596 research outputs found

    Tratamento cirúrgico da ginecomastia em um bode da raça Saanen

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    Background:  :  :  : Gynaecomastia in male goats is characterized by abnormal development of the mammary gland. Enlarged udder may be observed cranially to the scrotum, which can occasionally reach the size of the testicles. The udder may carry functional glands and impair the animal’s reproductive performance and welfare. The case of a successful surgical treatment of gynaecomastia in a high reproductive performance Saanen buck-goat is reported in the present study. Material, Methods & Results: The animal was admitted presenting significant augmentation of the mammary glands, which was clinically diagnosed as gynaecomastia. The male goat owned optimal phenotypic characteristics for the Saanen breed, which had been producing high performance descendents. The mammary glands had been impairing the goat’s locomotion and sexual performance. Manual milking resulted in great amount of milk secretion. The animal presented anorexia and impaired sexual performance. After clinical and laboratorial evaluation, the animal was submitted to radical mastectomy. An elliptic skin incision was performed around each mammary gland. Subcuticular blunt dissection was accomplished to isolate the mammarian tissue from the abdominal muscular layer and the spermatic chord. The excised mass was sampled for histological assessment. Subcuticular layer and skin closure was carried in a routine fashion. Hygienization of the surgical wound was performed with 2,5% PVP-I solution for ten days. Additionally, an association of penicillin G benzathine and streptomycin, and fluxinin meglumine were also given. The surgical procedure was successfully accomplished without any peroperative complication. The excised mass was sampled for anatomic/histological assessment. Macroscopically, the left mammary gland presented 22 cm in length, 12 cm wide and 26 cm in diameter. The right gland presented 16 cm in length, 7 cm wide and 13,5 cm in diameter. The microscopic assessment revealed hyperplasia of the glandular ducts. No abnormalities resembling malignant mammary neoplasms or degeneration were observed. At the end of the treatment, the animal was completely recovered. The animal convalesced satisfactorily and surgical wound healed completely within the first 10 days post-op. The goat was not culled and returned to normal reproductive activity. Within 12 months of follow-up, the animal was able to produce high milk yield performance progenies. Discussion: This case report presented relevant aspects of the surgical management of gynaecomastia, especially to veterinary practitioners dealing with milk goats. Gynaecomastia is not as common as other reproductive disorders in domestic animals. In opposition to the findings of the present study, other trials revealed that gynaecomastia usually does not affect fertility, libido, ejaculate parameters and sexual performance of goats. However, it is important to consider that neoplasic disorders such as mammary adenocarcinoma may be present, even though these are rare complications. Last but not least, the decision making on mastectomy in the present study was crucial in order to reestablish the animal’s welfare and its functionality in the farms reproduction program

    Pylorectomy and Gastroduodenostomy (Billroth I Procedure) for Obstructive Antrum Pyloric Leiomyoma in a Bitch

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    Background: Gastric neoplasms are uncommon in dogs, especially those affecting smooth muscle layers. Leiomyoma is a smooth muscle benign neoplasm, which requires surgical resection. Pylorectomy and gastroduodenostomy (Billroth I procedure) is the most indicated technique in cases not affecting the biliary and pancreatic tracts. Thus, the purpose of this study was to report a successful case of Billroth I procedure in a bitch presenting antrum pyloric obstructive leiomyoma. Case: A 12-year-old, non-spayed, Cocker Spaniel bitch was admitted presenting depression, hyporexia, postprandial vomiting and sparse episodes of hematemesis, for 30 days. Clinical suspicion on obstructive gastric outflow disease was established. Bloodwork (complete blood count, BUN, albumin, ALP and ALT), abdominal ultrasound and thoracic radiographs were assessed. The patient undergone upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. On endoscopic evaluation, small hemorrhagic mucosa ulcers were visualized on the gastric body, antrum and pylorus. Moreover, a sessile, ulcerated, round-shape and infiltrated antral-pyloric mass was seen. The mass was 1.5-2.0 cm in diameter and apparently involved the smooth muscle layer, causing severe pyloric obstruction. However, endoscopic evaluation of the duodenum was possible. Several biopsy samples were taken from the neoplasm and sent for histopathologic assessment. The result was not conclusive due to low quality samples. The patient had progressive worsening of obstruction episodes and required surgery. A wide-margin pylorectomy and gastroduodenostomy (Billroth I procedure) was carried out. The retrieved specimen was sent to histopathological and immunohistochemistry (IHC) assessment. Positive staining for actin and desmin confirmed smooth muscle origin of the mass and histopathological assessment confirmed leiomyoma. The patient underwent regular periodic postoperative assessments, revealing progressive clinical improvement and normal weight gain. Control upper gastrointestinal endoscopy was performed. Gastric ulcers were completely healed and gastroduodenal anastomosis was functional. The anastomotic scar tissue was sampled and revealed chronic and normal healing process. Complete healing was confirmed and the patient was discharged. Discussion: Gastric neoplasms are not common in dogs. However, severe obstruction of gastric outflow is a potential risk for complications in those cases. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopic assessment is important not only for diagnosis, but also for surgery decision making. In the current study, gastroscopy provided accurate preoperative evaluation of severity of pyloric obstruction and diagnosis of secondary gastric ulcers. Direct visualization of lesions and multiple biopsy sampling were performed. The presence of neoplasms over 2-cm in diameter indicates need for complete laparoscopic or conventional surgical resection. In this case report, open resection was carried out due to prohibitive cost of laparoscopic approach, mass dimensions and probable involvement of deeper tissue layers. In conclusion, pylorectomy and gastroduodenostomy (Billroth I procedure) was curative and provided good prognosis following resection of an antrum pyloric obstructive leiomyoma. Endoscopy was critical for both diagnosis and decision-making towards surgery for gastric outflow obstruction due to an antrum pyloric neoplasm. Histopathological and immunohistochemistry assessment confirmed neoplasm type and assured oncological safety of resection with wide margins. Keywords: gastric neoplasms, smooth muscle tumor, endoscopy, dog

