14 research outputs found


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    Bovine tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium bovis. It has great health and economic relevance for dairy herds, in addition to being a zoonosis. Therefore, the aim of this study was to check the frequency of bovine tuberculosis in dairy herds in the microregion of Rio Branco, Acre. For diagnosis, the tuberculin skin test was used through the comparative technique. Of 527 cattle subjected to testing, one animal (0.2%) tested positive for the reagent. According to the results of this preliminary study, which reports the first record of bovine tuberculosis in Acre, it can be seen that the frequency of this disease in the microregion of Rio Branco indicates a low spread of M. bovis in dairy herds. This condition can assist with elimination of possible outbreaks without incurring high costs to producers and, subsequently, help Acre achieve a tuberculosis-free status through the process of eradication.A tuberculose bovina é uma doença infectocontagiosa ocasionada pelo Mycobacterium bovis, a qual possui grande relevância sanitária e econômica para rebanhos leiteiros, além de ser uma zoonose. Objetivou-se verificar a freqüência da tuberculose bovina em rebanhos leiteiros da microrregião de Rio Branco, Acre. Para o diagnóstico, foi utilizado o teste tuberculínico pela técnica comparativa. Dos 527 bovinos submetidos ao teste, um animal (0,2%) foi reagente positivo. Conforme os resultados deste estudo preliminar, que se configura o primeiro registro da tuberculose bovina no Acre, observa-se que a frequência da enfermidade na microrregião de Rio Branco denota uma baixa propagação do M. bovis nos rebanhos leiteiros. Esta condição é favorável para eliminar possíveis focos sem elevados custos ao produtor e, posteriormente, alcançar o status de estado livre pelo processo de erradicação


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    The objective of this study was to carry out a microbiological and molecular research of Streptococcus equi subspecies equi in the Rio Branco micro-region, Acre, Brazil, as well as to assess the risk factors. Sixty-four horses were submitted to clinical evaluation, from which nasal secretion samples were collected for bacteriological culture. The isolates were submitted to DNA extraction and PCR. The risk factors were verified through epidemiological questionnaires. It was verified that 32.8% (21/64) of the animals presented clinical signs suggestive. In the PCR, 50 (78.1%) samples were phenotypically compatible to genus, but none of them showed amplification of the 16SrRNA gene. The lack of disinfection of facilities and vaccination were the most frequent risk factors. It was concluded that Streptococcus equi subspecies equi is not present in the studied population, however, it may be susceptible to the disease due to the lack of sanitary criteria in the breeding.Keywords: Strangles; epidemiological study; Western Amazonia.Objetivou-se realizar uma pesquisa microbiológica e molecular do Streptococcus equi subesp. equi na microrregião de Rio Branco, Acre, bem como avaliar os fatores de risco. Foram submetidos à avaliação clínica 64 equinos, dos quais se colheu amostras de secreção nasal para cultivo bacteriológico. Os isolados foram encaminhados à extração de DNA e PCR. Os fatores de risco foram verificados por meio de questionários epidemiológicos. Verificou-se que 32,8% (21/64) dos animais apresentavam sinais clínicos sugestivos. Na PCR, 50 (78,1%) amostras foram compatíveis fenotipicamente ao gênero, mas nenhum destes apresentou amplificação do gene 16SrRNA. A ausência de desinfecção de instalações e vacinação foram os fatores de risco de maior frequência. Conclui-se que o Streptococcus equi subesp. equi não está presente na população estudada, porém, esta pode estar susceptível à doença, devido à falta de critérios sanitários nas criações.Palavras-chave: Garrotilho; estudo epidemiológico; Amazônia Ocidental

