20,319 research outputs found

    Building ontologies from folksonomies and linked data: Data structures and Algorithms

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    We present the data structures and algorithms used in the approach for building domain ontologies from folksonomies and linked data. In this approach we extracts domain terms from folksonomies and enrich them with semantic information from the Linked Open Data cloud. As a result, we obtain a domain ontology that combines the emergent knowledge of social tagging systems with formal knowledge from Ontologies

    Challenges for the protection of unaccompanied foreign minors in the streets of Ceuta

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    Ceuta, as a Spanish enclave in Africa face specific challenges in terms of immigration. Due the proximity of Ceuta and Morocco, the residents of Moroccan provinces adjoining are exempted from visa requirements and can be authorized to enter and exit the Spanish city, on a daily basis, but not the rest of the national territory. A number of the people that cross this border are minors, many of them come from adjoining provinces and enter legally, with their passports, accompanied by their parents or a relative who abandon them in Spanish territory, with the aim that they could get a better life and help their family economically. Others come from other provinces and undertake this trip alone, often with the same responsibility, of helping their family, and stay on the land border between Morocco and Spain for days or even months trying to sneak across the border illegally. These minors scape from the system, they are unprotected, exposed to criminal and victimological risk. Besides, their presence on the streets generate a sense of public insecurity and social alarm, although the crime rate of this group is low, negative labels are applied to them. In this context, Ceuta, specifically the Department of Health, Social Affairs, Minors and Equality, has signed an agreement with the University of Málaga, implemented by the Observatory of the Crime control system towards Immigration (OCSPI), to develop a pilot project of research and social intervention to prevent juvenile delinquency and protect these minors.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Towards Noncommutative Linking Numbers Via the Seiberg-Witten Map

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    In the present work some geometric and topological implications of noncommutative Wilson loops are explored via the Seiberg-Witten map. In the abelian Chern-Simons theory on a three dimensional manifold, it is shown that the effect of noncommutativity is the appearance of 6n6^n new knots at the nn-th order of the Seiberg-Witten expansion. These knots are trivial homology cycles which are Poincar\'e dual to the high-order Seiberg-Witten potentials. Moreover the linking number of a standard 1-cycle with the Poincar\'e dual of the gauge field is shown to be written as an expansion of the linking number of this 1-cycle with the Poincar\'e dual of the Seiberg-Witten gauge fields. In the process we explicitly compute the noncommutative 'Jones-Witten' invariants up to first order in the noncommutative parameter. Finally in order to exhibit a physical example, we apply these ideas explicitly to the Aharonov-Bohm effect. It is explicitly displayed at first order in the noncommutative parameter, we also show the relation to the noncommutative Landau levels.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figur

    From Obama to Samara: What changes do the Spanish education system and the Roma movement have to make so that one day it will be possible for a Roma woman to be president?

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    The American civil rights movement was started by an African American woman who was a participant in a popular education centre. This centre played a key role in the social transformations that led us to elect an African American president in the primary great world power. The Spanish education system needs progressive transformations which will contribute to overcoming the segregation and school failure of female Roma children. Roma women, as the driving force behind transformation in their population, are active agents when deciding on the type of schooling they want for the future of their children. Through associations, and hand in hand with the educational theories and practices provided by the international scientific community, in this article we present the transformations which many schools in Spain are carrying out in order to overcome the social exclusion of the Roma population. In this article we provide the foundations to build a movement of female Roma university graduates who, by including the voices of all of the women in their community, continue to be the driving force behind social transformation. In this way one day education and society in this country will have improved to such an extent that it will be possible for a Roma woman to be president.El movimiento por los derechos civiles fue iniciado por una mujer afroamericana participante de un centro de educación popular cuyo papel ha sido clave en las transformaciones sociales que nos han llevado hasta contar con un presidente afroamericano de la primera potencia mundial. El sistema educativo español requiere de transformaciones progresistas que contribuyan a superar la segregación y el fracaso escolar de las niñas gitanas. Las mujeres gitanas como motor de la transformación de su pueblo son agentes activos para decidir qué sistema educativo quieren para el futuro de sus hijos e hijas. Desde el movimiento asociativo y de la mano de las teorías y prácticas educativas que propone la comunidad científica internacional, presentamos en este artículo las transformaciones que muchos centros educativos en España están realizando para superar la exclusión social del pueblo gitano. En este artículo planteamos las bases para constituir un movimiento de mujeres gitanas universitarias que incluyendo las voces de todas las mujeres de su pueblo, sigan siendo motor de transformación social para que algún día la educación y la sociedad de este país haya mejorado tanto como para que sea posible una presidenta gitana.The INCLUD-ED Strategies for inclusion and social cohesion in Europe from education (2006-2011) project is an integrated project from the European Commission’s VI Framework Programme

