236 research outputs found

    Epidemic Spreading and Aging in Temporal Networks with Memory

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    Time-varying network topologies can deeply influence dynamical processes mediated by them. Memory effects in the pattern of interactions among individuals are also known to affect how diffusive and spreading phenomena take place. In this paper we analyze the combined effect of these two ingredients on epidemic dynamics on networks. We study the susceptible-infected-susceptible (SIS) and the susceptible-infected-removed (SIR) models on the recently introduced activity-driven networks with memory. By means of an activity-based mean-field approach we derive, in the long time limit, analytical predictions for the epidemic threshold as a function of the parameters describing the distribution of activities and the strength of the memory effects. Our results show that memory reduces the threshold, which is the same for SIS and SIR dynamics, therefore favouring epidemic spreading. The theoretical approach perfectly agrees with numerical simulations in the long time asymptotic regime. Strong aging effects are present in the preasymptotic regime and the epidemic threshold is deeply affected by the starting time of the epidemics. We discuss in detail the origin of the model-dependent preasymptotic corrections, whose understanding could potentially allow for epidemic control on correlated temporal networks.Comment: 10 pages, 8 fogure

    Esporte e idosos: jogar, competir e viver

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    ResumoO objetivo é relacionar o fenômeno esportivo com o idoso a partir das possibilidades de conceitos e da vivência em esportes. A coleta de dados foi realizada com 37 idosos, integrantes de uma equipe representativa de uma cidade do interior de São Paulo nos Jogos Regionais do Idoso (JORI), os quais responderam a um questionário. A análise dos dados foi através da Técnica de Elaboração e Análise de Unidades de Significado. Os dados revelaram que os idosos estão na equipe num período entre um e oito anos e as razões de participar estão atreladas: à amizade e ao companheirismo, à saúde, ao preparo físico, a sentir-se bem, gostar da prática de esportes, trocar experiências, conhecer novas cidades. Estes resultados mostram a necessidade de a Educação Física proporcionar, na forma adequada, a prática de esportes para essa faixa etária.Palavras-chave: Esporte. Idoso. Jogo.Sport and elderly: to play, to compete and to liveAbstractThe aim is to relation the sporting phenomenon with elderly, at the beginning of the possibilities of the concepts and the sport experiencing. We applied a questionnaire in 37 elderly, part of the representative team of the country city of São Paulo state in the Regional Games of elderly people (JORI). The questionnaires were transcribed and responses were analyzed through content analysis: Technical Preparation and Analysis of Meaning Units. The data reveals that elderly are in the team in the period between one and eight years and the reasons to participate are attached to: friendship, health, physics prepare, to feel better and to like the practices of sports, to switch experience or to know new cities. This result appoint to the needs of the Physics Education to provide, in the corrected way, the practice of sports to these people included.Keywords: Sport. Elderly. Game.Deporte y ancianos: jugar, competir y vivir ResumenEl objetivo es relacionar el fenómeno deportivo con el anciano a partir de las posibilidades de conceptos y de la vivencia en deportes. La recolección de datos fue realizada con 37 ancianos, integrantes de un equipo representativo de una ciudad del interior de São Paulo en los Juegos Regionales del Anciano (JORI), los cuales respondieron a un cuestionario. El análisis de los datos fue a través de la Técnica de Elaboración y Análisis de Unidades de Significado. Los datos revelaron que los ancianos están en el equipo en un período entre uno y ocho años y las razones de participar están enganchadas: a la amistad y al compañerismo, a la salud, a la preparación física, a sentirse bien, gustar la práctica de deportes, cambiar experiencias, conocer nuevas ciudades. Estos resultados muestran la necesidad de que la Educación Física proporcione, en la forma adecuada, la práctica de deportes para este grupo de edad.Palabras clave: Deporte. Anciano. Juego

