349 research outputs found

    An integrated python-based open-source Digital Image Correlation software for in-plane measurements (Part 1)

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    The authors would like to acknowledge Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal (FCT-MCTES) throughout the project PTDC/EMD-EMD/1230/2021 (AneurysmTool) and the support provided by the Brazilian Government funding agencies CAPES , FAPERJ and CNPq . Funding Information: The authors declare the following financial interests/personal relationships which may be considered as potential competing interests: Joao Filho reports financial support was provided by Coordination of Higher Education Personnel Improvement. Jose Xavier reports financial support was provided by Foundation for Science and Technology. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The Author(s)The main purpose of this work is to present a new fully-customizable out-of-the-box open-source 2D Digital Image Correlation (2D-DIC) software, so-called iCorrVision-2D. It is implemented in Python, including image acquisition (grabber), numerical correlation and post-processing modules. The proposed software has an intuitive graphical user interface to support selecting all main correlation parameters, calibration and region of interest. The iCorrVision-2D software stands out over other open-source projects due to the great number of functionalities and the control of all important inputs, such as correlation domain, approach (spatial and incremental) and matching criterion, displacement filtering, interpolation techniques, strain window and reconstruction shape functions. Results demonstrate that the iCorrVision-2D software is robust and can be used to measure full-field displacements and strains with satisfactory accuracy and precision. For out-of-plane measurements, iCorrVision-3D will be presented in Part 2 (iCorrVision-3D, SoftwareX, 2022).publishersversionpublishe

    Bovine leukemia viral DNA found on human breast tissue is genetically related to the cattle virus

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    Bovine leukemia virus (BLV) infection is widespread in cattle and associated with B cell lymphoma. In a previousstudy we demonstrated that bovine leukemia viral DNA was detected in human breast tissues and significantly associated with breast cancer. Our current study aimed to determine whether BLV DNA found in humans and cattle at the same geographical region were genetically related. DNA was extracted from the breast tissue of healthy (n = 32) or cancerous women patients (n = 27) and from the blood (n = 30) of cattle naturally infected with BLV, followed by PCR-amplification and partial nucleotide sequencing of the BLV env gene. We found that the nucleotide sequence identity between BLV env gene fragments obtained from human breast tissue and cattle blood ranged from 97.8 to 99.7% and grouped into genotype 1. Thus, our results further support the hypothesis that this virus might cause a zoonotic infection

    Community Care Administration of Spinal Deformities in the Brazilian Public Health System

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    OBJECTIVE: Underfunding of the surgical treatment of complex spinal deformities has been an important reason for the steadily growing waiting lists in publicly funded healthcare systems. The aim of this study is to characterize the management of the treatment of spinal deformities in the public healthcare system. METHODS: A cross-sectional study of 60 patients with complex pediatric spinal deformities waiting for treatment in December 2013 was performed. The evaluated parameters were place of origin, waiting time until first assessment at a specialized spine care center, waiting time for the surgical treatment, and need for implants not reimbursed by the healthcare system. RESULTS: Ninety-one percent of the patients lived in São Paulo State (33% from Ribeirão Preto - DRS XIII). Patients waited for 0.5 to 48.0 months for referral, and the waiting times for surgery ranged from 2 to 117 months. Forty-five percent of the patients required implants for the surgical procedure that were not available. CONCLUSION: The current management of patients with spinal deformities in the public healthcare system does not provide adequate treatment for these patients in our region. They experience long waiting periods for referral and prolonged waiting times to receive surgical treatment; additionally, many of the necessary procedures are not reimbursed by the public healthcare system

    Influencia de la emulsión inhibida TCG en la reactividad de terrenos sulfurosos en la operación de voladura, Minera Yanacocha 2018

