2,308 research outputs found


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    SITTA PUTRI QURROTUN NADIA, THE EFFECTS OF MOTIVATION, PLACE ATTACHMENT AND ATTITUDE TOWARDS INTENTION TO REVISIT BOGOR BOTANICAL GARDEN. Thesis, Jakarta: Study Program of Commerce Education, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta, 2017. This research is conducted on visitors both within and around the environment Bogor Botanical Gardens (KRB), for six months from Januari 2017 to June 2017. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a positive and significant influence on the motivation (X1) towards intention to revisit Bogor Botanical Garden (Y), positive influence and significant place attachment (X2) towards intention of revisit Bogor Botanical Garden (Y), and positive and significant influence attitude (X3) towards intention to revisit Bogor Botanical Gardens (Y), on visitors both within and around the environment Bogor Botanical Garden (KRB). The research method used is survey method with quantitative approach. The sampling technique used is convenience sampling technique as many as 240 visitors. The resulting regression equation is ƶ = 62,265 + 0.639X1 for the motivation variable, ƶ = 48,159 + 0.853X2 for place attachment variable, ƶ = 55,260 + 0.722X3 for attitude variable. Testing analysis by Kolmogorov Smirnov test with the test results can be known Asymp value. Sig intention of revisit Bogor Botanical Garden is 0,107, Asymp value. Sig motivation (X1) of 0,225, Asymp value. Sig place attachment (X2) of 0,265 and Asymp value. Sig. attitude (X3) of 0,403. Because the data has a significance greater than 0.05 then the data is inferred normal distribution. Classic cropping test using multicollinearity test and heteroscedasticity test showed no multicollinearity and heteroscedasticity problem, so it can be said that good and ideal regression equation can be fulfilled. Then t test and tcount 11,222> ttable 1,96 for motivation (X1), 13,953> ttable 1,96 for place attachment (X2), and 10,271> ttable 1,96 for attitude (X3). Thus, it can be concluded the result of t test calculation there is a positive and significant influence on the motivation (X1) towards intention to revisit Bogor Botanical Garden (Y), positive influence and significant place attachment (X2) towards intention of revisit Bogor Botanical Garden (Y), and positive and significant influence Attitude (X3) towards intention to revisit Bogor Botanical Gardens (Y), The coefficient of determination increased by 34,6% for motivation (X1), 45% for place attachment (X2), and 30,7% for attitude (X3)


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    Universitas Terbuka (UT) was implementing the centralized distribution of learning material, it is not considered efficient. Therefore, the decentralized distribution system which requires warehouses at certain regional offices will be proposed. The aims of this research are (1) investigating the decentralized learning material distribution model, (2) choosing the optimal location of warehouses to minimize the cost of learning material distribution, (3) choosing the regional offices which will be served optimally by each warehouse, (4) comparing efficiency of the centralized and decentralized learning material distribution system. The distribution problem is modeled as a linear mixed integer programming problem. The model will be solved using Branch and Bound method. This study considers centralized learning material distribution system and two alternative of decentralized learning material distribution systems, which are alternative 1 and alternative 2. It is found that in 2008 the cost of the alternative 2 is lower than the centralized learning distribution system. Besides, if the demand of learning material is increasing, the alternative 2 is still less costly than the other systems

    Refa (Rehabilitasi Friedreich\u27s Ataxia) sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Hidup Penderita di Kecamatan Ampel Boyolali

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    Genetic disorders are the most common coordination in the world is Fridreich \u27s ataxia (FA). In Indonesia FA obtained Boyolali Ampel area. FA is progressive and has not found specific drugs for FA. Symptoms and accompanying complications can be treated with physical exercise. Physical exercise can reduce the progression of symptoms and helps maintain body functions as long as possible. The level of knowledge of patient and public awareness about the FA in Boyolali Ampel sub-district is still lacking. Improving the quality of life and slow the worsening condition of the patient FA. Divided into three phases, namely the preparation, implementation, and follow-up. In the implementation phase given counseling or education, provide motivation and physical exercise through video playback, provide physical exercise posters, and pocket books to be handgrip patients, provision of aids to patients, perform a physical examination, and renovate one of the stalls where people work. In the follow-up stage of the final observation assessment to measure the success of this program and reinforce the benefits of patients. Improved quality of life is evident from the scores of healthy physical (exercise 58.33% to 93.33%, the cleanliness of 66.7% to 85%, and the nutritional 71.67% to 78.33%), healthy social (65% to 75%), a healthy spiritual (85% to 91, 67%), support family members as the cadre (71.67% to 93.33%), the increase in scores independence and decrease depression scores. Worsening condition of the patient can be slowed as evidenced by an increase in the percentage of physical exercise. Physical exercise and family support is very influential in improving the quality of life of patients

    Photoelectrochemical oxidation of glycerol on hematite: thermal effects, in situ FTIR and long-term HPLC product analysis

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    Photoelectrochemical (PEC) oxidation of biomass is a profitable approach to produce hydrogen by substituting the water oxidation reaction in the electrolyzers’ photoanodes. Among the biomass-derived molecules, glycerol is an interesting alternative to water since its standard thermodynamic potential is considerably lower than that of water and because it is widely produced in the biodiesel industry. Herein, we performed a fundamental study of the PEC oxidation of glycerol on hematite. In situ FTIR experiments and long-term electrolysis followed by HPLC analysis revealed C1, C2 and C3 oxidation products showing the low selectivity of the reaction under these conditions. We explained this lack of selectivity by an electrooxidation mechanism involving highly reactive radicals as intermediates. [Figure not available: see fulltext.]