    Botulism in Cattle Associated with Osteophagy in the State of Acre, Brazil

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    Background:Botulism is a non-febrile intoxication resulting from the ingestion of Clostridium botulinum neurotoxins manifested by partial or complete flaccid paralysis of the musculature of locomotion, swallowing and respiration. The objective of this study was to report the first case of botulinum intoxication associated with osteopathy in the state of Acre, as well as to alert breeders and veterinarians to the incidence of this disease in cattle farming.Case: The present report is an outbreak of botulism in the municipality of Acrelândia, in the state of Acre, which resulted in the death of 16 Nelore beef cattle in approximately 30 days. The affected animals were females in reproductive phase maintained under extensive breeding system. The main clinical signs presented were weakness in the pelvic limbs, prostration, recumbency and death in less than 48 hours. Only one animal, with similar symptomatology, was found alive and submitted to emergency therapeutic measures, but without success. During the necropsy of this bovine, no significant changes were found, only related to the decubitus and agony time, except for fragments of long bones visualized in the reticulum. Samples of bone particles, ruminal contents, reticulum, rumen and intestine fragments were collected for the detection of botulinum toxins by the mouse bioassay method, as well as brain and brain stem for differential diagnosis of rabies and bovine spongiform encephalopathy by direct immunofluorescence and immunohistochemistry, respectively. The samples were sent to the Laboratory of General Bacteriology of the Biological Institute, São Paulo, Brazil, and all the analyzes presented negative results.Discussion: One of the main risk factors for the occurrence of botulinum toxin is the presence of carcasses in the pastures, added to the deficiency of phosphorus and other minerals. The cattle develop the habit of gnawing bones and tissues from dead animals in the field. With this exercise, animals can ingest pre-formed toxins in corpses, as decomposing remains offer an anaerobic environment conducive to spore development and toxin production. Bovine females, in breeding, present greater nutritional need than adult males and younger animals. This is because the reproductive phase increases the demands of minerals, vitamins and organic compounds that participate in the female's reproductive physiological process. In this case, the inadequate supply of minerals may stimulate the osteopagic practice of cadaveric remains in the pastures, making the bovids susceptible to botulism. Diagnosis is established by means of clinical signs, epidemiological characteristics and absence of specific anatomopathological findings. Confirmation is given by the isolation of the toxin in the body of the diseased animal. However, the lack of detection of this does not rule out the possibility of occurrence of the disease, in view of the rapid passage of the neurotoxin through the hematogenous route and through the tissues before reaching the neuromuscular junctions. In suspect cases, it is important to perform a differential diagnosis for other diseases that demonstrate clinical symptoms of neurological or acute neuromuscular character. The description of this outbreak, besides exposing the first notification of botulism in the state of Acre, shows the epidemiological relationship between the main risk factors and the occurrence of the disease in the Brazilian herds

    Estudo clínico-epidemiológico da linfadenite caseosa em caprinos no estado de Pernambuco

