring smärta och smärtbehandling

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    Tidigare forskning tyder på att en välinformerad och delaktig patient upplever mindre preoperativ ångest och postoperativ smärta. Enligt rådande lagar ska patienter vara delaktiga och vården ska vara individanpassad. Trots detta finns idag inga riktlinjer kring hur den preoperativa informationen och bedömningen ska gå till inom Region Skåne. Syftet med studien var att beskriva allmänkirurgipatienters tillfredsställelse av den preoperativa informationen om smärta och smärtbehandling samt upplevd postoperativ smärta. Data insamlades via enkäter på Skånes universitetssjukhus i Lund och 83 respondenter deltog. Resultatet visade att 69 % av patienterna var nöjda med informationen om smärta men endast 19 % kände sig delaktiga i de beslut som fattades kring deras smärtbehandling. Av respondenterna upplevde 40 % att den postoperativa smärtan var ett stort problem. Författarna rekommenderar tydligare riktlinjer kring vems ansvar det är att informera om smärta och smärtbehandlin

    Geothermal district heating in Gunsta

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    Gunsta is situated about 10 km east of Uppsala. Today there are plans to establish 1000 new households in Gunsta before year 2030. The required energy for heating houses and water would be distributed via a district heating system, which also includes 200 existing residences. The annual required energy, according to this study, would be 16.2 GWh with a maximal peak effect of 6.9 MW. To meet this need, the study suggests a system with heat pumps to upgrade the 31˚C water from a 1.8 kilometre deep borehole. In order to achieve the desired water flow, hydraulic fracturing will be necessary since it is assumed that the rock would be relatively solid at that depth. Water at 10˚C will be pump down between an injection hole and a production one. During circulation water absorbs heat from the surrounding ground and increases temperature. The main source of energy is the difference between the initial and after circulation temperatures. The proposed system consists of a primary and a secondary circuit connected via a heating exchanger. The primary circuit includes the boreholes and necessary equipment for filtering and pumping the thermal water. The secondary circuit involves two paralleled series of heat pumps, a pellet boiler for peak production and a storage tank to even out the daily consumption variations. The system is then connected to the Gunsta ’s local heating system. Uncertainties regarding the extent of the drilling make it difficult to estimate total costs of the geothermal district heating plant in Gunsta. The investment costs for the plant were roughly estimated to 88 million SEK, with a production cost of 0.19 SEK/kWh and a payback time of 12 years.Gunsta är ett område som ligger cirka 1 mil öster om Uppsala. Det finns idag planer på att uppföra 1000 nya bostäder i Gunsta fram till år 2030. Energi för uppvärmning och varmvatten till dessa bostäder kommer att distribueras via ett närvärmenät, som även kommer att vara sammankopplat med 200 av de redan befintliga fastigheterna. Energibehov för området beräknades i denna studie att uppgå till 16,2 GWh per år, med krav på en maxeffekt på 6,9 MW. För att möta detta behov föreslår denna studie ett system med värmepumpar, som uppgraderar värmen i vatten som håller 31 ºC från ett 1,8 kilometer djupt borrhål. Då berggrunden antas vara relativt solid på det önskade djupet måste hydraulisk spräckning användas för att göra det möjligt för ett vattenflöde att ske. Vatten som håller 10 ºC kan sedan pumpas mellan injektionshål och brunnshål, under vilket vattnet kommer att anta bergets temperatur. Energin i temperaturdifferensen utgör den huvudsakliga energikällan för systemet. Den systemlösning som denna studie föreslår, kommer att bestå av en primär- och en sekundär krets, sammankopplade med en värmeväxlare. Primärkretsen utgörs av utrustning för att filtrera och pumpa upp brunnsvattnet. Den sekundära kretsen utgörs av två parallella serier med vardera tre värmepumpar, samt en pelletspanna för topplaster och en ackumulatortank för att utjämna dygnsvariationer i energibehovet. Systemet kopplas därefter samman med Gunstas närvärmenät. På grund av osäkerheten kring hur omfattande borrningen blir är det mycket svårt att uppskatta ett pris till en nyckelfärdig geotermisk fjärrvärmeanläggning i Gunsta. En grov uppskattning på cirka 88 miljoner SEK gjordes. Med en produktionskostnad på 0,19 SEK/kWh fås en återbetalningstid för anläggningen på 12 år

    Priorities and interactions of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with focus on wetlands

