80 research outputs found

    Explorando horizontes profesionales en el medio rural: orientación educativa hacia la formación profesional y la reactivación de los oficios tradicionales

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    En la actualidad, la Formación Profesional ha ganado relevancia debido a la necesidad de ofrecer a los jóvenes opciones formativas que les permitan desarrollarse en ámbitos laborales con potencial y contribuir al desarrollo sostenible de las comunidades rurales. El enfoque comunitario y la implicación de los profesionales de intervención sociocomunitaria son clave para brindar orientación adecuada y promover la valoración de los oficios tradicionales. Por ello, el presente trabajo se centra en el estudio de la orientación educativa y su relación con la Formación Profesional, en general, y la relacionada con la reactivación de los oficios tradicionales en el medio rural, en particular. A través de encuestas y el posterior análisis de datos, se descubre el interés y conocimiento de los estudiantes de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) y Bachillerato sobre esta modalidad y los oficios tradicionales. Asimismo, se destaca la necesidad de fortalecer el papel de los profesionales de Intervención Sociocomunitaria y promover proyectos educativos que fomenten el aprendizaje activo y el servicio a la comunidad. Estas acciones contribuyen al desarrollo personal y profesional de los jóvenes, así como al crecimiento y reactivación de los oficios tradicionales en el contexto rural.Departamento de Filosofía (Filosofía, Lógica y Filosofía de la Ciencia, Teoría e Historia de la Educación, Filosofía Moral, Estética y Teoría de las Artes)Máster en Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idioma

    Diagnostic accuracy of small breast epithelial mucin mRNA as a marker for bone marrow micrometastasis in breast cancer: a pilot study

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    [Abstract] Background. Detection of isolated tumour cells (ITC) in the blood or minimal deposits in distant organs such as bone marrow (BM) could be important to identify breast cancer patients at high risk of relapse or disease progression. PCR amplification of tissue or tumour selective mRNA is the most powerful analytical tool for detection of this micrometastasis. We have evaluated for the first time, the diagnostic accuracy of small breast epithelial mucin (SBEM) as a potential marker for BM micrometastasis in breast cancer. Methods. A nested RT-PCR assay for detection of SBEM mRNA was compared with immunocytochemistry (ICC) with anticytokeratin AE1/AE3 antibody in paired samples obtained from the BM of breast cancer patients. Associations of SBEM mRNA detection in BM and clinical and pathological parameters were evaluated. SBEM mRNA status and time to breast cancer progression were analysed using Kaplan–Meyer curves. Results. Fifty stages I–IV breast cancer female patients were prospectively included in our study. SBEM specific transcript was found in BM in 26% of the patients. Detection rate was similar to the percentage of patients with ITCs detected using ICC (24%). SBEM mRNA in BM aspirates were significantly associated with presence of clinically active disease, including locally advanced and metastatic patients (47%, P = 0.021) and tumours with positive hormonal receptors (36.7%, P = 0.035). In addition association with Her2/neu over-expression (44.4%, P = 0.051) and low proliferating tumours (36%, P = 0.067) were close to significant levels. When we analysed time to breast cancer progression adjusting for grade or hormone receptor status, presence of SBEM mRNA in BM defines distinct prognostic groups. Conclusions. SBEM might represent a suitable marker for molecular detection of ITCs in BM in breast cancer patients. Analysis of prognostic value for SBEM mRNA-based assay should take into account the heterogeneity and different molecular subtypes of breast cancer.Universidade da Coruña; 2000-543525601

    Primary systemic therapy in HER2-positive operable breast cancer using trastuzumab and chemotherapy: efficacy data, cardiotoxicity and long-term follow-up in 142 patients diagnosed from 2005 to 2016 at a single institution

