86 research outputs found

    Wide-Field Chandra X-Ray Observations of AGN in Abell 85 & Abell 754

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    To better understand the mechanism or mechanisms that lead to AGN activity today, we measure the X-ray AGN fraction in a new sample of nearby clusters and examine how it varies with galaxy properties, projected cluster-centric radius, and cluster velocity dispersion. We present new wide-field Chandra X-ray Observatory observations of Abell 85, Abell 754 and the background cluster Abell 89B out to their virial radii. Out of seventeen X-ray sources associated with galaxies in these clusters, we classify seven as X-ray AGN with L_{X,B} > 10^{41} erg/s. Only two of these would be classified as AGN based on their optical spectra. We combine these observations with archival data to create a sample of X-ray AGN from six z < 0.08 clusters and find that 3.4+1.1/-0.8% of M_R 10^{41} erg/s. We find that more X-ray AGN are detected in more luminous galaxies and attribute this to larger spheriods in more luminous galaxies and increased sensitivity to lower Eddington-rate accretion from black holes in those spheroids. At a given X-ray luminosity limit, more massive black holes can be accreting less efficiently, yet still be detected. If interactions between galaxies are the principal drivers of AGN activity, then the AGN fraction should be higher in lower velocity dispersion clusters and the outskirts of clusters. However, the tendency of the most massive and early-type galaxies to lie in the centers of the richest clusters could dilute such trends. While we find no variation in the AGN fraction with projected cluster-centric radius, we do find that the AGN fraction increases significantly from 2.6+1.0/-0.8% in rich clusters to 10.0+6.2/-4.3% in those with lower velocity dispersions.Comment: Accepted by Astrophysical Journal, 17 pages using emulateapj.cls, 10 B & W Figures (degraded): Full resolution paper available at http://www.astronomy.ohio-state.edu/~sivakoff/AGN/XAGN_A85_A754.pd

    On the nature of the z=0 X-ray absorbers: I. Clues from an external group

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    Absorption lines of OVII at redshift zero are observed in high quality Chandra spectra of extragalactic sightlines. The location of the absorber producing these lines, whether from the corona of the Galaxy or from the Local Group or even larger scale structure, has been a matter of debate. Here we study another poor group like our Local Group to understand the distribution of column density from galaxy to group scales. We show that we cannot yet rule out the group origin of z=0 systems. We further argue that the debate over Galactic vs. extragalactic origin of z=0 systems is premature as they likely contain both components and predict that future higher resolution observations will resolve the z=0 systems into multiple components.Comment: Submitted to ApJ

    Groups of Galaxies in AEGIS: The 200 ksec Chandra Extended X-ray Source catalogue

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    We present the discovery of seven X-ray emitting groups of galaxies selected as extended X-ray sources in the 200 ksec Chandra coverage of the All-wavelength Extended Groth Strip International Survey (AEGIS). In addition, we report on AGN activity associated to these systems. Using the DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey coverage, we identify optical counterparts and determine velocity dispersions. In particular, we find three massive high-redshift groups at z>0.7, one of which is at z=1.13, the first X-ray detections of spectroscopically selected DEEP2 groups. We also present a first look at the the L_X-T, L_X-sigma, and sigma-T scaling relations for high-redshift massive groups. We find that the properties of these X-ray selected systems agree well with the scaling relations of similar systems at low redshift, although there are X-ray undetected groups in the DEEP2 catalogue with similar velocity dispersions. The other three X-ray groups with identified redshifts are associated with lower mass groups at z~0.07 and together form part of a large structure or "supergroup" in the southern portion of the AEGIS field. All of the low-redshift systems are centred on massive elliptical galaxies, and all of the high-redshift groups have likely central galaxies or galaxy pairs. All of the central group galaxies host X-ray point sources, radio sources, and/or show optical AGN emission. Particularly interesting examples of central AGN activity include a bent-double radio source plus X-ray point source at the center of a group at z=0.74, extended radio and double X-ray point sources associated to the central galaxy in the lowest-redshift group at z=0.066, and a bright green valley galaxy (part of a pair) in the z=1.13 group which shows optical AGN emission lines.Comment: accepted to MNRAS, 15 pages, 11 figures, for version with full resolution figures see http://www.ucolick.org/~tesla/aegis_groups.ps.g

