67 research outputs found

    A ação penal pública incondicionada nos crimes contra a liberdade sexual: uma análise das alterações promovidas pelo art. 1° da Lei n° 13.718/2018 sob a óptica do paradigma vitimológico contemporâneo

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    Atualmente, o fortalecimento das relações internacionais engendrou, no âmbito global, a preocupação para com as vítimas da criminalidade. Todavia, o tratamento vitimal é cindido em três contextos históricos, marcados, respectivamente, pela vingança privada, neutralização e redescobrimento das vítimas. O derradeiro subdivide-se no redescobrimento propriamente dito (1945-1985) e no paradigma vitimológico contemporâneo (1985-atual), cuja ocupação é a garantia da dignidade humana, representada pelos vetores da autodeterminação e da proteção, em favor dos ofendidos. O reconhecimento das vítimas, nesse paradigma, aprofundou o estudo dos graus de dano ou vitimização, primário, secundário e terciário, comummente, presentes na delinquência sexual. Com o advento da Lei n° 13.718/2018, todavia, foi modificado o tratamento conferido aos crimes contra a liberdade sexual, que passaram a desafiar ação penal pública de natureza incondicionada. O trabalho objetivou investigar e discutir se a reforma legislativa em questão realiza a dignidade humana em favor das vítimas, ao se considerar os três possíveis graus de dano a que se submetem a partir do conflito penal. Nesse contexto, socorreu-se à abordagem de aspectos gerais acerca da vitimologia da delinquência sexual; das posições contrária e favorável à alteração, debatendo-as; e das soluções oferecidas pelo Direito comparado nos Estados da Espanha, Portugal e Argentina

    Fungicide application technology for controlling the sugarcane orange rust

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    With the epidemic onset of the sugarcane orange rust, fungicide applications of the Strobilurins and Triazoles groups have become necessary in susceptible varieties. This study aimed at evaluating the operational conditions of fungicide application in sugarcane (SP81-3250 variety), in relation to the spray deposition on the upper canopy and the effectiveness of the orange rust control. Treatments consisted of two application volumes (30 L ha-1 or 40 L ha-1) and three nozzle deflection angles (0 º, 90 º or 135 º), plus a ground application at the rate of 200 L ha-1, sprayed with a uniform flat spray nozzle of air induction. The ground application resulted in the smallest and the greatest spray deposition on sugarcane leaves and on the soil, respectively. The aerial application at the rate of 30 L ha-1, sprayed by hollow cone nozzles, at a deflection angle of 135 º, provided the best sugarcane orange rust control. Tecnologia de aplicação de fungicidas no controle da ferrugem alaranjada da cana-de-açúcar -- Com o surgimento epidêmico da ferrugem alaranjada da cana-de-açúcar, aplicações de fungicidas dos grupos químicos Estrobilurinas e Triazóis tornaram-se necessárias para as variedades suscetíveis. Objetivou-se avaliar as condições operacionais de aplicação de fungicidas em cana-de-açúcar (variedade SP81-3250), no que se refere à deposição de calda no dossel superior e à efetividade do controle da ferrugem alaranjada. Os tratamentos consistiram de dois volumes de aplicação (30 L ha-1 ou 40 L ha-1) e três ângulos de deflexão das pontas (0 º, 90 º ou 135 º), além de uma aplicação terrestre à taxa de 200 L ha-1, pulverizada por meio de pontas de jato plano uniforme de indução de ar. A aplicação terrestre resultou na menor e maior deposição nas folhas de cana-de-açúcar e no solo, respectivamente. A aplicação aérea com taxa de 30 L ha-1, pulverizada por pontas de jato cônico vazio, com ângulo de deflexão de 135 º, proporcionou o melhor controle da ferrugem alaranjada da cana-de-açúcar

