174 research outputs found

    Addressing subjectivity in the classification of palaeoenvironmental remains with supervised deep learning convolutional neural networks

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    Archaeological object identifications have been traditionally undertaken through a comparative methodology where each artefact is identified through a subjective, interpretative act by a professional. Regarding palaeoenvironmental remains, this comparative methodology is given boundaries by using reference materials and codified sets of rules, but subjectivity is nevertheless present. The problem with this traditional archaeological methodology is that higher level of subjectivity in the identification of artefacts leads to inaccuracies, which then increases the potential for Type I and Type II errors in the testing of hypotheses. Reducing the subjectivity of archaeological identifications would improve the statistical power of archaeological analyses, which would subsequently lead to more impactful research. In this thesis, it is shown that the level of subjectivity in palaeoenvironmental research can be reduced by applying deep learning convolutional neural networks within an image recognition framework. The primary aim of the presented research is therefore to further the on-going paradigm shift in archaeology towards model-based object identifications, particularly within the realm of palaeoenvironmental remains. Although this thesis focuses on the identification of pollen grains and animal bones, with the latter being restricted to the astragalus of sheep and goats, there are wider implications for archaeology as these methods can easily be extended beyond pollen and animal remains. The previously published POLEN23E dataset is used as the pilot study of applying deep learning in pollen grain classification. In contrast, an image dataset of modern bones was compiled for the classification of sheep and goat astragali due to a complete lack of available bone image datasets and a double blind study with inexperienced and experienced zooarchaeologists was performed to have a benchmark to which image recognition models can be compared. In both classification tasks, the presented models outperform all previous formal modelling methods and only the best human analysts match the performance of the deep learning model in the sheep and goat astragalus separation task. Throughout the thesis, there is a specific focus on increasing trust in the models through the visualization of the models’ decision making and avenues of improvements to Grad-CAM are explored. This thesis makes an explicit case for the phasing out of the comparative methods in favour of a formal modelling framework within archaeology, especially in palaeoenvironmental object identification

    Keskitetysti hallittavat WLAN-verkot

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    Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on keskitetysti hallittavan WLAN-järjestelmän toteuttaminen Lahden kaupungin Mastonet-verkkoon. Keskitetysti hallittavalla WLAN-järjestelmällä pystytään päivittämään verkon laitekanta vastaamaan tämän päivän haasteisiin. Toteutettava järjestelmä valitaan tutustumalla eri valmistajien järjestelmiin ja testaamalla niiden ominaisuuksia. Lisäksi työssä verrataan perinteisten WLAN-verkkojen toimintaa MESH-verkkoon ja tutkitaan MESH-verkon sopivuutta Mastonet-verkon käyttöön. Opinnäytetyön teoriaosuudessa käydään läpi WLAN-standardien kehitystä, tulevia WLAN-standardeja, keskitetyn hallinnan protokollia ja valmistajien keskitetyn hallinnan järjestelmiä. WLAN-verkot ovat kulkeneet pitkän matkan 1980-luvun standardoimattomista verkoista 2000-luvun standardoituihin ja keskitetysti hallittaviin WLAN-verkkoihin. Alkuvuodesta 2011 julkaistava Wireless MESH-standardi mahdollistaa vikasietoisen langattoman runkoverkon rakentamisen WLAN-verkon tukiasemien välille. Keskitetysti hallittavista WLAN-kontrollerijärjestelmistä valittiin tutkittaviksi järjestelmiksi Cisco Systemsin, D-Linkin, Meru Networksin ja Motorolan laitteistot. Lisäksi Ciscon ja D-Linkin WLAN-kontrollerijärjestelmät asennettiin käytössä olevaan testiympäristöön kattavampia testejä varten. Laitteistojen ominaisuudet eivät juuri eronneet toisistaan, ja suuremmat erot järjestelmien välille tulivat hinnan perusteella ja hallintapalvelimen suhteella, jota D-Link ja Meru eivät sisältäneet. Opinnäytetyön käytännön osuus koostui eri valmistajien laitteiden testauksesta ja niiden vertailusta sekä valitun järjestelmän käyttöönotosta. MESH-järjestelmä osoittautui liian kalliiksi toteutustavaksi tämänhetkiseen Mastonet-verkkoon. Työn tavoitteena oli saada toimiva keskitetysti hallittava WLAN-järjestelmä käyttöön Mastonet-verkkoon. Tässä tavoitteessa onnistuttiin. Keskitetysti hallittavaksi WLAN-järjestelmäksi valikoitui Cisco Systems 4400 -sarjan kontrolleriin perustuva järjestelmä, josta tehtiin valmis kokoonpano käyttöön otettavaksi, kunhan järjestelmän vaatimat verkkoyhteydet saadaan toimintaan.The objective of this thesis was to select a centrally controlled WLAN network system for Mastonet, the wireless network of the city of Lahti, and take it to use. Another objective was to study a wireless mesh network called MESH and to determine whether it is suitable for Mastonet. The theory part of the thesis presents wireless network standards, the upcoming MESH standard, centrally controlled protocols and different vendors of centrally controlled WLAN systems. It describes what differences there are between the standards and what improvements come with a centrally controlled system. Also it introduces the upcoming wireless MESH standard, which allows wireless backbones to WLAN networks. The vendors of centrally managed WLAN systems compared were Cisco Systems, D-Links, Meru Networks and Motorola's systems. Cisco Systems and D-Link WLAN controllers were selected to the practical tests. No huge differences were found between the systems except the price and the management server, which is not yet included in the D-Link and Meru systems. In the practical part, the systems were tested, the test results were compared and the selected system was taken to use. The MESH network turned out too expensive and its backbone connection was too slow for implementation in Mastonet now. The goal was to get a centrally controlled WLAN system to use in Mastonet and that goal was achived. The system will be based on Cisco Systems 4400-series WLAN controller. WLAN controller was configured ready to take in use when all network connections have been established