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    Wetlands are often vital physical and social components of a country's natural capital, as well as providers of ecosystem services to local and national communities. We performed a network analysis to prioritize Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets for sustainable development in iconic wetlands and wetlandscapes around the world. The analysis was based on the information and perceptions on 45 wetlandscapes worldwide by 49 wetland researchers of the GlobalWetland Ecohydrological Network (GWEN). We identified three 2030 Agenda targets of high priority across the wetlandscapes needed to achieve sustainable development: Target 6.3-'Improve water quality'; 2.4-'Sustainable food production'; and 12.2-'Sustainable management of resources'. Moreover, we found specific feedback mechanisms and synergies between SDG targets in the context of wetlands. The most consistent reinforcing interactions were the influence of Target 12.2 on 8.4-'Efficient resource consumption'; and that of Target 6.3 on 12.2. The wetlandscapes could be differentiated in four bundles of distinctive priority SDG-targets: 'Basic human needs', 'Sustainable tourism', 'Environmental impact in urban wetlands', and 'Improving and conserving environment'. In general, we find that the SDG groups, targets, and interactions stress that maintaining good water quality and a 'wise use' of wetlandscapes are vital to attaining sustainable development within these sensitive ecosystems. © 2019 by the authors

    Child studies multiple – collaborative play for thinking through theories and methods

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    This text is an exploration of collaborative thinking and writing through theories, methods, and experiences on the topic of the child, children, and childhood. It is a collaborative written text (with 32 authors) that sprang out of the experimental workshop Child Studies Multiple. The workshop and this text are about daring to stay with mess, “un-closure” , and uncertainty in order to investigate the (e)motions and complexities of being either a child or a researcher. The theoretical and methodological processes presented here offer an opportunity to shake the ground on which individual researchers stand by raising questions about scientific inspiration, theoretical and methodological productivity, and thinking through focusing on process, play, and collaboration. The effect of this is a questioning of the singular academic ‘I’ by exploring and showing what a plural ‘I’ can look like. It is about what the multiplicity of voice can offer research in a highly individualistic time. The article allows the reader to follow and watch the unconventional trial-and-error path of the ongoing-ness of exploring theories and methods together as a research community via methods of drama, palimpsest, and fictionary

    EULAR recommendations for the non-pharmacological management of systemic lupus erythematosus and systemic sclerosis

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    Objective To develop evidence-based recommendations for the non-pharmacological management of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and systemic sclerosis (SSc). Methods A task force comprising 7 rheumatologists, 15 other healthcare professionals and 3 patients was established. Following a systematic literature review performed to inform the recommendations, statements were formulated, discussed during online meetings and graded based on risk of bias assessment, level of evidence (LoE) and strength of recommendation (SoR; scale A–D, A comprising consistent LoE 1 studies, D comprising LoE 4 or inconsistent studies), following the European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology standard operating procedure. Level of agreement (LoA; scale 0–10, 0 denoting complete disagreement, 10 denoting complete agreement) was determined for each statement through online voting. Results Four overarching principles and 12 recommendations were developed. These concerned common and disease-specific aspects of non-pharmacological management. SoR ranged from A to D. The mean LoA with the overarching principles and recommendations ranged from 8.4 to 9.7. Briefly, non-pharmacological management of SLE and SSc should be tailored, person-centred and participatory. It is not intended to preclude but rather complement pharmacotherapy. Patients should be offered education and support for physical exercise, smoking cessation and avoidance of cold exposure. Photoprotection and psychosocial interventions are important for SLE patients, while mouth and hand exercises are important in SSc. Conclusions The recommendations will guide healthcare professionals and patients towards a holistic and personalised management of SLE and SSc. Research and educational agendas were developed to address needs towards a higher evidence level, enhancement of clinician–patient communication and improved outcomes

    EULAR recommendations for the non-pharmacological management of systemic lupus erythematosus and systemic sclerosis

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    Objective To develop evidence-based recommendations for the non-pharmacological management of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and systemic sclerosis (SSc). Methods A task force comprising 7 rheumatologists, 15 other healthcare professionals and 3 patients was established. Following a systematic literature review performed to inform the recommendations, statements were formulated, discussed during online meetings and graded based on risk of bias assessment, level of evidence (LoE) and strength of recommendation (SoR; scale AD , A comprising consistent LoE 1 studies, D comprising LoE 4 or inconsistent studies), following the European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology standard operating procedure. Level of agreement (LoA; scale 0-10, 0 denoting complete disagreement, 10 denoting complete agreement) was determined for each statement through online voting. Results Four overarching principles and 12 recommendations were developed. These concerned common and disease-specific aspects of non-pharmacological management. SoR ranged from A to D. The mean LoA with the overarching principles and recommendations ranged from 8.4 to 9.7. Briefly, non-pharmacological management of SLE and SSc should be tailored, person-centred and participatory. It is not intended to preclude but rather complement pharmacotherapy. Patients should be offered education and support for physical exercise, smoking cessation and avoidance of cold exposure. Photoprotection and psychosocial interventions are important for SLE patients, while mouth and hand exercises are important in SSc. Conclusions The recommendations will guide healthcare professionals and patients towards a holistic and personalised management of SLE and SSc. Research and educational agendas were developed to address needs towards a higher evidence level, enhancement of clinician-patient communication and improved outcomes