    Esporte e idosos: jogar, competir e viver

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    Resumo O objetivo é relacionar o fenômeno esportivo com o idoso a partir das possibilidades de conceitos e da vivência em esportes. A coleta de dados foi realizada com 37 idosos, integrantes de uma equipe representativa de uma cidade do interior de São Paulo nos Jogos Regionais do Idoso (JORI), os quais responderam a um questionário. A análise dos dados foi através da Técnica de Elaboração e Análise de Unidades de Significado. Os dados revelaram que os idosos estão na equipe num período entre um e oito anos e as razões de participar estão atreladas: à amizade e ao companheirismo, à saúde, ao preparo físico, a sentir-se bem, gostar da prática de esportes, trocar experiências, conhecer novas cidades. Estes resultados mostram a necessidade de a Educação Física proporcionar, na forma adequada, a prática de esportes para essa faixa etária. Palavras-chave: Esporte. Idoso. Jogo. Sport and elderly: to play, to compete and to live Abstract The aim is to relation the sporting phenomenon with elderly, at the beginning of the possibilities of the concepts and the sport experiencing. We applied a questionnaire in 37 elderly, part of the representative team of the country city of São Paulo state in the Regional Games of elderly people (JORI). The questionnaires were transcribed and responses were analyzed through content analysis: Technical Preparation and Analysis of Meaning Units. The data reveals that elderly are in the team in the period between one and eight years and the reasons to participate are attached to: friendship, health, physics prepare, to feel better and to like the practices of sports, to switch experience or to know new cities. This result appoint to the needs of the Physics Education to provide, in the corrected way, the practice of sports to these people included. Keywords: Sport. Elderly. Game. Deporte y ancianos: jugar, competir y vivir  Resumen El objetivo es relacionar el fenómeno deportivo con el anciano a partir de las posibilidades de conceptos y de la vivencia en deportes. La recolección de datos fue realizada con 37 ancianos, integrantes de un equipo representativo de una ciudad del interior de São Paulo en los Juegos Regionales del Anciano (JORI), los cuales respondieron a un cuestionario. El análisis de los datos fue a través de la Técnica de Elaboración y Análisis de Unidades de Significado. Los datos revelaron que los ancianos están en el equipo en un período entre uno y ocho años y las razones de participar están enganchadas: a la amistad y al compañerismo, a la salud, a la preparación física, a sentirse bien, gustar la práctica de deportes, cambiar experiencias, conocer nuevas ciudades. Estos resultados muestran la necesidad de que la Educación Física proporcione, en la forma adecuada, la práctica de deportes para este grupo de edad. Palabras clave: Deporte. Anciano. Juego

    Small world in the real world: Long distance dispersal governs epidemic dynamics in agricultural landscapes

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    Outbreaks of a plant disease in a landscape can be meaningfully modelled using networks with nodes representing individual crop-fields, and edges representing potential infection pathways between them. Their spatial structure, which resembles that of a regular lattice, makes such networks fairly robust against epidemics. Yet, it is well-known how the addition of a few shortcuts can turn robust regular lattices into vulnerable ‘small world’ networks. Although the relevance of this phenomenon has been shown theoretically for networks with nodes corresponding to individual host plants, its real-world implications at a larger scale (i.e. in networks with nodes representing crop fields or other plantations) remain elusive. Focusing on realistic spatial networks connecting olive orchards in Andalusia (Southern Spain), the world’s leading olive producer, we show how even very small probabilities of long distance dispersal of infectious vectors result in a small-world effect that dramatically exacerbates a hypothetical outbreak of a disease targeting olive trees (loosely modelled on known epidemiological information on the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa, an important emerging threat for European agriculture). More specifically, we found that the probability of long distance vector dispersal has a disproportionately larger effect on epidemic dynamics compared to pathogen’s intrinsic infectivity, increasing total infected area by up to one order of magnitude (in the absence of quarantine). Furthermore, even a very small probability of long distance dispersal increased the effort needed to halt a hypothetical outbreak through quarantine by about 50% in respect to scenarios modelling local/short distance pathogen’s dispersal only. This highlights how identifying (and disrupting) long distance dispersal processes may be more efficacious to contain a plant disease epidemic than surveillance and intervention concentrated on local scale transmission processes.Peer reviewe

