222 research outputs found

    SynthÚse d'alcaloïdes pyrrolizidiniques via la chimie du cuivre et un réarrangement de Claisen : vers une nouvelle voie de synthÚse de la xénovénine

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    Les pyrrolizidines, telles que la xĂ©novĂ©nine, sont des alcaloĂŻdes bicycliques retrouvĂ©s chez certains amphibiens et arthropodes. Ces composĂ©s servent gĂ©nĂ©ralement de dĂ©fense contre les prĂ©dateurs, mais ils ont aussi des propriĂ©tĂ©s pharmacologiques intĂ©ressantes, surtout au niveau des rĂ©cepteurs nicotiniques d'acĂ©tylcholine. Plusieurs mĂ©thodes de prĂ©paration de la xĂ©novĂ©nine sont rapportĂ©es dans la littĂ©rature. Par contre, ces mĂ©thodes ne permettent souvent l'obtention que d'un seul composĂ©, la xĂ©novĂ©nine, car la cyclisation est effectuĂ©e en fin de synthĂšse. Ainsi, peu de ces mĂ©thodes ouvrent la voie Ă  la prĂ©paration de pyrrolizidines analogues. Nous nous sommes donc intĂ©ressĂ©s Ă  la synthĂšse de la xĂ©novĂ©nine en Ă©laborant une mĂ©thode permettant la prĂ©paration de diffĂ©rentes pyrrolizidines substituĂ©es en positions 3 et 5. Cette mĂ©thode se base sur une sĂ©quence rĂ©actionnelle dĂ©veloppĂ©e dans notre laboratoire comportant deux couplages catalysĂ©s au cuivre successifs suivis d'un rĂ©arrangement de Claisen. Le premier couplage est intramolĂ©culaire entre la portion amide d'une lactame et sa portion diiodure vinylique pour obtenir un ÎČ-iodoĂ©namide. Le second couplage est intermolĂ©culaire entre notre ÎČ-iodoĂ©namide et un alcool allylique chiral pour obtenir un ÎČ-allyloxyĂ©namide. La troisiĂšme Ă©tape est un rĂ©arrangement de Claisen du produit du second couplage pour former une cĂ©tone y,ÎŽ-insaturĂ©e. Cette sĂ©quence de trois rĂ©actions constitue notre outil de synthĂšse. Il a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ© dans notre laboratoire et a dĂ©jĂ  Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ© pour la synthĂšse d'acides aminĂ©s non naturels. Le but du prĂ©sent projet est de dĂ©montrer la polyvalence de cette sĂ©quence rĂ©actionnelle en l'appliquant Ă  la prĂ©paration de la xĂ©novĂ©nine et Ă  ses analogues. Nous avons optimisĂ© la synthĂšse du ÎČ-iodoĂ©namide issu de la premiĂšre rĂ©action de l'outil de synthĂšse. À notre connaissance, il s'agit d'un des premiers exemples de ce type de couplage catalysĂ© par le cuivre. Nous avons aussi Ă©tudiĂ© la synthĂšse du ÎČ-allyloxyĂ©namide. Cette Ă©tude nous a permis d'observer le produit de couplage et le produit de rĂ©arrangement de Claisen. Il s'agit aussi d'un des premiers exemples de ce type de couplage catalysĂ© par le cuivre. Nous avons ainsi fabriquĂ© le squelette bicyclique des pyrrolizidines Ă  l'aide de la sĂ©quence rĂ©actionnelle proposĂ©e. Ce travail nous a donc permis de confirmer la polyvalence de notre outil de synthĂšse en dĂ©montrant son application Ă  la prĂ©paration d'un prĂ©curseur de la xĂ©novĂ©nine.\ud ______________________________________________________________________________ \ud MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : pyrrolizidines, xĂ©novĂ©nine, couplage, cuivre, rĂ©arrangement de Claise

