974 research outputs found

    A motricidade fina da criança na escola e o potencial da expressão plástica e motora : um estudo comparativo entre crianças das ilhas de São Miguel e Faial

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    Mestrado, Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, 5 de Maio de 2017, Universidade dos Açores.O presente relatório de estágio, realizado no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, é o fruto das práticas pedagógicas realizadas nos Estágios Pedagógicos I e II. Neste trabalho procurou-se fazer sempre a ligação entre a teoria e a prática através das aprendizagens e experiências realizadas em ambos os estágios, fundamentando o perfil desejável para o papel atual do educador de infância e do professor do 1.º ciclo do ensino básico, destacando aspetos fundamentais ao desenvolvimento da profissão, com realce para a importância do trabalho colaborativo e para a monodocência. Neste relatório surge, também, um aprofundamento da temática em estudo, a motricidade fina da criança em contexto de escola e a importância da expressão plástica e motora no seu desenvolvimento. Neste sentido, e considerando as particularidades da Região dos Açores, optámos por realizar um estudo comparativo de crianças de escolas de duas ilhas: São Miguel e Faial, sendo uma delas a do estágio. Implementaram-se um conjunto de provas adaptadas da bateria de testes Movement Assessment Battery for Children a 153 crianças, do pré-escolar e 1.º ciclo, a cuja análise se juntaram as opiniões recolhidas a 9 profissionais de educação e as reflexões dos diários de aula das práticas pedagógicas da estagiária. A partir dos dados analisados pela aplicação das provas e das perceções de educadores e professores, em várias fases de carreira, consideramos que a expressão plástica e a expressão motora têm grande importância no desenvolvimento da criança, nomeadamente na melhoria da sua motricidade fina, autonomia, confiança e socialização. Estes fatores são fulcrais para o processo de escolarização que se inicia na infância e que se deseja bem estruturado. Neste seguimento, foi um desafio para mim, enquanto estagiária, aprofundar e refletir sobre práticas pedagógicas num contexto de interdisciplinaridade da expressão plástica e motora com as restantes áreas, com o objetivo de perceber a importância destes dois domínios de expressão no desenvolvimento da motricidade fina das crianças e, consequentemente, nas suas aprendizagens escolares. Há a realçar o crescimento da estagiária na escola do estágio e o trabalho cooperativo desenvolvido quer em par pedagógico, quer com cooperantes e outros profissionais de educação.ABSTRACT: This internship report, taking place in the context of a Masters in Pre-School Education and Basic Education 1st Cycle Teaching, is the fruit of pedagogical practices carried out in Internships I and II. In this activity it was always a goal to make connection between theory and practice through the acquisition and experiences in both internships, substantiating the desirable profile for the current role of the childhood educator and 1st Cycle teacher, highlighting fundamental aspects to the development of the profession, with focus on the importance of collaborative work and mono teaching (one teacher teaching system). In this report there is also an in-depth exploration of the studied theme, children’s fine motor skills in a school context, one of which was the internship school, and the importance of plastic and motor expression in their development. For this goal, and considering the specificities of the Azores Region, it was decided to conduct comparative study of children from two islands: São Miguel and Faial. A group of tests from the “Movement Assessment Battery for Children” test battery, was implemented on 153 children, from pre-school and 1st Cycle, the analysis of which was complemented by the opinions of 9 education professionals and the reflections from the pedagogical practices class diaries of the intern. From the analysis of data of applied tests and the perceptions of educators and teachers, on several stages of their careers, we consider that plastic and motor expression have great importance in children’s development, namely in improving fine motor skills, autonomy, confidence and socialization. These factors are crucial for the schooling process that begins in infancy and should be well structured. It was a challenge for me, as an intern, to reflect in-depth on the pedagogical practices in the context of interdisciplinary between plastic and motor expression and other areas, with the goal of understanding the importance of these two realms of expression in the development of fine motor skills in children and, consequently, on their school acquisitions. The growth of the intern in the internship school and the cooperative work developed whether in pedagogical partnership, or with other assistants or education professionals, must be emphasized

