95 research outputs found

    Influência da crise financeira de 2008: uma análise sobre a tecnologia da informação dos maiores bancos do consolidado financeiro brasileiro (2001-2016)

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    This article aims to analyze the effects of information technology (ICTs) on functionality in the Brazilian financial system based on the Post-Keynesian and Neo-Schumpeterian approach. From the Post Keynesian approach, we sought to identify the contributions of ICTs to the factors of production in the banking system, such as the selection of strategic variables of Brazilian banks in the recession period. Through the panel data analysis methodology, during the years 2001 to 2016, results were obtained that captured the effects and repercussions of the 2008 crisis on the Brazilian banking system. From the main estimation results, it was observed that the value of the sensitivity of financial innovations was higher than the factor of labor production and, during the period, the creation of financial innovations represented greater relevance in terms of cost reduction aspects by Brazilian financial institutions under analysis.Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar los efectos de las tecnologías de la información (TIC) en la funcionalidad del sistema financiero brasileño con base en el enfoque pos keynesiano y neo schumpeteriano. Desde el enfoque pos keynesiano, se buscó identificar las contribuciones de las TIC a los factores de producción en el sistema bancario, como la selección de variables estratégicas de los bancos brasileños en el período de recesión. A través de la metodología de análisis de datos de panel, durante los años 2001 a 2016, se obtuvieron resultados que capturaron los efectos y repercusiones de la crisis de 2008 en el sistema bancario brasileño. De los principales resultados de la estimación, se observó que el valor de la sensibilidad de las innovaciones financieras fue superior al factor de producción laboral y, durante el período, la creación de innovaciones financieras representó mayor relevancia en términos de aspectos de reducción de costos por parte de las instituciones financieras brasileñas bajo análisis.Este artigo tem por intuito analisar os efeitos da tecnologia de informação (TICs) sobre a funcionalidade no sistema financeiro brasileiro baseando-se na abordagem Pós-Keynesiana e Neo-Schumpeteriana. A partir da abordagem Pós Keynesiana, buscou-se identificar as contribuições das TICs nos fatores de produção no sistema bancário, como a seleção de variáveis estratégicas dos bancos brasileiros no período de recessão. Por intermédio da metodologia de análise de dados em painel , durante os anos de 2001 a 2016, obteve-se resultados que captaram os efeitos e a repercussão da crise de 2008 sob o sistema bancário brasileiro. A partir dos principais resultados da estimação observou-se que o valor da sensibilidade das inovações financeiras foi superior ao fator de produção trabalho e, durante o período, a criação de inovações financeiras representou maior relevância quanto aos aspectos da redução de custos pelas instituições financeiras brasileiras sob análise

    Comparison of denture microwave disinfection and conventional antifungal therapy in the treatment of denture stomatitis: a randomized clinical study

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    Objective. the aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of denture microwave disinfection and antifungal therapy on treatment of denture stomatitis.Study Design. Sixty denture wearers with denture stomatitis (3 groups; n = 20 each), were treated with nystatin or denture microwave disinfection (1 or 3 times/wk) for 14 days. Mycologic samples from palates and dentures were quantified and identified with the use of Chromagar, and clinical photographs of palates were taken. Microbiologic and clinical data were analyzed with the use of a series of statistical tests (alpha = .05).Results. Both treatments similarly reduced clinical signs of denture stomatitis and growth on palates and dentures at days 14 and 30 (P > .05). At sequential appointments, the predominant species (P < .01) isolated was C. albicans (range 98%-53%), followed by C. glabrata (range 22%-12%) and C. tropicalis (range 25%-7%).Conclusions. Microwave disinfection, at once per week for 2 treatments, was as effective as topical antifungal therapy for treating denture stomatitis. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 2012;114:469-479)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)CESMAC Univ Ctr, Sch Dent, Maceio, BrazilUniv Estadual Ponta Grossa, Dept Dent, Ponta Grossa, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Div Infect Dis, São Paulo, BrazilUNESP Univ Estadual Paulista, Araraquara Dent Sch, Araraquara, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Div Infect Dis, São Paulo, BrazilFAPESP: 2005/03211-6FAPESP: 2005/04695-7Web of Scienc

    Ascite quilosa secundária a linfoma de Hodgkin em paciente com HIV/aids: relato de caso e revisão da literatura