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy, cardiotoxicity profile and long-term benefits of neoadjuvant therapy in human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-positive operable breast cancer patients. Patients and methods: A total of 142 patients diagnosed from 2005 to 2016 were included in the study. The treatment consisted of a sequential regimen of taxanes and anthracyclines plus trastuzumab. The clinical and pathological responses were evaluated and correlated with clinical and biological factors. The cardiotoxicity profile and long-term benefits were analyzed. Results: The median age was 49 years, and 4%, 69% and 27% of patients had stage I, II and III breast cancer, respectively, while 10% had inflammatory breast cancer at diagnosis. Hormone receptor (HR) status was negative in 43%, and 62% had grade III breast cancer. The clinical complete response rate was 49% and 63% as assessed using ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging, respectively, and this allowed a high rate of conservative surgery (66%). The pathological complete response (pCR) rate was 52%, and it was higher in HR-negative (64%) patients than in HR-positive (41%) patients and in grade III breast cancer (53%) patients than in grade I–II breast cancer (45%) patients. Patients who achieved pCR had longer disease-free survival and a trend toward improved overall survival. A total of 2% of patients showed a 10% decrease in left ventricular ejection fraction to <50% during treatment. All patients except one recovered after discontinuation of trastuzumab. Conclusion: A sequential regimen of taxanes and anthracyclines plus trastuzumab was effective, with high pCR rates and long-term benefit, and had a very good cardiotoxicity profile.S

    Circulating miR-200c and miR-141 and outcomes in patients with breast cancer

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    Research article[Abstract] Background. The deregulation of microRNAs in both tumours and blood has led to the search for microRNAs to indicate the presence of cancer and predict prognosis. We hypothesize the deregulation of miR-200c/miR-141 in the whole blood can identify breast cancer (BC), and could be developed into a prognostic signature. Methods. The expression of miR-200c and miR-141 were examined in bloods (57 stage I-IV BC patients and 20 age-matched controls) by quantitative reverse-transcription PCR. The associations of circulating microRNAs with clinic and pathological characteristics were analysed. Their effects on survival were analysed by the Kaplan-Meier method and Cox regressions. Results. MiR-200c was down regulated (P < 0.0001) in the blood of BC patients, yielded an area under the ROC curve of 0.79 (90% sensitivity, 70.2% specificity) in discriminating BC from controls. Circulating miR-141 was not discriminating. MiR-200c and miR-141 in the blood of BC patients were inversely correlated (P = 0.019). The miR-200c levels were numerically higher in stage IV and tumours with lower MIB-1. MiR-141 was significantly higher in the blood of patients with stage I-III, lymph node metastasis, and HER2 negative tumours. High blood expression of miR-200c and/or low expression of miR-141 was associated with unfavourable overall survival (hazard ratio, 3.89; [95% CI: 1.28-11.85]) and progression-free survival (3.79 [1.41–10.16]) independent of age, stage and hormonal receptors. Conclusions. Circulating miR-200c and miR-141 were deregulated in BC comparing with controls. Furthermore, miR-200c and miR-141 were independent prognostic factors and associated with distinct outcomes of BC patients.Instituto de Salud Carlos III (España); PI06-154

    Galician consensus on management of cardiotoxicity in breast cancer: risk factors, prevention, and early intervention

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    This Galician consensus statement is a joint oncologists/cardiologists initiative indented to establish basic recommendations on how to prevent and to manage the cardiotoxicity in breast cancer with the aim of ensuring an optimal cardiovascular care of these patients. A clinical screening of the patients before treatment is recommended to stratify them into a determined risk group based on their intrinsic cardiovascular risk factors and those extrinsic arose from breast cancer therapy, thereby providing individualized preventive and monitoring measures. Suitable initial and ongoing assessments for patients with low and moderate/high risk and planned treatment with anthracyclines and trastuzumab are given; also, measures aimed at preventing and correcting any modifiable risk factor are pointed out .TEVA Farma Españ

    Long-term memory deficits in Huntington's disease are associated with reduced CBP histone acetylase activity

