229 research outputs found

    Olhares paralelos entre Portugal e o Brasil

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    Tese para a obtenção do grau de Doutor em Arquitectura, especialidade teoria e prática de projecto, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura


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    São inúmeras as adversidades que permeiam o processo de formação docente; dessa maneira, é fundamental que haja pesquisas com intuito de elucidar e informar sobre este tema. O presente artigo tem como propósito abordar a importância da relação teoria-prática na formação inicial docente, e, ainda, tratar sobre a relevância do Programa Residência Pedagógica (PRP) como instrumento enriquecedor do processo formativo. Buscou-se contextualizar o processo de formação docente mediante às práticas pedagógicas ofertadas nos cursos de licenciatura, as quais são normatizadas e direcionadas por meio das Políticas Públicas de Educação, bem como relatar a importância do Programa de Residência Pedagógica, como dispositivo capaz de aliar a teoria e a prática – eixos indissociáveis e complementares no processo de formação docente. Este estudo teve como estratégia metodológica a pesquisa bibliográfica. A partir dos referenciais teóricos consultados, conclui-se que a articulação entre a teoria e a prática se concretiza nas ações do PRP, em que ficam evidentes as propriedades positivas do programa no que tange à criação de um espaço de formação diferenciado, capaz de fomentar uma postura dialética, num esforço real de colaboração entre universidades e escolas de educação básica, com intuito de melhorar a qualidade de ensino nesse segmento. Palavras-chave: Formação docente. Relação teoria-prática. Residência Pedagógica


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    This study aimed to investigate the alterations on the photosynthetic performance of mango plants from cultivars Tommy Atkins and Ubá when exposed to salt stresss and infected with Ceratocystis fimbriata. Plants from these two cutivars were grown in plastic pots receiving nutrient solution with 0 and 90 mM NaCl for 50 days. At 42 days after fungal inoculation, the leaf gas exchange parameters net CO2 assimilation rate [A], stomatal conductance to water vapor [gs], internal CO2 concentration [Ci], and transpiration rate [E] as well as the lesion length, the upward and the downward relative lesion length and the radial fungal colonization were evaluated. Based on the disease variables evaluated, plants from cultivar Ubá were more resistant to infection by C. fimbriata in comparison to plants from cultivar Tommy Atkins. Lower values of A were obtained for plants from cultivar Tommy Atkins submitted to salt stress and infeted with C. fimbriata resulting, therefore, in reduced values of gs and E. In general, plants from cultivar Tommy Atkins were more affected at the photosynthetic level in comparison to plants from cultivar Ubá under salt stress and infected with C. fimbriata. Under salt stress, stomatal closure reduced the Ci values especially on plants from cultivar Tommy Atkins. Plants from cultivar Tommy Atkins were more susceptible to infection by C. fimbriata even when exposed to salt stress

    Expression of PCNA, p53 and Ki-67 in dentinogenic ghost cell tumors and calcifying cystic odontogenic tumors

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a expressão dos antígenos PCNA, p53 e Ki-67 (marcadores de proliferação), em três casos diagnosticados como tumor dentinogênico de células fantasma (TDCF) e dez casos como tumor odontogênico císticos, calcifi cante unicístico (TOCCU) obtidos dos arquivos do Serviço de Patologia Oral e Cirúrgica da Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil. Foram realizadas reações de imunohistoquímica em espécimes de tecido parafi nado. Apenas a marcação nuclear foi considerada específi ca para os três anticorpos. A imunoexpressão das proteínas PCNA, p53 e Ki-67 foi analisada semi-quantitativamente e quantitativamente. Os resultados mostraram que o PCNA foi expresso em ambas as lesões, principalmente na camada basal, e que p53 também mostrou positividade em todos os casos. O TOCCU mostrou um aumento estatisticamente signifi cante na expressão do Ki-67 em relação ao TDCF. Em conclusão, nossos resultados não mostraram correlação entre a atividade proliferativa e o comportamento biológico desses tumores.The aim of this study was to compare the proliferative pattern of dentinogenic ghost cell tumors (DGCT) and unicystic calcifying cystic odontogenic tumors (UCCOT) using antibodies against PCNA, p53 and Ki- 67. Three cases diagnosed as DGCT and ten as UCCOT were retrieved from the fi les of the Surgical Oral Pathology Service at the University of São Paulo, Brazil. Immunohistochemistry was performed in formalin- fi xed and paraffi n-embedded tissue specimens. Only nuclear staining was considered specifi c for the three antibodies. Immunoexpression of PCNA, Ki-67 and p53 was analyzed semi-quantitatively and quantitatively. The results showed that PCNA was positive in both lesions, mainly in the basal cells, and p53 showed positivity in all cases. UCCOT showed statistically signifi cantly higher Ki-67 labeling indices than did DGCT. In conclusion, our results do not support the correlation between proliferative activity as shown by these proteins and reported biologic behavior