    Teaching skills in virtual and blended learning environments

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    Universities are currently immersed in what is known as the process of European convergence to create the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The aim is to establish a standardized, compatible and flexible European university system that enables graduates and undergraduates to move easily from one institution to another within Europe. As a result of evaluation mechanisms, the system will be transparent and of high quality, which will make it attractive and competitive internationally in a globalized world. In this paper, we focus on two distance learning modes that will become more important as a result of this change in universities: e-learning and b-learning. These basically involve the virtualization of learning processes through the use of computer equipment. We carried out a qualitative study using the case study method. The results indicate that teaching staff use information and communication technology (ICT) to improve student learning. Similarly, a high percentage (78%) of lecturers use some form of digital platform as a support for teaching. In conclusion, training policies should strengthen university teachers’ skills in the use of ICT equipment, tools and resources related to blended and virtual learning

    Facultades, funciones y atribuiciones de los miembros del H. ayuntamiento municipal

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    El presente ensayo tiene como finalidad analizar el sentido histórico del Municipio el marco jurídico de las funciones, facultades y atribuciones de los integrantes del Ayuntamiento Municipal, y la Ley Orgánica Municipal del Estado de México así como el Bando Municipal de los Ayuntamientos, dentro de los cuales se encuentran uno a uno marcadas las facultades de los servidores públicos, tan es así que no se nos debe olvidar que los gobiernos por medio de las personas que en su momento los representan, deben de hacer valer lo que al pie de la letra dicen las leyes, sin que exista dolo o vicio alguno en su aplicación

    El papel de la inspección escolar en la mejora de los resultados educativos

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    Los inspectores, como agentes promotores de procesos de innovación y cambio educativo, tienen un papel substancial en el establecimiento de condiciones para mejorar la calidad de la educación escolar. Las evidencias, la investigación y el conocimiento disponible muestran una clara tendencia de las administraciones educativas por mejorar el funcionamiento del colectivo profesional que ejerce la inspección educativa. La investigación se centra en reflexionar sobre la función inspectora y las dificultades a que ha de enfrentarse en el momento de facilitar apoyo pedagógico al profesorado y al equipo directivo, porque cada vez es más necesario generar espacios de análisis y de diálogo sobre la mejora de los resultados educativos en cada uno de los centros escolares. La finalidad de este artículo es exponer parte de los resultados obtenidos en una investigación centrada en la inspección escolar, así como presentar algunas propuestas para proporcionar apoyo pedagógico a los centros educativos.Els inspectors, com a agents promotors de processos d'innovació i canvi educatiu, tenen un paper substancial en l'establiment de condicions per millorar la qualitat de l'educació escolar. Les evidències, la recerca i el coneixement disponible mostren una clara tendència de les administracions educatives per millorar el funcionament del col·lectiu que exerceix la inspecció educativa. La recerca se centra en la reflexió sobre la funció inspectora i les dificultats a què s'enfronta en el moment de facilitar suport pedagògic al professorat i a l'equip directiu, tema que pren rellevància a mesura que és més necessari generar espais d'anàlisi i de diàleg sobre la millora dels resultats educatius a cadascun dels centres escolars. La finalitat d'aquest article és exposar part dels resultats obtinguts d'una recerca focalitzada en la inspecció escolar, així com presentar algunes propostes per donar suport pedagògic als centres educatius.Inspectors, as promoters of innovation and educational changes, have an important role in establishing the conditions to improve the quality of school education. In fact, evidences, researches and the available knowledge show Educational Administrations are prone to improving the running of those professionals who practise Education Inspectorate. This research is focused on the functions of the inspectors and the difficulties they face when they have to provide pedagogical support to teachers and principals. That is the reason why, more and more, it is necessary to promote spaces to analyse and talk about the improvement of educational outcomes. The purpose of this paper is to show, on the one hand, the findings of a research that studies the Education Inspectorate and, on the other, some proposals to provide education centres with pedagogical support

