1,978 research outputs found

    Sistema de indicadores para a avaliação da sustentabilidade hídrica da atividade canaviera.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar um estudo de caso realizado na Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Verde (BHRV) para demonstrar a aplicabilidade do Sistema de Indicadores - SISHidro-Cana - para a avaliação da sustentabilidade hídrica da cultura canavieira, proposta por Ferraz (2012), como uma metodologia para avaliar a disponibilidade de água de bacias hidrográficas para subsidiar a proposição de políticas setoriais, ordenação territorial, planejamento agrícola e gestão dos recursos hídricos

    From center-vortex ensembles to the confining flux tube

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    In this review, we discuss the present status of the description of confining flux tubes in SU(N) pure Yang-Mills theory in terms of ensembles of percolating center vortices. This is based on three main pillars: modelling in the continuum the ensemble components detected in the lattice, the derivation of effective field representations, and contrasting the associated properties with Monte Carlo lattice results. The integration of the present knowledge about these points is essential to get closer to a unified physical picture for confinement. Here, we shall emphasize the last advances, which point to the importance of including the nonoriented center-vortex component and non-Abelian degrees when modelling the center-vortex ensemble measure. These inputs are responsible for the emergence of topological solitons and the possibility of accommodating the asymptotic scaling properties of the confining string tension

    Upwelling regime off the Cabo Frio region in Brazil and impact on acoustic propagation

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    This work introduces a description of the complex upwelling regime off the Cabo Frio region in Brazil and shows that ocean modeling, based on the feature-oriented regional modeling system (FORMS) technique, can produce reliable predictions of sound speed fields for the corresponding shallow water environment. This work also shows, through the development of simulations, that the upwelling regime can be responsible for the creation of shadow coastal zones, in which the detection probability is too low for an acoustic source to be detected. The development of the FORMS technique and its validation with real data, for the particular region of coastal upwelling off Cabo Frio, reveals the possibility of a sustainable and reliable forecast system for the corresponding (variable in space and time) underwater acoustic environment. (C) 2018 Acoustical Society of AmericaBrazilian Navy; Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq)/Ciencias Sem Fronteiras [400671/2014-0]; European Union [OAEX-230855]; Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa (FAPERJ) [E-26/110.327/2012

    Masking of an auditory behaviour reveals how male mosquitoes use distortion to detect females

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    The mating behaviour of many mosquito species is mediated essentially by sound: males follow and mate with a female mid-flight by detecting and tracking the whine of her flight-tones. The stereotypical rapid frequency modulation (RFM) male behaviour, initiated in response to the detection of the female's flight-tones, has provided a means of investigating these auditory mechanisms while males are free-flying. Mosquitoes hear with their antennae, which vibrate to near-field acoustic excitation. The antennae generate nonlinear vibrations (distortion products, DPs) at frequencies that are equal to the difference between the two simultaneously presented tones, e.g. the male and female flight-tones, which are detected by mechanoreceptors in the auditory Johnston's organ (JO) at the base of the antenna. Recent studies indicated the male mosquito's JO is tuned not to the female flight-tone, but to the frequency difference between the male and female flight-tones. To test the hypothesis that mosquitoes detect this frequency difference, Culex quinquefasciatus males were presented simultaneously with a female flight-tone and a masking tone, which should suppress the male's RFM response to sound. The free-flight behavioural and in vivo electrophysiological experiments revealed that acoustic masking suppresses the RFM response to the female's flight-tones by attenuating the DPs generated in the nonlinear vibration of the antennae. These findings provide direct evidence in support of the hypothesis that male mosquitoes detect females when both are in flight through difference tones generated in the vibrations of their antennae owing to the interaction between their own flight-tones and those of a female

    Towards understanding quality-related characteristics in knowledge-intensive processes: A systematic literature review

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    Context: Contemporary process management systems have been supporting users during the execution of repetitive, predefined business processes. Many business processes are no longer limited to explicit business rules as processes can be unpredictable, knowledge-driven and emergent. In recent years, knowledge-intensive processes (KIPs) have become more important for many businesses. However, quality-related aspects of these processes are still scarce. Therefore, it is hard to evaluate these types of processes in terms of their quality. Objective: In this paper, we present a Systematic Literature Review aiming at investigating and reporting quality-related aspects of KIPs. Results: We identified in the selected studies the characteristics and methods related to KIPs. Although several papers present quality aspects of processes, literature still lacks directions on the quality-related approaches in KIPs.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Dynamic critical exponents of the Ising model with multispin interactions

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    We revisit the short-time dynamics of 2D Ising model with three spin interactions in one direction and estimate the critical exponents z,z, θ,\theta, β\beta and ν\nu. Taking properly into account the symmetry of the Hamiltonian we obtain results completely different from those obtained by Wang et al.. For the dynamic exponent zz our result coincides with that of the 4-state Potts model in two dimensions. In addition, results for the static exponents ν\nu and β\beta agree with previous estimates obtained from finite size scaling combined with conformal invariance. Finally, for the new dynamic exponent θ\theta we find a negative and close to zero value, a result also expected for the 4-state Potts model according to Okano et al.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, corrected Abstract mistypes, corrected equation on page 4 (Parameter Q