    X-ray selected AGN in groups at redshifts z~1

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    We explore the role of the group environment in the evolution of AGN at the redshift interval 0.7<z<1.4, by combining deep Chandra observations with extensive optical spectroscopy from the All-wavelength Extended Groth strip International Survey (AEGIS). The sample consists of 3902 optical sources and 71 X-ray AGN. Compared to the overall optically selected galaxy population, X-ray AGN are more frequently found in groups at the 99% confidence level. This is partly because AGN are hosted by red luminous galaxies, which are known to reside, on average, in dense environments. Relative to these sources, the excess of X-ray AGN in groups is significant at the 91% level only. Restricting the sample to 0.7<z<0.9 and M_B<-20mag in order to control systematics we find that X-ray AGN represent (4.7\pm1.6) and (4.5\pm1.0)% of the optical galaxy population in groups and in the field respectively. These numbers are consistent with the AGN fraction in low redshift clusters, groups and the field. The results above, although affected by small number statistics, suggest that X-ray AGN are spread over a range of environments, from groups to the field, once the properties of their hosts (e.g. colour, luminosity) are accounted for. There is also tentative evidence, significant at the 98% level, that the field produces more X-ray luminous AGN compared to groups, extending similar results at low redshift to z~1. This trend may be because of either cold gas availability or the nature of the interactions occurring in the denser group environment (i.e. prolonged tidal encounters).Comment: To appear in MNRA

    Time-dependent visibility modelling of a relativistic jet in the X-ray binary MAXI J1803-298

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    Tracking the motions of transient jets launched by low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) is critical for determining the moment of jet ejection, and identifying any corresponding signatures in the accretion flow. However, these jets are often highly variable and can travel across the resolution element of an image within a single observation, violating a fundamental assumption of aperture synthesis. We present a novel approach in which we directly fit a single time-dependent model to the full set of interferometer visibilities, where we explicitly parameterise the motion and flux density variability of the emission components, to minimise the number of free parameters in the fit, while leveraging information from the full observation. This technique allows us to detect and characterize faint, fast-moving sources, for which the standard time binning technique is inadequate. We validate our technique with synthetic observations, before applying it to three Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) observations of the black hole candidate LMXB MAXI J1803-298 during its 2021 outburst. We measured the proper motion of a discrete jet component to be 1.37±0.141.37\pm0.14 mas/hr, and thus we infer an ejection date of MJD 59348.080.06+0.0559348.08_{-0.06}^{+0.05}, which occurs just after the peak of a radio flare observed by the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) and the Atacama Large Millimeter/Sub-Millimeter Array (ALMA), while MAXI J1803-298 was in the intermediate state. Further development of these new VLBI analysis techniques will lead to more precise measurements of jet ejection dates, which, combined with dense, simultaneous multi-wavelength monitoring, will allow for clearer identification of jet ejection signatures in the accretion flow.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables; Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Multiwavelength observations reveal a faint candidate black hole X-ray binary in IGR J17285−2922

