2,773 research outputs found

    Infinitely many free or prescribed mass solutions for fractional Hartree equations and Pohozaev identities

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    In this paper we study the following nonlinear fractional Choquard-Pekar equation \begin{equation}\label{eq_abstract} (-\Delta)^s u + \mu u =(I_\alpha*F(u)) F'(u) \quad \hbox{in}\ \mathbb{R}^N, \tag{*} \end{equation} where μ>0\mu>0, s(0,1)s \in (0,1), N2N \geq 2, α(0,N)\alpha \in (0,N), Iα1xNαI_\alpha \sim \frac{1}{|x|^{N-\alpha}} is the Riesz potential, and FF is a general subcritical nonlinearity. The goal is to prove existence of multiple (radially symmetric) solutions uHs(RN)u \in H^s(\mathbb{R}^N), by assuming FF odd or even: we consider both the case μ>0\mu>0 fixed and the case RNu2=m>0\int_{\mathbb{R}^N} u^2 =m>0 prescribed. Here we also simplify some arguments developed for s=1s=1 in [Calc. Var. PDEs, 2022]. A key point in the proof is given by the research of suitable multidimensional odd paths, which was done in the local case by Berestycki and Lions [ARMA, 1983]; for \eqref{eq_abstract} the nonlocalities play indeed a special role. In particular, some properties of these paths are needed in the asymptotic study (as μ\mu varies) of the mountain pass values of the unconstrained problem, then exploited to describe the geometry of the constrained problem and detect infinitely many normalized solutions for any m>0m>0. The found solutions satisfy in addition a Pohozaev identity: in this paper we further investigate the validity of this identity for solutions of doubly nonlocal equations under a C1C^1-regularity.Comment: Advanced Nonlinear Studies (in press

    Musical support in physical education sessions. Research about its effect in primary school students

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo fue el de observar, valorar y analizar cómo influye el empleo de la música durante la práctica de actividades físicas (en sesiones de Educación Física) en las niñas y niños de Educación Primaria. Para alcanzar los resultados, se usaron tres métodos diferentes: se aplicó un cuestionario al alumnado (N=43) para valorar mediante una Escala Likert su percepción sobre la influencia de la música en las actividades propuestas; se realizó una entrevista al maestro de Educación Física del centro, que estuvo presente en las sesiones realizadas; y se empleó la observación directa durante la realización de las actividades, así como por medio de grabaciones de vídeo tomadas para su análisis. Los resultados obtenidos permiten afirmar que las sesiones de actividad física realizadas con música como soporte de apoyo, generan más placer, disfrute, alegría, y aumentan el movimiento y la velocidad entre los sujetos participantesThis research’s aim was to observe, assess and analyse how the use of music during physical activities (in physical education sessions) influences in schoolchildren. To achieve the results, three different methods were used: a TRANCES: Revista de Transmisión del Conocimiento Educativo y de la Salud 2015; 7(6) ISSN: 1989-6247 Seco Gallo, L., Basanta Camiño, S., Navarro Patón, R. (2015). Estudio del efecto de sesiones de educación física con soporte musical en el alumnado de educación primaria. Trances, 7(6):871-896. 872 questionnaire was applied to students (N=43), to evaluate their perception of the music influence on the proposed activities, using a Likert scale; an interview was conducted to the PE teacher, who was present at the sessions; and we used direct observation during the activities implementation, as well as video recordings taken for analysis. The results confirm that physical activity with musical support generate more pleasure, enjoyment, joy, and increase movement and speed in participantsS

    Influencia de factores meteorológicos, varietales y culturales sobre la producción de avellanas del valle inferior del río negro. Análisis de casos

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    Trabajo Final para optar al título de Especialista en Frutos Secos presentado en la Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Universitario Regional Zona Atlántica. Especialización en Frutos Secos en 2016El presente trabajo pretende aportar información de base de la situación actual de los montes de avellano en el Valle Inferior del Río Negro, que permita orientar futuras investigaciones y mejorar las producciones actuales.Fil: Rovira, Mercè. Instituto de Investigación y Tecnología Agroalimentarias; Catalunia, EspañaFil: Iannamico, Luis Alberto. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Alto Valle; ArgentinaFil: Gallo, Silvia Laura. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Valle Inferior del Río Negro; Argentin

    Producción de avellanas en el Valle Inferior del Río Negro

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    El Valle Inferior del Río Negro es la principal zona productora de avellanas del país. Los montes adultos, de más de 15 años, han comenzado a eviden­ciar problemas productivos. Esto po­dría relacionarse con factores climáti­cos, problemas de adaptación o defec­tos en el manejo de las plantaciones. Para determinar la influencia de facto­res meteorológicos adversos se realizó un estudio retrospectivo. Se identifica­ron cinco años de escasa producción generalizada. El análisis de la informa­ción climática de esos ciclos mostró la ocurrencia de fuertes heladas primave­rales como factor común más relevante. Para analizar los factores varietales y de manejo se realizó un estudio de casos. Los resultados evi­denciaron el mal desempeño de algu­nas variedades polinizadoras y la falta de poda como principales factores aso­ciados a la baja productividad media en las plantaciones evaluadas