    Nouvelle thérapie épigénétique dans le traitement du neuroblastome pédiatrique

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    Le neuroblastome pĂ©diatrique est un des cancers extra-crĂąniens des plus frĂ©quents chez les enfants. MalgrĂ© une amĂ©lioration du taux de survie avec les thĂ©rapies actuellement disponibles, les stades avancĂ©s de neuroblastome ou en rechute prĂ©sentent un trĂšs mauvais pronostic. De nouvelles approches thĂ©rapeutiques doivent donc ĂȘtre dĂ©veloppĂ©es afin d'augmenter la survie des patients. Une de ces approches est la thĂ©rapie Ă©pigĂ©nĂ©tique. Le neuroblastome, comme plusieurs autres cancers pĂ©diatriques, contient plusieurs altĂ©rations Ă©pigĂ©nĂ©tiques au niveau de la mĂ©thylation de l'ADN et des modifications des histones. Lors d'un criblage de mĂ©dicaments dĂ©jĂ  approuvĂ©s par la FDA, nous avons dĂ©couvert quelques molĂ©cules ayant des caractĂ©ristiques de mĂ©dicaments Ă©pigĂ©nĂ©tiques jusqu’alors jamais dĂ©couvertes. Notre Ă©tude cherche donc Ă  dĂ©montrer l'efficacitĂ© de ces molĂ©cules dans le traitement de lignĂ©es cellulaires de neuroblastome. Suite Ă  des tests prĂ©liminaires, une des molĂ©cules approuvĂ©es par la FDA s'est dĂ©marquĂ©e : le disulfirame, un mĂ©dicament approuvĂ© pour le traitement de l’alcoolisme chronique. Nous avons donc traitĂ© des lignĂ©es cellulaires de neuroblastomes (IMR-32, N91, SK-N-DZ, SK-N-SH et SK-N-AS ) pendant 48 heures avec du disulfirame Ă  des concentrations pertinentes sur le plan clinique (10nM Ă  50 ”M). Nos rĂ©sultats dĂ©montrent une inhibition de croissance de 50 % (IC50) d'environ 80 nM pour les lignĂ©es cellulaires testĂ©es. De plus, aprĂšs analyse par cytomĂ©trie de flux, on observe un blocage du cycle cellulaire en G2/M. Nous avons Ă©galement observĂ© une diminution du facteur de transcription MYCN ainsi qu’une baisse d’acĂ©tylation de plusieurs marques d’histones (H3K9ac, H3K14ac, H3K27ac). Une analyse par sĂ©quençage d'ARN a confirmĂ© le bloc en G2/M par une baisse d'expression de gĂšnes associĂ©s Ă  cette phase ainsi que la diminution de MYCN par une baisse de gĂšnes cible de MYC. Des travaux sont en cours afin de dĂ©terminer le mĂ©canisme d’action du disulfirame. Cette recherche permettra d’évaluer l’efficacitĂ© du disulfirame dans le traitement du neuroblastomePediatric neuroblastoma is one of the most common extracranial cancer in children. Despite an improvement in survival with the currently available therapies, neuroblastoma with an amplification of the transcription factor MYCN has a very poor prognosis. New therapeutic approaches must be developed to increase the survival of patients. One such approach is epigenetic drug therapy. Neuroblastoma, like many other pediatric cancers, contains several epigenetic alterations at the level of DNA methylation and histone modifications. In a screening of FDA-approved drugs, we discovered some molecules having characteristics of epigenetic drugs that were unknown until now. Our study seeks to demonstrate the efficacy of these molecules in the treatment of neuroblastoma cell lines. Following preliminary tests, one of the molecules approved by the FDA stood out: disulfiram, a medication approved for the treatment of chronic alcoholism. We treated neuroblastoma cell lines (MYCN amplified: IMR-32, N91 and SK-N-DZ; MYCN non-amplified: SK-N-AS and SK-N-SH) for 48 hours with disulfiram at clinically relevant concentrations (from 10 nM to 20 ”M). Our results demonstrate a 50% growth inhibition (IC50) of 80nM for the cell lines tested. In addition, after analysis by flow cytometry, we found a cell cycle block in G2/M. RNA sequencing also revealed that disulfiram affects a many genes (downregulated n=508, upregulated n=207). We also observed a decrease in the transcription factor MYCN and a reduction in acetylation of several histone marks by Western blot’s analysis. Further studies are underway to determine the mechanism of action of disulfiram. This study shows the potential of disulfiram in the treatment of neuroblastoma

    Le sublime chez Edmund Burke : une esthétique de la terreur

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    Network slicing architecture for SDM and analog-radio-over-fiber-based 5G fronthaul networks