    Fungicide application technology for controlling the sugarcane orange rust

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    With the epidemic onset of the sugarcane orange rust, fungicide applications of the Strobilurins and Triazoles groups have become necessary in susceptible varieties. This study aimed at evaluating the operational conditions of fungicide application in sugarcane (SP81-3250 variety), in relation to the spray deposition on the upper canopy and the effectiveness of the orange rust control. Treatments consisted of two application volumes (30 L ha-1 or 40 L ha-1) and three nozzle deflection angles (0 º, 90 º or 135 º), plus a ground application at the rate of 200 L ha-1, sprayed with a uniform flat spray nozzle of air induction. The ground application resulted in the smallest and the greatest spray deposition on sugarcane leaves and on the soil, respectively. The aerial application at the rate of 30 L ha-1, sprayed by hollow cone nozzles, at a deflection angle of 135 º, provided the best sugarcane orange rust control. Tecnologia de aplicação de fungicidas no controle da ferrugem alaranjada da cana-de-açúcar -- Com o surgimento epidêmico da ferrugem alaranjada da cana-de-açúcar, aplicações de fungicidas dos grupos químicos Estrobilurinas e Triazóis tornaram-se necessárias para as variedades suscetíveis. Objetivou-se avaliar as condições operacionais de aplicação de fungicidas em cana-de-açúcar (variedade SP81-3250), no que se refere à deposição de calda no dossel superior e à efetividade do controle da ferrugem alaranjada. Os tratamentos consistiram de dois volumes de aplicação (30 L ha-1 ou 40 L ha-1) e três ângulos de deflexão das pontas (0 º, 90 º ou 135 º), além de uma aplicação terrestre à taxa de 200 L ha-1, pulverizada por meio de pontas de jato plano uniforme de indução de ar. A aplicação terrestre resultou na menor e maior deposição nas folhas de cana-de-açúcar e no solo, respectivamente. A aplicação aérea com taxa de 30 L ha-1, pulverizada por pontas de jato cônico vazio, com ângulo de deflexão de 135 º, proporcionou o melhor controle da ferrugem alaranjada da cana-de-açúcar

    Finding Software Vulnerabilities in Open-Source C Projects via Bounded Model Checking

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    Computer-based systems have solved several domain problems, including industrial, military, education, and wearable. Nevertheless, such arrangements need high-quality software to guarantee security and safety as both are mandatory for modern software products. We advocate that bounded model-checking techniques can efficiently detect vulnerabilities in general software systems. However, such an approach struggles to scale up and verify extensive code bases. Consequently, we have developed and evaluated a methodology to verify large software systems using a state-of-the-art bounded model checker. In particular, we pre-process input source-code files and guide the respective model checker to explore them systematically. Moreover, the proposed scheme includes a function-wise prioritization strategy, which readily provides results for code entities according to a scale of importance. Experimental results using a real implementation of the proposed methodology show that it can efficiently verify large software systems. Besides, it presented low peak memory allocation when executed. We have evaluated our approach by verifying twelve popular open-source C projects, where we have found real software vulnerabilities that their developers confirmed.Comment: 27 pages, submitted to STTT journa

    Alterações cromossômicas inesperadas em Tayassu tajacu (Artiodactyla: tayassuidae) de cativeiros

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    Wild animals have been used as bioindicators in situations in which the environment was exposed to chemical agents. In general, chemical agents may induce chromosomal aberrations, such as breaks and gaps. The peccary, Tayassu tajacu is a pig relative that exhibits a very stable karyotype with the only described alterations being of the form of the X chromosome. Chromosomal gaps and breaks were observed at high frequencies during cytogenetics analyses. These alterations were observed in the chromosomes autossomics. Reviews of the literature and of the data described herein suggests that an vermifuge, the ivermectin base, was the most likely cause of these chromosomal alterations.Os animais silvestres têm sido utilizados como bioindicadores quando o ambiente é exposto a estressores químicos. Em geral, os agentes químicos podem induzir às alterações cromossômicas dos tipos falhas e quebras. Tayassu tajacu, é uma espécie aparentada dos porcos verdadeiro e apresenta uma grande estabilidade cariotípica. As únicas alterações descritas são em relação a forma do cromossomo X. Foram observadas falhas e quebras cromossômicas durante as análise citogenética. Estas alterações foram detectadas em cromossomos autossômicos. Levantamentos realizados na literatura associados as dados observados nos exemplares estudados, indicam um vermífugo, a base de ivermectina, como o possível causador dessas alterações cromossômicas

