79 research outputs found

    Ecologia do recrutamento de pequenos pelágicos: capacidades natatórias e condição nutricional de larvas de sardinha (Sardina pilchardus,Walbaum 1792)

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    Dissertação de mest., Biologia Marinha (Ecologia e Conservação), Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Univ. do Algarve, 2012As capacidades de natação das larvas de pequenos pelágicos e a sua influência na sobrevivência e dispersão estão pouco estudadas. Pela primeira vez, descreveram-se as capacidades natatórias de larvas de Sardina pilchardus (Walbaum 1792), em condições controladas em laboratório desde a eclosão até ao 75º dia pós-eclosão (dpe). Comparou-se a capacidade natatória (velocidade crítica de natação (Ucrit) e comportamento) e a condição nutricional (índice RNA/DNA) de larvas cultivadas com 4 diferentes regimes alimentares. À eclosão, as larvas concentraram-se à superfície e após o 2º dpe começaram a dispersar pela coluna de água. As larvas recém-eclodidas passaram a maior parte do tempo inativas, tendo o tempo dispendido a nadar aumentado com a idade, estabilizando ao 30º dpe, sendo dispendendido a totalidade do tempo a nadar. Ao 15º dpe as larvas começaram a resistir a correntes de 1,5 cm s-1 por períodos curtos de tempo. A Ucrit aumentou significativamente ao longo da ontogenia, atingindo um máximo de 9,47 cm s-1 numa larva com 19,1 mm de comprimento total e 55 dpe. Não foram detetadas diferenças significativas das capacidades natatórias entre larvas cultivadas nas diferentes dietas para as idades comuns a todas as dietas. O número de ataques a presas e sequências completas de predação (desde a fixação ao ataque) aumentaram com a idade; ao 25º dpe o número de ataques foi inferior a 2 ataques min-1 e ao 60º dpe observaram-se em média 4 (±0,8) ataques min-1. O crescimento larvar nas dietas de maior concentração (0,327 mm d-1.) e concentração intermédia (0,487 mm d-1) não teve diferenças siginificativas e foi significativamente superior às dietas de menor concentração e plâncton natural que foram semelhantes entre si. A condição larvar foi pouco variável durante a ontogenia, sem diferenças significativas entre as diferentes dietas. Da mesma forma, a relação entre as capacidades natatórias e a condição nutricional das larvas não foi significativa. As conclusões deste trabalho sugerem que numa fase inicial do desenvolvimento as larvas não são capazes de evitar a predação e controlar a dispersão, uma vez que têm reduzidas capacidades natatórias. No entanto, a partir do 45º dpe, as larvas são capazes de resistir às velocidades médias das correntes naturais, o que deverá ter consequencias importantes para a sua sobrevivência


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    The processing of the digital image brought new ways for all the known media to adapt to this new reality. The study of the digital media is not yet over and is to prove that the slit-scan technique still has many ways to develop that we create this study. We present the state of the of the slit-scan technique, not forgetting to mention the history of the image registration till it gets to the digital world. It’s also needed to present the concept of movement that is one of the most important subjects about slit-scan. Guestbook, the project made for the Master in Sound and Image will also be presented as it was developed side by side, using the same subject and investigation. In the end some research will be presented, identifying the development of some techniques and it’s results. During the research and the Dissertation some questions were tried to answer: -What is slit-scan and what is it useful for? -How can we use slit-scan in Science or in Art? -In how many ways can we use this technique and in what do they result? -Are there any new ways to progress with the slit-scan technique?A presente Dissertação centra-se na técnica Slit-scan, introduzindo-a a partir das diversas etapas que levaram à sua origem. Da introdução dos conceitos básicos do movimento, até à origem da Fotografia, é apresentado o caminho artístico e cientifico que tornou possível o desenvolvimento de uma técnica que sem querer abriu uma porta para uma nova dimensão espácio-temporal. O Slit-scan tornou possível ao longo da história da arte do séc. XX uma nova percepção do tempo, do espaço e do movimento, representa-os de uma forma inovadora e que ultrapassou as barreiras do real. Os projectos artísticos apresentados demonstram diversos tipos de utilização e diversos tipos de resultados, em que a mais pequena alteração numa das variáveis cria uma nova janela para essa dimensão desconhecida. A apresentação do projecto Guestbook é referida, não só por ter sido um projecto que se desenvolveu ao mesmo tempo que a presente dissertação, mas porque explora uma vertente mais abrangente da técnica slit-scan. A Dissertação termina com uma análise dessa técnica – do tipo de utilizações e resultados, tentando responder à questão sobre as potencialidades do slit-scan ainda por explorar. São apresentados alguns resultados desse desenvolviment

