102 research outputs found

    Biscuit Formulation with Addition of Mozambique Tilapia Fish, Round Sardinella Fish and Brown Rice Flour

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    The focus of this study was the formulation of biscuit with the addition of Mozambique tilapia fish, round Sardinella fish, and brown rice flour which were widely accepted by the community. The objective of the study was to formulate biscuit added by Mozambique tilapia fish, Sardinella fish, and brown rice flour. The experiment was conducted in December 2016-January 2017 in Family Welfare Education Laboratory. Data collected was the quality of biscuit (color, flavor, texture, taste, and overall) and the preference. Data were analyzed by Mean and ANOVA. The result of research indicates that the highest score and most similar to the control biscuit was formula F79 which was composed of 8 g wheat flour, 3 g cornstarch, 2 g tapioca starch, 3 g Mozambique tilapia fish flour, 3 g Round sardinella fish flour, 28 g brown rice flour, 12 g margarine, 29 g yolk, and 12 g refined sugar


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    Pemanis buatan semakin luas digunakan oleh masyarakat, karena ditunjang oleh kemudahan untuk mendapatkannya dan harganya relatif murah. Berdasarkan pemeriksaan dari BPOM Makassar pada tahun 2003 terdapat lebih 90% makanan jajanan yang masih menggunakan pemanis buatan berupa sakarin dan siklamat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keberadaan dan kadar pemanis sintetis (sakarin dan siklamat) pada pangan jajanan anak sekolah dasar di SD Kompleks Lariangbangi Kota Makassar Tahun 2014. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan pemeriksaan laboratorium secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik purposive sampling dengan jumlah sampel 6 jenis pangan jajanan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa 6 sampel yang diuji secara kualitatif tidak ada yang mengandung pemanis sintetis sakarin, dan dua diantaranya mengandung pemanis sintetis siklamat, masing-masing sampel D dan F dengan kadar siklamat 181,04 mg/kg dan 543,123 mg/kg. Angka ini masih dibawah ambang batas yang direkomendasikan BPOM RI.Kesimpulannya pangan jajanan di SD Kompleks Lariangbangi masih terdapat pemanis buatan jenis siklamat, dari enam sampel yang dianalisis tidak ada yang mengandung pemanis sintetis sakarin, dan dua diantaranya positif mengandung pemanis sintetis siklamat.Kadar pemanis sintetis siklamat pada sampel D sebesar 181,04 mg/kg dan sampel F sebesar 543,123 mg/kg

    The Effect of Eggs Consumption and Nutrition Counseling to the Increasing of Body Weight and moglobin of Pregnant Women at Kassi-Kassi Health Center, Makassar City- Indonesia

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    This study aimed to assess the effect of eggs consumption and nutrition counseling to pregnant women to increased body weight and hemoglobin levels. A quasi-experiment with non-randomized pretest-posttest with control group design was applied within this study. The population is pregnant women who had antenatal care at health centers Kassi-Kassi. Samples were selected by purposive sampling, which are divided into treatment group who received nutritional counseling and eggs and a control group that did not get any treatment. The results of this study showed that weight gain at treatment group was significantly different with the control group. Hemoglobin levels of pregnant women in both groups before and after treatment were significantly decrease in which the control group decreased higher but not significantly different. Amount of energy and protein intake of pregnant women in the treatment group increased significantly while the control group of energy and protein intake does not significantly increase. It can be concluded that, eggs consumption and nutritional counseling affect an increase in energy and protein intake of pregnant women. Each health center suggested for mplementing nutrition counseling for pregnant women who are chronic energy malnutrition (CEM) and from poor families can receive special attention so that the prevalence of maternal anemia could be reduced

    The intervention of maternal nutrition literacy has the potential to prevent childhood stunting: Randomized control trials

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    Background: Stunting is the impaired growth and development of children due to poor nutrition, repeated infection, and inadequate psychological stimulation. This research aims to examine the impact of maternal nutrition literacy (MNL) in increasing the height or score of a stunted child.Design and Methods: This study is a randomized control trial, which uses a sample size of 85 participants, 43 interventions and 42 controls, an 80% stress test and a 95% confidence level. The intervention group of the MNL consists of families with children under the age of five, focused on the mother's ability to perform breastfeeding, hygiene activities, care, and intervention for 3 months.Result: The status of stunting was determined by the different distribution of stunting before and after the intervention in both the intervention and control groups. There was a decrease of about 9.3% of MNL in the intervention group, while in the control group it decreased by just 2.4% (p<0.05).Conclusions: It can be concluded that MNL has an effect in preventing stunting, and it is recommended that preventive measures should focus more on normal children, while stunted children should be provided with breastfeeding as the core of MNL


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    Minyak goreng merupakan salah satu kebutuhan pokok manusia sebagai media pengolahan bahan makanan. Penggunaan minyak goreng berulang dengan pemanasan pada suhu tinggi akan menghasilkan kadar asam lemak bebas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kadar asam lemak bebas dalam minyak bekas penggorengan berulang dan minyak hasil ekstraksi pisang goreng yang dijajakan disekitar lingkungan Workshop UNHAS Makassar. Jenis penelitian adalah Experiment laboratory dengan desain Post Test Only Control Design. Populasi penelitian adalah semua penjual jajanan gorengan yang tersebar di Workshop Unhas yaitu sebanyak 7 penjual gorengan. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara purposive sampling dengan jumlah sampel 1 penjual gorengan. Hasil penelitian kadar asam lemak bebas pada minyak goreng bekas pemakaian berulang (sampel A) dan minyak hasil ekstraksi pisang goreng (sampel B) menunjukkan kadar Asam Lemak Bebas melebihi ambang batas aman yang ditetapkan oleh SNI 01-3741-2002. Pada sampel A: minyak sebelum penggorengan pertama (A1) = 0.69%, penggorengan kesembilan (A5) = 1,29%. ALB sampel B : penggorengan pertama (B1) = 1.28%, penggorengan ke-9 (B5) = 2.45%. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan masyarakat untuk lebih selektif memilih minyak goreng dan merekomendasikan penelitian lanjutan mengenai pengaruh komposisi bahan makanan terhadap peningkatan kadar asam lemak bebas
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