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    RESUMEN La presente tesis tiene como objetivo ayudar en el uso seguro de los explosivos en situaciones en las que puede existir un peligro específico adicional debido a la posible reacción no deseada entre un explosivo y la roca que se desea fragmentar. Bajo ciertas situaciones las reacciones no deseadas puedan dar lugar a detonaciones prematuras con resultados fatales, estas reacciones pueden ser por la química de la roca, la temperatura o combinación de ambos. Asimismo, describir sus características de la tecnología Inhibida y determinar que las voladuras realizadas con emulsión inhibida nos den resultados satisfactorios, una buena velocidad de detonación, buena fragmentación y la eliminación de gases nitrosos. La investigación desarrollada es experimental aplicada de tipo correlacional con diseño transversal. En nuestra hipótesis nuestra variable independiente es Influencia de la Emulsión Inhibida y la dependiente es Reactividad en Terrenos Sulfurosos, aplicando la Emulsión Inhibida en una malla mayor a los 150 taladros se presentaron gases nitrosos en 1% de color anaranjado. Con la Emulsión Inhibida realizamos una mezcla explosiva 80/20 es decir 80% de emulsión y 20% de nitrato de amonio la longitud de carga es de 6m obteniendo un factor de potencia de 1332 y su factor de carga es de 0.236 esto es en una malla con un burden de 8m por un espaciamiento de 9m con una altura de banco de 10m, con una densidad de roca de 1.85. PALABRAS CLAVE: Terrenos sulfurosos, temperatura, mezcla, emulsión inhibida.ABSTRACT The objetive of this thesis has as porpuse help in the safe use of explosives In situations where they may exist an additional specific danger due to possible un wanted Reaction bet ween an explosive and the rock that you want to fragment under certain situations the un wanted reactions can lead to premature detonations with fatal result these reactions can be by the chemistry of the rock, the temperature or combinations of both like wise describ its characteristics of inhibited technology and determinations that the voladure made with inhibited emulsion gives us results satisfactory a good detonation speed good fragmentation and elimination of nitrous gases the research the veloped is experimental aplicac correlation type with transversal design in out this thesis our independent variable is influence of the inhibited emulsion and the dependent is reactive in land Sulphur‟s by applying the inhibited emulsion in a larger mesh a hundred and fifty drills‟ nitrous gases were present in one percent orange . With the inhibited emulsion we perform an explosive mixture eighty twenty is the eighty percent emulsion and twenty percent of ammonium nitrate the loading length is six meters obtaining a power factor zero point to hundred thirty-six this is in a mesh with a burden of eight meters by a spacing of mine meters with a height bank of then meters with bank of then meters with a density of rock one point eighty-five. KEYWORDS: Sulfurous lands, temperature, mixture, emulsion inhibited

    Inclusión en la perspectiva de ciudades educadoras: considerando el ocio y deporte, el caso de Barcelona

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    Podeu consultar el llibre complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/164579[spa] La ciudad ejecuta un rol fundamental en la dimensión humana, su conjunto de elementos permiten el total ejercicio de la ciudadanía. Este estudio tiene el objetivo de verificar si el diseño urbano de los espacios públicos de las Ciudades Educadoras, en el caso de Barcelona, ha garantizado la promoción de la inclusión y de la accesibilidad permanente de las personas con discapacidad en términos de ocio y deporte. En el estudio de Barcelona subrayaremos un período específico de su historia, los Juegos Olímpicos de 1992 y el movimiento de las Ciudades Educadoras en 1990. Para tal estudio elegimos el diseño urbano y espacios públicos como plazas, parques y otros espacios. Serán adoptados las diferentes técnicas de análisis, tales como: análisis documental; entrevistas; observación, diario de campo, fotografías, videos. Los datos cuantitativos serán tabulados y analizados utilizando el software estadístico SPSS y los datos cualitativos serán analizados utilizándose del software QSR NVivo.[eng] The city plays a fundamental role in the human dimension, its set of elements allow the total exercise of citizenship. This study aims to verify whether the urban design of the public spaces of the Educating Cities, in the case of Barcelona, has guaranteed the promotion of the inclusion and permanent accessibility of people with disabilities in terms of leisure and sports. In the study of Barcelona, we will highlight a specific period in its history, the 1992 Olympic Games and the movement of the Educating Cities in 1990. For this study we chose urban design and public spaces such as squares, parks and other spaces. The different analysis techniques will be adopted, such as: documentary analysis; interviews; observation, field diary, photographs, videos. The quantitative data will be tabulated and analyzed using the SPSS statistical software and the qualitative data will be analyzed using the NVivo QSR software


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    A crescente busca pelo enquadramento do Brasil nos parâmetros de desenvolvimento sustentável e química verde representa um interesse industrial e econômico das grandes empresas da atualidade. O desenvolvimento de novos materiais é uma vertente que está agregada à inovação tecnológica, proporcionando a instalação de uma bioeconomia favorável ao crescimento do país. Com o aproveitamento correto de resíduos domésticos, pode-se incluir um novo ramo para os instrumentos laboratoriais indispensáveis, o que auxilia no aparato de laboratórios escolares. Dessa forma, o presente projeto teve como objetivo a construção de destilador a vácuo a partir de materiais reutilizáveis, os quais foram conectados a um destilador simples, presente no Laboratório de Ciências da escola E.E.E.P. Santa Rita. Na construção deste aparelho, foram utilizados: destilador simples, mangueira de borracha, condensador, dois suportes universais com garra, balão de fundo chato, adaptador, tubo de ensaio com saída lateral. Após a confecção foi observado redução da pressão interna e do tempo de destilação de duas soluções: hexano-óleo e água-etanol. A pressão interna foi alterada de 780mmHg para 546mmHg e 750mmHg para 528mmHg, respectivamente. O tempo de duração do processo teve um intervalo de redução de 8 minutos, para ambas as misturas. A construção do destilador a vácuo obteve êxito no resultado final, por promover a diminuição no tempo de processos de separação de misturas. Paralelamente, este trabalho permitiu o incentivo dos alunos a projetos de pesquisas científicas, bem como à preservação ambiental

