447 research outputs found

    Status and Potential of Fisheries and Aquaculture in Asia and the Pacific 2006

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    This publication highlights the interconnectivity and linkages between coastal ecosystems (mangroves, coral reefs, seagrasses, estuaries, and lagoons) across environ-mental, economic, social, and management contexts. It presents innovative approaches to better understand, protect and value ecosystems services across linked habitats, informing the trade-off of different land-use management decisions and the effects on healthy systems from drawing on ecosystem services from linked habitats. This report presents further evidence of the need to develop appropriate economic and governance frameworks that best protect the essential services from natural ecosystems that human populations will need for the future

    Fishing Across the Centuries: What Prospects for the Venice Lagoon?

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    Fishing has always been an important activity for those Venetians who live near the Lagoon, and it still enjoys an important economic and social role in the region. Over the last few years, however, the fishing industry has been subject to a profound transformation both in the reduction of the variety and the abundance of the species found in the lagoon, and in the change from a complex and well-structured type of activity to one which has become monospecialist, that is based principally on the fishing of the bivalve Tapes philippinarum (Adam & Reeve). The widespread diffusion of this bivalve and its considerable commercial value have resulted in an increased harvest, initially carried out by hand but now by more sophisticated methods which are capable of obtaining much higher yields. The social, economic and environmental problems resulting from this automated fishing have stimulated research into alternative strategies to manage the alieutic resources of the lagoon which will allow fishing to become a sustainable activity without inflicting long-term environmental damage. This present work will try and prepare the foundations for a system of eco-compatible management, based on an analysis of the functioning of the lagoon’s eco-system, defined as a paralic model, the observation of the traditional forms of fishing practiced over the centuries, a technical analysis of the present typology of lagoon fishing (fishing with fyke nets, “vallicoltura” and fishing of fish fry for rearing, clam fishing (Tapes philippinarum), mussel culture) with particular reference to the species fished, the distribution of the activity throughout the year and the technology employed, to the productivity of the various fishing methods.Venice Lagoon, Fyke nets, Clam Fishing management, Fish Farming

    A Hybrid Approach to the Valuation of Climate Change Effects on Ecosystem Services: Evidence from the European Forests

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    In this paper we present a systematic attempt to assess economic value of climate change impact on forest ecosystems and human welfare. In the present study, climate change impacts are downscaled to the different European countries, which in turn constitute the elements of our analysis. First, we anchor the valuation exercise in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) Approach and therefore the link between the different forest ecosystem goods and services, including provisioning, regulating and cultural services, human well-being and climate change. Second, climate change is operationalized by exploring the different storylines developed by the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and applied, downscaled, for each of the European countries under consideration. Third, and bearing in mind the different nature of the benefits provided by the different types of forest ecosystems under examination, we shall explore different economic valuation methodologies so as to shed light on the magnitude of the involved welfare changes. According to the estimation results the four different IPCC scenarios, i.e. A1F1, A2, B1 and B2, are associated to different welfare impacts. First, these reveal to depend on both the nature of the forest ecosystem service. For example, cultural values reveal to be more sensitive to the four IPCC scenarios than the other ones, with the wood forest products being more resilient to climate change. Second, the distributional impacts of climate change on the provision of these goods and services do also depend on the geo-climatic regions under consideration. For the Scandinavian group of countries, B1 is ranked with the highest level of provision of carbon sequestration services, amounting to 46.3 billion dollars. In addition, we can see that cultural services provided by forest ecosystems have their highest levels in the Mediterranean countries, ranging from 8.4 to 9.0 million dollars, respectively in the B2 and B1 scenarios. Finally, we can see that the total value of wood forest products ranges between 41.2 and 47.5 million dollars for Central Europe to 5.4 and 7.2 million dollars in Northern Europe, respectively A1 and A2 scenarios. For this service, Mediterranean Europe provides a relatively weak role in the provision with values ranging from 6.4 million dollars in A1 scenario to 8.7 million dollars in the B2. In short, and to conclude, the valuation results (1) may contribute to a better understanding of the potential welfare loss in the context of climate change and the economic trade-offs between potential mitigation or adaptation strategies; and (2) confirm that climate change will be responsible for a re-distribution of welfare among the European countries, signalling the potential for a(n) agreement(s) among these same countries focus on the re-allocation of potential trade-offs among the countries.Wood Products, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Market and Non-market Valuation Methods, Ecosystem Goods and Services, Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

