50 research outputs found


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    A modernização da sociedade e da agricultura, além de artificializar a natureza, causou erosão dos sistemas de conhecimentos locais sobre as práticas de intervir e conviver com ela, os quais estão na iminência de serem perdidos, pois não fazem parte da educação das novas gerações. Na busca de sistemas de produção mais sustentáveis, há a necessidade de uma relação mais estreita com os sistemas ecológicos, dotados de uma alta complexidade, que a ciência simplificadora do modo dominante não consegue fazê-lo. Neste trabalho, abordam-se o resgate, a compreensão e o uso dos saberes tradicionais/locais como um tipo válido de conhecimento na projeção e execução de sistemas agroflorestais de produção, demonstrando seu papel imprescindível na relação mais harmoniosa entre ambiente e sociedade

    Privatização dos serviços de extensão rural: uma discussão (des)necessária?

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    The article analyzes and discusses the privatization of the rural extension services according to international literature. To start with, the subject is set in the horizon of the debate of the so called State Reform, which determined the agenda for the development since the 1980’s. Next, we show how the subject has been treated so far having the economic theory as background and we examine experiments of privatization at international level. The analysis of such experiments reveals that the early agenda for the privatization took for granted that the rural extension services − which were a responsibility of the State − would be held completely by the private sectors. However, a series of obstacles appeared and arguments for models of privatization in which the State has a main role spread over. Therefore, the exam of international experiments of privatization led to the conclusion that they followed different orientations. One set of experiments was oriented by the notion of the “Minimum State†while the other had for reference the State as a supporter for private action. The privatization is a current and relevant process and, therefore, the discussion about it is considered necessary.Rural extension, privatization, State reform, rural development., Agribusiness, Q16.,

    A construção do conhecimento socioambiental na gestão do espaço rural: o caso de Derrubadas – RS

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    Inadequate occupation of rural areas and the intense exploitation of natural resources characterized by conflicting land use, as well as the divestiture process educational and productive rural population which is subjected, deepens social problems already identified at the end of the last century. The paper aims to study the complex reality of the rural municipality of Derrubadas, as an effort to build knowledge and analysis, identifying the landscaping design in the diversity of natural and social factors present, relatively homogeneous areas and the aspects socioenvironmental gifts in one of them. In the study we used methodological procedures and techniques for qualitative and quantitative approaches. Was done using the analysis of secondary data, reading the landscape, interviewing qualified informants and the community involved, besides the construction of thematic maps using the software spring and physical-chemical analysis of water samples. As a result, is observed the uneven occupation of rural areas of the county, with a large concentration of its population in vulnerable rural areas , low in suitability for agricultural use, limited in terms of production and land. For the community studied, retirement and welfare benefit (family bag) are present in income of 75% of the families interviewed. The result of water analysis, virtually all sources remained outside the potability standards established by the Ministry of Health, particularly the presence of total and fecal coliforms. These results are strongly related to social conditions encountered in the community, where 42% of households do not have an indoor bathroom and 50% of the houses, waste products are designed the-sky-opened. Allied to this variable, the lack of environmental planning of areas, mainly springs region, contributing to worsening levels of contamination found and highlights the environmental problems of such a community.A inadequada ocupação de áreas rurais e a intensa exploração dos recursos naturais caracterizadas pelo uso conflitivo do solo, bem como, pelo processo de alienação educacional e produtivo ao qual a população rural é submetida, aprofunda problemas socioambientais já identificados ao final do século passado. O trabalho se propõe a estudar a realidade complexa da zona rural do Município de Derrubadas, como um esforço de construção de conhecimento e análise, identificando o design paisagístico e sob a diversidade dos fatores naturais e sociais presentes, zonas relativamente homogêneas e as especificidades socioambientais presentes em uma delas. Na realização do estudo, foram utilizados procedimentos metodológicos e técnicas apropriadas para abordagens qualitativa e quantitativa. Fez-se o uso da análise dos dados secundários, leitura da paisagem, entrevista com informantes qualificados e com a comunidade envolvida, além da construção de mapas temáticos utilizando o software spring e da análise físico-química de amostras de água. Como resultado, evidenciou-se a forma desigual de ocupação do espaço rural do município, com grande concentração de sua população em áreas rurais fragilizadas, de baixa aptidão para uso agrícola, limitada do ponto de vista produtivo e fundiária. Para a comunidade estudada, a aposentadoria e o beneficio assistencial (bolsa família) estão presentes na renda de 75% das famílias entrevistadas. Do resultado da análise de água, praticamente todas as fontes se mantiveram fora dos padrões de potabilidade estabelecidos pelo Ministério da Saúde, principalmente pela presença de coliformes totais e fecais. Esses resultados estão fortemente relacionados às condições sociais encontradas para a comunidade, onde 42% das famílias não possuem banheiro interno e, em 50% das casas, os dejetos são destinados a céu aberto. Aliado a essa variável, a falta de planejamento paisagístico ambiental das áreas, principalmente de região de nascentes, contribuem para agravar os níveis de contaminação encontrados e evidencia a problemática socioambiental de tal comunidade

