55 research outputs found

    Politik Pencalonan Pasangan Suami-Istri pada Pemilihan Kepala Desa di Desa Sekaran Kabupaten Bojonegoro dan Desa Lembor Kabupaten Lamongan

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    Artikel jurnal ini membahas mengenai terjadinya pencalonan pasangan suami-istri pada pilkades yang terjadi di Desa Sekaran dan Desa Lembor. Dengan fokus pembahasan pada penyebab terjadinya pencalonan pasangan suami-istri pada pilkades. Hasil dari pembahasan ini menunjukkan bahwa pencalonan pasangan suami-istri terjadi disebabkan tidak adanya masyarakat yang mencalonkan diri menjadi penantang petahana di dua desa tersebut. Dan tidak adanya masyarakat yang mencalonkan tersebut, disebabkan kuatnya pengaruh modal sosial dan modal simbolik yang dimiliki oleh calon petahana di Desa Sekaran, dan juga kuatnya pengaruh kelompok NU yang ada di Desa Lembor


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    -KAMARUDDIN SINGKA, E 121 07 027, ANALISIS POTENSI \ud PARIWISATA DALAM PELAKSANAAN OTONOMI DAERAH DI KOTA \ud BAUBAU, dibawah bimbingan Dr. H. Andi Samsu Alam, M.Si selaku \ud Konsultan I dan Dra. Hj. Nurlinah, M.Si selaku Konsultan II. Program \ud Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan Jurusan Politik Pemerintahan Fakultas Ilmu \ud Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Hasanuddin. \ud Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tentang analisis \ud pengelolaan potensi pariwisata yang ada di Kota Baubau dan seberapa \ud besar dampak kontribusi yang diberikan oleh sektor pariwisata bagi \ud masyarakat dan dalam upaya peningkatan pendapatan asli daerah \ud terhadap pelaksanaan otonomi daerah di Kota Baubau. \ud Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut digunakan metode penelitian \ud kualitatif dengan tipe penelitian deskriptif dengan tehnik pengumpulan \ud data melalui observasi dengan pengamatan langsung ke lokasi penelitian, \ud wawancara dengan beberapa informan yang mengetahui tinjauan \ud penelitian, dan dokumentasi berupa data-data sekunder sebagai \ud pendukung dalam penelitian yang kemudian dianalisis secara desktiptif \ud kualitatif. \ud Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kontribusi yang diberikan oleh \ud sektor pariwisata dalam sumbangsihnya terhadap pendapatan asli daerah \ud Kota Baubau masih rendah, hal ini terbukti dengan kontribusi yang \ud diberikan oleh sektor pariwisata yang hanya sebesar 1,4% terhadap total \ud pendapatan asli daerah Kota Baubau. Walaupun kontribusinya masih \ud rendah akan tetapi dilihat dari sektor pengembangan dan pemberdayaan \ud masyarakat, sektor pariwisata telah memberikan kontribusi nyata \ud utamanya terhadap masyarakat yang berada di sekitar lokasi obyek wisata \ud yang berada di Kota Baubau baik dari segi penjualan makanan, \ud cinderamata, maupun penyewaan penginapan sehingga masyarakat \ud dapat merasakan secara langsung dampak kontribusi terhadap \ud pengelolaan pariwisata dalam pelaksanaan otonomi daerah di Kota \ud Baubau


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    The purpose of this study is to determine the use of PhET simulation media based on guided inquiry to improve science process skills students on vibration and wave material. The type of research contucted was Pre experiment with One Group Pretest Posttest as the research design. For research subject were student of VIII-D grade in SMP Negeri 1 Sidoarjo for academic year 2020/2021, totaling 32 students. Then, data collection methods include test sheets of science process skills based and response questionnaires. The results showed that the pretest and posttest score increased by 0,70 in the high category. While, the results of the students responses showed a high interest in the use of PhET simulation media based on guided inquiry for vibration and wave materials with a total average of 88,6%. The conclusion of the research is that the use of PhET simulation media based on guided inquiry can improve science process skills. And the implication of the research is that teachers can determine the competence of science process skills students, so that they can determine science learning that can improve science process skills

    Return migration of Indonesian nurses from Japan: Where should they go?

