7 research outputs found


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    Woman, even if is well informed and documented, she cannot imagine the multiple changes her body will pass through in a relatively short time, that of the pregnancy. Interdisciplinarity of physical therapy allows new guidelines aiming towards a dynamic psychological-body approach of the pregnant woman. The study objectives were: development and implementation a comprehensive program of prenatal training, analysis and interpretation of results, establishing and drawing conclusions. The methods and means were: implementation of kinetoprophylactic program of pregnant woman included theoretically, physically and mentally training, measuring and evaluating the weight gain during pregnancy. Results: to increase in weight between 0-9 kilograms, at this level ascertaining the frequency of 17 subjects in the experimental group 8.5% and 7 subjects in the control group representing 3.5% in increase in weight between 9-15 kilograms; at this category it was found a frequency of 173 subjects, ie 84.5% of the experimental group and 161 subjects, ie 80.5% of the control group and the increase in weight over 15 kg, it was found a frequency of 10 subjects, ie 5% of the experimental group and 32 subjects, meaning 16% of the control group, of all subjects of the study group. Conclusion: even if weight gain frequency analysis seems to refute working hypothesis, we consider this positively as we reveal a trend in society regarding the principles of care of the mother during pregnancy and weight gain control. Influența kinetoprofilaxiei primare asupra greutății corporale a gravidelor. Femeia, chiar dacă este bine informată și documentată, nu își poate imagina multiplele schimbări prin care urmează să treacă corpul ei într-o perioadă de timp relativ scurtă, cea a sarcinii. Interdisciplinaritatea kinetoterapiei permite noi orientări ce tind spre o abordare psiho - corporală dinamică a femeii gravide. Obiectivele studiului au fost: elaborarea și implementarea unui program complet de pregătire prenatală, analiza și interpretarea rezultatelor și stabilirea și formularea concluziilor. Metodele și mijloacele au fost: implementarea programului kinetoprofilactic a gravidei a cuprins pregătirea din punct de vedere teoretic, fizic și psihic și măsurarea și evaluarea creșterii în greutate pe perioada sarcinii. Rezultate: la creștere în greutate între 0-9 kilograme, la acest nivel constatându-se o frecvență de 17 subiecți din grupul experiment reprezentând 8,5% iar 7 subiecți din grupul control reprezentând 3.5% la creștere în greutate între 9-15 kilograme; la această categorie, s-a constatat o frecvență de 173 subiecți, adică 84,5% din grupul experiment, și 161 subiecți, adică 80,5% din grupul control iar la creștere în greutate de peste 15 kilograme, s-a constatat o frecvență de 10 subiecți, adică 5% din grupul experiment și 32 subiecți, adică 16% din grupul control, din totalul de subiecți ai lotului studiului. Concluzii: chiar dacă analiza frecvenței de creștere a greutății pare să infirme ipoteza de lucru, acest aspect îl considerăm pozitiv deoarece ne relevă existența unui trend în societate privind principii de îngrijire a mamei pe timpul sarcinii și de control al greutății corporale.  Cuvinte cheie: femeia, graviditate, profilaxi

    “Pullum Ovum”. Highlighting the Nutrient Content through Innovative Determination Methods

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    Introduction. The benefits or risks of egg consumption have been a challenge for researchers in identifying the most effective methods for evaluating micronutrients and, implicitly, the nutritional properties of eggs. The purpose of this work was to highlight the comparative nutritional properties of eggs from hens with similar productive yields through innovative methods, such as FT-IR spectra. Methods. This paper aimed to determine the omega 3 fatty acid (O3FA) content in eggs. In this study were used eggs from four different breeds of laying hens: Lohmann Brown, Isa Brown, Australorp and a hybrid breed. The eggs were collected daily, and their evaluation was carried out at an interval of 24 h after collection. For the calibration of the measurements, the Omacor product whose omega 3 content was evaluated by the National Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices from Romania was used as a reference standard. Results. The study supports that there is a significant difference in the polyunsaturated FA and saturated FA content between eggs of various hen breeds. Conclusions. The composition of egg contents differs in terms of micronutrients both at the level of the egg white, yolk and shell, depending on the breed of the laying hen. This experiment can support the idea that eggs with a lower atherogenic potential can be recommended based on the chicken breed

    Assessment of femoral bone osteoporosis in rats treated with simvastatin or fenofibrate

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    Background: The effects of two lipidlowering drugs, simvastatin and fenofibrate on osteoporosis in the femurs of healthy and ovariectomized female rats were investigated quantitatively by histological images and 1H NMR relaxometry. Methodology: The intertrabecular cavities percentage was estimated from numerically cleaned histological images which initially present both the trabecular bone architecture and bone marrow filling the intertrabecular pores. The eight weeks evolution of intertrabecular cavities percentage measured from histological images of randomly selected sections in ovariectomized rats femoral diaphysis is similar with the evolution of transverse relaxation time centre of gravity T2,CG, a selected parameter to quantify the changes in intertrabecular cavities dimensions from onedimensional (1D) transverse relaxation time T2 distributions. Results: The analysis of histological images recorded for non-ovariectomized rats show that the treatment with simvastatin and fenofibrate has a negative effect on the dimension of the femoral diaphysis trabecular bone. The analysis of 1D T2 distributions show that the simvastatin and fenofibrate lipid-lowering drugs produce different effects on different particular sections of studied rat bones, i.e. proximal part of femoris, diaphysis or distal epiphysis. Conclusions: Finally, it is shown that the effects of the treatments are strongly dependent on the duration of treatment

    The Relation between Negative Automatic Thoughts and Psychological Inflexibility in Schizophrenia

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    Background: Schizophrenia is one of the most severe disorders in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) spectrum. Negative automatic thoughts (NAT), cognitive fusion (CF), and experiential avoidance (EA), as part of psychological inflexibility (PI), can be considered important dysfunctional cognitive processes in schizophrenia. Methods: In the present study, two samples were included: a target group consisting of 41 people with schizophrenia (23 females; aged 44.98 ± 11.74), and a control group consisting of 40 individuals with end-stage chronic kidney disease (CKD) (27 males; aged 60.38 ± 9.14). Results: Differences were found between the two groups, with patients with schizophrenia showing an increased frequency of NAT, as well as higher levels of CF and EA (psychological inflexibility), compared to the control group. NAT were the mediator in the relation between the schizophrenia diagnosis and CF, as well as EA. Conclusion: Individuals with schizophrenia present a specific dysfunctional pattern of cognitive functioning, in which negative automatic thoughts represent a distinctive pathway to cognitive fusion and experiential avoidance

    Adipocytes spectrum — From homeostasia to obesity and its associated pathology

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