    Microbiota potentialized larvicidal action of imidazolium salts against Aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae)

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    Mosquitoes are important vectors of pathogens due to their blood feeding behavior. Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) transmits arboviruses, such as dengue, Zika, and Chikungunya. This species carries several bacteria that may be beneficial for its biological and physiological development. Therefore, studying the response of its microbiota to chemical products could result in vector control. Recently, imidazolium salts (IS) were identified as effective Ae. aegypti larvicides. Considering the importance of the mosquito microbiota, this study addressed the influence of IS on the bacteria of Ae. aegypti larvae. After exposition of larvae to different IS concentrations, the cultured microbiota was identified through culturomics and mass spectrometry, and the non-cultivated microbiota was characterized by molecular markers. In addition, the influence of the IS on axenic larvae was studied for comparison. There was an alteration in both cultivable species and in their diversity, including modifications in bacterial communities. The axenic larvae were less susceptible to the IS, which was increased after exposing these larvae to bacteria of laboratory breeding water. This highlights the importance of understanding the role of the larval microbiota of Ae. aegypti in the development of imidazolium salt-based larvicides. Such effect of IS towards microbiota of Ae. aegypti larvae, through their antimicrobial action, increases their larvicidal potential

    Conflitos socioambientais, educação ambiental e participação social na gestão ambiental

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    Trata-se da síntese da mesa-redonda “Conflitos Socioambientais, Educação Ambiental e Participação Social na Gestão Ambiental” realizada no V ENANPPAS(2010), que teve como foco principal a discussão de quatro temas: Conflitos socioambientais e os mitos da participação social; Conflitos socio ambientais e as incertezas das condições para a educação ambiental em meio aos problemas e conflitos; Resolução de Conflitos socio ambientais – ações mediadas pela razão instrumental e interesse emancipatório; Ações positivas como práticas dialógico problematizadoras.A partir de um texto inicial provocativo, cada debatedor trouxe sua contribuição em forma de texto, seguida de novas questões oriundas dessas intervenções. O conjunto do debate foi gravado, transcrito e sintetizado para apresentação neste artigo. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis is synthesis of the debates held during the round-table “Socio environmental conflicts, environmental education and social participation on environ mentalmanagement”, at the V ENANPPAS (2010), which has focused on the discussionof four main themes: Socio environmental conflicts and the myths of social participation; Socio environmental conflicts and the uncertainty of conditions toen vironmental education immersed in problems and conflicts; Solution of Socio environmental conflitcts – actions mediated by instrumental rationality and emancipatory interest; Positive actions as dialogical problematizing practice onconcrete reality. From an initial provocative text, each member has brought hisfirst contribution, followed by new questions as consequence of these speeches.The hole debate was recorded, transcripted and made a synthesis to present in this manuscript form