    Spontaneous low-protein intake in older CKD patients: one diet may not fit all

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    BackgroundProtein restriction has been extended to stage 3 chronic kidney disease (CKD) regardless of age in the latest K-DOQI guidelines for the dietary management of patients with CKD. However, in elderly CKD patients there is a tendency to a spontaneous reduction in protein and energy intake that may impair the overall nutritional status. The aim of our study is to assess whether there are differences in malnutrition, exercise capacity and inflammatory status in elderly CKD patients with spontaneously low protein intake (sLPI) compared with patients with normal protein intake (NPI).MethodsWe performed a cross-sectional analysis of 123 incident patients. Malnutrition was assessed using Malnutrition Inflammation Score (MIS) and serum markers; As for physical performance, we used Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) and handgrip strength.ResultsWe found that in older patients with advanced CKD, as many as 68% had low spontaneous protein intake, and they were more malnourished evaluated with MIS (25% vs. 10%, p = 0.033), protein-energy wasting (PEW) (43% vs. 14%, p = 0.002) and nPCR (0.63[0.51–0.69] vs. 0.95[0.87–1.1], p < 0.0001). They also had worse body composition, in terms of lower mid-arm muscular circumference (MAMC), fat tissue index (FTI) and higher overhydration (OH). sLPI patients also had higher levels of IL6 (4.6[2.9–8.9] vs. 2.8[0.8–5.1], p = 0.002). Moreover, sLPI patients were frailer (33% vs. 24%, p = 0.037) and had poorer physical performance especially when assessed with (SPPB) (7[5–9] vs. 9[7–10], p = 0.004) and gait test time (6.08 + 2 vs. 7.22 + 2.7, p = 0.04). sLPI was associated with lower physical performance [SPPB OR, 0.79 (0.46–0.97), p = 0.046] and malnutrition [MIS 1.6 (1.05–3.5), p = 0.041] independently from patients’ age and eGFR.ConclusionWe found that in older patients with advanced CKD, up to 68% had low spontaneous protein intake and were frailer, more malnourished and with lower physical performance. These findings emphasize the importance of assessing patients’ needs, and personalized approaches with individual risk–benefit assessments should be sought. To achieve the best possible outcomes, targeted interventions should use all available tools


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    Introduo: A obesidade infantil est cada vez mais presente na realidade escolar. A mesma vista como uma preocupao para a sociedade e, principalmente, para os professores de Educao Fsica, ao se depararem com essa realidade na escola. Objetivo: Este trabalho objetivou compreender qual a percepo que os futuros professores de Educao Fsica tem sob a criana obesa em um municpio do Baixo Amazonas. Mtodos: Trata-se de uma pesquisa de campo, fenomenolgica, com abordagem qualitativa. A amostra foi composta por estudantes do stimo e oitavo perodo do curso de Licenciatura em Educao Fsica da Universidade Federal do Amazonas. Para a anlise e interpretao dos dados utilizou-se a anlise de contedo de Bardin (2004). Resultados: De acordo com a interpretao dos discursos dos sujeitos encontrou-se que, para os futuros professores de Educao fsica a obesidade considerada como o excesso de peso corporal, causada pela m alimentao, e que pode ser prevenida atravs de hbitos de vida saudveis; quanto viso sobre a criana obesa, os mesmos a definiram como indivduos propcios a doenas, uma vez que a obesidade traz consigo inmeras complicaes sade, como as cardiovasculares, locomotoras, distrbios metablicos e at mesmo respiratrios. Concluso: Identifica-se que o professor de Educao Fsica, juntamente com outros profissionais, tem como responsabilidade contribuir com intervenes e conscientizaes em sade para combate e controle da obesidade infantil. Palavras-chave: Obesidade Infantil; Professor de Educao Fsica; Sade

    Comparative analysis of local angular rotation between the Ring Laser Gyroscope GINGERINO and GNSS stations