    Gas mass-flow meters: Principles and applications

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    Gas mass-flow meters (GMFM) for original equipment manufacturers (OEM) applications are presently found in a relatively easy and cheap way. GMFM may be applied in a number of different situations but technical formation concerning its principles of measurement and applications are still misleading. In this paper, the principles of GMFM measurement are discussed and the operating parameters are clarified. A concept of gas mass-flow response factor is introduced and further used in a model for gas mass-flow measurement that is suitable to any gas mixture of known composition. In addition, a model for the application of GMFM to dynamic volumetric methods of dilution is presented and generalized

    WARP Business Intelligence System

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    Continuous delivery (CD) facilitates the software releasing process. Because the use of continuous integration and deployment pipelines, allows software to be tested several times before going into production. In Business Intelligence (BI), software releases tend to be manual and deprived of pipelines, versions control might also be deficient because of the project nature, which involves data and it’s impossible to version. How to apply CD concepts to BI to an existing project where legacy code is extended and there is no version control over project objects? Only few organizations have an automated release process for their BI projects. Because due to projects nature it is difficult to implement CD to the full extent. Thus, the problem was tackled in stages, first the implementation of version control, that works for the organization, then the establishment of the necessary environments to proceed with the pipelines and finally the creation of a test pipeline for one of the BI projects, proving the success of this approach. To evaluate the success of this solution the main beneficiaries (stakeholders and engineers) were asked to answer some questionnaires regarding their experience with the data warehouse before and after the use of CD. Because each release is tested before going into production, the use of CD will improve software quality in the long run as well as it allows software to be released more frequently.Continuous Delivery (CD) permite que as releases de software aconteçam em qualquer momento sem problemas associados, utilizando pipelines de integração e de deployment. Desta forma, o software é testado várias vezes antes de ser instalado em produção. Em Business Intelligence (BI), as releases são tendencialmente manuais, sem pipelines e devido à natureza do projecto (dados) o controlo de versões tende a ser inexistente. Como aplicar o conceito de CD num contexto de BI a projetos de grandes dimensões, com legacy code extenso e sem controlo de versões? Apenas algumas organizações têm um processo automático de releases para os seus projectos de BI, porque devido à natureza dos projetos que envolvem dados, é difícil implementar CD. Tendo em conta os estes factores, o problema foi abordado por etapas, em primeiro lugar procedeu-se à implementação de um controlo de versões, que se adapte às necessidades da organização. O passo seguinte foi a criação do ambiente necessário para prosseguir com a instalação de pipelines e para terminar, a terceira etapa, consistiu na criação de uma pipeline de teste para um dos projectos de BI, comprovando assim o sucesso da solução proposta. Para avaliar o sucesso desta solução os principais beneficiários (stakeholders e engenheiros) foram convidados a preencher questionários, que permitem avaliar a sua experiência com o data warehouse antes e depois da utilização da solução proposta neste trabalho. Como cada release é testada antes de ser instalada em produção, garantindo que possíveis erros já foram encontrados previamente, o uso de CD melhorará a qualidade do software a longo prazo e permitirá que as releases ocorram com mais frequência

    Mechanistic pathways of mercury removal from the organomercurial lyase active site