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    Caseous lymphadenitis (CL), a contagious infectious disease caused by Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis, stands out with great economic relevance for goat breeding in the country because it is one of the main causes of carcass condemnation and intense depreciation of the leather of small ruminants. The objective was to carry out a descriptive study of the clinical and epidemiological aspects of CL in goats in the state of Pernambuco and also to evaluate the detection of C. pseudotuberculosis in milk, blood, and stool samples by real-time PCR. Six hundred and forty-three goats were evaluated, of which 76 (11.8%) presented clinical signs suggestive of CL. And 88.9% (24/27) of the breeding was considered focus. Among symptomatic animals, 25 were selected and submitted to the collection of abscess content for bacteriological isolation. Milk, blood, and stool samples were analyzed for PLD gene detection by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Out of the 25 samples of abscess content, 72% (18/25) were positive. The PLD gene was detected in the frequencies of 8% (2/25) and 4% (1/25) in milk and blood samples, respectively. Caseous lymphadenitis is possibly widespread in the dairy herds of goats in the state of Pernambuco, especially in adult animals, with a higher occurrence of submandibular lymph node abscesses. The preliminary detection of C. pseudotuberculosis by mammary and hematogenous pathways may contribute to future approaches on the mechanisms of organic dissemination performed by the pathogen. However, it has little relevance to diagnosing the disease.A linfadenite caseosa (LC), doença infectocontagiosa ocasionada pelo Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis, se destaca com grande relevância econômica para a caprinocultura no país por ser umas das principais causas de condenação de carcaças e intensa depreciação do couro de pequenos ruminantes. Objetivou-se realizar um estudo descritivo dos aspectos clínico-epidemiológicos da LC em caprinos no estado de Pernambuco e, adicionalmente, avaliar a detecção do C. pseudotuberculosis em amostras de leite, sangue e fezes por PCR em tempo real. Foram avaliados 643 caprinos, dos quais 76 (11,8%) apresentaram sinais clínicos sugestivos de LC. E 88,9% (24/27) das propriedades foram consideradas foco. Dentre os animais sintomáticos, 25 foram selecionados e submetidos à colheita de conteúdo de abscesso para isolamento bacteriológico. Amostras de leite, sangue e fezes foram analisadas para detecção do gene PLD pela reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) em tempo real. Das 25 amostras de conteúdo de abscesso, 72% (18/25) resultaram positivas. O gene PLD foi detectado nas frequências de 8% (2/25) e 4% (1/25) em amostras de leite e sangue, respectivamente. A linfadenite caseosa possivelmente encontra-se disseminada nos rebanhos leiteiros de caprinos do estado de Pernambuco, sobretudo em animais adultos, com maior ocorrência de abscessos em linfonodos submandibulares. A detecção preliminar do C. pseudotuberculosis pelas vias mamária e hematógena pode contribuir para abordagens futuras sobre os mecanismos de disseminação orgânica realizados pelo patógeno, apesar de ser pouco relevante para diagnóstico da doença

    The role of pacas of captivity as a potential reservoir of zoonotic fungi in Acre, Western Amazon, Brazil

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    Animais silvestres podem ser reservatórios naturais de diferentes microrganismos, sendo fundamental o monitoramento destes patógenos para a geração de conhecimento e criação de ferramentas direcionadas a programas de prevenção e controle de enfermidades infecciosas, incluindo as zoonoses. Assim, objetivou-se relatar a diversidade fúngica da pele de pacas criadas em cativeiro no Acre, Amazônia Ocidental, Brasil. Foram avaliados 26 animais, dos quais amostras cutâneas foram colhidas por raspagem superficial, avulsão pilosa e escova plástica estéril. As amostras foram semeadas em ágar Mycosel e as características fenotípicas das colônias foram analisadas. Em 80,8% das amostras houve isolamento de diferentes fungos, dos gêneros Candida, Microsporum e Trichophyton, dentre outros. Esta é a primeira descrição da identificação de fungos na pele de pacas e sugere que estes animais podem ser considerados importantes reservatórios de microrganismos saprófitas ou patogênicos, de potencial zoonótico, na Amazônia Ocidental.Wild animals can be natural reservoirs of different microorganisms, essential for monitoring these pathogens for the generation of knowledge and creation of tools aimed at programs for the prevention and control of infectious diseases, including zoonoses. The objective was to report the fungal diversity in the skin of pacas in captivity in Acre, Western Amazon, Brazil. Twenty-six animals were evaluated, from which skin samples were collected by superficial scraping, hair avulsion, and sterile plastic brush. The samples were seeded on Mycosel agar, and the phenotypic characteristics of the colonies were analyzed. In 80.8% of the samples, different fungi were isolated, from the genera Candida, Microsporum, and Trichophyton, among others. This is the first description of the identification of fungi in the skin of pacas and suggests that these animals can be considered essential reservoirs of saprophytic or pathogenic microorganisms with zoonotic potential in the Western Amazon


