52 research outputs found

    Fine resolution modelling of ammonia dry deposition over Great Britain

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    Élisabeth Parmentier, Les filles prodigues. DĂ©fis des thĂ©ologies fĂ©ministes

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    Dans le titre un peu provocateur de ce livre, les lecteurs reconnaĂźtront sans peine un clin d’Ɠil fait Ă  la parabole du « fils prodigue » de l’évangile de Luc. D’emblĂ©e, l’auteure explique l’intĂ©rĂȘt de ce rĂ©cit biblique : alors que le fils dont il est question, revient Ă  la maison, domaine privilĂ©giĂ© des femmes, la parabole ne parle jamais d’elles. L’histoire de Luc ne concerne que des hommes. Pour Élisabeth Parmentier, ce silence est significatif de l’expĂ©rience des femmes dans la « maison-É..

    Marie-Jeanne BĂ©rĂšre, thĂ©ologienne catholique, et la question des femmes dans l’Église

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    J’ai rencontrĂ© Marie-Jeanne BĂ©rĂšre Ă  Lyon en 1994. C’était une petite femme vive, Ă  la parole claire et prĂ©cise, avec un bel accent bourguignon. Elle avait acceptĂ© une interview, Ă  son domicile lyonnais, le 23 mars 1995. Je souhaitais la revoir pour ce numĂ©ro de CLIO, Histoire, Femmes et SociĂ©tĂ©s sur les ChrĂ©tiennes mais elle est dĂ©cĂ©dĂ©e dans l’étĂ© 2000, Ă  73 ans, sans avoir eu le temps de rĂ©diger ses mĂ©moires. Son itinĂ©raire de femme engagĂ©e dans l’Église catholique est celui d’une chrĂ©tienn..

    The potential for tree planting strategies to reduce local and regional ecosystem impacts of agricultural ammonia emissions

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    Trees are very effective at capturing both gaseous and particulate pollutants from the atmosphere. But while studies have often focussed on PM and NOx in the urban environment, little research has been carried out on the tree effect of capturing gaseous emissions of ammonia in the rural landscape. To examine the removal or scavenging of ammonia by trees a long-range atmospheric model (FRAME) was used to compare two strategies that could be used in emission reduction policies anywhere in the world where nitrogen pollution from agriculture is a problem. One strategy was to reduce the emission source strength of livestock management systems by implementing two ‘tree-capture’ systems scenarios – tree belts downwind of housing and managing livestock under trees. This emission reduction can be described as an ‘on-farm’ emission reduction policy, as ammonia is ‘stopped’ from dispersion outside the farm boundaries. The second strategy was to apply an afforestation policy targeting areas of high ammonia emission through two planting scenarios of increasing afforestation by 25% and 50%. Both strategies use trees with the aim of intercepting NH3 emissions to protect semi-natural areas. Scenarios for on-farm emission reductions showed national reductions in nitrogen deposition to semi-natural areas of 0.14% (0.2 kt N–NHx) to 2.2% (3.15 kt N–NHx). Scenarios mitigating emissions from cattle and pig housing gave the highest reductions. The afforestation strategy showed national reductions of 6% (8.4 kt N–NHx) to 11% (15.7 kt N–NHx) for 25% and 50% afforestation scenarios respectively. Increased capture by the planted trees also showed an added benefit of reducing long range effects including a decrease in wet deposition up to 3.7 kt N–NHx (4.6%) and a decrease in export from the UK up to 8.3 kt N–NHx (6.8%)

    Letter of Commendation

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    Correspondence between Mark W. Clark and Gordon Singles, letter of commendation to the Commanding Officer of the 100th Infantry Battalion

    Alternate History: Playing with Contingency and Necessity

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    While, strictly speaking, Alternate Histories are not Future Narratives, their analysis can shed a clear light on why Future Narratives are so different from past narratives. Trying to have it both ways, most Alternate Histories subscribe to a conflicting set of beliefs concerning determinism and freedom of choice, contingency and necessity. For the very first time, Alternate Histories are here discussed against the backdrop of their Other, Future Narratives. The volume contains in-depth analyses of the classics of the genre

    Award of Legion of Merit

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    Letter from Gordon Singles recommending Yost for the Award of the Legion of Merit