    Fraser Syndrome: case report in lacrimal system

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    Fraser syndrome is a systemic condition characterized by cryptophthalmos, syndactyly and abnormal genitalia, which may be associated with urinary tract, ear, nose, larynx and skeletal abnormalities. Cryptophthalmos can be an isolated finding (that has been reported as an autosomal dominant trait) or associated with other congenital anomalies (reported as an autosomal recessive disorder). Child, female, nine month of life, evaluated in the lacrimal setor of Federal University of São Paulo. Child of consanguineous parents. Her physical examination showed total unilateral cryptophthalmos (left side), epiphora (right side) with mucopurulent discharge, depressed nasal bridge, low set ears, atresia of the external auditory canal, prominent labia majora and syndactyly of the fingers and toes. Ocular ultrasonography showed brachycephaly, absence of septu pellucidum prominence of the lateral ventricles, a major bone defect in the skull, the presence of thinning of the mantle tissue of the brain,a reduced anterior-posterior ocular diameter, anterior segment disorganization, absence of the lens and total retinal detachment in the left eye.A síndrome de Fraser é uma condição sistêmica caracterizada por criptoftalmo, sindactilia e anomalia da genitália, podendo se associar com alterações dos rins, do ouvido, do nariz, da laringe e do esqueleto. O criptoftalmo pode representar um achado isolado, representado por herança autossômica dominante, associado a outras anomalias congênitas, relatado como herança autossômica recessiva. Criança do sexo feminino, 9 meses, avaliada no ambulatório de vias lacrimais da Universidade Federal de São Paulo. Filha de pais consanguíneos. Ao exame, foram observados criptoftalmo total à esquerda, epífora em olho direito associada à secreção mucopurulenta, nariz em sela, implantação baixa das orelhas, malformação de conduto auditivo, aumento de grandes lábios e sindactilia de mãos e pés. A tomografia de crânio evidenciou braquicefalia ausência de septo pelúcido, proeminência dos ventrículos laterais, importante falha óssea na calota craniana, presença de afilamento do manto tecidual cerebral, fossa posterior pequena, desorganização do segmento anterior, afacia e descolamento total da retina.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Setor de Vias LacrimaisUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Michigan UniversityUNIFESP, Setor de Vias LacrimaisUNIFESPSciEL

    Immobilization of streptavidin on a plasmonic Au-TiO2 thin film towards an LSPR biosensing platform