    A TV portuguesa à procura de cumprir uma promessa de participação

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    O presente artigo parte de um questionamento do que designamos a promessa de participação. Se há, de facto, um discurso recorrente sobre as novas tecnologias da comunicação e da informação, dele faz certamente parte um refrão discursivo, intensamente repetitivo, que não cessa de prometer uma acessibilidade generalizada à informação em circulação global, que comporta em si, e convoca, a possibilidade de uma nova cidadania de largo espectro social e político, promotora da realização do que autores como Pierre Lévy vêm designando como a ciberdemocracia. Trata-se de uma promessa que, notaremos, se renova a cada nova vaga tecnologicamente induzida, tendo tomado de assalto a produção discursiva de esferas públicas tão diversas (e, ao mesmo tempo, tão intercomunicantes) como a política, a social, a económica ou a académica. Tem-nos surgido, assim, renovada nos discursos sobre a convergência dos media que inclui, concomitantemente, a formulação do que designaríamos o ecrã convergente, para o qual tenderão os ecrãs que quotidianamente utilizamos e com os quais, de algum modo, interagimos. Entre os quais se conta, obviamente, o ecrã televisivo. A partir de um estudo teórico do ecrã televisivo e de um corpus empírico constituído a partir dos programas de canais de informação da televisão portuguesa, pretendemos indagar a verificação, ou não, dessa convergência como participação. Aquilo para que os nossos dados apontam é, contudo, uma lógica de resistência da centralidade do ecrã televisivo, que retém institucionalmente, e atrai para si, as lógicas e recursos socio-semióticos de controlo da produção da mensagem, mantendo-se fiel a um modelo de broadcasting, de sequência e fluxo centrados, tal como formulado nos anos 1970 nos trabalhos de Raymond Williams. Ainda distante da concretização da promessa da participação, este ecrã está longe de poder integrar as desejosas formulações da convergência, revelando-se, antes, como ecrã centrípeto.This article questions what we can call the promise of participation. Its assumptions are based on the current dominant discourses on the new technologies of information and communication. We will note that such discourses keep elaborating on a constantly selfrepeating refrain that never ceases to promise wide access and open possibilities of direct individual intervention in the global informational contents and debates, feeding the prospects of new digital forms of political and social citizenship able to promote what philosopher Pierre Lévy calls cyberdemocracy. This promise is renewed by each new wave of technological buzz. It simultaneously takes by storm the discoursive mainstream of public spheres such as the political, the social, the economic context or the academic, emerging through conceptual frames such as media convergence. These public debates often include the conceptualization of what we can sum up as the convergent screen, to which should converge the technological screens that we use on our daily lives, and with which we interact. Among them, of course, there is the television screen. We base this article on a thorough study of the television screen that is both theoretical and empirical: it focuses on an analysis of the screen as an apparatus and works on data from Portuguese news channels’ broadcasts to verify or deny the fulfillment of the promise through audience participation manifestations. Our conclusions will nonetheless point out a reiterated confirmation of the institutional strength of the television apparatus. Despite the constant technological developments that, along with the digitalization processes, suggest a whole new set of interactive possibilities, the television screen shows clear signs of control resistance by keeping its longtime built social and institutional centrality. It tends to concentrate and attract the main socio-semiological resources of production control and retains the Raymond Williams’ old defined broadcasting features of centralized sequence and flow. This television screen emerges then not as the convergent one that would fulfill the promise of participation, but as one we will call the centripetous screen.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Gamification in stroke rehabilitation

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    Stroke rehabilitation aims to improve patients’ abilities to realize daily life activities and, consequently, regain their self-confidence and improve independence and quality of life. Gamification can be defined as the application of game-design elements, dynamics, and principles such as competition, narratives, point-scoring, and awards in non-game contexts, including rehabilitation. It has emerged as a therapeutic alternative or complement to traditional rehabilitation to make motor practice more intense and increase a person’s motivation, interest, and satisfaction by bringing meaningful and intrinsically motivational playful experiences. Compared to the same amount of conventional therapy, gamification can increase the number of movements and involve safe and intensive rehabilitation exercises, essential for a successful rehabilitation process.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Geothermal resources research in a granitic basement - the Braga area case study (NW Portugal)