    Breastfeeding and weaning related aspects in children attended at the "BebĂȘ-clĂ­nica" program in Bandeirantes - PR.

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    Maternal breastfeeding, natural food, fundamentally important to maternal-child’s health and for the pregnancy delay, fi nds diffi culties in it’s practice. The present study purposes evaluating the reasons and analyzing what are the myths and facts that contribute to weaning before six months of age. Study’s object was composed by children who participate from the Educative-Preventive Program “BebĂȘ-ClĂ­nica” (Baby-Clinic), by surveying each child’s handbook, that were breastfed in a period from zero to six months of age, in a total 143 handbooks. The questionnaire searched information related to the mother, such as: age, parity, civil status, professional actuation, race, family income, social programs participation and pregnancy historic. Breastfeeding promotion must be seen as a major action to improve children and its family health and life quality. Breastfeeding promotion strategies must vary with population, its culture, habits, believes social and economical status among others. However, it’s of a major point in any strategy the maternal breastfeeding importance awareness

    Rainbow connection numbers of some classes of s-overlapping r-uniform hypertrees with size t

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    The rainbow connection concept was developed to determine the minimum number of passwords required to exchange encrypted information between two agents. If the information exchange involves divisions managing more than two agents, the rainbow connection concept can be extended to a hypergraph. In 2014, Carpentier et al. expanded the rainbow connection concept of graphs to hypergraphs. They implemented it on a minimally connected hypergraph, an r r -uniform complete hypergraph, an r r -uniform cycle hypergraph, and an r r -uniform complete multipartite hypergraph. However, they did not determine the rainbow connection numbers of hypertrees. A hypergraph H \mathcal{H} is called a hypertree if there exists a host tree T T such that each edge of H \mathcal{H} induces a subtree in T T . Therefore, in this article, we consider the rainbow connection numbers of some classes of s s -overlapping r r -uniform hypertrees with size t t . For r≄2 r\geq 2 , 1\leq s < r , and t≄1 t\geq 1 , an s s -overlapping r r -uniform hypertree with size t t is an r r -uniform connected hypertree, with s s being the maximum cardinality of the vertex set obtained from the intersection of each pair of edges. We provide the best lower bound of the rainbow connection number of a connected hypergraph. Then, we determine the rainbow connection numbers of six classes of s s -overlapping r r -uniform hypertrees with size t t

    Optimasi Sistem Keamanan Transfer Data dengan Mengaplikasikan Konsep Terhubung Pelangi pada Graf

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    Pada era digital saat ini, inovasi teknologi berkembang semakin pesat. Hal ini seiring dengan tujuan manusia untuk mencapai Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Salah satu komponen pendukung berbasis teknologi yang diperlukan dalam pencapaian SDGs tersebut adalah sistem komunikasi publik secara digital, yang selanjutnya disebut sistem komunikasi digital. Dalam hal ini, sistem transfer data merupakan salah satu bentuk sistem komunikasi digital yang sering digunakan oleh masyarakat. Dapat dilihat dengan jelas, cakupan sistem komunikasi digital sangat luas, masif, dan terbuka. Oleh karena itu, keamanan pada sistem transfer data merupakan hal yang sangat penting dalam sistem komunikasi digital saat ini. Untuk menjaga keamanan data yang ditransfer, pengirim data akan menggunakan sandi (password) pada data tersebut. Namun untuk mengantisipasi bocornya sandi tersebut, maka pengirim data perlu memasang sandi secara berlapis. Banyaknya lapisan sandi pada data tersebut dapat ditentukan dengan konsep terhubung pelangi pada graf. Konsep ini dikembangkan oleh Chartrand dkk. pada tahun 2008 untuk mengatasi kelemahan dalam pengamanan pengiriman informasi antar agen rahasia Amerika Serikat. Artikel ini merupakan hasil studi literatur. Untuk memudahkan pemahaman, pembahasan dalam artikel ini dimulai dengan pemaparan tentang terminologi graf dan konsep terhubung pelangi pada graf. Selanjutnya, dalam artikel dibahas tentang bilangan terhubung pelangi dari beberapa kelas graf dan hasil operasi graf yang merepresentasikan kompleksitas sistem jaringan komunikasi

    J/psi azimuthal anisotropy relative to the reaction plane in Pb-Pb collisions at 158 GeV per nucleon

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    The J/ψ\psi azimuthal distribution relative to the reaction plane has been measured by the NA50 experiment in Pb-Pb collisions at 158 GeV/nucleon. Various physical mechanisms related to charmonium dissociation in the medium created in the heavy ion collision are expected to introduce an anisotropy in the azimuthal distribution of the observed J/ψ\psi mesons at SPS energies. Hence, the measurement of J/ψ\psi elliptic anisotropy, quantified by the Fourier coefficient v2_2 of the J/ψ\psi azimuthal distribution relative to the reaction plane, is an important tool to constrain theoretical models aimed at explaining the anomalous J/ψ\psi suppression observed in Pb-Pb collisions. We present the measured J/ψ\psi yields in different bins of azimuthal angle relative to the reaction plane, as well as the resulting values of the Fourier coefficient v2_{2} as a function of the collision centrality and of the J/ψ\psi transverse momentum. The reaction plane has been estimated from the azimuthal distribution of the neutral transverse energy detected in an electromagnetic calorimeter. The analysis has been performed on a data sample of about 100 000 events, distributed in five centrality or pT_{\rm T} sub-samples. The extracted v2_{2} values are significantly larger than zero for non-central collisions and are seen to increase with pT_{\rm T}.Comment: proceedings of HP08 conference corrected a typo in one equatio