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    Bacterial populations present in Hg-rich environments have evolved biological mechanisms to detoxify methylmercury and other organometallic mercury compounds. The most common resistance mechanism relies on the H(+)-assisted cleavage of the Hg-C bond of methylmercury by the organomercurial lyase MerB. Although the initial reaction steps which lead to the loss of methane from methylmercury have already been studied experimentally and computationally, the reaction steps leading to the removal of Hg(2+) from MerB and regeneration of the active site for a new round of catalysis have not yet been elucidated. In this paper, we have studied the final steps of the reaction catalyzed by MerB through quantum chemical computations at the combined MP2/CBS//B3PW91/6-31G(d) level of theory. While conceptually simple, these reaction steps occur in a complex potential energy surface where several distinct pathways are accessible and may operate concurrently. The only pathway which clearly emerges as forbidden in our analysis is the one arising from the sequential addition of two thiolates to the metal atom, due to the accumulation of negative charges in the active site. The addition of two thiols, in contrast, leads to two feasible mechanistic possibilities. The most straightforward pathway proceeds through proton transfer from the attacking thiol to Cys159 , leading to its removal from the mercury coordination sphere, followed by a slower attack of a second thiol, which removes Cys96. The other pathway involves Asp99 in an accessory role similar to the one observed earlier for the initial stages of the reaction and affords a lower activation enthalpy, around 14 kcal mol(-1), determined solely by the cysteine removal step rather than by the thiol ligation step. Addition of one thiolate to the intermediates arising from either thiol attack occurs without a barrier and produces an intermediate bound to one active site cysteine and from which Hg(SCH3)2 may be removed only after protonation by solvent-provided H3O(+). Thiolate addition to the active site (prior to any attack by thiols) leads to pathways where the removal of the first cysteine becomes the rate-determining step, irrespective of whether Cys159 or Cys96 leaves first. Comparisons with the recently computed mechanism of the related enzyme MerA further underline the important role of Asp99 in the energetics of the MerB reaction. Kinetic simulation of the mechanism derived from our computations strongly suggests that in vivo the thiolate-only pathway is operative, and the Asp-assisted pathway (as well as the conversion of intermediates of the thiolate pathway into intermediates of the Cys-assisted pathway) is prevented by steric factors absent from our model and related to the precise geometry of the organomercurial binding-pocket

    Preparation prerequisites to ensure effective irrigation of the canal system

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    Na endodontia um dos passos mais importantes é a limpeza e a desinfeção dos sistemas de canais para prevenir e tratar a periodontite apical. Para que tal seja possível é necessário realizar adequadamente algumas etapas, nomeadamente, cavidade de acesso, instrumentação e irrigação. O objetivo principal deste estudo foi realizar uma revisão integrativa sobre os requisitos necessários para assegurar uma correta irrigação dos canais radiculares. Foi realizada pesquisa eletrónica na base de dados PubMed, utilizando combinações de palavras-chave e abrangendo artigos entre 2012 e 2022 de idioma Inglês. Dos 22 artigos selecionados, 5 abordam os tipos de cavidades de acesso e a sua influência na irrigação, 5 estudos analisaram as diferentes técnicas de instrumentação 5 estudam os efeitos do tamanho e conicidade da preparação, 5 analisam os diferentes tipos de irrigantes e 2 as diferentes técnicas de irrigação. Com esta revisão sistemática integrativa pudemos concluir que as cavidades endodônticas tradicionais são mais vantajosas do que as cavidades de acesso conservadoras que todas as técnicas de instrumentação são eficazes desde que sejam bem executadas, que a conicidade do canal tem mais influencia na preparação do que o tamanho, que nenhum irrigante consegue satisfazer todos os requisitos de forma independente e portanto, a sua combinação obtém melhores resultados e por último concluímos que a combinação do irrigante com ultrassom melhora o efeito antibacteriano e permite obter canais mais limpos.In endodontics one of the most important steps is cleaning and disinfection of the canal systems to prevent and treat apical periodontitis. For this to be possible it is necessary to properly perform some steps namely, access cavity, instrumentation and irrigation. The main aim of this study was to conduct an integrative review on the necessary requisites to ensure proper irrigation of root canals. An electronic search was performed in the PubMed database, using combinations of the keywords and covering articles between 2012 and 2022 in English. Of the 22 selected studies, 5 investigated the types of access cavities and their influence on irrigation, 5 studies analyzed the different instrumentation techniques 5 studied the effects of preparation size & taper, 5 analyze the different types of irrigants and 2 the different irrigation techniques. With this integrative systematic review we could conclude that TEC is more advantageous than CEC, that all instrumentation techniques are effective as long as they are well performed, that the taper of the canal has more influence on the preparation than the size, that no single irrigant can satisfy all requisites independently and therefore their combination obtains better results, and finally we concluded that the combination of irrigant with ultrasound improves the antibacterial effect and allows to obtain cleaner canals