    Control de Bacteriosis del Nogal (Xanthomonas campestris pv. Junglandis)

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    La “bacteriosis” constituye la enfermedad más importante del cultivo de nogal en el Valle Inferior del Rio Negro. Por tratarse de una bacteria, su desarrollo potencial es muy elevado, pudiendo provocar importantes pérdidas de cosecha cuando las condiciones ambientales son propicias para su desarrollo.EEA Valle InferiorFil: Gallo Silvia Laura. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Valle Inferior Convenio Provincia de Río Negro-INTA; Argentin

    Rating Tourists' Interest in Tourism-Tailored Climate and Environmental Products

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    The scientific literature comprises a relatively large palette of studies focusing on tourist preferences regarding the weather and climate at the destination. However, the findings do not allow for establishing a hierarchy of climate and environmental features of interest for tourism based on destination type (urban/rural/mountain/seaside), but mainly to list them. We aim to identify some characteristics of a potential climate service targeting tourists by addressing in particular three aspects: 1. which are the weather, climate and/or environmental features most commonly marked as of interest in the general case of 'any destination type' and for the particular case of rural destinations; 2. which are the delivery and presentation forms of greatest interest; 3. how willing would be the tourists to pay for such a service. To this end, we used a questionnaire with five closed questions regarding these aspects, disseminated in Romania and Italy. The results confirm some expectations based on scientific literature and highlight the user interest in information encompassing several climates and/or environmental aspects, preferably in one single product. The results may be valuable for developing and providing effective tourism-oriented climate and environmental products and contribute to a better user uptake of such products and services

    A Behavioral Approach to the Tourism Consumer Decisions of Generation Z

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    The main objective of our research is to identify the impact of recycling and waste reduction behavior on the sustainable tourism decisions of Romanian youngsters (18-25 years old). We used the PLS-SEM method and introduced four variables in the model: sustainable tourism decisions, the interest in recycling, the interest in waste reduction, and the interest in natural and less polluted touristic destinations. The main results emphasize the direct influence of recycling and waste reduction behaviors on the decisions made by Generation Z regarding sustainable tourism and on their preference for destinations that are better preserved and less touched by human intervention. The novelty of our research consists of the fact that we introduced variables such as waste reduction from the perspective of tourists because most studies address it as a management approach of the companies in the tourism sector. The findings are useful for managers in the tourism sector to create better strategies for attracting the younger generation who are preoccupied by environmental issues and sustainability in general

    Impact of pneumococcal conjugate vaccination: a retrospective study of hospitalization for pneumonia in North-East Italy

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    Introduction. Pneumonia remains a common reason for hospitalizing infants and the elderly worldwide, and streptococcal infection is often responsible. The aim of this study was to assess the burden of pneumonia in a large general population. Methods. All pneumonia-related hospitalizations from 2004 to 2013 in north-east Italy were identified from the hospital records with a first-listed diagnosis on discharge of bacterial pneumonia, or a first-listed diagnosis on discharge of meningitis, septicemia or empyema associated with a secondary diagnosis of bacterial pneumonia. We identified major comorbidities, calculated agespecific case-fatality rates (CFR), and estimated the related cost to the health care system. Results. Of the 125,722 hospitalizations identified, 96.9% were cases of pneumonia, 2.4% of septicemia, 0.4% of meningitis, and 0.3% of empyema; 75.3% of hospitalizations involved 65 65-yearolds. The overall CFR was 12.4%, and it increased with age, peaking in people over 80 (19.6%). The mean annual pneumonia-associated hospitalization rate was 204.6 per 100,000 population, and it peaked in 0- to 4-year-old children (325.6 per 100,000 in males, 288.9 per 100,000 in females), and adults over 65 (844.9 per 100,000 in males, 605.7 per 100,000 in females). Hospitalization rates dropped over the years for the 0-4 year-olds, and rose for people over 80. The estimated overall annual cost of these pneumonia-related hospitalizations was approximately \u20ac 41 million. Conclusions. This study shows that the burden on resources for pneumonia-related hospitalization is an important public health issue. Prevention remains the most valuable tool for containing pneumonia, and vaccination strategies can help in the primary prevention of infection, possibly reducing the number of cases in all age groups

    Riesgos penales laborales. Un análisis crítico sobre el art. 316 del CP español y una propuesta de tipo penal de peligro para el ordenamiento jurídico argentino

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Derecho, Departamento de Derecho Público y Filosofía Jurídica. Fecha de lectura: 8-09-2017Esta tesis tiene embargado el acceso al texto completo hasta el 08-03-201