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    \u3cp\u3eThe blueSPACE project focuses on the study of innovative technologies to overcome the limitations of current fronthaul networks. The key technology proposed is space-division multiplexing, which makes it possible to increase the capacity available in conventional single-mode fibers, effectively encompassing this capacity to the forecasted bandwidth demands imposed by 5G mobile communications. In this paper, we present the innovative optical fronthaul infrastructure proposed in the project and the tailored extensions to the European Telecommunications Standards Institute network function virtualization management and orchestration architecture for this enhanced infrastructure together with practical implementation considerations.\u3c/p\u3

    Experimental Demonstration of Extended 5G Digital Fronthaul Over a Partially-Disaggregated WDM/SDM Network

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    © 2021 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. PermissĂ­on from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertisĂ­ng or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.[EN] We experimentally demonstrate a 5G digital fronthaul network that relies on multi-adaptive bandwidth/bitrate variable transceivers (BVTs) and an autonomic software-defined networking (SDN) control system for partially-disaggregated wavelength division multiplexing (WDM)/space division multiplexing (SDM). Transmission of 256-QAM 760.32 MHz orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) radio signal is performed, with a total radio transmission capacity of 5.667 Gb/s. Digitized signal samples are carried as a 22.25 Gb/s digitized radio-over-fiber (DRoF) data stream and transmitted over a WDM/SDM infrastructure including 40-wavelength 100-GHz arrayed waveguide gratings (AWGs) and 19-core fiber. The autonomic SDN controller deploys a control loop for the multi-adaptive OFDM-based BVTs that monitors the per-subcarrier signal to noise ratio (SNR) and assigns the optimal constellation based on the actual signal degradation. An error vector magnitude (EVM) below the targeted 2.1% is achieved while setting up connections in less than 5 s.This work was supported in part by the EC H2020 BLUESPACE Project under Grant 762055 and in part by the Spanish MICINN AURORAS Project under Grant RTI2018-099178.Fabrega, JM.; MĂșñoz, R.; Nadal, L.; Manso, C.; Svaluto Moreolo, M.; Vilalta, R.; MartĂ­nez, R.... (2021). Experimental Demonstration of Extended 5G Digital Fronthaul Over a Partially-Disaggregated WDM/SDM Network. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. 39(9):2804-2815. https://doi.org/10.1109/JSAC.2021.3064645S2804281539

    Predicting consumer biomass, size-structure, production, catch potential, responses to fishing and associated uncertainties in the world's marine ecosystems

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    Existing estimates of fish and consumer biomass in the world’s oceans are disparate. This creates uncertainty about the roles of fish and other consumers in biogeochemical cycles and ecosystem processes, the extent of human and environmental impacts and fishery potential. We develop and use a size-based macroecological model to assess the effects of parameter uncertainty on predicted consumer biomass, production and distribution. Resulting uncertainty is large (e.g. median global biomass 4.9 billion tonnes for consumers weighing 1 g to 1000 kg; 50% uncertainty intervals of 2 to 10.4 billion tonnes; 90% uncertainty intervals of 0.3 to 26.1 billion tonnes) and driven primarily by uncertainty in trophic transfer efficiency and its relationship with predator-prey body mass ratios. Even the upper uncertainty intervals for global predictions of consumer biomass demonstrate the remarkable scarcity of marine consumers, with less than one part in 30 million by volume of the global oceans comprising tissue of macroscopic animals. Thus the apparently high densities of marine life seen in surface and coastal waters and frequently visited abundance hotspots will likely give many in society a false impression of the abundance of marine animals. Unexploited baseline biomass predictions from the simple macroecological model were used to calibrate a more complex size- and trait-based model to estimate fisheries yield and impacts. Yields are highly dependent on baseline biomass and fisheries selectivity. Predicted global sustainable fisheries yield increases ≈4 fold when smaller individuals (< 20 cm from species of maximum mass < 1kg) are targeted in all oceans, but the predicted yields would rarely be accessible in practice and this fishing strategy leads to the collapse of larger species if fishing mortality rates on different size classes cannot be decoupled. Our analyses show that models with minimal parameter demands that are based on a few established ecological principles can support equitable analysis and comparison of diverse ecosystems. The analyses provide insights into the effects of parameter uncertainty on global biomass and production estimates, which have yet to be achieved with complex models, and will therefore help to highlight priorities for future research and data collection. However, the focus on simple model structures and global processes means that non-phytoplankton primary production and several groups, structures and processes of ecological and conservation interest are not represented. Consequently, our simple models become increasingly less useful than more complex alternatives when addressing questions about food web structure and function, biodiversity, resilience and human impacts at smaller scales and for areas closer to coasts