    Características biopsicossociais associadas a pacientes com dor neuropática por lesão medular traumática : relato de casos

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    Justificativa e objetivos: a lesão medular é uma alteração nas estruturas do canal medular, podendo ocasionar dificuldades motoras, sensitivas, autonômicas e psicoafetivas. A lesão traumática possui maior prevalência. A dor neuropática é a mais frequente em pessoas com lesão medular, podendo assumir aspecto incapacitante na vida dessas pessoas. É pouco compreendido o mecanismo de desenvolvimento dessa dor sendo seu tratamento de difícil manuseio para o indivíduo e para os profissionais de saúde. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar as características biopsicossociais associadas à dor neuropática em pessoas com lesão medular traumática. Relato dos casos: a amostra foi composta por 13 pacientes com lesão medular traumática e dor neuropática, internados para reabilitação em uma instituição de saúde. Foram utilizados os instrumentos de coleta de dados: Questionário Douleur Neuropathique em 4 Questions, Inventário Breve da Dor, acrescentando os dados demográficos. A maioria dos pacientes era do gênero masculino, idade média de 40 anos, aposentados ou desempregados. A causa predominante da lesão medular foi acidente de trânsito, seguido de arma de fogo e queda. O segmento torácico foi o mais acometido, com prevalência de lesões incompletas. Predominou o início da dor neuropática em até seis meses após a lesão medular. O tratamento farmacológico foi o mais citado e considerado muito efetivo por 70% dos que o utilizam. O frio e a imobilidade prevaleceram como fatores de piora da dor; a atividade física e o lazer como fatores que melhoraram a dor. O humor e a atividade geral foram os mais influenciados pela presença da dor neuropática. Conclusão: a lesão medular traumática altera drasticamente a vida do paciente acometido, gerando consequências desastrosas para quem sofreu a lesão, para seus familiares e para a sociedade. Nesta série, a maioria foram homens jovens, vítimas de acidentes de trânsito e com dor neuropática que impactava negativamente o humor e as suas atividades gerais.Background and objectives: spinal cord injury is a change in spinal canal structures and may induce motor, sensory, autonomic and psychoaffective changes. Trauma injury is the most prevalent. Neuropathic pain is more frequent in people with spinal cord injury and may be disabling. Pain development mechanism is poorly known being its management difficult for both patients and health professionals. This study aimed at identifying biopsychosocial characteristics associated to neuropathic pain in spinal cord trauma injury patients. Case reports: sample was made up of 13 patients with spinal cord trauma injury and neuropathic pain, hospitalized for rehabilitation in a health institution. The following data collection tools were used: Douleur Neuropathique em 4 Questions Questionnaire and Brief Pain Inventory, in addition to demographic data. Most patients were male, mean age of 40 years, retired or unemployed. Most frequent cause of spinal cord injury was car accident, followed by firearm and falls. The thoracic segment was more commonly affected, with prevalence of incomplete injuries. Neuropathic pain onset was predominantly within six months after spinal cord injury. Pharmacological treatment was the most cited and considered very effective by 70% of those who use it. Cold and immobility were the most common factors worsening pain; physical activity and leisure were factors improving pain. Mood and general activities were those influenced the most by neuropathic pain. Conclusion: spinal cord trauma injury dramatically changes patients’ lives, generating disastrous consequences for those suffering the injury, their families and for society. In this series, most patients were young males, victims of car accidents and with neuropathic pain negatively impacting mood and general activities

    Natural convection in a partially open square cavity with internal heat source: An analysis of the opening mass flow

