132 research outputs found


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    The study of marketing and production strategy of own brand products requires an understanding of both the benefits gained by retailers and manufacturers involved in this activity and also the effects of this strategy on the relationship between these companies. According to this idea, a qualitative and descriptive work was conducted, based on six case studies, three of them on large product manufacturers and three on large retailers. The aim of this study is defined is threefold: (1) to analyze the expectations of manufacturers and retailers with their own brands’ current operations, (2) to analyze the expectations of manufacturers and retailers with their own brands’ future operations, and (3) to analyze the influence of the own brands adoption on the relationship between manufacturers and retailers. The results indicate that (a) current operations are primarily based on economic reasons (market share, and use of spare capacity), (b) future operations are perceived from a marketing perspective (survival), and (c) the adoption of own brand strategy does not harm the relationship between the parties – both manufacturers and retailers –, unlike the earlier studies indicated

    A música de Rogério Duprat na filmografia de Walter Hugo Khouri: Noite Vazia e As amorosas

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    Based on Rogério Duprat ‘s original score (1932 - 2006) and recent publications on Brazilian cinema of the 1960s, this text seeks to investigate the technical and artistic procedures adopted by the composer in recording the soundtrack of the films Noite vazia (1964) and As amorosas (1968). Based on the testimonies of the professionals involved in the recording and editing of the works, we also seek to reveal some aspects of the political and artistic issues evidenced in a period of censorship and repression of individual freedoms in which Brazilian composers linked to concrete music, electronic music, and popular music collaborated effectively in the transformations of Brazilian cinematography.Apoiado na partitura original de Rogério Duprat e em recentes publicações sobre cinema brasileiro dos anos 1960, este texto procura investigar os procedimentos técnicos e artísticos adotados pelo compositor na gravação da trilha sonora dos filmes Noite vazia ( 1964) e As amorosas (1968), ambos de Walter Hugo Khouri. Com base em depoimentos dos profissionais envolvidos na gravação e montagem das obras, procuramos também revelar alguns aspectos sobre as questões políticas e artísticas evidenciadas em um período de censura e repressão das liberdades individuais no qual compositores brasileiros ligados à música concreta, à música eletrônica e à música popular colaboraram de forma efetiva nas transformações da cinematografia brasileira

    Digital technologies review for manufacturing processes

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    It is apparent the industrial processes transformations caused by industry 4.0 are in advance in some countries like China, Japan, Germany and United States. But, in return, the developing countries, as the emergent Brazil, seem like to have a long way to achieve digital era. Considering manufacturing processes as the starting point the rise of industry 4.0, this research aims to show a review about the most important technologies used in smart manufacturing, including the main challenges to implement it at Brazil. The papers were collected from Web of Science (WoS), comprising 114 articles and 2 books to underpin this study. This exploratory research resulted in the presentation of some challenges faced by Brazilian industry to join the new industrial era, such as poor technological infrastructure, besides lack of investment in technologies and training of qualified people. Even though the primary motivation of this research was to present a panorama of smart manufacturing for Brazil, this study results contributes to the most of emergent countries, bringing together general concepts and addressing practical applications developed by several researchers from the international academic community

    Compliance application process as a strategic tool in the management of a third sector organization

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    Adapting to integrity models that respect the current legislation has become fundamental in the management of organizations as a strategic form, mainly in entities with public and non-profit purposes, in a non-governmental scope. Therefore, the objective is to implement a model for the application of the compliance program in a Third Sector institution. In this way, the present article can be considered in an exploratory, applied and qualitative way, in two aspects, bibliographic research and case study, the data collection was through a meeting and interview with the company\u27s professionals, reporting the importance of the theme. The results showed the main tools and compliance mechanism, proposing actions that can be used in practice with the purpose of providing a broad view of the functioning of the proposed model, with transparency and ethics, thus increasing the competitiveness of the business

    Vulnerabilidades de refugiados árabes na atenção primária à saúde: uma revisão de escopo

