2,470 research outputs found

    Student relationship management at business schools: the case of Nova SBE

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    This study aims to explore the concept of Student Relationship Management both from an academic perspective and a practical perspective. Literature review is conducted to propose an SRM definition and framework. Nova SBE is then used as a case study to evaluate the current SRM strategy context and recommendations are suggested for improvements. Two research questions are answered: (1) To what extent do Nova SBE students see themselves as consumers of their programs? (2) What should an SRM strategy for Nova SBE consider based on their current relationship with students? Qualitative research concluded that Bachelor students have low consumer orientation whilst Master Students are highly consumer oriented. Based on the 8 building blocks of SRM, the five most critical were identified as: Vision, Student Experience, Processes, Information, Technology. A current analysis and recommendations focused around these critical components

    Avaliação da força muscular em jovens jogadores de futebol e incidência de lesão muscular

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    Orientação: Raquel Maria dos Santos Barreto Sajara MadeiraO objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a força muscular em jogadores de futebol de formação de um clube da cidade de Lisboa, através da avaliação isocinética e avaliação dos saltos, em função da idade, posição específica e incidência de lesão muscular. Foram avaliados 108 atletas, do sexo masculino, dos escalões Iniciados A (Sub-15), Juvenis B (Sub-16), Juvenis A (Sub-17), e Juniores (Sub-19). A avaliação das variáveis antropométricas foi realizada através da medição da massa corporal e da estatura, a partir das quais foram calculados o IMC dos atletas. A avaliação da força muscular foi realizada através do dinamômetro isocinético Biodex System 4 Pro™, onde foram analisados o Pico de Torque (PT) e o Ângulo do PT, nas velocidades 60° e 300°/s. Os testes de saltos foram realizados utilizando-se do aparelho Microgate OptoGait, e consistiu dos saltos Squat Jump (SJ), Countermovement jump (CMJ), Countermovement Jump Unipedal (CMJU), e Drop Jump (DJ). O registo das lesões foi feito baseado nos relatórios emitidos pelo clube. Os resultados das avaliações isocinéticas revelaram que os Defesas centrais apresentaram maior capacidade de produção de força quando comparados aos Médios e Médios ala, e que o grupo Sub 17 foi aquele que apresentou uma capacidade de produção de força estatististicamente superior. Os testes de saltos indicam que os Defesas laterais e os Avançados apresentaram capacidade de produção de força superior aos outros grupos, enquanto os Médios foram aqueles que apresentam uma menor capacidade de produção de força. Além disso, em termos de escalões, o grupo Sub 17 foi aquele capaz de produzir mais força quando comparado aos outros grupos. Por fim, verificamos que os atletas sofreram mais lesões não-traumáticas do que traumáticas, com frequencia maior nos treinos do que nos jogos.The objective of the present study was to evaluate the muscular strength in soccer players of a club in the city of Lisbon, through isokinetic evaluation and evaluation of jump tests, according to age, specific position and incidence of muscle injury. A total of 108 male athletes were selected from the Initiated A (U15), Juvenile B (U16), Juvenile A (U17), and Junior (U19) groups. The assessment of the anthropometric variables was performed through the measurement of body mass and height, from which the BMI of the athletes were calculated. The muscular strength evaluation was performed using the Biodex System 4 Pro ™ isokinetic dynamometer, in which the Torque Peak (PT) and the PT Angle were analyzed at speeds of 60° and 300°/s. The jump tests were performed using the Microgate OptoGait apparatus, and consisted of Squat jump (SJ), Countermovement jump (CMJ), Countermovement Jump Unipedal (CMJU), and Drop Jump (DJ). The injury record was based on reports issued by the club. The results of the isokinetic evaluations revealed that the Central Defenders presented greater strength production capacity when compared to the Midfield and Mid Wings, and that the Under 17 group was the one that presented a statistically superior strenght production capacity. The jump tests indicated that the Fullbacks and Forwards presented superior power production capacity to the other groups, while the Midfielders were those with a lower strenght production capacity. In addition, the Sub 17 group was the one capable of producing more strenght when compared to the other groups. Finally, we found that athletes suffered more non-traumatic than traumatic injuries, with a higher frequency in training than in games