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    A interação entre homens e animais tem consequências para a saúde pública, como o aumento dos casos de raiva, uma zoonose letal. Neste estudo, foram analisadas 1047 fichas do Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (SINAN). Os dados foram representativos do tratamento preventivo anti-raiva humano no município de Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, de 2007 a 2015. O maior número de casos foi registrado em 2013 (17,95%) e a maior incidência de ataques ocorreu nas regiões urbanas (86,1%). As feridas resultantes de mordida de cão corresponderam a 98,66% dos ataques. Os animais foram classificados como suspeitos da raiva em 65,42% dos casos, no entanto, apenas 1% foram clinicamente diagnosticados como positivos. Apenas 4% das vítimas humanas foram submetidas a exame para pós-exposição de titulação. Os resultados indicam que os programas de Saúde Pública devem considerar como prioritários os ataques de cães na área urbana na cidade de Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre

    Detecção de Brucella sp. em leite informal comercializado no estado de Alagoas, Brasil: um breve alerta à saúde pública

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    A produção de leite constitui relevante atividade agropecuária no Brasil. O leite informal é o produto vendido diretamente do produtor ao consumidor, sem garantia de ter sido submetido a tratamentos térmicos ou obedecidas as condições mínimas de higiene exigidas para captação, transporte e comercialização. Devido aos riscos iminentes à saúde pública quanto à transmissão de patógenos, a exemplo de Brucella sp., a comercialização do leite in natura (informal) é proibida pela legislação brasileira. Objetivou-se realizar a identificação molecular Brucella sp. em amostras de leite informal comercializado no estado de Alagoas, Brasil. Foram coletadas amostras de leite bovino in natura provenientes de 100 pontos de venda informal, distribuídos em 80 municípios do estado de Alagoas. As amostras foram submetidas à centrifugação, extração de material genômico e reação em cadeia da polimerase. Dos 102 municípios que compõem o Estado de Alagoas, foi identificada a existência do comércio informal de leite em 80 destes (78,4%). Das 100 amostras analisadas de leite informal, 1% apresentou resultado positivo ao gênero Brucella. Conclui-se que, embora a baixa frequência verificada, o comércio informal do leite in natura comercializado em Alagoas pode conferir riscos para transmissão da brucelose à população consumidora do estado

    Biofilm Production and In Vitro Susceptibility to Disinfectants of Staphylococcus Coagulase Positive Isolated from Bovine Milk

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    Background: Mastitis is one of the diseases that cause damage to dairy cattle, and coagulase positive Staphylococcus (CPS), are its main etiological agents. The production of biofilms gives these microorganisms a physiological advantage, being an important virulence factor, as it confers their resistance to the action of disinfectants used in hygiene procedures. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the capacity of CPS, isolated from milk samples from cases of bovine subclinical mastitis in the Alagoas dairy basin, biofilm production and its sensitivity to disinfectant agents used before and after dipping.Materials, Methods & Results: In the Alagoas Milk Basin Region, 10 properties were selected from the municipalities of Batalha, Cacimbinhas, Major Isidoro and Minador do Negrão, which used a mechanical milking system and supplied milk to a dairy under federal inspection. The California Mastitis Test (CMT) was performed on 1155 cows. The animals diagnosed with subclinical mastitis were classified as: mild (+); moderate (++) and severe (+++). CMT positive samples were collected from 2+, totaling 891 samples. After cleaning the papillary ostium, 2 to 5 mL of milk was collected from each fourth breast before milking began. Subsequently, 0.5 µL of each sample was streak plated by exhaustion on 5% Sheep Blood Agar and incubated at 37°C, with readings at 24 and 48 h. The macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of the colonies, catalase and coagulase test were evaluated. Biofilm formation was determined by the microplate adhesion test. The efficacy of the sanitizers was evaluated with the active ingredients: lactic acid (2%), allantoin (0.05%), iodine (0.5%), chlorhexidine (2.0%), chlorine (2.5%), at times 15, 30 and 60 seconds. It was observed that 91.2% of the samples were able to form biofilm; Of these, 22.2%, 29.6% and 48.2% were strong, moderate and weak producers, respectively. The sensitivity profile of chlorhexidine isolates was 79.73%, 80.41% and 83.78%; iodine was 59.46%, 65.54% and 66.22% sensitivity over the evaluated time. For allantoin, the isolates presented sensitivity of 22.30%, 27.03% and 37.74%, for lactic acid, 18.92%, 20.95% and 22.30% of the samples were sensitive, and to chlorine, 12.6%, 15.58% and 17.57% of the isolates were sensitive. Moreover, it was observed that the longer the exposure to the disinfectant, the greater the effectiveness of the same.Discussion: The results are in line with literature data. Staphylococcus spp. from milk samples of animals with subclinical mastitis are able to form biofilm, thus being an important virulence factor. The heterogeneity regarding the biofilm production potential of the isolates is due to the different species of Staphylococcus spp. that, through distinct mechanisms, triggers a greater or lesser formation of this virulent factor, as well as having their adhesion tested, end up becoming more strongly attached to the plate. Among the disinfectants tested, it was confirmed that chlorhexidine and iodine are more effective than SCP, which tend to have high levels of sensitivity to these disinfectants. However, although chlorhexidine was more sensitive to SCP, its use in the field should be done with caution, as its effectiveness may be reduced in the presence of chlorinated water or excess organic matter. It is concluded that SCP isolates from bovine milk from subclinical mastitis mammary quarters were able to produce biofilms. These isolates were also in vitro sensitive to chlorhexidine and iodine, but periodic evaluation of the efficacy of disinfectants used before and after milking is necessary