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    OBJECTIVE To map and analyze the vulnerabilities of Arab refugees in the context of primary health care. METHOD Scoping review in which studies published in English, Spanish and Portuguese languages from 2011 onwards were reviewed. The following databases were surveyed: Cochrane, Scopus, Health System Evidence, MedLine-PubMed, CINAHL, Embase, Lilacs, Web of Science, SciELO, NYAM Grey Literature, BVS, Capes Thesis and Dissertation Database, Refworld and Journal of Refugee Studies. Data were analyzed in light of the concept of vulnerability. RESULTS Of the 854 studies identified, 40 articles were held for analysis and extraction of vulnerability indicators in the individual, social and programmatic dimensions. Regarding the individual dimension, the main indicators identified were unemployment, unstable and overcrowded housing, lack of sanitation and access to water, mental disorders, communicable and chronic noncommunicable diseases, etc. In the programmatic dimension, were identified, mainly, health teams with work overload, lack of preparation to deal with cultural and linguistic barriers, and delays in providing care. In relation to the social dimension, lack of access to schools, to information about health programs in the host countries, and to rights, among others, were found. CONCLUSION Vulnerabilities found highlight the disadvantage of refugees regarding health programs, services and system in host countries, in addition to highlighting the deep inequalities that affect this group. It is pointed out the need for programs and policies that promote actions, within the scope of primary health care, which recognize and respond to the health needs of refugees.OBJETIVO Mapear e analisar as vulnerabilidades de refugiados árabes no contexto da atenção primária à saúde. MÉTODO Revisão de escopo em que foram analisados estudos publicados nos idiomas inglês, espanhol e português, a partir de 2011. As bases foram Cochrane, Scopus, Health System Evidence , MedLine-PubMed, CINAHL, Embase, Lilacs, Web of Science , SciELO, NYAM Grey Literature , BVS, Banco de teses e dissertações Capes, Refworld e Journal of Refugee Studies. A análise dos dados foi realizada à luz do conceito de vulnerabilidade. RESULTADOS Dos 854 estudos identificados, restaram 40 artigos para análise e extração dos indicadores de vulnerabilidade nas dimensões individual, social e programática. Em relação à dimensão individual, os principais indicadores identificados foram desemprego, moradias instáveis e superlotadas, falta de saneamento e de acesso à água, agravos mentais, doenças transmissíveis e crônicas não transmissíveis etc. Na dimensão programática foram identificadas, principalmente, equipes de saúde com sobrecarga de trabalho, falta de preparo para lidar com as barreiras culturais e linguísticas, demora para o atendimento. Em relação à dimensão social, constatou-se falta de acesso às escolas, à informação sobre os programas de saúde dos países de acolhida, aos direitos, entre outros. CONCLUSÃO As vulnerabilidades constatadas evidenciam desvantagem dos refugiados perante os programas, serviços e sistema de saúde nos países de acolhida, além de colocar em evidência as profundas desigualdades que incidem nesse grupo. Aponta-se a necessidade de programas e políticas que promovam ações, no âmbito da atenção primária à saúde, que reconheçam e respondam às necessidades de saúde de refugiados

    Computational meta-heuristics based on Machine Learning to optimize fuel consumption of vessels using diesel engines

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    With the expansion of means of river transportation, especially in the case of small and medium-sized vessels that make routes of greater distances, the cost of fuel, if not taken as an analysis criterion for a larger profit margin, is considered to be a primary factor , considering that the value of fuel specifically diesel to power internal combustion machines is high. Therefore, the use of tools that assist in decision-making becomes necessary, as is the case of the present research, which aims to contribute with a computational model of prediction and optimization of the best speed to decrease the fuel cost considering the characteristics of the SCANIA 315 machine. propulsion model, of a vessel from the river port of Manaus that carries out river transportation to several municipalities in Amazonas. According to the results of the simulations, the best training algorithm of the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) was the BFGS Quasi-Newton considering the characteristics of the engine for optimization with Genetic Algorithm (AG)

    Programa de Capacitação Permanente de Conselheiros Populares de Saúde na cidade de São Paulo

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    The popular health movement from São Paulo City has been electing Popular Health Councils since 1979. The issue of political and technical capabilities of its leaders has been an important point for the movement. During the years 1993 to 2000, the communication channels between the municipal government and popular leadership have been broken, leading back the social movement related to public health. However, in the beginningof 1988, the organized health movements located both at the east and southeast parts of São Paulo City, were succeeded in electing 1.039 members for those popular councils. After several scattered efforts to provide capability and skills to the councilors, it was decided to join the different regions and movements in only one project named Permanent Skills Improvement Course for elected representatives to the municipal health councils. The Ministry of Health and the Center for Permanent Education of the School of Public Health of Public Health of the University of São Paulo, Brazil, sponsored the initiative, with an amount of 52 courses attended by 1.011 councilors. This article contains both a description of the course process and the councilors social profiles, besides theirs evaluation over the initiative.O Movimento Popular de Saúde do Município de São Paulo vem elegendo Conselhos Populares de Saúde desde 1979. A questão da formação política e capacitação técnica de lideranças sempre foi uma preocupação do movimento de saúde. Durante a gestão municipal de 1993 a 2000 a interlocução entre o governo local e a representação popular foi rompida e disto decorreu um período de refluxo dos movimentos sociais. Porém, no início de 1998, os movimentos organizados de saúde das regiões leste e sudeste conseguiram se articular para eleger conselheiros para os Conselhos Populares de Saúde. Foram eleitos 1.039 conselheiros. Após vários esforços isolados de capacitação de conselheiros optou-se por realizar um Programa de Capacitação Permanente de Conselheiros de Saúde como forma de envolver o conjunto de bairros e regiões. Por meio de um convênio entre o Ministério da Saúde e o Centro de Educação Permanente da Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo foram realizados 52 cursos para 1.011 desses conselheiros eleitos. Neste trabalho, a partir de análise documental, os autores descrevem esse processo de capacitação, caracterizam o perfil sócio econômico dos conselheiros e analisam a avaliação dos participantes nos cursos de capacitação