    The political consequences of the modern scientific model. A critical approachment from the epistemologies of the south

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    El objetivo principal del presente trabajo atiende al análisis de la construcción teórica, a lo largo de toda la modernidad, de un entramado epistemológico que adquiere la forma canónica de su método en el objetivismo científico fundamentado en “la teoría mecánica del conocimiento”. Siguiendo el cauce de razonamiento abierto por la filosofía de la representación, este articulo pretende revaluar políticamente la objetividad científica de acuerdo con las asimetrías epistemológicas que despliega el monopolio científico de la verdad. Así, tratará de contribuir con ello a un examen crítico de la realidad cultural actual en términos de justicia y equidad epistémica.The main aim of this article is the analysis of the theoretical construction of the epistemological framework that acquires, during the modern age, the traditional form of its own method, in the scientific objectivism, which is based of "mechanical theory of knowledge". However, according to the reasoning course opened up by the representation philosophy, this paper intents to politically reassess the scientific objectivism in accordance with the epistemological asymmetries unfolded by truth monopoly of the scientific speech. Thus, it will try to contribute to the critical examination of the current cultural reality in terms of epistemic justice and equity

    The effects of employment uncertainty and wealth shocks on the labor supply and claiming behavior of older American workers

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    Unemployment rates in developed countries have recently reached levels not seen in a generation, and workers of all ages are facing increasing probabilities of losing their jobs and considerable losses in accumulated assets. These events likely increase the reliance that most older workers will have on public social insurance programs, exactly at a time that public finances are suffering from a large drop in contributions. Our paper explicitly accounts for employment uncertainty and unexpected wealth shocks, something that has been relatively overlooked in the literature, but that has grown in importance in recent years. Using administrative and household level data we empirically characterize a life-cycle model of retirement and claiming decisions in terms of the employment, wage, health, and mortality uncertainty faced by individuals. Our benchmark model explains with great accuracy the strikingly high proportion of individuals who claim benefits exactly at the Early Retirement Age, while still explaining the increased claiming hazard at the Normal Retirement Age. We also discuss some policy experiments and their interplay with employment uncertainty. Additionally, we analyze the effects of negative wealth shocks on the labor supply and claiming decisions of older Americans. Our results can explain why early claiming has remained very high in the last years even as the early retirement penalties have increased substantially compared with previous periods, and why labor force participation has remained quite high for older workers even in the midst of the worse employment crisis in decades.employment uncertainty, wealth shocks, retirement, labor supply, life-cycle models

    A Pattern Based Approach for Re-engineering Non-Ontological Resources into Ontologies

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    With the goal of speeding up the ontology development process, ontology engineers are starting to reuse as much as possible available ontologies and non-ontological resources such as classification schemes, thesauri, lexicons and folksonomies, that already have some degree of consensus. The reuse of such non-ontological resources necessarily involves their re-engineering into ontologies. Non-ontological resources are highly heterogeneous in their data model and contents: they encode different types of knowledge, and they can be modeled and implemented in different ways. In this paper we present (1) a typology for non-ontological resources, (2) a pattern based approach for re-engineering non-ontological resources into ontologies, and (3) a use case of the proposed approach