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    Study design: case report. Case report: Man, 42 years old, diagnosed with aids two years ago, had developed enlarging in abdominal volume six months from admission. Computed tomography imaging showed free liquid in peritoneal cavity and increased retroperitoneal and mesenteric lymph nodes, besides splenomegaly. Ascitic fluid had milky appearance and high triglycerides levels. Hodgkin's lymphoma (mixed cellularity) was confirmed by histopathological analysis of a video-laparoscopic lymph node biopsy, Ann Arbor IIIS staging. Chemotherapy and continuation of highly active antiretroviral therapy resulted in weight gain and reduction of abdominal volume. Chylous ascites is a rare condition, which has a vast differential diagnosis. Discussion: In our review, the majority (15/18, 83%) of chylous ascites in HIV/aids-patients are due to infectious causes (mainly Mycobacterium avium complex and tuberculosis infection), in highly immunocompromised patients (mean TCD4=87cell/mL). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of chylous ascites secondary to Hodgkin’s lymphoma in a patient with aids.Tipo de estudo: relato de caso. Relato de caso: Homem, 42 anos, diagnosticado com aids há dois anos, desenvolveu aumento de volume abdominal há seis meses da admissão. Tomografia computadorizada mostrou líquido livre na cavidade peritoneal, além de linfonodos mesentéricos e esplenomegalia. O líquido ascítico tinha aspecto leitoso e alto nível de triglicerídeos. Após amplo diagnóstico diferencial, diagnosticamos linfoma de Hodgkin tipo celularidade mista por biópsia linfonodal via videolaparoscópica, Ann Arbor IIIS. Quimioterapia e continuação da terapia antirretroviral de alta potência resultaram em ganho de peso e redução do volume abdominal. Ascite quilosa é uma entidade rara, que possui vários diagnósticos diferenciais. Discussão: Em nossa revisão, a maioria (15/18, 83%) dos casos de ascite quilosa em paciente com HIV/aids deveu-se a causa infecciosa (especialmente pelo Mycobacterium avium complex e tuberculose), em pacientes gravemente imunocomprometidos (linfócitos T-CD4 médio=84células/mm3). Até onde sabemos, este é o primeiro caso de ascite quilosa secundária a linfoma de Hodgkin em paciente com aids

    Primary intra-osseous Hybrid Schwannoma-Perineurioma in the mandible

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    Benign nerve sheath tumours include perineuriomas, schwannomas and neurofibromas. Hybrid schwannoma-perineurioma represents a cutaneous, subcutaneous or occasionally intra-osseous tumour with schwannian cytomorphology and perineurioma-like architecture consisting of a mixture of both types of cells. These tumours can develop at any age and there is no gender-predilection. Tongue is the most frequently affected site, followed by palate, mouth floor, jugal mucosa, lips and, more rarely, mandible. We present a case of hybrid tumour with schwannoma-perineurioma morphology located on the right mandibular body (intra-osseous) of a 54-year-old female patient. The tumour was symptomatic and evolving for six months. Microscopically, it was encapsulated and highly cellularised, presenting fascicular aspect and exhibiting scant mitotic activity. The tumour consisted of distinct cellular populations involving fusiform cells, cells with wavy and hyperchromatic nucleus or even epithelioid cells. Positive immunostaining for S-100 and epithelial membrane antigen (EMA) was observed. The lesion was completely removed under general anaesthesia, with the patient showing no clinical or radiographic sign of relapse after two-year follow-up. Despite the limited knowledge on the pathogenesis of Hybrid Schwannoma-Perineurioma, these tumours seem to present a non-aggressive biological behaviour. Conservative surgery provides adequate solution without recurrence, even after a long-term follow-up

    Denture stomatitis treated with photodynamic therapy: five cases

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    Objective: Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is an effective method for Candida spp. inactivation in vitro and in vivo, but as yet, no clinical trial has been conducted. This report describes 5 cases of denture stomatitis (DS) treated with PDT.\ud \ud Study design: Five subjects with clinical and microbiologic diagnosis of DS were submitted to 6 sessions of PDT 3 times a week for 15 days. In each session, patients' dentures and palates were sprayed with 500 mg/L Photogem, and, after 30 minutes of incubation, irradiated by light-emitting diode light source at 455 nm (37.5 and 122 J/cm2, respectively). Cultures of Candida spp. from dentures and palates and standard photographs of the palates were taken at baseline (day 0), at the end of the treatment (day 15), and at follow-up time intervals (days 30 and 60).\ud \ud Results: Four patients showed clinical resolution of DS (no inflammation) after PDT sessions, and only 1 subject demonstrated reduction in palatal inflammation. Recurrence of DS was observed in 2 patients during the follow-up period.\ud \ud Conclusions: PDT appears to be an alternative treatment for DS.FAPESP (05/02193-4; 05/03226-3