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    Propomos uma reflexão baseada nas experiências de autoavaliação institucional de um campus do Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo (Ifes), descrevendo a experiência de alguns membros que compõem ou compuseram a comissão setorial de avaliação deste campus. O objetivo geral é avaliar os índices de participação da comunidade acadêmica e indicadores de potencialidades que podem ser considerados como formas de diagnosticar o andamento e evolução das atividades de ensino, pesquisa e extensão do campus estudado. A metodologia aplicada foi a análise qualitativa de dados obtidos das autoavaliações institucionais dos anos de 2015 e 2016, considerando as potencialidades apontadas e comparando-os com o Plano de Desenvolvimento Institucional - PDI. Os resultados demonstram que apesar da fase de implantação, algumas ações de políticas acadêmicas já conseguem fazer um processo de transformação educacional, logo, os dados obtidos servem de embasamento e direcionamento para futuras intervenções de gestões futuras, principalmente em relação à infraestrutura física, políticas de gestão e políticas acadêmicas

    Associações entre variáveis sociodemográficas, comportamentais, fanatismo e agressividade de torcedores de futebol

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    Soccer fans’ aggressiveness has serious consequences for individuals and society. However, its predictive factors have been poorly investigated. This study aimed to examine variables that predict soccer fans’ aggressiveness. This survey, correlational and cross-sectional research involved 210 participants, which were equivalent in crowd type (105 belonging to organized fan crowds and 105 not belonging to organized fan crowds), sex and age. The measurement instruments were: sociodemographic, occupational and behavioural questionnaires; the Fanaticism Scale for Football Fans; and the Buss and Perry Aggression Questionnaire. Results showed high aggressiveness in both groups and correlations between aggressiveness and fanaticism, sociodemographic and behavioural variables. Furthermore, the predictors of aggressiveness were fanaticism, age and time affiliated with the organized crowd. Therefore, it is concluded that sociodemographic and behavioural variables and fanaticism are important for understanding this phenomenon.La agresividad de los fanáticos del fútbol tiene graves consecuencias para las personas y la sociedad. Sin embargo, sus factores predictivos han sido poco investigados. Por eso, este estudio buscó examinar variables que predicen la agresividad en fanáticos del fútbol. En los cuestionarios de esta investigación correlacional y transversal participaron 210 fanáticos, siendo equivalentes en tipo de multitud (105 pertenecientes a aficionados organizados y 105 no pertenecientes), sexo y edad. Los instrumentos de medición fueron: cuestionarios sociodemográficos, ocupacionales y de comportamiento, Escala de Fanatismo en Fanáticos del fútbol y Cuestionario de Agresión de Buss y Perry. Los resultados mostraron una alta agresividad en ambos grupos y correlaciones entre agresividad y fanatismo, variables sociodemográficas y de comportamiento. Además, los predictores de agresión fueron: fanatismo, edad y tiempo de afiliación. Se concluye que las variables sociodemográficas, de comportamiento y el fanatismo son importantes para comprender este fenómeno.A agressividade dos torcedores de futebol tem gerado graves consequências aos indivíduos e à sociedade. Entretanto, os fatores preditores têm sido pouco investigados. Este estudo objetivou examinar variáveis preditoras da agressividade desses torcedores. Esta pesquisa de levantamento, correlacional e corte transversal contou com 210 participantes, sendo equivalentes no tipo de torcida (105 pertencentes a torcidas organizadas e 105 não pertencentes), sexo e idade. Os instrumentos de medida foram: Questionários sociodemográfico, ocupacional e comportamental, Escala de Fanatismo em Torcedores de Futebol e Questionário de Agressão de Buss e Perry. Os resultados apontaram alta agressividade em ambos os grupos e correlações entre agressividade e fanatismo, variáveis sociodemográficas e comportamentais. Ademais, os preditores de agressividade foram fanatismo, idade e tempo filiado à torcida organizada. Portanto, conclui-se que as variáveis sociodemográficas e comportamentais e o fanatismo são importantes para o entendimento desse fenômeno

    Potential application of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains for the fermentation of banana pulp