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    Funding: vdE and ND are supported by a Vidi grant from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) awarded to ND. MAP and TMD acknowledge support from the State Research Agency of the Spanish MCIU and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under grant AYA2017- 83216-P. TMD acknowledges support from the Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento y Empleo del Gobierno de Canarias and the ERDF under grant with reference ProID2020 010104. TMD acknowledges support via the Ramón y Cajal Fellowship RYC-2015-18148. TDR acknowledges financial contribution from the agreement ASI-INAF n.2017-14-H.0.IGR J17285−2922 is a known X-ray binary with a low peak 2–10 keV X-ray luminosity of ∼ 1036 erg s−1 during outburst. IGR J17285−2922 exhibited two outbursts in 2003 and 2010 and went into outburst again in 2019. We have monitored this ∼ 4-month long 2019 outburst with Swift in X-ray and the Very Large Array in radio. We have also obtained four optical spectra with the Gran Telescopio Canarias and Southern Astrophysical Research Telescope, three optical photometry measurements with the Las Cumbres Observatory, and one near-infrared spectrum with the Gemini South telescope. The ratio between its X-ray and radio luminosity is consistent with both samples of neutron star and black hole (BH) X-ray binaries, while the ratio between the X-ray and optical luminosity is consistent with BH X-ray binaries. Studying the evolution of its X-ray power-law index throughout the outburst, we find additional evidence for a BH as compact object. The four optical spectra show no H α emission and the nIR spectrum shows no Brγ emission, suggesting that the donor star could be hydrogen-poor and hence that IGR J17285−2922 might have an ultracompact binary orbit. The shape of the X-ray light curve is well described by an exponential, followed by a linear decay, from which we obtain a relation between the orbital period Porb and the binary mass ratio. We discuss how this relation is consistent with theoretical predictions and known ultracompact X-ray binaries. Lastly, we discuss how the observed properties are reminiscent of short-Porb BH X-ray binaries.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    The ACS Virgo Cluster Survey X. Half-light Radii of Globular Clusters in Early-Type Galaxies: Environmental Dependencies and a Standard Ruler for Distance Estimation

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    We have measured half-light radii, r_h, for globular clusters (GCs) belonging to the 100 early-type galaxies observed in the ACS Virgo Cluster Survey and the elliptical galaxy NGC 4697. An analysis of the dependencies of the measured r_h on both the properties of the GCs themselves and their host galaxies reveals that the average r_h increases with increasing galactocentric distance or, alternatively, with decreasing galaxy surface brightness. For the first time, we find that the average r_h decreases with the host galaxy color. We also show that there is no evidence for a variation of r_h with the luminosity of the GCs. Finally, we find in agreement with previous observations that the average r_h depends on the color of GCs, with red GCs being ~17% smaller than their blue counterparts. We show that this difference is probably a consequence of an intrinsic mechanism, rather than projection effects, and that it is in good agreement with the mechanism proposed in Jordan (2004). We discuss these findings in light of two simple pictures for the origin of the r_h of GCs and show that both lead to a behavior in rough agreement with the observations. After accounting for the dependencies found we show that the average GC half-light radii can be successfully used as a standard ruler for distance estimation. We outline the methodology, and provide a calibration for its use. We find = 2.7 +- 0.35 pc for GCs with (g-z)=1.2 mag in a galaxy with color (g-z)_{gal}=1.5 mag and at an underlying surface z-band brightness of mu_z = 21 mag arcsec^{-2}. Using this technique, we place an upper limit of 3.4 Mpc on the 1-sigma line-of-sight depth of the Virgo Cluster. Finally, we examine the form of the r_h distribution for our sample galaxies and provide an analytic expression which successfully describes this distribution. (Abridged)Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ. Also available at http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/~pcote/acs/publications.htm

    An Evolving Compact Jet in the Black Hole X-Ray Binary Maxi J1836-194

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    We report striking changes in the broadband spectrum of the compact jet of the black hole transient MAXI J1836194 over state transitions during its discovery outburst in 2011. A fading of the optical-infrared (IR) flux occurred as the source entered the hard-intermediate state, followed by a brightening as it returned to the hard state. The optical-IR spectrum was consistent with a power law from optically thin synchrotron emission, except when the X-ray spectrum was softest. By fitting the radio to optical spectra with a broken power law, we constrain the frequency and flux of the optically thick/thin break in the jet synchrotron spectrum. The break gradually shifted to higher frequencies as the source hardened at X-ray energies, from approx 10(exp 11) to approx 4 10(exp 13) Hz. The radiative jet luminosity integrated over the spectrum appeared to be greatest when the source entered the hard state during the outburst decay (although this is dependent on the high-energy cooling break, which is not seen directly), even though the radio flux was fading at the time. The physical process responsible for suppressing and reactivating the jet (neither of which are instantaneous but occur on timescales of weeks) is uncertain, but could arise from the varying inner accretion disk radius regulating the fraction of accreting matter that is channeled into the jet. This provides an unprecedented insight into the connection between inflow and outflow, and has implications for the conditions required for jets to be produced, and hence their launching process