    Dialogues between Gestalt therapy and dance: body, speech and sense

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    This article discusses the encounter of psychology and art/dance based on reflections arisen from interdisciplinary work in dance workshops for teens in a community of Rio de Janeiro in partnership with an NGO in the region. In interdisciplinary work involving workshops, the focus was on corporeality and subjectivity processes of youth. The theoretical framework was the phenomenology of Merleau-Ponty, the clinic of Gestalt Therapy and the Theory and Foundations of Helenita de Sa Earp Dance. Phenomenology conceives the human experience as spontaneous and expressive action in the world, which produces senses and meanings. Gestalt therapy is a clinical experience which aims to extend the capacity of awareness from the body, allowing a ressignifying of yourself, from the experience and from the world. Art is understood as a living of the body, not as a resource; but a range of possibilities for an aesthetic experience of yourself and the world. In dancing the body is reanimated, decentralized and moved to create senses. The aim of these workshops was to create expressive possibilities based on the experiences that emerge in the field, an expressive work that revolves senses and sedimented meanings, enabling a more critical stance toward automatic and crystallizing reality. The exploration of theoretical frameworks of dance and the gestalt-therapy performed in this work showed important ontological, epistemological, methodological and conceptual affinities which allowed the strengthening, the basis of the dialogue about the practices being developed in workshops with young people in a theoretical point of view

    Representações sobre a adesão ao tratamento da Tuberculose Multidroga Resistente

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    Objective: To identify representations regarding adherence to the treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis from the perspective of patients who were discharged upon being cured. Method: A qualitative study with patients who completed the drug treatment for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in São Paulo. Social Determination was used to interpret the health-disease process, and the testimonies were analyzed according to dialectical hermeneutics and the discourse analysis technique. Results: Twenty-one patients were interviewed. The majority (80.9%) were men, in the productive age group (90.4%) and on sick leave or unemployed (57.2%) during the treatment. Based on the testimonies, three categories associated with adherence to treatment emerged: the desire to live, support for the development of treatment and care provided by the health services. Conclusion: For the study sample, adherence to the treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis was related to having a life project and support from the family and health professionals. Free treatment is fundamental for adherence, given the fragilities arising from the social insertion of people affected by the disease. Therefore, special attention is required from the health services to understand patient needs

    Differential metallothionein expression in oral lichen planus and amalgam-associated oral lichenoid lesions

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    Oral lichen planus (OLP) is a chronic inflammatory disease mediated by T cells, which manifests as reticular (white) or erosive (red) lesions, that are eventually painful. Oral lichenoid lesion (OLL) are distinguished from OLP by the presence of precipitating factors. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the presence of metallothionein, which is involved in anti-apoptotic pathways and the anti-oxidative response, could serve as a differential diagnostic for OLP and OLL. We evaluated the expression of metallothionein in 40 cases of OLP and 20 cases of OLL using immunohistochemistry. White OLP has higher concentrations of metallothionein than red OLP in basal and parabasal layers. Moreover, metallothionein was more frequently observed in the cytoplasm and nuclei of basal cells in OLP patients compared to the same regions of OLL cases. Metallothionein levels are related to OLP severity and may contribute to a differential diagnosis between OLP and OLL

    Socioeconomic status moderates the association between perceived environment and active commuting to school

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the moderator effect of socioeconomic status in the association between the perceived environment and active commuting to school. METHODS: A total of 495 adolescents and their parents were interviewed. Perceived environment was operationalized in traffic and crime safety and assessed with the Neighborhood Environment Walkability Scale. Active commuting was self-reported by the adolescents, categorized in walking, bicycling or skating at least one time/week. Socioeconomic status was used as moderator effect, reported from adolescents’ parents or guardians using Brazilian standardized socioeconomic status classification. Analyses were performed with Poisson regression on Stata 12.0. RESULTS: Prevalence of active commuting was 63%. Adolescents with low socioeconomic status who reported “it is easy to observe pedestrians and cyclists” were more likely to actively commute to school (PR = 1.18, 95%CI 1.03–1.13). Adolescents with low socioeconomic status whose parents or legal guardians reported positively to “being safe crossing the streets” had increased probability of active commuting to school (PR = 1.10, 95%CI 1.01–1.20), as well as those with high socioeconomic status with “perception of crime” were positively associated to the outcome (PR = 1.33, 95%CI 1.03–1.72). CONCLUSIONS: Socioeconomic status showed moderating effects in the association between the perceived environment and active commuting to school

    Consequências legais do rompimento da barragem da Vale s.a. em Brumadinho, MG

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    A Vale S.A. foi condenada a indenizar, por danos morais individuais, as famílias das vítimas fatais do rompimento da barragem de Brumadinho, em Minas Gerais. Tal tragédia gerou o óbito de 271 pessoas, sendo a maioria trabalhadores da mineradora. Apesar de, em decisão da 5ª Vara do Trabalho de Betim, a Vale S.A. ter sido condenada pelo ocorrido, a decisão excluiu trabalhadores terceirizados, autônomos e vítimas fatais, além das indenizações terem sido inferiores às observadas em casos semelhantes internacionais. A partir disso, houve a construção da Nota Técnica: Dano-morte, necroeconomia e dano existencial no rompimento da barragem da Vale S.A. em Brumadinho, MG – publicada em julho de 2021 pelo Polos de Cidadania. A presente Resenha Crítica analisa a Nota Técnica, resumindo seus principais pontos e discutindo, a partir de outras referências, as questões trazidas pela publicação