    Process optimization of the flaring gas for field applications

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    During petroleum industry operations, burning flammable gas components in the flaring stacks is common, normally a symbol for stable production, but flaring these components creates harmful emissions for the environment. This flaring gas has components with a high quantity of heating power, an important measurement that quantifies the energy that can potentially be obtained from this wasted resource. This paper aims to evaluate the energy usage of the flaring gas, estimating the possible energy produced with this usable resource by modeling a treatment and energy generation process employing the Aspen HYSYS® simulator. The flaring gas is characterized using different models and compositional ranges of natural gas to know what kind of gas it is and identify what type of equipment could be used for treatment and energy generation from this resource. After the gas characterization, the selection of the equipment of treatment and energy generation is necessary; this is done using a multicriteria analysis by taking into consideration the variables of gas composition, electrical efficiency, economic performance, and GHG emissions, ensuring to generate the greatest amount of energy possible to be produced with this flaring gas. By increasing the LHV, 0.95 MMSCF of flared gas of an oilfield in the VMM basin produced 5133 kW, enough energy to supply gas treatment and power generation facilities and four times the total gross consumption energy of a model oilfield in the basin, while the CO2 emissions were reduced 11.4%, and cost savings using this resource instead of diesel were obtained. In conclusion, to minimize flaring and to recover and reuse these waste components, looking for alternatives for the use of this gas-like power generation is an important option that reduces pollutants emission, gives a new source of fuel, and gives an energy usefulness to this wasted resource.This research was funded by PROPESQ/UFPB research edit N◦001/2022 of the Federal University of Paraiba (UFPB). The O.H.A.J. was funded by the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), grant numbers 407531/2018-1 and 303293/2020-9. The F.S. was funded by the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), grant number 307588/2020-3. The research was also partially supported by the Portuguese FCT with project reference UIDB/00690/2020 and SusTEC (LA/P/0007/2020). João Paulo Carmo was supported by a PQ scholarship with the reference CNPq 304312/2020-7info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Assessing Water Erosion Processes in Degraded Area Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery

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    The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Structure from Motion (SfM) techniques can contribute to increase the accessibility, accuracy, and resolution of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) used for soil erosion monitoring. This study aimed to evaluate the use of four DEMs obtained over a year to monitor erosion processes in an erosion-degraded area, with occurrence of rill and gully erosions, and its correlation with accumulated rainfall during the studied period. The DEMs of Geomorphic Change Detection (GCD) of horizontal and vertical resolutions of 0.10 and 0.06 m were obtained. It was possible to detect events of erosion and deposition volumes of the order of 2 m3, with a volumetric error of ~50 %, in rills and gullies in the initial stage denominated R and GS-I, respectively. Events of the order of 100 m3, with a volumetric error around 14 % were found for advanced gullies, a segment denominated GS-II. In the three studied erosion situations, the deposition volume increased with the accumulated rainfall. The segments R and GS-I presented an inverse relationship between erosion volume and accumulated rainfall during the studied period. This behaviour can be explained by the dynamics of the deposition and erosion volumes during the erosion process. In the GS-II segment, erosion and deposition volumes were proportional and a direct relation with the cumulative rainfall over the studied period and a low percentage of volumetric error were found

    GWAS in Breast Cancer

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    Breast cancer is the most diagnosed cancer in women, and the second cause of cancer-related deaths among women worldwide. It is expected that more than 240,000 new cases and 40,450 deaths related to the disease will occur in 2016. It is well known that inherited genetic variants are drivers for breast cancer development. There are many mechanisms through which germline genetic variation affects prognosis, such as BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, which account for approximately 20% of the increased hereditary risks. Therefore, it is evident that the genetic pathways that underlie cancer development are complex in which networks of multiple alleles confer disease susceptibility and risks. Global analyses through genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have revealed several loci across the genome are associated with the breast cancer. This chapter compiles all breast GWAS released since 2007, year of the first article published in this area, and discuss the future directions of this field. Currently, hundreds of genetic markers are linked to breast cancer, and understanding the underlying mechanisms of these variants might lead to the discover of biomarkers and targets for therapy in patients