    Seinäjoen Kotijoukkue Oy:n asiakastyytyväisyystutkimus

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    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää Seinäjoen Kotijoukkueen asiakkaiden, ostajien sekä myyjien, tyytyväisyyttä Kotijoukkueen palveluun. Ensimmäisenä tavoitteena oli perehtyä asiakaspalveluun ja henkilökohtaiseen myyntityöhön, sekä niiden merkitykseen kiinteistönvälityksessä. Toisena tavoitteena oli toteuttaa asiakastyytyväisyyskysely Seinäjoen Kotijoukkueen asiakkaille sekä analysoida se. Opinnäytetyön teoriaosuus käsittelee asiakaspalvelua sekä henkilökohtaista myyntityötä. Aluksi perehdytään siihen, mitä asiakaspalvelu on ja minkälaista on hyvä asiakaspalvelu. Tämän jälkeen perehdytään hyvän myyjän ominaisuuksiin, kuten asenteeseen, ulkoiseen olemukseen ja erilaisten persoonien kanssa toimeen tulemiseen. Lopuksi käsitellään myynnin erivaiheita, aina lähestymisestä kaupan varmistamiseen sekä asiakastyytyväisyyttä ja sen mittaamista. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin kvantitatiivisena puhelinkyselynä. Puhelinkysely toteutettiin syyskuussa 2013 ja kohderyhmänä olivat ostajat sekä myyjät, jotka olivat asioineet Kotijoukkueen kanssa aikavälillä 1.2.2013–15.9.2013. Molemmille kohderyhmille oli oma kyselylomake. Vastauksia saatiin yhteensä 80 kappaletta, 40 myyjältä ja 40 ostajalta. Pääsääntöisesti Kotijoukkueen asiakkaat olivat tyytyväisiä Kotijoukkueen toimintaan, mutta kehityskohtiakin löytyi. Erityisesti myyjät toivoivat parempaa yhteydenpitoa asiakkaaseen. Esiin nousi myös myyjien nöyrän asenteen tärkeys. Erityisesti nuorempien ihmisten keskuudessa korostui Internetin tärkeys markkinointiväylänä.The purpose of this thesis was to examine the satisfaction of customers, both sellers and buyers, with the service received from Seinäjoen Kotijoukkue Oy. Another objective was to get new ideas and to collect data in order that the services could be targeted better. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with customer service and personal selling. The first objective was to deal with what customer service is and what good customer service is. The second objective was to focus on the properties of a good seller, such as attitude, appearance and getting along with different personalities. Finally, the theoretical part deals with the sales stages, from approach to closing the deal. After that, the theoretical part deals with customer satisfaction and how to measure it. The thesis was carried out as quantitative phone survey. The phone survey was carried out in the autumn of 2013. The target group consisted of all the sellers and buyers who have done business with Seinäjoen Kotijoukkue between 1 Feb 2013 and 15 Sep 2013. Both target groups, sellers and buyers, had their own questionnaire. The final number of answers was 80: 40 answers from sellers and 40 from buyers. The results of the analysis show that the customers were satisfied on average but there were also some targets for development. Sellers demand better communication between the seller and the real estate agent. Another thing that came up was the importance of a humble attitude, as well as the importance of the Internet as a marketing channel, especially among young people