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    Optical biosensors based on localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) are the future of label-free detection methods. This work reports the development of plasmonic thin films, containing Au nanoparticles dispersed in a TiO2 matrix, as platforms for LSPR biosensors. Post-deposition treatments were employed, namely annealing at 400 °C, to develop an LSPR band, and Ar plasma, to improve the sensitivity of the Au-TiO2 thin film. Streptavidin and biotin conjugated with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) were chosen as the model receptor–analyte, to prove the efficiency of the immobilization method and to demonstrate the potential of the LSPR-based biosensor. The Au-TiO2 thin films were activated with O2 plasma, to promote the streptavidin immobilization as a biorecognition element, by increasing the surface hydrophilicity (contact angle drop to 7°). The interaction between biotin and the immobilized streptavidin was confirmed by the detection of HRP activity (average absorbance 1.9 ± 0.6), following a protocol based on enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Furthermore, an LSPR wavelength shift was detectable (0.8 ± 0.1 nm), resulting from a plasmonic thin-film platform with a refractive index sensitivity estimated to be 33 nm/RIU. The detection of the analyte using these two different methods proves that the functionalization protocol was successful and the Au-TiO2 thin films have the potential to be used as an LSPR platform for label-free biosensors.Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) in the framework of the Strategic Funding UIDB/04650/2020, UIDB/04050/2020, and UID/EMS/00285/2020, and by the projects NANO4BIO: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-032299, with FCT reference PTDC/FIS-MAC/32299/2017, and CO2Plasmon, with FCT reference EXPL/CTM-REF/0750/2021. Patrícia Pereira-Silva, Diana I. Meira, and Diogo Costa acknowledge FCT for their Ph.D. scholarships, 2020.08235.BD, SFRH/BD/143262/2019, and SFRH/BD/136279/2018, respectively. Augusto Costa-Barbosa also acknowledges FCT for his Ph.D. scholarships SFRH/BD/133513/2017 and COVID/BD/152169/2021. The authors would like to express their gratitude to Nuno P. Barradas (C2TN, University of Lisbon) and Eduardo Alves (IPFN, University of Lisbon) for RBS measurements and analysis

    One-stage Laparoscopic Nephrectomy and Ovariohysterectomy for Concurrent Dioctophymosis and Pyometra in a Bitch

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    Background: Dioctophyme renale, also known as “giant kidney worm”, is a cosmopolitan parasite, which usually affects domestic and wildlife canids in wetlands. Nephrotomy and nephrectomy are the only treatment options. Laparoscopic nephrectomy for dioctophymosis was first performed in veterinary patients in the late 90’s. Canine pyometra is one of themost frequent surgical disorder in the small animal setting. The purpose of this study was to report a case of successful one-stage laparoscopic approach for nephrectomy and ovariohysterectomy in a bitch.Case: A female stray dog, rescued from a riverside community, was presenting hematuria. Abdominal echography revealed presence of Dioctophyme renale worms within the right renal parenchyma. Moreover, the uterus was moderately filled by anechoic content. The patient was clinically stable and undergone laparoscopy. A 10-mm trocar was established at the middle third of the right flank, followed by 12-mmHg CO2 insufflation. The telescope was inserted and a giant worm wasseen free within the abdominal cavity. A second 10-mm port was inserted cranial and dorsally to the first one. The parasite was retrieved using a laparoscopic Kelly forceps. A third 5-mm trocar was inserted in a classic laparoscopic triangulation port positioning. Renal artery and vein were individually triple ligated using titanium clips and then transected. The rightovarian pedicle was sequentially coagulated and transected using laparoscopic bipolar forceps. The right kidney was then dissected and detached from the abdominal wall, followed by cauterization and transection of the left ovarian pedicle. The uterus was exposed out of the abdominal cavity through the 5-mm port access. Uterine body and vessels were double ligated using polyglactin 910, with transfixating ligatures, and then transected. The opening of the retrieval bag was exposed through the cranial port site incision. Eight dioctophyme worms and the kidney sections were withdrawn through the sacusing a Kelly hemostat. Abdominal wounds were closed in two layers using cross-mattress polyglactin 910 sutures. Skinwas closed using interrupted horizontal mattress nylon sutures. Patient was discharged on the early post-op, receiving tramadol chloride and sodium dipyrone for three days and enrofloxacin for seven days. The patient recovered uneventfully. Owner was contacted by phone eight months following surgery, which informed the bitch was clinically stable.Discussion: Riverside stray dogs present high incidence of dioctophymosis worldwide, due to irregular feeding and consequent intake of intermediate hosts. The reported patient met those features, without previous background regarding infestation episode. It presented hematuria, which usually results from renal parenchyma consumption by the worms. The patient was retrieved nine dioctophyme worms. Laparoscopic approach for nephrectomy has already been reported in veterinary patients, as well as three-port lap-assisted OVH have been performed. Innovative aspect of this case report concerns the one-stage laparoscopic approach for both nephrectomy and OVH. Moreover, the procedures required only three-port access, which was considered a suitable and safe minimally invasive approach in dogs affected by Dioctophyme renale and concurrent indication for OVH. The three-port access shown is adequate to perform one-stage nephrectomy and ovariohysterectomy in bitches, for reaching benefits of laparoscopic surgery in comparison to conventional approaches.Keywords: canine, endosurgery, kidney, laparoscopy, videosurgery