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    Introduction: Indonesia has a vast resource of nursing workforce for supplying the world demand. Nationally, there is growing concern at the current flows of nurse migration, particularly from Indonesia to Japan. Indonesia Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (IJEPA) has opened the gate for movement of natural persons, not exempted of nurses. Through this program, the flow of skilled migrants from Indonesia to Japan has been facilitated by government of both countries. Furthermore, advanced health care facility and aging society in Japan has demanded more foreign nurses which are lead to nursing migration. This paper focuses on the challenges and opportunities specifically talking about the issue of return. Method: Mixed method was employed, in the first quantitative section, data was collected by questionnaire. In the qualitative section, semi-structured interviews were conducted. The interviews were analysed with qualitative thematic content analysis. Data were obtained from twenty nurses, self reporting questionnaire and five nurses participated voluntarily in interview section. Result: The results showed that 18 out of 20 skilled migrants were unemployed and sought a new job. Meanwhile, two returnee continue studying to a higher degree. Evidence from the interviews revealed that it seems it is very challenging for them to live in a home country and struggle with a real life. They were seeking vacancies and looking for the best one which is matched with their qualification. Conclusion: Return migration would be very challenging and create difficulty for returning nurses to look for a new position and enhance their career. Facilitating return migration through specific program should be built. Making return attractive can increase the transfer of knowledge within a country and lessen the negative impact of brain drain


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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang peranan arsiparis dalam melakukan preservasi arsip di Dinas Perpustakaan dan Arsip Daerah Provinsi Jambi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peranan arsiparis dalam melakukan preservasi arsip serta hambatan dan strategi dalam melakukan preservasi arsip. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah peranan arsiparis tersebut terbagi atas dua kategori yaitu peranan langsung dan peranan tidak langsung, Peranan langsung meliputi: mempersiapkan preservasi arsip baik dari segi alat dan kesiapan diri, meneliti sebab kerusakan arsip, menentukan sifat dan besarnya masalah pada sebuah arsip kecil, sedang, dan besar, menentukan alokasi dana dan personil preservasi arsip, dan memutuskan manajemen terkait arsip prioritas, hingga memperhatikan keadaan bangunan penyimpanan arsip. Sedangkan peranan tidak langsung dilakukan arsiparis dengan cara memberikan bimbingan teknis terkait preservasi arsip kepada pihak-pihak yang memerlukan. Adapun peranan tersebut belumlah dapat berjalan sebagaimana mestinya dikarenakan adanya hambatan dalam kegiatan preservasi arsip. Adapun hambatan tersebut berasal dari sarana dan prasarana, sumber daya manusia dan pendanaan. Dan strategi yang dapat dilakukan arsiparis demi menangani hambatan tersebut dengan pengadaan sarana dan prasarana, diberikannya pelatihan preservasi arsip kepada arsiparis, untuk pendanaan dengan cara melakukan kerja sama dengan pemerintah daerah

    Demokrasi dalam Pemilihan Kepala Desa? Studi Kasus Desa Dengan Tipologi Tradisional, Transisional, dan Modern di Provinsi Jawa Barat Tahun 2008-2013

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    This research was motivated by variety of understandings of political activities in villages. The article argues that village is considered as the embrio for the formation of political society and government in Indonesia, which is also the basis for this democratic nation. This consideration can be seen from the activities of village’s headman elections. Headman election is a political activity that shows how democratic process can take place in village level. Therefore, headman elections cannot be separated from the dynamic development of the political situation in the village. It is not merely a power struggle within the leadership’s succession in the village or the campaign strategy applied to gain support from the wider community, but more than that it is all about prestige, dignity and honor. So for the villagers, the headman election is more emotional and rational in comparison with other elections such as local elections, even presidential elections. This research examines the Headman Election with direct analysis of three villages with different typologies. They villages are Neglasari Village in Salawu, Tasikmalaya (Traditional Village); Cimekar Village in Cileunyi, Bandung (Transitional Village); Cipacing Village in Jatinangor, Sumedang (Modern Village). Those three villages are located in the province of West Java. The result shows that practice of democracy in those three villages has worked partly according to some ideal criteria of democracy, nevertheless has not worked yet in some others criteria