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    AbstractA steady buoyancy-driven flow of air in a partially open square 2D cavity with internal heat source, adiabatic bottom and top walls, and vertical walls maintained at different constant temperatures is investigated numerically in this work. A heat source with 1% of the cavity volume is present in the center of the bottom wall. The cold right wall contains a partial opening occupying 25%, 50% or 75% of the wall. The influence of the temperature gradient between the verticals walls was analyzed for Rae=103–105, while the influence of the heat source was evaluated through the relation R=Rai/Rae, investigated at between 400 and 2000. Interesting results were obtained. For a low Rayleigh number, it is found that the isotherm plots are smooth and follow a parabolic shape indicating the dominance of the heat source. But as the Rae increases, the flow slowly becomes dominated by the temperature difference between the walls. It is also observed that multiple strong secondary circulations are formed for fluids with a small Rae whereas these features are absent at higher Rae. The comprehensive analysis is concluded with horizontal air velocity and temperature plots for the opening. The numerical results show a significant influence of the opening on the heat transfer in the cavity

    Coupled PermSMBR – Process design and development for 1,1-dibutoxyethane production

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    AbstractIn this work, a new configuration of the simulated moving bed membrane reactor (PermSMBR) technology is presented, the coupled PermSMBR, where the tubular membranes are located after fixed-bed columns packed with the catalyst/adsorbent. By this way the membranes are not in contact with the solid, which from an industrial point of view is easier to implement since the process of membranes installation/replacement and clean-up is simpler than in the previous considered set-up (tubular membranes packed with the catalyst/adsorbent – integrated PermSMBR). The 1,1-dibutoxyethane production is used, as an example, and the features of the new “coupled PermSMBR” and the previous set-up (integrated PermSMBR) are discussed. The coupled PermSMBR revealed to be a very attractive solution for the sustainable 1,1-dibutoxyethane production, proved by the high productivity and low desorbent consumption obtained within the studied conditions

    Enunciar la ausencia. Imágenes de desaparición forzosa en prácticas de arte contemporáneo

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    Esta tesis doctoral es una investigación sobre imágenes que faltan en el mundo contemporáneo.Las buscamos primero en el pasado, recogiéndolas para traerlas al presente. Entendemos los tiempos entremezclados y el pasado como un tiempo activo que permanece abierto en el presente. Por tanto, la investigación trabaja bajo la noción de historia abierta, estudiando borraduras y silencios para proponer una reescritura a través de las imágenes, que incorpore memorias y relatos ausentes. Se trata de imágenes sobre realidades políticas y sociales, por lo que investigamos relaciones entre arte, política, poder, historia y memoria centrándonos en el aparecer-desaparecer. Todo ello en el contexto de la desaparición forzosa, que es el tema central de estudio. Es una investigación en el diálogo generado entre estas tensiones, pensando el arte como construcción de nuevas realidades, de posibles mundos a través de las imágenes y del hacer. Metodológicamente, esta tesis aborda las prácticas artísticas como investigación, trabajando a partir del desarrollo de unas obras que tratan sobre períodos dictatoriales de la historia de dos países, Chile y España, en los que la subjetividad y los cuerpos han estado sometidos a la violencia, a la represión, al confinamiento, a la muerte y desaparición por parte del Estado. Si bien son distantes geográficamente, comparten temas pendientes, relatos y experiencias, además de estar directamente implicados en el contexto y biografía de la artista-investigadora. Por eso, se trabaja desde los conocimientos situados, asumiendo nuestra parcialidad y posición. Hemos trabajado a través de estudios de casos (“pensar por casos”), propio también de la práctica artística como investigación y con el ensayo, que no cierra el discurso sino que lo articula en un montaje que plantea, a la vez, nuevos problemas. También hemos desdibujado bordes disciplinares, ya que los procesos han estado contaminados por la arqueología, en términos de excavación histórica; por la antropología, mediante el trabajo de campo; y por la historia, a través del trabajo con archivos y documentos. Y hemos participado en prácticas artísticas colaborativas y relacionales que, desde lo técnico, plantean mestizajes híbridos entre el textil y lo fotográfico, el sonido y el video. Las preguntas de investigación tienen que ver también con los diversos haceres del arte, con los modos de hacer para visibilizar las ausencias y crear o traer presencia..