    Fitotoxicidade na cultura de soja causada por deriva simulada de dicamba

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate injury symptoms on soybean not tolerant to dicamba (3,6-dichloro-2-methoxybenzoic acid), as well as crop yield, after the application of sub-rates of the herbicide to simulate physical drift in tropical conditions. Dicamba rates of 0, 5.8, 14.4, 28.8, 57.6, and 576 g acid equivalent per hectare were applied at the vegetative (V3) and reproductive (R1) stages of soybean, using a backpack sprayer pressurized with CO2, equipped with air-induction flat fan spray nozzles; the pressure and rate of application were 250 kPa and 200 L ha-1, respectively. Visible injury, the soil-plant analysis development (SPAD) index (leaf chlorophyll content) at 14 days after herbicide application, and soybean crop yield were evaluated. These variables were influenced by the crop stage in which the dicamba rates were applied. Rates below 28.8 g ha-1 caused less injury to soybean when applied at the R1 stage; however, there were no differences in yield between stages. A 1% dicamba drift in tropical conditions reduces soybean yield by 12%.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os sintomas de injúria em soja não tolerante ao dicamba (ácido 3,6-dicloro-2-metoxibenzóico), bem como a produtividade da cultura, após a aplicação de subdoses do herbicida para simulação da deriva física em condições tropicais. Doses de dicamba de 0, 5,8, 14,4, 28,8, 57,6 e 576 g de equivalente ácido por hectare foram aplicadas nos estádios vegetativo (V3) e reprodutivo (R1) da soja, com uso de pulverizador costal acionado por CO2, dotado de pontas de jato plano com indução de ar; a pressão e a taxa de aplicação foram de 250 kPa e 200 L ha-1, respectivamente. Foram avaliados injúria visual, índice “soil-plant analysis development” (SPAD) (teor de clorofila das folhas) aos 14 dias após a aplicação do herbicida e produtividade da cultura de soja. Essas variáveis foram influenciadas pelo estádio da cultura em que as doses de dicamba foram aplicadas. Doses inferiores a 28,8 g ha-1 causaram menor injúria na soja quando aplicadas no estádio R1; contudo, não houve diferenças de produtividade entre os estádios. A deriva de dicamba de 1%, em condições tropicais, reduz a produtividade da soja em 12%

    Spray drift and efficacy from glyphosate and 2,4-D applications with adjuvants

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    Weed plants are one of main factors that affect the production of oilseed crops. Their management have been based on chemical control with herbicides, like glyphosate and 2,4-D, due to usefulness and efficiency of applications. However, their use must be managed correctly to mitigate the spray drift. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate efficacy and spray drift from glyphosate and 2,4-D applications with adjuvants. The drift evaluation of herbicide solutions was conducted in a split-plot arranged in a randomized block design with five replications. Main plots consisted of three herbicide solutions at 150 L ha-1 (glyphosate + 2,4-D, glyphosate + 2,4-D + sodium lauryl ether sulphate, and glyphosate + 2,4-D + fatty acid esters). Sub-plots consisted of five downwind distances (1 to 10 m) from the sprayed area. It was used a fluorecent tracer and drift colectors. The efficacy trial was performed in a randomized block design with four replications in a 3 x 2 factorial scheme, being the same herbicide solutions and two carrier volumes (75 and 150 L ha-1). Droplet spectrum and weed depositon were evaluated and physicochemical properties of the herbicide solutions were characterized. Glyphosate + 2,4-D with or without adjuvants, sprayed using 75 or 150 L ha-1, resulted in similar deposition of tracer on weeds and their control. Those herbicides associated or not with sodium lauryl ether sulphate and fatty acid esters produce similar droplet spectrum and deposition of tracer on drift collectors