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    This paper aimed at evaluating the fermentation behavior of selected Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains in banana pulp and they were compared with commercial yeast (baker’s yeast) for subsequent production of distilled spirits. Five types of microorganisms were used: Four yeast strains obtained from accredited microbiology laboratories were isolated from domestic cachaça distilleries (UNICAMPV1, UFMG-A905, UFMG-A1007 and UFMG-A1240) and commercial pressed yeast (COMMERCIAL-yeast). The fermentation parameters of the studied S. cerevisiae strains were significantly different. COMMERCIAL-yeast and UNICAMP-V1 strain presented higher ethanol yield and better yeast efficiency in converting total reducing sugars (TRS) into alcohol, with ethanol yields of 83.07 and 94.06%, and yeast efficiency of 90.75 and 96.41%, respectively for UNICAMP V1 and COMMERCIAL-yeast. The higher alcohol contents of 82.26 and 78.05 mg/100 ml anhydrous alcohol were obtained by the UNICAMP-V1 and COMMERCIAL-yeast, respectively. No significant differences in fermentative parameters were observed between COMMERCIAL-yeast and UNICAMP-V1 strain. The UFMG-A1240 strain showed the lowest ethanol yield and therefore not suitable for the production of distilled spirits made of bananas, despite being useful for the production of cachaça. Methanol contents did not significantly vary among the five strains tested, except for UFMG-A1007, which produced significantly higher quantities of 0.19 ml/100 ml anhydrous alcohol. However, higher alcohols contents varied significantly between the five strains tests, with the UFMG-A1007 and UFMG-A1240 strains producing the lowest quantities of higher alcohols (30.04 and 48.69 mg/100 ml anhydrous alcohol, respectively). In conclusion, the S. cerevisiae strains UNICAMP-V1 and the COMMERCIAL-yeast showed better fermentation behavior, did not produce high methanol and higher alcohols amounts, and therefore were recommended for the production of distilled spirits made of banana in pilot-scale plants.Key words: Yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, alcoholic fermentation, banana spirits


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    O presente trabalho busca, a partir de uma revisão bibliográfica, analisar os desafios postos à residência multiprofissional em saúde decorrente dos impactos da crise do capital e da precarização das condições e relações de trabalho na proposta de formação continuada dos assistentes sociais

    A Case Study in the Tejo Basin (Portugal)

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    Funding Information: This research was funded through the Project AgriWW2Fertilizer, from LEAF/ISA, FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in the scope of the Project LEAF (Ref. UIDB/04129/2020 and UIDP/04129/2020), and by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund, included in the COMPETE 2020 (Operational Program Competitiveness and Internationalization) through the ICT project (UIDB/04683/2020) and through the FitoFarmGest Operational Group (PDR2020-101-030926). Publisher Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.The use of agricultural drainage water (ADW) in irrigation is a great challenge, improving water use efficiency, nutrient circularity, and avoiding surface and ground-water contamination. The objective of this study was to evaluate the chemical and ecotoxicological characteristics of an ADW to analyze the safety of its reuse. An irrigated area with maize crops was selected (Tejo Basin, Portugal), where a subsurface structure for the recovery of ADW was installed, collecting the drainage in a pond and recycling it for crop irrigation. Water was collected monthly during the irrigation campaign of 2021 (April to August). Three herbicides and two metabolites were quantified, reaching a maximum concentration of 0.74 µg L−1 for S-metolachlor and 0.48 µg L−1 for terbuthylazine. The lethal bioassays did not detect toxicity, except for the sample collected in August toward Vibrio fisheri (EC50 = 25.2%). The samples were not toxic to Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, with a growth inhibition rate of less than 10%. The low lethal and sublethal effects may be ascribed to the high nutrient concentration (e.g., 1.76 mg P L−1 and 98.9 mg NO3− L−1, in July) that could have masked toxic effects. Ecotoxicological responses support the option of ADW reuse in irrigation, offering a safe and sustainable solution for water and nutrient management.publishersversionpublishe


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    Resumo Este ensaio apresenta os resultados parciais da primeira etapa da pesquisa de iniciação científica intitulada “A Produção de Conhecimentos no Curso de Serviço Social do UNIFORMG: um levantamento e análise das categorias conceituais presentes nos trabalhos de conclusão de curso produzidos entre os anos de 2010 e 2014”. Ele defende a tese de que o Movimento de Reconceituação contribuiu para a ressignificação da atuação profissional do Assistente Social. Este movimento teve como saldo positivo a definição da Questão Social como objeto de intervenção do Serviço Social e a incorporação da categoria trabalho ao arsenal teórico da categoria profissional

    Tightening Classification Boundaries in Open Set Domain Adaptation through Unknown Exploitation