    Estimation of sulfuric acid concentration using ambient ion composition and concentration data obtained with atmospheric pressure interface time-of-flight ion mass spectrometer

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    Sulfuric acid (H2SO4, SA) is the key compound in atmospheric new particle formation. Therefore, it is crucial to observe its concentration with sensitive instrumentation, such as chemical ionisation (CI) inlets coupled to atmospheric pressure interface time-of-flight (APi-TOF) mass spectrometers. However, there are environmental conditions for which and physical reasons why chemical ionisation cannot be used, for example in certain remote places or during flight measurements with limitations regarding chemicals. Here, we propose a theoretical method to estimate the SA concentration based on ambient ion composition and concentration measurements that are achieved by APi-TOF alone. We derive a theoretical expression to estimate the SA concentration and validate it with accurate CI-APi-TOF observations. Our validation shows that the developed estimate works well during daytime in a boreal forest (R-2 = 0.85); however, it underestimates the SA concentration in, e.g. the Antarctic atmosphere during new particle formation events where the dominating pathway for nucleation involves sulfuric acid and a base (R-2 = 0.48).Peer reviewe

    Members of the murine Pate family are predominantly expressed in the epididymis in a segment-specific fashion and regulated by androgens and other testicular factors

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Spermatozoa leaving the testis are not able to fertilize the egg <it>in vivo</it>. They must undergo further maturation in the epididymis. Proteins secreted to the epididymal lumen by the epithelial cells interact with the spermatozoa and enable these maturational changes, and are responsible for proper storage conditions before ejaculation. The present study was carried out in order to characterize the expression of a novel <it>Pate </it>(prostate and testis expression) gene family, coding for secreted cysteine-rich proteins, in the epididymis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Murine genome databases were searched and sequence comparisons were performed to identify members of the <it>Pate </it>gene family, and their expression profiles in several mouse tissues were characterized by RT-PCR. Alternate transcripts were identified by RT-PCR, sequencing and Northern hybridization. Also, to study the regulation of expression of <it>Pate </it>family genes by the testis, quantitative (q) RT-PCR analyses were performed to compare gene expression levels in the epididymides of intact mice, gonadectomized mice, and gonadectomized mice under testosterone replacement treatment.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A revised family tree of <it>Pate </it>genes is presented, including a previously uncharacterized <it>Pate </it>gene named <it>Pate-X</it>, and the data revealed that <it>Acrv1 </it>and <it>Sslp1 </it>should also be considered as members of the <it>Pate </it>family. Alternate splicing was observed for <it>Pate-X, Pate-C </it>and <it>Pate-M</it>. All the <it>Pate </it>genes studied are predominantly expressed in the epididymis, whereas expression in the testis and prostate is notably lower. Loss of androgens and/or testicular luminal factors was observed to affect the epididymal expression of several <it>Pate </it>genes.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We have characterized a gene cluster consisting of at least 14 expressed <it>Pate </it>gene members, including <it>Acrv1, Sslp1 </it>and a previously uncharacterized gene which we named <it>Pate-X</it>. The genes code for putatively secreted, cysteine-rich proteins with a TFP/Ly-6/uPAR domain. Members of the <it>Pate </it>gene cluster characterized are predominantly expressed in the murine epididymis, not in the testis or prostate, and are regulated by testicular factors. Similar proteins are present in venoms of several reptiles, and they are thought to mediate their effects by regulating certain ion channels, and are thus expected to have a clinical relevance in sperm maturation and epididymal infections.</p

    Measuring atmospheric ion bursts and their dynamics using mass spectrometry

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    Atmospheric ions are produced after a cascade of reactions starting from initial ionization by high energetic radiation. Such ionization bursts generate ions that rapidly react and generate a suite of ion products. Primary ions are in the atmosphere originate from radioactive decay, gamma radiation from the soil or cosmic ray events. In this work, we modified an existing instrumentation and developed a novel setup for detecting ion bursts. The setup consists of a continuous flow ionization chamber coupled to Atmospheric Pressure interface Time-Of-Flight (APi-TOF) mass spectrometer. The APi-TOF sampling rate was set to 100 Hz in order to detect individual ion bursts from ionization events. Besides counting the individual ionization events, the developed setup is able to follow the rapidly changing chemical composition of ions during ion burst cascade. The setup can give us insights into the primary ionization mechanisms and their importance in atmospheric ion and aerosol dynamics.Peer reviewe