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    Huntington's disease (HD) is an autosomal dominant progressive neurodegenerative disorder caused by an expanded CAG/polyglutamine repeat in the coding region of the huntingtin (htt) gene. Although HD is classically considered a motor disorder, there is now considerable evidence that early cognitive deficits appear in patients before the onset of motor disturbances. Here we demonstrate early impairment of long-term spatial and recognition memory in heterozygous HD knock-in mutant mice (Hdh(Q7/Q111)), a genetically accurate HD mouse model. Cognitive deficits are associated with reduced hippocampal expression of CREB-binding protein (CBP) and diminished levels of histone H3 acetylation. In agreement with reduced CBP, the expression of CREB/CBP target genes related to memory, such c-fos, Arc and Nr4a2, was significantly reduced in the hippocampus of Hdh(Q7/Q111) mice compared with wild-type mice. Finally, and consistent with a role of CBP in cognitive impairment in Hdh(Q7/Q111) mice, administration of the histone deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin A rescues recognition memory deficits and transcription of selective CREB/CBP target genes in Hdh(Q7/Q111) mice. These findings demonstrate an important role for CBP in cognitive dysfunction in HD and suggest the use of histone deacetylase inhibitors as a novel therapeutic strategy for the treatment of memory deficits in this disease

    Incidence of long-term cardiotoxicity and evolution of the systolic function in patients with breast cancer treated with anthracyclines

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    Background: Anthracycline cardiotoxicity (AC) may manifest years after treatment (long-term cardiotoxicity). There is little data on the incidence and natural history of AC in the current context, with protocols including lower anthracycline doses. The present study prospectively evaluated the incidence, time of occurrence and clinical correlates of long-term cardiotoxicity and the evolution of systolic function in patients with breast cancer treated with anthracyclines. Methods: This study prospectively included 85 consecutive patients undergoing chemotherapy (CHT) with anthracyclines without trastuzumab. All patients underwent evaluation at baseline, at the end of CHT, 3 months after the end of CHT and 1 and 4 years subsequent to the beginning of CHT. Clinical data and echocardiographic parameters were evaluated in all examinations. Results: The mean dose of doxorubicin used was 243.53 mg/m2. Median follow-up of the current cohort was 4.5 years. At 1 year the incidence of AC was 1% and at the end of the follow-up 16.5% (14 of 85 patients). Therefore, the incidence of long-term cardiotoxicity was 15%. Of these 14 patients with AC, 12 had asymptomatic systolic dysfunction, 1 had heart failure and 1 suffered sudden death. Fifteen percent developed systolic dysfunction during follow–up. An early decline in strain was observed in patients who developed long-term AC. Conclusions: The incidence of long-term cardiotoxicity in patients treated with low-cumulative dose of anthracyclines is high, 16.5% at 4.5 years. This was observed in almost all cases after the first year of follow-up. Therefore, long-term monitoring may be advisable

    MAFG is a potential therapeutic target to restore chemosensitivity in cisplatin-resistant cancer cells by increasing reactive oxygen species

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    Adjuvant chemotherapy for solid tumors based on platinum-derived compounds such as cisplatin is the treatment of choice in most cases. Cisplatin triggers signaling pathways that lead to cell death, but it also induces changes in tumor cells that modify the therapeutic response, thereby leading to cisplatin resistance. We have recently reported that microRNA-7 is silenced by DNA methylation and is involved in the resistance to platinum in cancer cells through the action of the musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene family, protein G (MAFG). In the present study, we first confirm the miR-7 epigenetic regulation of MAFG in 44 normal- and/or tumor-paired samples in non–small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). We also provide translational evidence of the role of MAFG and the clinical outcome in NSCLC by the interrogation of two extensive in silico databases of 2019 patients. Moreover, we propose that MAFG-mediated resistance could be conferred due to lower reactive oxygen species production after cisplatin exposure. We developed specifically selected aptamers against MAFG, with high sensitivity to detect the protein at a nuclear level probed by aptacytochemistry and histochemistry analyses. The inhibition of MAFG activity through the action of the specific aptamer apMAFG6F increased the levels of reactive oxygen species production and the sensitivity to cisplatin. We report first the specific nuclear identification of MAFG as a novel detection method for diagnosis in NSCLC, and then we report that MAFG modulates the redox response and confers cell protection against free radicals generated after platinum administration, thus also being a promising therapeutic target.This study was supported by the “Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria-Instituto de Salud Carlos III” [PI15/00186 and CP 08/000689 to I.I.C. ] ; and the European Regional Development Fund/European Social Fund FIS [FEDER/FSE, Una Manera de Hacer Europa] . MINECO funds support O.V., C.R.A. and O.P.contracts through RTC-2015-4362-1 and RTC-2016-5314-1 projects