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    Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have brought revolutionary advances to many research areas due to their capacity of learning from raw data. However, when those methods are applied to non-controllable environments, many different factors can degrade the model's expected performance, such as unlabeled datasets with different levels of domain shift and category shift. Particularly, when both issues occur at the same time, we tackle this challenging setup as Open Set Domain Adaptation (OSDA) problem. In general, existing OSDA approaches focus their efforts only on aligning known classes or, if they already extract possible negative instances, use them as a new category learned with supervision during the course of training. We propose a novel way to improve OSDA approaches by extracting a high-confidence set of unknown instances and using it as a hard constraint to tighten the classification boundaries of OSDA methods. Especially, we adopt a new loss constraint evaluated in three different means, (1) directly with the pristine negative instances; (2) with randomly transformed negatives using data augmentation techniques; and (3) with synthetically generated negatives containing adversarial features. We assessed all approaches in an extensive set of experiments based on OVANet, where we could observe consistent improvements for two public benchmarks, the Office-31 and Office-Home datasets, yielding absolute gains of up to 1.3% for both Accuracy and H-Score on Office-31 and 5.8% for Accuracy and 4.7% for H-Score on Office-Home

    Sensoriamento de espectro em sistema de rádio cognitivo com desvanecimento composto

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, 2015.O desejo pela evolução dos sistemas de telecomunicações e as questões relativas à escassez es- pectral impulsionam o desenvolvimento de tecnologias de comunicação sem fio mais eficientes e mais inteligentes. Pautado neste paradigma tecnológico, este trabalho apresenta e investiga a análise de sistemas de rádios cognitivos com ênfase em sensoriamento espectral baseado em detecção de energia, operando em canais modelados pelas distribuições compostas Nakagami- m/Gamma e κ-μ sombreada. Investigam-se as probabilidades de detecção, de alarme falso e de perda de detecção em cenários de sensoriamento simples e cooperativo. Medidas de campo são utilizadas para investigar a utilidade prática dos modelos compostos Nakagami-m/Gamma e κ-μ sombreado, ilustrando o excelente ajuste destas distribuições a dados obtidos em ambien- tes reais. Comparando os modelos de desvanecimento tradicionais com os modelos compostos, observa-se a vantagem em se modelar canais com distribuições compostas, uma vez que estas caracterizam os canais de modo mais realístico. A fim de ampliar a análise de modelos de des- vanecimento compostos, esta dissertação propõe e realiza uma investigação prática da função de densidade de probabilidade (PDF) e da função de densidade acumulativa (CDF) da distribuição composta α-μ/α-μ que é um resultado recente na literatura. A distribuição composta α-μ/α-μ, que descreve mutuamente os efeitos dos desvanecimentos de pequena e de larga escala, pode ser considerada uma importante ferramenta matemática para modelar uma ampla variedade de canais de comunicação. A presente investigação inclui comparações entre PDFs e CDFs teóri- cas e práticas. A análise foi realizada para sistemas de comunicação operando em 700 MHz, 1800 MHz e 2500 MHz, em ambientes urbanos típicos. Os resultados comprovam a utilidade, a eficiência e a flexibilidade do modelo α-μ/α-μ e a investigação abordada proporciona uma base informativa para uma posterior análise em sistemas de rádios cognitivos.The desire for the telecommunications systems evolution and the issues relating to spectral shortages drive the development of more efficient and smarter wireless communication techno- logies. Guided in this technological paradigm, this paper presents and investigates the analysis of cognitive radio systems with emphasis in spectrum sensing based on energy detection, under Nakagami-m/Gamma and κ-μ shadowed channels. The detection probability, false alarm pro- bability and the missing probability in single and cooperative sensing scenarios are investigated. Field measurements are used to investigate the practical use of the Nakagami-m/Gamma and κ-μ shadowed composite models. It can be observed that excellent fit of these distributions to data in real environments. There is the advantage in shaping channels with composite distri- butions, comparing the traditional fading models against composite fading models, since these characterize the channels more realistically. In order to expand the analysis of composite fading models, this paper proposes and carries out the practical research of the α-μ/α-μ probability density function (PDF) and cumulative density function (CDF) which are a recent result in the literature. The composite distribution α-μ/α-μ, describes the effects of fast and slow fading, it can be considered as an important mathematical tool for modeling a wide variety of commu- nication channels. This research includes comparisons between theoretical and practical PDFs and CDFs. The analysis was performed for radio channels operating at 700 MHz, 1800 MHz and 2500 MHz in typical urban environments. The results show the usefulness, efficiency and flexibility of the α-μ/α-μ model and the presented investigation provides information for pos- terior analysis based on cognitive radio systems