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    Geothermal resources are increasingly being considered as a strategic alternative in energy production, especially with the latest geopolitical developments. The densely populated Braga region, in NW Portugal, is endowed with a geostructural setting that enables the existence of several thermal water occurrences, spatially associated with a deep-rooted structure – the Vigo-Régua shear zone, set in a granite context. Given the latest advances in geothermal energy production, it is possible to predict a mid- to long-term implementation of geothermal energy production in the vicinity of that deep rooted structure. Although strongly encouraging, the exploratory geophysical, geochemical and geological data are still insufficient to deliver a definitive frame of the potential energy associated with the estimated reservoirs. Ongoing work combining gravimetric, radiometric and geochemical data will provide a better understanding of the deeply concealed structures.Les ressources géothermiques sont de plus en plus considérées comme une alternative stratégique dans la production d'énergie, en particulier compte tenu du contexte géopolitique récent. La région densément peuplée de Braga, au nord-ouest du Portugal, est située dans un contexte granitique spatialement associé à une structure enracinée - la zone de cisaillement Vigo-Régua. Ce contexte géologique et structural a permis le développement de plusieurs occurrences d'eau thermale. Compte tenu des dernières avancées en matière de production d'énergie géothermique, il est possible de prévoir une mise en œuvre à moyen et long terme de la production d'énergie géothermique à proximité de cette structure profonde. Bien que fortement encourageantes, les données géophysiques, géochimiques et géologiques exploratoires sont encore insuffisantes pour fournir un cadre définitif de l'énergie potentielle associée aux réservoirs estimés. Des travaux en cours combinant des données gravimétriques, radiométriques et géochimiques permettront de mieux comprendre les structures profondément enfouies.Los recursos geotérmicos se consideran cada vez más como una alternativa estratégica en la producción de energía, especialmente con los últimos desarrollos geopolíticos. La región densamente poblada de Braga, en el noroeste de Portugal, está dotada de un entorno estructural que permite la presencia de aguas termales, asociadas espacialmente con una estructura profunda en un contexto granítico: la zona de falla Vigo-Régua. Dados los últimos avances en la producción de energía geotérmica, es posible predecir una implementación a mediano y largo plazo de la producción de energía geotérmica en las cercanías de esa estructura de raíces profundas. Aún cuando los datos geofísicos, geoquímicos y geológicos exploratorios son muy alentadores, son insuficientes para brindar un marco definitivo del potencial geotérmico asociada con los yacimientos. El trabajo en curso que integra datos gravimétricos, radiométricos y geoquímicos proporcionará una mejor comprensión de las estructuras profundas por explorar

    Thin film versus paper-like reduced graphene oxide: Comparative study of structural, electrical, and thermoelectrical properties

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    We report fabrication of reduced graphene oxide (rGO) films using chemical reduction by hydrazine hydrate and rGO paper-like samples using low temperature treatment reduction. Structural analysis confirms the formation of the rGO structure for both samples. Current-voltage (I-V) measurements of the rGO film reveal semiconductor behavior with the maximum current value of similar to 3 x 10(-4) A. The current for the rGO paper sample is found to be, at least, one order of magnitude higher. Moreover, bipolar resistance switching, corresponding to memristive behavior of type II, is observed in the I-V data of the rGO paper. Although precise values of the rGO film conductivity and the Seebeck coefficient could not be measured, rGO paper shows an electrical conductivity of 6.7 x 10(2)S/m and Seebeck coefficient of -6 mu V/degrees C. Thus, we demonstrate a simplified way for the fabrication of rGO paper that possesses better and easier measurable macroscopic electrical properties than that of rGO thin film. Published by AIP Publishing

    Global and regional ecological boundaries explain abrupt spatial discontinuities in avian frugivory interactions