    Usaha dan Pengembangan Industri Kecil Berbasis Komunitas Lokal

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    House of Balikpapan Creative (RKB) is a small and medium industry that has been developed and focuses on hand made batik and recycle handicraft. This small industry involves local community that consists of disability people and housewife. The existence of RKB is formed by oil and gas company contribution to local community in their operations area through Corporate Social Responsibility program. Current condition of RKB needs development strategy systematically. This research is aimed toreview the current state of business, to review the performance and to formalize the business development strategy of RKB in an attempt to increase the independence and sustainability of the business. Data collection was done through observation; interviewand focus group discussion as well as disseminating a questionnaire to 30 respondents, which used RKB products. The data is analyzed descriptively where as IPA analyzes performance review. Internal Factor Evaluation Matrix, External Factor Evaluation Matrix, Internal External Matrix, Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Matrix Analysis along with Quantitative Strategy Planning Matrix (QSPM) analyze strategy development. Outcome mapping performance and consumer interests described the RKB need to allocate adequate resources for improving the performance of the product in terms of price, speed orders, precision workers and handling complaints and media promotion. Based on the SWOT and QSPM analysis, the most major strategic priorities which need to be implemented are organizational restructuring and management system, increase promotion, partnering with banking institutions, sets the market price strategy to confront the competition, improve the quality of service to customers

    Analisis Potensi Pariwisata dalam Pelaksanaan Otonomi Daerah di Kota Baubau

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    Abstract: This study attempts to know about management analysis tourism is in town baubau and how much impact contributions given by the tourism sector for the community and in terms of increasing local revenue for regional autonomy in the city Baubau. The results of the study showed that contribution given by tourism sector in its contribution on local revenue city baubau is still low , it was proven by contribution given by tourism sector is only 1.4 % to the total revenue baubau the area of a city. Although contribution is still low but seen from sector the development and pem-berdayaan the community, tourism sector has also contributed real main to those who is located near the tourism are located in the baubau both in terms of sales food, souvenirs, and rental lodging so public can feel directly the impact of contributed to pariwisata management in the implementation of regional autonomy in the city Baubau. Keywords: local authonomy, tourism, baubau Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tentang analisis pengelolaan potensi pariwisata yang ada di Kota Baubau dan seberapa besar dampak kontribusi yang diberikan oleh sektor pariwisata bagi masyarakat dan dalam upaya peningkatan pendapatan asli daerah terhadap pelaksanaan otonomi daerah di Kota Baubau. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kontribusi yang diberikan oleh sektor pariwisata dalam sumbangsihnya terhadap pendapatan asli daerah Kota Baubau masih rendah, hal ini terbukti dengan kontribusi yang diberikan oleh sektor pariwisata yang hanya sebesar 1,4% terhadap total pendapatan asli daerah Kota Baubau. Walaupun kontribusinya masih rendah akan tetapi dilihat dari sektor pengembangan dan pemberdayaan masyarakat, sektor pariwisata telah memberikan kontribusi nyata utamanya terhadap masyarakat yang berada di sekitar lokasi obyek wisata yang berada di Kota Baubau baik dari segi penjualan makanan, cinderamata, maupun penyewaan penginapan sehingga masyarakat dapat merasakan secara langsung dampak kontribusi terhadap pengelolaan pariwisata dalam pelaksanaan otonomi daerah di Kota Baubau. Kata kunci: pariwisata, otonomi daerah, bauba

    Interactions of NIPAM nanogels with model lipid multi-bilayers: A neutron reflectivity study

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    The authors wish to thank the ISIS, STFC, UK, for beam time on SURF and INTER (RB 1410123). The European Commission (FP7 Marie Curie Actions, projects NANODRUG (MCITN-2011-289554) and NANOLEM (PIEF-GA-2013-627146)), the Chinese Scholarship Council and Queen Mary, University of London are gratefully acknowledged for financial support