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    Objective: describe how health, spirituality and religiosity are discussed in Brazilian scientificpublications.Method: integrative literature review of the period between 2011 and 2016, developed inthe Virtual Health Library in November 2017, using the descriptors: “Health”, “Spirituality”,“Religiosity”.Results: for the analysis, according to the established inclusion criteria, 30 articles were selectedand four categories were identified: Concepts and conceptions of religiosity and spirituality;Religiosity and spirituality as strategies to cope with disease; Need for spiritual support;and Lack of professional preparation. The relevance of the spiritual dimension in care wasverified, as well as the need to comprehensively consider all dimensions of the human being:biopsychic, spiritual and social.Conclusion: studies were found that suggest that some religious practices are capable ofoffering both positive and negative aspects in the physical and mental health of their practitioners.Objetivo: descrever como a saúde, espiritualidade e religiosidade são abordadas nas publicações científicas nacionais.Método: revisão integrativa de literatura no período entre 2011 e 2016, realizada na Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde em novembro de 2017, utilizando os descritores: “Saúde”, “Espiritualidade”, “Religiosidade”.Resultados: para a análise, segundo os critérios de inclusão estabelecidos, foram selecionados 30 artigos e identificadas quatro categorias: Conceitos e concepções de religiosidade e espiritualidade; Religiosidade e espiritualidade como estratégias de enfrentamento da doença; Necessidade de suporte espiritual; e Falta de preparo profissional. Verificou-se a relevância da dimensão espiritual na assistência e a necessidade de integralizar todas as dimensões do ser humano: biopsíquica, espiritual e social.Conclusão: foram encontrados estudos que sugerem que algumas práticas religiosas são capazes de proporcionar tanto aspectos positivos quanto negativos na saúde física e mental dos seus praticantes.Objetivo: Describir de qué manera la salud, la espiritualidad y la religiosidad son abordadasen las publicaciones científicas nacionales.Método: Revisión integrativa de literatura abarcando período de 2011 a 2016, realizada en laBiblioteca Virtual en Salud en noviembre de 2017, utilizando los descriptores “Saúde”, “Espiritualidade”y “Religiosidade”.Resultados: Para el análisis, conforme los criterios establecidos, fueron seleccionados 30artículos, y se identificaron cuatro categorías: Conceptos y concepciones de religiosidad yespiritualidad; Religiosidad y espiritualidad como estrategias para el enfrentamiento de laenfermedad; Necesidad de apoyo espiritual; y Falta de preparación profesional. Se verificóla relevancia de la dimensión espiritual en la atención y la necesidad de integrar todas lasdimensiones del ser humano: biopsíquica, espiritual y social.Conclusión: Fueron encontrados estudios que sugieren que algunas prácticas religiosas tienenla capacidad de brindar tanto aspectos positivos como negativos para la salud física ymental de quienes las practican

    Falta de acesso e de continuidade da atenção à saúde em adultos: inquérito nacional

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    OBJETIVO Descrever a falta de acesso e de continuidade da atenção à saúde de adultos. MÉTODOS Estudo transversal de base populacional com 12.402 adultos entre 20 e 59 anos, residentes em áreas urbanas de 100 municípios de 23 estados brasileiros, nas cinco regiões geopolíticas. Investigaram-se as barreiras no acesso e na continuidade da atenção a partir do recebimento, necessidade e busca de algum atendimento de saúde (internação hospitalar e pronto-socorro nos 12 meses prévios ao estudo; atendimento médico, de outro profissional de saúde e domiciliar nos três meses prévios). A partir dos resultados obtidos na descrição da amostra, apresenta-se uma projeção para os adultos residentes em áreas urbanas no território nacional. RESULTADOS A prevalência de falta de acesso aos serviços e aos atendimentos com profissionais de saúde mais expressiva foi de 3,0%, para internação hospitalar, enquanto a menor prevalência foi para atendimento médico (1,1%). A falta de acesso para o atendimento com outro profissional de saúde foi de 2,0%; em pronto-socorro, 2,1%; e domiciliar, 2,9%. Quanto às prevalências, o maior número absoluto de falta de acesso foi para atendimentos de urgência (mais de 360.000 adultos). Os principais motivos foram problemas estruturais e organizacionais, como falta de leito, de profissionais, de ficha/vaga do tipo de atendimento necessário e cobrança pelo atendimento. CONCLUSÕES O direito universal à saúde no Brasil ainda não foi alcançado. As projeções podem apoiar a gestão no dimensionamento de esforços dirigidos ao seu enfrentamento, como a ampliação da estrutura física dos serviços e da força de trabalho.OBJECTIVE To describe the lack of access and continuity of health care in adults. METHODS A cross-sectional population-based study was performed on a sample of 12,402 adults aged 20 to 59 years in urban areas of 100 municipalities of 23 states in the five Brazilian geopolitical regions. Barriers to the access and continuity of health care and were investigated based on receiving, needing and seeking health care (hospitalization and accident/emergency care in the last 12 months; care provided by a doctor, by other health professional or home care in the last three months). Based on the results obtained by the description of the sample, a projection is provided for adults living in Brazilian urban areas. RESULTS The highest prevalence of lack of access to health services and to provision of care by health professionals was for hospitalization (3.0%), whilst the lowest prevalence was for care provided by a doctor (1.1%). The lack of access to care provided by other health professionals was 2.0%; to accident and emergency services, 2.1%; and to home care, 2.9%. As for prevalences, the greatest absolute lack of access occurred in emergency care (more than 360,000 adults). The main reasons were structural and organizational problems, such as unavailability of hospital beds, of health professionals, of appointments for the type of care needed and charges made for care. CONCLUSIONS The universal right to health care in Brazil has not yet been achieved. These projections can help health care management in scaling the efforts needed to overcome this problem, such as expanding the infrastructure of health services and the workforce