    Percutaneous Endoscopic Retrieval of Gizzard Foreign Body in a Goose Using an Operative Telescope

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    Background: Foreign bodies are most commonly diagnosed in stomach (proventriculus and gizzard) of galliformes birds and waterfowl. Endoscopyis routinely used to assess birds’ respiratory, gastrointestinal and urogenital tracts. Endosurgeryis also used for sex determination and intra-coelomaticorgan biopsy. Benefits of endoscopic approaches are widely reported in birds. Conventional surgical approaches are far more invasive and risky for those patients. Thus, the purpose of this study was to describe a successful case of gizzard foreign body removal in a greylag goose (Anseranser), using a rigid endoscopic approach through a minimally invasive percutaneous access. Case: A 2-year-old female greylag goose, weighting 3,116 g, was referred to a Veterinary Teaching Hospital presenting apathy and anorexia for at least 24 h. The results on hematologic assessment were within normal range for the species. Radiographic examination indicated presence of radiopaque content, resembling gizzard sediment. Thus, the patient undergone to endoscopy for examination and aspiration of the content. The goose was fasted for 6 h. Anesthesia was induced by face mask and maintained by endotracheal tube, using isoflurane vaporized in 100% oxygen. The patient was positionedin the lateral recumbence. The patient’s neck was longer than the working length of the rigid endoscope. Thus, the telescope was inserted into the esophagus following a small distal esophagotomy, carried out on the caudal third of the neck. A 0º 10-mm operative rigid telescope, with a 6-mm working channel, and a 5-mm diameter and 42-cm in length laparoscopic Babcock forceps were used. The endoscope was inserted through the esophagotomy up to the ventricle level. Sand sediments and stones were viewed. The stones were grasped and retrieved, and the sediments were rinsed with normal saline solution and aspirated with a suction cannula through the working channel of the telescope. Inspection following sediment and foreign body retrieval revealed moderate inflammation of the gizzard mucosa. Total procedure time was 24 min. The patient recovered uneventfully and was discharged following 72 h. Discussion: Rigid endoscopy provided accurate visualization of the thoracic esophagus, proventriculus and gizzard. In general, endosurgery is usually employed for sex determination in birds. It is also useful to access digestive tract using rigid endoscopy, in order to remove foreign body. Such minimally approach reduces postoperative morbidity, which is usually seen following conventional surgical approaches. This technique has been used for removal of foreign body in the digestive tract of several species. Foreign bodies found within crop should require ingluviotomy. However, could be easily removed by endoscopy. If the foreign body is within the proventriculus or gizzard, rigid endoscopy may be useful, as celiotomy could cause morbidity. The small esophagotomy access at the base of the neck was essential for the procedure. In short-necked birds, a 30º Trendelenburg positioning provides more caudal access to the digestive tract. In this case, such positioning was unnecessary. In conclusion, the use of an operative telescope provided accurate retrieval of foreign bodies and drainage of sediments within the digestive tract. Moreover, it can be used as a minimally invasive approach to foreign bodies in the esophagus, crop or stomach (esophagus and gizzard) of geese


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    A fixação dorsal de patela é uma síndrome observada em grandes animais, ocorrendo em bovinos, uni ou bilateralmente, em ambos os sexos e em diferentes idades e raças. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a ocorrência de possíveis fatores de risco relacionados à enfermidade em bovinos submetidos a diferentes manejos. O estudo foi realizado em trinta fazendas de criação de bovinos entre janeiro de1998 a agosto de2002, em 41 animais enfermos. Usou-se um questionário constando dados como: resenha,estágio de lactação, de prenhez e grau de parentesco entre os animais, topografia e tipo de solo. Estabeleceram-se escores corporais correlacionando o estado físico e diferentes situações dos animais. Encontraram-se 56% de animais mestiços na faixa etária entre cinco e nove anos coma enfermidade, com maior ocorrência em fêmeas entre dois e três anos e em touros na estação reprodutiva. A enfermidade era mais evidente em animais com escore corporal baixo, em lactação, prenhes e durante a seca. Casos de recuperação espontânea ocorreram no período chuvoso. Observaram-se 76,6% de animais afetados em pastagens de cerrado e 23,4%em pastagens de solo com maior fertilidade. Os índices encontrados sugerem que vários fatores de risco podem contribuir ou estar associados no desencadeamento da fixação dorsal de patela em bovinos. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Bovino, sistema locomotor, fixação dorsal de patela, fatores de risco

    Control reproductivo de caninos y felinos en Jaboticabal: interacción entre actuación social e investigación científica.