    Lotta sociale e spazio urbano: In the Cage, Henry James

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    The paper aims to explore the interplay between class conflict and urban milieu that structures In the Cage’s narrative.  Starting from the author’s prefaces and some of the most influential sociological essays of the time, this study delves into the spatial counterpoints – streets, houses, parks, neighbourhoods – used by James to represent the social turmoil that  upsets Late Victorian London, thus giving shape to the emerging classes’ difficulty in creeping into its hermetic class  system. In the nouvelle, such a predicament is effectively thematized by the experiences of an anonymous telegraphist,  whose burning desire for social improvement translates into the attempt to physically penetrate and “colonize” the most  aristocratic areas of London. As the paper demonstrates, her efforts are met with utter disappointment: she always feels  like an intruder in Mayfair’s posh streets, and she ends up seeing nothing but the hall of Park Chambers apartments.  Constantly pushed to the city margins, she can only gain access to Maida Vale – the suburban limbo where her friend  Mrs. Jordan lives – and Chalk Farm, which by virtue of its position «near town, and at the same time quite secluded»  (Walford 1878) functions as a perfect spatial correlative to her liminal social status.Il saggio si propone di indagare il nesso fra conflitto sociale e spazio urbano che sostiene la narrazione di In the Cage.  Partendo dai paratesti jamesiani e da alcune delle più significative riflessioni sociologiche del tempo, questo studio  analizza i contrappunti spaziali – strade, private abitazioni, parchi, quartieri – adoperati da James per dar corpo alla  tempesta sociale che infuria nella Londra tardo-vittoriana e che investe soprattutto le classi emergenti, costrette a farsi  largo in un sistema apparentemente impermeabile al cambiamento. Tale situazione è ben incarnata dalla protagonista  della nouvelle, il cui ardente desiderio di ascesa sociale si traduce nella volontà di penetrare fisicamente gli spazi dell’aristocrazia, così da colonizzarli e lasciarvi traccia di sé. Come illustrato nel corso del saggio, quest’ambizione è  tuttavia destinata a rimanere frustrata: la donna si sentirà sempre un’intrusa nelle strade di Mayfair, e non riuscirà a  scrutare null’altro che l’atrio degli eleganti appartamenti di Park Chambers. Costantemente respinta ai margini della città,  gli unici luoghi cui avrà accesso saranno Maida Vale – sordido limbo in cui stagna l’ambizione dell’amica Mrs. Jordan – e Chalk Farm, che, in quanto «near town, and at the same time quite secluded» (Walford 1878), diverrà perfetto correlativo  della liminalità sociale cui è condannata

    Early modern intertextuality in the digital space. Notes on the design of the SFInC archive

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    Against the background of the ongoing scholarly debate on digital data collection, visualization, and fruition, this paper explores the methodological implications of Digital Humanities approaches to early modern intertextuality by discussing the design of SFInC, an experimental resource centred on the sixteenth-century French and English afterlives of Ludovico Ariosto’s Suppositi. Focusing on the Anglo-Italian branch of the prototype, the paper comments on the difficulties encompassed in its modelling and in the transcription of the early modern texts it hosts, from the long-standing dilemma between old and modern spelling to the representation of the scripts’ bibliographical ontology. Further reflection is given on the impact of a hypertextual structure on digital editorial practices, laying emphasis on viable visualization and representation modalities for genetically related texts. The resulting analyses highlight the project’s strengths and weaknesses while also identifying foreseeable technological improvements and ways forward for alike resources, promoting a more comprehensive and digitally aided study of early modern intertextuality

    Análisis de la percepción de las puérperas sobre la atención del parto humanizado en el Hospital Materno Infantil Comodoro Meisner durante el período de noviembre - diciembre de 2016

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    Introducción: Según la OMS, en todo el mundo, muchas pacientes sufren un trato irrespetuoso y ofensivo durante el parto que no solo viola los derechos de las mujeres a una atención respetuosa, sino que también amenaza sus derechos a la vida, la salud, la integridad física y la no discriminación perdiendo la confianza hacia los profesionales de la salud que las atienden, y también puede ser un importante factor de desmotivación para las mujeres que buscan asistencia materna y utilizan estos servicios. ellas son especialmente vulnerables durante el parto. Estas prácticas podrían tener consecuencias adversas tanto en la madre como en el bebé. Objetivo general: Determinar la calidad del parto en el Hospital Materno Infantil Comodoro Meisner durante el período noviembre - diciembre de 2016 a partir de la percepción de las puérperas, respecto a las distintas condiciones que debería cumplir la atención para ser considerada como parto humanizado. Metodología: Estudio cuantitativo descriptivo de corte transversal el tipo de muestreo fue probabilístico aleatorio simple donde se seleccionó a 179 puérperas internadas en el Hospital Materno Infantil Comodoro Meisner internadas durante noviembre - diciembre de 2016 con un nivel de confianza del 95% y un margen de error de un 5%La técnica que se empleó para la recolección de datos fue una encuesta de carácter anónimo, previamente utilizado en estudios sobre parto humanizado. Resultados: En la dimensión trato profesional se caracterizó por una percepción siempre favorable para aspectos como la presentación del profesional (76,97%), respeto de la intimidad (97,21%), amabilidad (94,41%), entre otros. Con respecto al acompañante en el parto, el 62,50% de las puérperas manifestaron su deseo de estar con un acompañante en todo momento durante el parto o la cesárea y se observó que el 57,54% de las puérperas percibieron que los profesionales no les explicaron que pueden decidir tener un acompañante durante el parto o cesárea. En relación a la posición del parto el 75,21% de las puérperas percibieron que no se les explicó que podían elegir la posición de parto, el 63,11% percibieron que no se les explicó que podían deambular libremente 5 durante el trabajo parto y el 59,50% percibieron que no se le permitió cambiar de posición. En cuanto a la percepción sobre el alivio del dolor de parto se evidenció que el 70,73% percibieron que no conocen alguna opción para aliviar el dolor del parto, el 56,91% percibieron que le explicaron opciones para aliviar el dolor de parto 73,81% percibieron que las opciones ofrecidas no le permitieron aliviar el dolor del parto. Acerca del contacto piel a piel a piel del recién nacido con su madre el 70,79% percibieron tener contacto piel a piel con su hijo. Conclusión: La mayoría de las pacientes en cuanto al trato profesional donde la comunicación, explicación de los procedimientos y respeto a la intimidad fueron percepciones muy buenas, en relación acompañante en el parto la percepción fue regular, a la libre elección de posición del parto la percepción fue mala y con respecto al alivio del dolor la percepción fue buena.Fil: Silvestri, Silvia Noemí. Centro de Estudios Interdisciplinarios. Universidad Nacional de Rosario; Argentin