    Control of Dalbulus maidis in maize crop with electrostatic spraying

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    Among the pests that attack the maize, the maize leafhopper, which causes direct damages by sap-sucking and indirect ones, stands out as being a vector of pathogens and viruses, and can cause losses of up to 100% of the production. An alternative to improve the chemical control of this pest is the use of electrostatic spraying technology. However, there is no research support. This study aimed to evaluate the deposition of spray in the maize crop and the effectiveness in the chemical control of the maize leafhopper, using the electrostatic spraying system, at different application rates, compared to the conventional spraying system. The experiment was conducted in a randomized block design with five treatments, in a 2x2 + 2 factorial scheme: presence or absence of electrostatic spraying system, two application rates (35 and 50 L ha-1), an additional treatment using a hydraulic spray nozzle and a rate of 100 L ha-1, and other additional treatment without the application of insecticide, in order to support the study of pest infestation. Each treatment consisted of eight replicates, in which the spray deposition in the maize canopy and the efficiency in the control were evaluated. For the insecticide applications, a boom sprayer with induction electrostatic spraying system was used with indirect electrification. To evaluate the deposition, the Brilliant Blue FCF marker was added to the spray to be detected by absorbance in spectrophotometry. For the biological efficacy of the maize leafhopper, the insecticide composed of thiamethoxam and lambda-cyhalothrin was used compared with the control without the application. There was a significant increase in the spray deposition, both in the upper and lower maize leaves, with the use of electrostatic spray technology compared to the conventional spray system. The control of the maize leafhopper was also superior. The electrostatic spraying also made it possible to reduce the application rate by approximately three times in relation to that used in conventional hydraulic spraying

    Genetic evaluation studies in Tabapuã cattle breed using random regression models-Review

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    The objective of this research is to estimate the genetic parameters and covariance components for growth characteristics in cattle from Tabapuã breed through random regression models (RRM). The estimates of covariance functions are considered nowadays, interesting alternatives to work with longitudinal data that allow the description of covariances changes due to time and prediction of variances and covariances along the growth curve. The RRM has been used to estimate the variance components and genetic parameters of milk production on the control day of the lactation curve and meat production in many species, including bodyweight of beef cattle and among these the cattle from Tabapuã breed, enabling us to work with features of growth curves that are measured repeatedly during the animal's life, known as longitudinal data. These models used in genetic evaluation in cattle are considered special cases of covariance functions that allow estimation of coefficients of genetic covariance functions directly through the method of restricted maximum likelihood

    Influence of pyroligneous extract on water quality and productive performance of Penaeus vannamei/ Influência do extrato pirolenhoso na qualidade de água e no desempenho produtivo de Penaeus vannamei

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    Water is the main input used in shrimp farming, and the good quality of this natural resource is not only essential for the farmed animals’ welfare, but also for a good profitability at the end of the farming process inaquaculture species. Pyroligneous extract (PE) is a yellow to reddish-brown liquid obtained from the condensation of gases produced by partial wood combustion. This compound has been used for several purposes in different areas, such as in the fertilization of various vegetable crops and in soil conditioning. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the possible benefits of the application of pyroligneous extract on water quality and its consequences on the production performance of Penaeus vannamei. Six 1.0 ha ponds were used, 3 of which were used for the application of pyroligneous extract (WPE) and the other 3 without the extract (wPE) for comparison purposes. The extract was diluted in water and applied directly to the dry soil and after a few hours of reaction the ponds were filled with water and prepared for cultivation. There was a significant difference (p0.05) between the ponds (WPE) and (wPE) in the following water quality parameters: dissolved oxygen, pH, total alkalinity, total hardness, magnesium and silica. However, the values found were within the recommended range for shrimp farming. No significant differences (p0.05) were found in the parameters analyzed in relation to production performance.Water is the main input used in shrimp farming, and the good quality of this natural resource is not only essential for the farmed animals’ welfare, but also for a good profitability at the end of the farming process inaquaculture species. Pyroligneous extract (PE) is a yellow to reddish-brown liquid obtained from the condensation of gases produced by partial wood combustion. This compound has been used for several purposes in different areas, such as in the fertilization of various vegetable crops and in soil conditioning. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the possible benefits of the application of pyroligneous extract on water quality and its consequences on the production performance of Penaeus vannamei. Six 1.0 ha ponds were used, 3 of which were used for the application of pyroligneous extract (WPE) and the other 3 without the extract (wPE) for comparison purposes. The extract was diluted in water and applied directly to the dry soil and after a few hours of reaction the ponds were filled with water and prepared for cultivation. There was a significant difference (p0.05) between the ponds (WPE) and (wPE) in the following water quality parameters: dissolved oxygen, pH, total alkalinity, total hardness, magnesium and silica. However, the values found were within the recommended range for shrimp farming. No significant differences (p0.05) were found in the parameters analyzed in relation to production performance