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    O excesso de animais das espécies canina e felina nas cidades causa uma série de transtornos à população urbana, como transmissão de zoonoses, riscos com acidentes por mordeduras, arranhaduras, atropelamentos e, consequentemente, prejuízos para a saúde pública. Como ferramenta para amenizar esses problemas tem-se a esterilização cirúrgica que atende a legislação atual, além de propiciar bem-estar aos animais, maior longevidade, impedindo o nascimento de filhotes indesejáveis e sem condição de sobrevivência adequada. O presente trabalho teve como objetivos a esterilização cirúrgica de caninos e felinos errantes de proprietários de baixa renda no Município de Jaboticabal; a detecção e tratamento de algumas enfermidades reprodutivas, principalmente de doenças sexualmente transmissíveis dos animais (TVT) e outras patologias como doenças parasitárias, infecciosas, nutricionais e traumáticas e fornecer material biológico e informações dos animais  submetidos à esterilização  para o desenvolvimento de trabalhos de pesquisa de alunos de graduação e pós-graduação. A técnica convencional consistiu em submeter os animais previamente examinados clinicamente ao pré-cirúrgico com relaxantes musculares e analgésicos e, posteriormente, à anestesia seguida da retirada das gônadas e anexos reprodutivos. Após o procedimento, os animais receberam antibiótico de longa duração e as recomendações pós-operatórias de rotina. Durante o segundo semestre de 2007 até o final de 2009, 1.714 animais foram esterilizados cirurgicamente, sendo que desses, 70% eram fêmeas. A espécie canina representou 54% dos animais esterilizados e as fêmeas desta espécie 62,6%. A média de esterilizações no período de 30 meses foi de 57 animais por mês. Com o beneficio social este trabalho em desenvolvimento tem contribuído para o controle populacional, sendo bem aceito pela população, principalmente a de baixa renda, uma vez que é o único a que têm acesso e que pode garantir que os animais de companhia fiquem livres da reprodução indesejada e das consequências que acarretam. A interação com a pesquisa cientifica ocorreu com o uso do material biológico dos animais esterilizados que seria descartado. As pesquisas em curso propiciaram a avaliação da dor pós-operatória à resposta inflamatória sistêmica e do estresse ocasionado nos animais submetidos à ovariohisterectomia por laparoscopia e método convencional; a análise histológica e morfométrica do aparelho reprodutivo; a identificação de agentes parasitários como as clamídias em felinos e a identificação de antígenos correlatos. Também a imunolocalização e quantificação de fatores de crescimento IGF-I e EGF em ovários e seus efeitos sobre a maturação in vitro de oócitos e avaliação nuclear, além da imunolocalização e quantificação de proteínas no trato reprodutivo de cadelas submetidas à esterilização nas diferentes fases do ciclo estral. Com relação à classe acadêmica, propiciou a oportunidade do aperfeiçoamento do ato cirúrgico, sob a supervisão de médicos veterinários.Surplus canine and feline animals in the cities causes a series of problems to urban population, such as bite and scratch accidents, zoonosis transmission, car hitting and, consequently, losses to public health. As a tool to diminish these problems there is the surgical sterilization that follows present legislation, besides helping animal welfare and higher longevity, it also stops undesirable and inadequate survival conditions' offspring. The present study had as objective the surgical sterilization of straying animals and low income owners' animals and it is an efficient and definitive tool for reproductive control of these species in Jaboticabal, São Paulo. Moreover, it helps the detection and treatment of some reproductive diseases, mainly sexually transmissible diseases of animals (TVT) and others pathologies as parasites, infectious, nutritional and traumatic diseases. This study also contributed with the research development by graduate and undergraduate students, by providing biological samples and animal under sterilization data. Conventional sterilization techniques used in canine and feline females and males are known as ovary hysterectomy and orchiectomy, respectively, and it consisted of submitting previously clinically examined animals to pre-surgical anesthetics and muscle relaxants and, after that, to anesthesia for gonads and reproductive annexes removal. After the procedure the animals received long-acting antibiotic and postoperative routine recommendations. Studies developed by students used sterilized animals biological material that would normally be discarded. The ongoing research enabled the evaluation of postoperative pain due to systemic inflammatory response and stress of animals under ovary hysterectomy laparoscopic and