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    The study of local deformations is a hot topic in geodesy. Local rotations of the crust around the vertical axis can be caused by deformations. In the Gran Sasso area the ring laser prototype GINGERINO and the GNSS array are operative. One year of data of GINGERINO is compared with the ones from the GNSS stations, homogeneously selected around the position of GINGERINO, aiming at looking for rotational signals with period of days common to both systems. At that purpose the rotational component of the area circumscribed by the GNSS stations has been evaluated and compared with the GINGERINO data. The coherences between the signals show structures that even exceed 60%\% coherence over the 6-60 days period; to validate this unprecedented analysis two different methods have been used to evaluate the local rotation using the GNSS stations. The analysis reveals that the shared rotational signal's amplitude in both instruments is approximately 1013rad/s10^{-13} rad/s, an order of magnitude lower than the amplitudes of the signals examined using the coherence method. The ring laser array GINGER is at present under construction, and the confrontation of the ring laser data with GNSS antennas provides evidence of the fruibility and validity of the ring laser data for very low frequency investigation

    Atypical varicella-zoster virus reactivation: a case report

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    Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) commonly causes benign skin manifestations in children; it then establishes a latent infection and may reactivate, causing herpes zoster. The most common zoster complication is postherpetic neuralgia, but complications can also occur without a rash. VZV infection may cause neurological manifestations and even vasculopathy may occur, in both primary and reactivated VZV infection. Thrombotic complications are mainly described in children, while a few case reports have described cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST), deep-vein thrombosis of the lower limbs and pulmonary embolism in adults. In this article we report the case of a young woman who developed systemic thromboembolic sequelae due to a hypercoagulable state following VZV reactivation. She had deep venous lower-limb thrombosis extended to the inferior vena cava (IVC), massive pulmonary embolism and CVST. Moreover, VZV reactivation caused an acute hepatitis and clinical manifestations suggesting viral encephalitis

    Influence of Dental Composite Viscosity in Attachment Reproduction: An Experimental in Vitro Study

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    Abstract: Background: Attachments are composite auxiliaries that are used during a clear aligner orthodontic therapy to achieve difficult tooth movements. Two important factors are the planned configuration and the actual position of these auxiliary elements to obtain the desired force system. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the role of different composite materials in the correct reproduction of attachment shape and position. Methods: The materials that were considered in the study were a flowable resin, a dental restorative material, and an orthodontic composite. The attachments were created on three models of extracted teeth. Once the impressions were performed, 25 attachments of different shapes were added onto each virtual model to obtain the necessary templates to make the attachments. Each tested material was used to create a set of 25 attachments that were then scanned with an accuracy of 10\ub5m. The resultant STL (stereolithography) files were superimposed onto the ones from the initial virtual plan, through Geomagic software, and the aligned scans were then compared while using a color map. The parameters that were calculated to make a comparison between the created attachments and the ideal ones were the maximum deviation in defect and in excess, the overflow, and the volume\u2019s difference. In addition to these measurements comparing the three above-mentioned groups, the difference in volume between all the ideal and realized samples were analyzed. To test for differences among the three groups, a one-way Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used with a Bonferroni post-hoc test. The level of significance was set at p < 0.05. Results: No statistically significant results were found between the three groups regarding the maximum value in defect, the maximum value in excess, and the minimum value as control, while a statistically significant difference was found between the overflow of orthodontic resin when compared to the flowable composite. Conclusions: The three materials that were used in this study were appropriate for attachment fabrication. The fidelity of attachment reproduction was similar when using the three different composites. The orthodontic composite showed more overflow when compared with the flowable one

    Continuous-wave highly-efficient low-divergence terahertz wire lasers.

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    Terahertz (THz) quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) have undergone rapid development since their demonstration, showing high power, broad-tunability, quantum-limited linewidth, and ultra-broadband gain. Typically, to address applications needs, continuous-wave (CW) operation, low-divergent beam profiles and fine spectral control of the emitted radiation, are required. This, however, is very difficult to achieve in practice. Lithographic patterning has been extensively used to this purpose (via distributed feedback (DFB), photonic crystals or microcavities), to optimize either the beam divergence or the emission frequency, or, both of them simultaneously, in third-order DFBs, via a demanding fabrication procedure that precisely constrains the mode index to 3. Here, we demonstrate wire DFB THz QCLs, in which feedback is provided by a sinusoidal corrugation of the cavity, defining the frequency, while light extraction is ensured by an array of surface holes. This new architecture, extendable to a broad range of far-infrared frequencies, has led to the achievement of low-divergent beams (10°), single-mode emission, high slope efficiencies (250 mW/A), and stable CW operation