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    Species interactions can propagate disturbances across space via direct and indirect effects, potentially connecting species at a global scale. However, ecological and biogeographic boundaries may mitigate this spread by demarcating the limits of ecological networks. We tested whether large-scale ecological boundaries (ecoregions and biomes) and human disturbance gradients increase dissimilarity among plant-frugivore networks, while accounting for background spatial and elevational gradients and differences in network sampling. We assessed network dissimilarity patterns over a broad spatial scale, using 196 quantitative avian frugivory networks (encompassing 1496 plant and 1004 bird species) distributed across 67 ecoregions, 11 biomes, and 6 continents. We show that dissimilarities in species and interaction composition, but not network structure, are greater across ecoregion and biome boundaries and along different levels of human disturbance. Our findings indicate that biogeographic boundaries delineate the world’s biodiversity of interactions and likely contribute to mitigating the propagation of disturbances at large spatial scales.The authors acknowledge the following funding: University of Canterbury Doctoral Scholarship (L.P.M.); The Marsden Fund grant UOC1705 (J.M.T., L.P.M.); The São Paulo Research Foundation - FAPESP 2014/01986-0 (M.G., C.E.), 2015/15172-7 and 2016/18355-8 (C.E.), 2004/00810-3 and 2008/10154-7 (C.I.D., M.G., M.A.P.); Earthwatch Institute and Conservation International for financial support (C.I.D., M.G., M.A.P.); Carlos Chagas Filho Foundation for Supporting Research in the Rio de Janeiro State – FAPERJ grant E-26/200.610/2022 (C.E.); Brazilian Research Council grants 540481/01-7 and 304742/2019-8 (M.A.P.) and 300970/2015-3 (M.G.); Rufford Small Grants for Nature Conservation No. 22426–1 (J.C.M., I.M.), No. 9163-1 (G.B.J.) and No. 11042-1 (MCM); Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz (Propp-UESC; No. 00220.1100.1644/10-2018) (J.C.M., I.M.); Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado da Bahia - FAPESB (No. 0525/2016) (J.C.M., I.M.); European Research Council under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant 787638) and The Swiss National Science Foundation (grant 173342), both awarded to C. Graham (D.M.D.); ARC SRIEAS grant SR200100005 Securing Antarctica’s Environmental Future (D.M.D.); German Science Foundation—Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft PAK 825/1 and FOR 2730 (K.B.G., E.L.N., M.Q., V.S., M.S.), FOR 1246 (K.B.G., M.S., M.G.R.V.) and HE2041/20-1 (F.S., M.S.); Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology - FCT/MCTES contract CEECIND/00135/2017 and grant UID/BIA/04004/2020 (S.T.) and contract CEECIND/02064/2017 (L.P.S.); National Scientific and Technical Research Council, PIP 592 (P.G.B.); Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas - Project 898 (V.S.D.)

    Rescuing the Brazilian Agave breeding program: morphophysiological and molecular characterization of a new germplasm

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    Agaves have been a valuable resource in dryland areas for centuries, providing fibers (sisal), food, and beverages. However, the advent of synthetic fibers has led to a decrease in research on Agave, resulting in the cessation of breeding programs in Brazil. With the rise of climate change, there is renewed interest in Agave for its potential as a biofuel feedstock in semiarid regions. Since 2016, we have been collecting Agave accessions throughout the country and retrieving what is left of Brazil’s original breeding program to establish a new germplasm bank. Here, we evaluated 21 of those accessions growing in the field. We used molecular markers and morphophysiological traits to characterize the plants. Based on the Mayahuelin molecular marker, we were able to reconstruct a phylogeny for the Brazilian accessions. The morphophysiological traits explained 34.6% of the phenotypic variation in the dataset, with physiological traits such as leaf water content, effective quantum efficiency of photosystem II (ΦPSII), and specific leaf mass (SLM) as the most significant traits. Specifically, we evaluated nine Agave species and found that the physiological traits, rather than the morphological ones, were the most significant. Leaf water content was negatively correlated with specific leaf mass, which could be used as a marker for selecting cultivars with higher biomass accumulation. Interestingly, ΦPSII and chlorophyll content were negatively correlated, suggesting photochemical adaptations throughout the rosette. Molecular and phenotypic data suggest that A. amaniensis, which is frequently considered a synonym of A. sisalana, is effectively another species. Overall, this study provides valuable information on the physiological traits of Brazilian Agave accessions and is a starting point for selecting more productive and climate-resilient cultivars for biorenewables production