    The effect of school-based physical activity interventions on body mass index: a meta-analysis of randomized trials

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    This study reviewed the effectiveness of school-based physical activity interventions aimed at reducing overweight, obesity and hypertension in children. We searched 14 databases and analyzed studies published between April 2009 and September 2012. Only randomized controlled trials performed at the school level that included elements of physical activity but did not include nutritional co-interventions were analyzed. Studies were assessed by two recommended tools (EPHPP and GRADE), and the standardized mean differences with 95% confidence intervals were collected for a random-effect meta-analysis. A total of 12 papers were included in the meta-analysis, and these were divided according to three outcomes: body mass index (11 trials, n  =  4,273, −0.02, 95% CI: −0.13 to 0.17, p  =  0.8); body weight (5 trials, n  =  1,330, −0.07, 95% CI: −0.18 to 0.04, p  =  0.2); and blood pressure (6 trials, n  =  1,549), including systolic (0.11, 95% CI: −0.10 to 0.31, p  =  0.3) and diastolic pressure (−0.00, 95% CI: −0.10 to 0.10, p  =  0.9). This meta-analysis of data from 11 randomized, school-based physical activity interventions suggests that, regardless of the potential benefits of physical activity in the school environment, the interventions did not have a statistically significant effect. However, it is difficult to generalize from these results because the duration, intensity and type of physical activity used in the interventions varied greatly.Cotas do Programa de Pos-Graduacao do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq)Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa de Sao Paulo (FAPESP)Universidade de São Paulo Hospital das Clinicas Faculdade de MedicinaFederal University of São PauloFederal University of São Paulo Pediatrics Department, NutrologyUNIFESP, Pediatrics Department, Nutrology09/12438-5SciEL

    The effect of school-based physical activity interventions on body mass index: a meta-analysis of randomized trials

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    This study reviewed the effectiveness of school-based physical activity interventions aimed at reducing overweight, obesity and hypertension in children. We searched 14 databases and analyzed studies published between April 2009 and September 2012. Only randomized controlled trials performed at the school level that included elements of physical activity but did not include nutritional co-interventions were analyzed. Studies were assessed by two recommended tools (EPHPP and GRADE), and the standardized mean differences with 95% confidence intervals were collected for a random-effect meta-analysis. A total of 12 papers were included in the meta-analysis, and these were divided according to three outcomes: body mass index (11 trials, n  =  4,273, −0.02, 95% CI: −0.13 to 0.17, p  =  0.8); body weight (5 trials, n  =  1,330, −0.07, 95% CI: −0.18 to 0.04, p  =  0.2); and blood pressure (6 trials, n  =  1,549), including systolic (0.11, 95% CI: −0.10 to 0.31, p  =  0.3) and diastolic pressure (−0.00, 95% CI: −0.10 to 0.10, p  =  0.9). This meta-analysis of data from 11 randomized, school-based physical activity interventions suggests that, regardless of the potential benefits of physical activity in the school environment, the interventions did not have a statistically significant effect. However, it is difficult to generalize from these results because the duration, intensity and type of physical activity used in the interventions varied greatly


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    O presente artigo propõe uma reflexão sobre o enfoque convencional de desenvolvimento da região denominada de Metade Sul do Rio Grande do Sul, tomando como referência uma comunidade situada na APA do Ibirapuitã, no município de Rosário do Sul. As abordagens atuais, apoiadas em indicadores como PIB per capta, Valor Adicionado Fiscal e geração de postos de trabalho, consideram a região como pouco desenvolvida. Entre as estratégias utilizadas para reversão desse quadro destacam-se a expansão das modernas lavouras empresarias de arroz e soja e o fomento aos empreendimentos no ramo florestal. Assim, a pergunta central desse artigo é sobre a capacidade dessas estratégias em promover verdadeiramente o “desenvolvimento” da metade sul do RS. O estudo destaca os possíveis impactos das estratégias convencionais de desenvolvimento na complexa situação sócio-ambiental da região e sugere a necessidade de aprofundar os conhecimentos sobre as especificidades locais, considerando os princípios de sustentabilidade.------------------------------------------------This paper proposes a reflection about the troubles with actual development approach used in the southern half region in the Rio Grande do Sul state. The case study use as reference a community located in the APA do Rio Ibirapuitã at Rosário do Sul County. The actual approaches using GDP per capita, Value Added Tax and job generation, consider the region as poorly developed. Among the strategies used to reversal of this framework the increase of rice and soybean crop production and forest crop are used. Thus, the central question of this article is these strategies in fact to support the "development" of the southern half of the RS. The study highlights the potential impact of conventional development strategies in the complex socio-environmental region situation and suggests more investigation to recognize specific location situation, considering the principles of sustainability.Desenvolvimento, Metade sul do RS, Identidade Territorial, Development, southern half of the RS, International Development,