    Multicenter prospective clinical study to evaluate children short-term neurodevelopmental outcome in congenital heart disease (children NEURO-HEART): study protocol

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    Congenital heart disease; Neurodevelopment; Predictive markersCardiopatía congénita; Desarrollo neurológico; Marcadores predictivosCardiopaties congènites; Neurodesenvolupament; Marcadors predictiusBackground: Congenital heart disease (CHD) is the most prevalent congenital malformation affecting 1 in 100 newborns. While advances in early diagnosis and postnatal management have increased survival in CHD children, worrying long-term outcomes, particularly neurodevelopmental disability, have emerged as a key prognostic factor in the counseling of these pregnancies. Methods: Eligible participants are women presenting at 20 to < 37 weeks of gestation carrying a fetus with CHD. Maternal/neonatal recordings are performed at regular intervals, from the fetal period to 24 months of age, and include: placental and fetal hemodynamics, fetal brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), functional echocardiography, cerebral oxymetry, electroencephalography and serum neurological and cardiac biomarkers. Neurodevelopmental assessment is planned at 12 months of age using the ages and stages questionnaire (ASQ) and at 24months of age with the Bayley-III test. Target recruitment is at least 150 cases classified in three groups according to three main severe CHD groups: transposition of great arteries (TGA), Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) and Left Ventricular Outflow Tract Obstruction (LVOTO). Discussion: The results of NEURO-HEART study will provide themost comprehensive knowledge until date of children’s neurologic prognosis in CHD and will have the potential for developing future clinical decisive tools and improving preventive strategies in CHD.RETICS funded by the PN 2018-2021 (Spain), ISCIII- Sub-Directorate General for Research Assessment and Promotion and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), reference RD16/002

    Evaluating the Applicability of Data-Driven Dietary Patterns to Independent Samples with a Focus on Measurement Tools for Pattern Similarity

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    BACKGROUND: Diet is a key modifiable risk for many chronic diseases, but it remains unclear whether dietary patterns from one study sample are generalizable to other independent populations. OBJECTIVE: The primary objective of this study was to assess whether data-driven dietary patterns from one study sample are applicable to other populations. The secondary objective was to assess the validity of two criteria of pattern similarity. METHODS: Six dietary patterns-Western (n=3), Mediterranean, Prudent, and Healthy- from three published studies on breast cancer were reconstructed in a case-control study of 973 breast cancer patients and 973 controls. Three more internal patterns (Western, Prudent, and Mediterranean) were derived from this case-control study's own data. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: Applicability was assessed by comparing the six reconstructed patterns with the three internal dietary patterns, using the congruence coefficient (CC) between pattern loadings. In cases where any pair met either of two commonly used criteria for declaring patterns similar (CC ≥0.85 or a statistically significant [P0.9) to their corresponding dietary pattern derived from the case-control study's data. Similar associations with risk for breast cancer were found in all pairs of dietary patterns that had high CC but not in all pairs of dietary patterns with statistically significant correlations. CONCLUSIONS: Similar dietary patterns can be found in independent samples. The P value of a correlation coefficient is less reliable than the CC as a criterion for declaring two dietary patterns similar. This study shows that diet scores based on a particular study are generalizable to other populations.This study was funded by Fundación Científica Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (Scientific Foundation of the Spanish Association Against Cancer), the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (IJCI-2014-20900); Fundación Cerveza y Salud 2005 (Beer and Health Foundation 2005), Sociedad Española de Oncología Médica (Spanish Society of Medical Oncology), Federación de Mujeres con Cáncer de Mama (Association of Women with Breast Cancer) (EPY 1169-10 grant) and Association of Women with Breast Cancer from Elche (EPY 1394/15 grant)