    Condições bucais de pacientes cardiopatas crônicos

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    Aim: Describe the oral health condition and oral health related behavioral habits of individuals with chronic coronary artery disease that have been followed in a cardiologic unit in the University Hospital of Porto Alegre. Materials and Methods: 100 consecutive patients that frequented the unit were evaluated between June 2011 and March 2012. Demographics, socioeconomic and behavioral data were obtained from all participants. An oral examination with the following variables was performed: visible plaque and gingival bleeding indexes, gingival recession (GR), periodontal probing depth (PPD), BOP, clinical attachment loss derived by the sum of GR and PPD, and DMFT. Results: The majority of individuals were from male gender and were over 60 years of age. Approximately half of the individuals were former smokers. More than three quarters of the sample reported to have irregular dental visits. The parameters related to the supragingival biofilm presented high means for plaque and gingival bleeding indexes equalig 68% and 47% respectively. More than half of the examined teeth presented PPD ≥4 mm, and subgingival bleeding was present in approximately three quarters of the examined sites. Most of the examined teeth presented CAL ≥6 mm. The mean tooth loss in the individuals of the present study was 13.2. Mean DMFT was 10.9. Conclusion: The present sample of chronic cardiovascular disease patients presented oral health conditions compatible with the epidemiology of oral diseases most prevalent in the Brazilian population. However, this condition is alarming in a health context since tooth loss and periodontal diseases have been associated with higher risks of cardiovascular events.Objetivo: Descrever as condições de saúde bucal e hábitos comportamentais relacionados à saúde de indivíduos com doença arterial coronariana crônica (DAC) em acompanhamento em uma unidade de atendimento cardiológico do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. Materiais e Métodos: Foram avaliados 100 pacientes consecutivos que frequentaram a unidade entre junho de 2011 e março de 2012. Dados demográficos, socioeconômicos e comportamentais foram obtidos. Um exame bucal foi realizado avaliando os índices de placa visível (IPV) e sangramento gengival (ISG), recessão gengival (RG), profundidade de sondagem (PS), sangramento à sondagem (SS) e perda de inserção (PI), além do índice CPO-D. Resultados: Observou-se um predomínio de indivíduos do gênero masculino, sendo que a faixa etária predominante foi a partir de 60 anos na amostra do estudo. Cerca de metade dos indivíduos era ex-fumante. Mais de três quartos da amostra relatou visitas ao dentista de maneira irregular. Os parâmetros relacionados ao biofilme supragengival apresentaram médias elevadas, contabilizando índices de placa e sangramento médios de cerca de 68% e 47%, respectivamente. Mais da metade dos dentes examinados possuíam PS ≥4 mm, e o sangramento subgengival (SS) esteve presente em aproximadamente três quartos dos sítios examinados. A maior parte dos dentes examinados apresentou PI ≥6 mm. Em média, os indivíduos do presente estudo apresentaram 13,2 dentes perdidos. O CPO-D médio encontrado foi de 10,9 dentes. Conclusão: A presente amostra apresentou condições de saúde bucal compatíveis com a epidemiologia das doenças bucais mais prevalentes na população brasileira. Porém, esta condição é alarmante no contexto de saúde, uma vez que cada vez mais tem-se associado perda dentária e doenças periodontais a maiores riscos de eventos cardiovasculares

    Denture stomatitis treated with photodynamic therapy: five cases

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    Objective: Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is an effective method for Candida spp. inactivation in vitro and in vivo, but as yet, no clinical trial has been conducted. This report describes 5 cases of denture stomatitis (DS) treated with PDT.\ud \ud Study design: Five subjects with clinical and microbiologic diagnosis of DS were submitted to 6 sessions of PDT 3 times a week for 15 days. In each session, patients' dentures and palates were sprayed with 500 mg/L Photogem, and, after 30 minutes of incubation, irradiated by light-emitting diode light source at 455 nm (37.5 and 122 J/cm2, respectively). Cultures of Candida spp. from dentures and palates and standard photographs of the palates were taken at baseline (day 0), at the end of the treatment (day 15), and at follow-up time intervals (days 30 and 60).\ud \ud Results: Four patients showed clinical resolution of DS (no inflammation) after PDT sessions, and only 1 subject demonstrated reduction in palatal inflammation. Recurrence of DS was observed in 2 patients during the follow-up period.\ud \ud Conclusions: PDT appears to be an alternative treatment for DS.FAPESP (05/02193-4; 05/03226-3

    Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using leaf extract from Tabebuia roseoalba and T. pentaphylla

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    Metal nanoparticles are nanostructures that can be applied to biotechnology because they present different biological activities. Among them, the silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are known to present antimicrobial activity allowing their application in several areas such as medicine and industry. The biological synthesis of AgNPs is ecologically correct and advantageous techniques. The objective of this work was to evaluate the synthesis of AgNps through the green synthesis using extracts of leaves of Tabebuia roseoalba and T. pentaphylla grown in vivo and in vitro. The nanoparticle synthesis solution was colorimetrically evaluated, and the nanoparticles were physically characterized. The results obtained demonstrate that both extracts of both Tabebuia species tested are able to synthesize AgNPs, however only when cultured under in vivo conditions. These data suggest that photosynthesis under natural conditions promotes the production of metabolites that are essential to green synthesis

    Violência contra à mulher: avaliação do jogo “caixa de pandora” como ferramenta de aprendizagem

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    Objetivou-se avaliar as potencialidades de um jogo de computador, Caixa de Pandora,como ferramenta de apoio ao aprendizado de estudantes de enfermagem sobre o tema da violência contra a mulher. Trata-se de uma pesquisa quantitativa, realizada com 62 estudantes do curso de enfermagem de uma Instituição de Ensino Superior. Foi aplicado um questionário para analisar a abordagem ao problema da violência e o impacto do gameno processo ensino-aprendizado. Analisou-se as respostas sobre o impacto do jogo e sua aceitação através da estatística descritiva. Os resultados mostraram que o jogo motivou a reflexão e favoreceu a construção de novos conhecimentos e a aprendizagem do público alvo. Conclui-se que o jogo se apresentou como uma ferramenta potente para ser utilizada no processo de ensino e formação de estudantes de saúde, especificamente os da enfermagem, sobre o tema da violência