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    Based on the experience of organization of rural youth in the Central Sierra of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, which involves around 9,000 young people from 12 counties, this study aims to examine the changes in the forms of sociability experienced in a process transformation of rural life caused by the universal use of ICTs. In this investigative effort, seeks to analyze the impact on local social relations and the future projection of the lives of young people in rural areas. Thus, we can see the changes in the perspective of rural youth as a collective actor, which redefines the meaning assigned to rural and impact on identity construction process, proposing a reflection on the motivations and tensions experienced.Com base na experiência de organização dos jovens rurais da Região Centro Serra do Rio Grande do Sul-Brasil, a qual envolve em torno de 9.000 jovens de 12 municípios, este trabalho propõe-se a analisar as mudanças nas formas de sociabilidade vivenciadas em um processo de transformação da vida rural provocado pela universalização do uso das TICs. Neste esforço investigativo, busca-se analisar o impacto nas relações sociais locais e sobre a projeção futura da vida dos jovens no espaço rural. Deste modo, percebem-se as transformações na perspectiva da juventude rural como ator coletivo, as quais redefinem o sentido atribuído ao rural e impactam no processo de construção identitária, propondo uma reflexão sobre as motivações e tensões vivenciadas

    Rural youth and new forms of sociability mediated by tics

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    Com base na experiência de organização dos jovens rurais da Região Centro Serra do Rio Grande do Sul-Brasil, a qual envolve em torno de 9.000 jovens de 12 municípios, este trabalho propõe-se a analisar as mudanças nas formas de sociabilidade vivenciadas em um processo de transformação da vida rural provocado pela universalização do uso das TICs. Neste esforço investigativo, busca-se analisar o impacto nas relações sociais locais e sobre a projeção futura da vida dos jovens no espaço rural. Deste modo, percebem-se as transformações na perspectiva da juventude rural como ator coletivo, as quais redefinem o sentido atribuído ao rural e impactam no processo de construção identitária, propondo uma reflexão sobre as motivações e tensões vivenciadas.Con base en la experiencia de la organización de la juventud rural en la Región Central de Serra do Rio Grande do Sul , Brasil, que involucra alrededor de 9.000 jóvenes en 12 condados, este estudio tiene como objetivo examinar los cambios en las formas de sociabilidad que experimentan en un proceso transformación de la vida rural causado por el uso universal de las TICs. Este esfuerzo de investigación, busca analizar el impacto en las relaciones sociales locales y la proyección futura de las vidas de los jóvenes de las zonas rurales. Por lo tanto, las transformaciones se perciben desde la perspectiva de la juventud rural como actor colectivo, que redefine el significado dado a las zonas rurales y el impacto sobre el proceso de construcción de la identidad, que propone una reflexión sobre las motivaciones y las tensiones experimentadas.Based on the experience of organization of rural youth in the Central Sierra of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, which involves around 9,000 young people from 12 counties, this study aims to examine the changes in the forms of sociability experienced in a process transformation of rural life caused by the universal use of ICTs. In this investigative effort, seeks to analyze the impact on local social relations and the future projection of the lives of young people in rural areas. Thus, we can see the changes in the perspective of rural youth as a collective actor, which redefines the meaning assigned to rural and impact on identity construction process, proposing a reflection on the motivations and tensions experienced

    Optical Properties And Antiangiogenic Activity Of A Chalcone Derivate

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    Chalcones and their derivatives exhibit numerous pharmacological activities such as antibacterial, antifungal, cytotoxic, antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory. Recently, they have been assessed aiming for novel application in nonlinear optics and in the treatment of immune diseases and cancers. In this study, we investigate the optical properties of synthetic chalcona 1E,4E-1-(4-chlorophenyl)-5-(2,6,6-trimethylcyclohexen-1-yl)penta-1,4-dien-3-one (CAB7β) and its antiangiogenic potential using the chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) with the S180 sarcoma cell line. Experimental and theoretical results show intense absorption in the UVA-UVC region, which is associated with a π → π* transition with intramolecular charge transfer from the trimethyl-cyclohexen-1-yl ring to the chlorophenyl ring. Quantum chemical calculations of the first hyperpolarizability, accounting for both solvent and frequency dispersion effects, are in very good concordance with hyper-Rayleigh scattering measurements. In addition, two-photon absorption allowed band centered at 650 nm was observed. Concerning antiangiogenic activity, CAB7β causes a significant reduction in the total number, junctions, length and caliber of blood vessels stimulated by S180 cells reducing the presence of blood vessels, inflammatory cells and others elements related to angiogenic process. It is found that CAB7β is a versatile compound and a promising candidate for linear and nonlinear optical applications, in therapy against sarcoma and phototherapy