conventional method, the histological and morphometric analysis of the reproductive tract; identifying parasites such as feline chlamydia and identification of related antigens. Also, immune localization and quantification of IGF-I and EGF growth factors in the ovaries and their effects on in vitro maturation of oocytes and nuclear evaluation, as well as immune localization and quantification of proteins in the reproductive tract of dog females subjected to sterilization at different stages of estrus cycle. During the second half of 2007 to the end of 2009, 1,714 animals were surgically sterilized, and 70% out of them were female. Dogs represented 54% of the sterilized animals and the females of this species, 62.6%. The average number of sterilizations in the period of 30 months was 57 animals per month. This study has contributed to population control, and was well accepted by the population, especially the low income population, since it is the only one they can access and which can ensure that pets are free of unwanted reproduction and the entailed consequences. Regarding to academic class it provided the opportunity of perfecting the art of surgery, and scholars were supervised by veterinarians.(need improvement)El exceso de caninos y felinos en las ciudades ocasiona una serie de trastornos en la población urbana como riesgo de accidentes por mordeduras, rasguños, transmisión de zoonosis, atropellamientos y consecuentemente perjuicios para la salud pública. Como herramienta para amenizar esos problemas y de acuerdo a la legislación actual, esta  esterilización quirúrgica, además de proveer bienestar a los animales y mayor longevidad, contribuye con el control de nacimientos de crias no deseadas y sin condición de supervivencia adecuada. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo aplicar la esterilización quirúrgica de caninos y felinos errantes o de propietarios de bajos ingresos, como herramienta eficiente y definitiva en el control reproductivo de estas especies en el município de Jaboticabal. Adicionalmente buscó auxiliar en la detección y tratamiento de algunas enfermedades reproductivas, principalmente de enfermedades sexualmente transmisibles en estos animales (ej. TVT) y otras patologías como enfermedades parasitarias, infecciosas, nutricionales y traumáticas. Paralelamente a los objetivos expuestos, esta iniciativa contribuyó con el desarrollo de trabajos de investigación de alumnos de pré y postgrado, ofreciendo material biológico e informaciones de los animales sometidos a esterilización. La técnica de esterilización usada en las hembras de las dos especies fue la oviariohisterectomía convencional: en machos fue la orquiectomía. Los animales fueron previamente sometidos a examen clínico y posteriormente recibieron medicación prequirúrgica con relajantes musculares y analgésicos para  finalmente  proceder a la retirada de las gonadas y anexos reproductivos. Después del procedimiento, los animales fueron medicados con antibiótico de larga duración y recibieron las correspondientes recomendaciones postoperatorias de rutina. Algunos materiales biologicos de los animales esterilizados, que normalmente serían descartados, fueron aprovechados por los estudiantes para realizar sus trabajos científicos. Desde el segundo semestre de 2007 hasta el final de 2009 fueron esterilizados 1.714 animales, de los cuales 70% fueron hembras. La especie canina representó 54% de los animales esterilizados y las hembras de esta especie representaron 62,6% de esta especie. La media de esterilizaciones en un periodo de 30 meses fue de 57 animales por mes. Este trabajo ha contribuido con el control poblacional, siendo bien recibido por la población, principalmente por las personas de escasos recursos, ya que es el único recurso al que tienen acceso y que puede garantizar el control de la natalidad de los animales de compañía, evitando sus consecuencias indeseadas. Desde el punto de vista academico, este trabajo ha permitido que los estudiantes perfeccionasen sus técnicas quirúrgicas, al ser supervisados por medicos veterinarios. También ha sido posible hacer la inmunolocalización y cuantificación de factores de crecimiento IGF-I y EGF en ovarios y sus efectos sobre la maduración in vitro de oocitos y evaluación nuclear ademas de la inmunolocalización y cuantificación de proteinas en el tracto reproductivo de perras sometidas a esterilización en las diferentes fases del ciclo estral. En otros trabajos se evaluó el dolor postoperatorio producido por la respuesta inflamatoria sistemica y el estres provocado en los animales sometidos a ovariohisterectomía por laparoscopia comparado con el metodo convencional: los analisis histologicos y morfometricos del aparato reproductivo; la identificación de agentes parasitarios como clamidias en felinos y la identificación de antígenos correlacionados