    Avaliação da reação em cadeia da polimerase em tempo real na detecção do Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis em caprinos

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    A linfadenite caseosa (LC), doença infecciosa caracterizada pela formação de lesões abscedantes, sobretudo, em linfonodos, se destaca como de grande relevância econômica por ser umas das principais causas de condenação de carcaças de pequenos ruminantes e ocasionar intensa depreciação do couro destes animais. Objetivou-se avaliar reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) em tempo real na detecção do Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis em caprinos. Foram avaliados 643 caprinos, dos quais 25 animais com lesões abscedantes superficiais foram submetidos à colheita de conteúdo de abscesso, para a identificação do C. pseudotuberculosis por meio do isolamento bacteriológico e da PCR em tempo real. Adicionalmente, amostras de sangue, leite e fezes também foram processadas pela PCR tempo real, para estimar a eliminação do agente por estes espécimes. Das 25 amostras de conteúdo de abscesso submetidas ao isolamento bacteriológico e à PCR, 72% (18/25) e 36% (9/25), respectivamente, resultaram positivas para o C. pseudotuberculosis, havendo correlação positiva entre os testes. A bactéria ainda foi detectada nas frequências de 8% (2/25), 4% (1/25) e 0% (0/25) no leite, sangue e fezes, respectivamente. A PCR em tempo real, quando aplicada diretamente em amostras de conteúdo de abscesso, não apresentou confiabilidade considerável para o diagnóstico da LC em caprinos, apesar dos resultados preliminares da técnica na caracterização da eliminação do agente pelas vias láctea e hematógena.The caseous lymphadenitis (CL), infectious disease characterized by the formation of lesions abscedantes, especially in lymph nodes, stands out as a great economic importance because it is one of the main causes of condemnation of carcasses of small ruminants and cause severe depreciation of leather these animals. This study aimed to evaluate the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in real time for detection of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis in goats. 643 goats were evaluated, of which 25 animals with lesions abscedantes surface underwent harvest of abscess contents, for the identification of C. pseudotuberculosis through bacterial isolation and real time PCR. Additionally, blood, milk and feces were also processed by real time PCR for estimating the elimination of the agent in these specimens. Of the 25 samples content abscess subjected to bacterial isolation and PCR, 72% (18/25) and 36% (9/25), respectively, were positive for C. pseudotuberculosis, there is a positive correlation between the tests. The bacterium also was detected at frequencies of 8% (2/25) 4% (1/25) and 0% (0/25) in milk, blood or feces, respectively. The real-time PCR, when applied directly to samples of abscess contents, showed no considerable reliability in the diagnosis of CL in goats, despite the results of the preliminary characterization technique in drug elimination by hematogenous and lactea routes.Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNP