29 research outputs found

    Factores bióticos e abióticos na distribuição e reprodução de espécies íctias costeiras residentes : estudo de caso no ilhéu dos Fradinhos, ilhéu das Cabras e Serretinha. Ilha Terceira, Açores, PT

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Gestão e Conservação da NaturezaEste trabalho tem por objectivo, o estudo de características ecológicas da íctiofauna residente, em três locais distintos na costa S da Ilha Terceira, Açores, Portugal, caracterizados por se encontrarem no mesmo alinhamento SE – NW. Assim, recolhemos dados directos e indirectos sobre essas espécies junto à costa – Serretinha, nos ilhéus próximos – Cabras e num afloramento rochoso mais distante – Fradinhos. Dividiu-se o trabalho em duas partes: a) recolha de exemplares das espécies residentes para amostragem biológica, nomeadamente determinação dos índices hepato e gonadossomático, de modo a detectar eventuais picos reprodutivos; e b) análise de conteúdos estomacais, com o propósito de descrever os hábitos alimentares das espécies costeiras mais comuns. Paralelamente, efectuaram-se mergulhos em transeptos pré-determinados, de forma a realizar contagens de indivíduos e, assim, poder descrever as comunidades residentes nos três locais tendo em conta: a) riqueza, b) equitabilidade e c) diversidade. Igualmente se registaram os principais factores abióticos passíveis de influenciar os dados acima referidos. A íctiofauna dos Açores é ainda pouco conhecida, sobretudo em termos de interacções ecológicas entre espécies costeiras residentes nos vários substratos. A pouca literatura disponível apresenta numerosas lacunas quando se reporta à íctiofauna desta região. O objectivo desta tese é descrever as comunidades íctias residentes nos três locais da área de estudo mencionada, bem como a determinação das suas espécies dominantes, saber se há correlações positivas ou não nos factores bióticos e abióticos na sua distribuição e reprodução e determinar os principais índices de diversidade, equitabilidade e riqueza. Pretendeu-se, também, descrever a dieta dessas mesmas espécies bem como determinar eventuais picos reprodutivos.ABSTRACT: With this work we aim to study the ecological characteristics of the resident ichthyofauna in three distinct SE- NW aligned sites off the S coast of Terceira Island, Azores, Portugal. We collected both direct and indirect data about those species near the shoreline – Serretinha, in a close by islet complex – Cabras and over an offshore rocky outcrop – Fradinhos. The work was divided into two parts: a) specimen’s collection for biological sampling, namely the determination of both hepatic and gonadossomatic indexes for the eventual detection of reproductive peaks; and b)stomach content’s analyses to describe the food habits of these most common coastal species. We also developed a series of underwater transects in order to count individuals and thus to describe the resident communities in these three sites regarding a) richness, b) evenness and c) diversity. Main abiotic factors were also registered in order to study possible correlations with the above mentioned data. Azorean ichthyofauna is still poorly known especially in terms of ecological interactions between coastal resident species in several substrates. The few available literature references do present several gaps when reporting to the region’s coastal fish communities. The main objective of this work is to describe resident coastal fish communities in the three study sites as well as the determination of their dominant species, checking significant correlations within biotic and abiotic facts in their distribution and reproductive periods and determine main indexes for diversity, evenness and richness. We also describe the diet of these same species and determined the major reproductive peaks for the dominant ones

    Relatório de estágio de coordenação em investigação clínica em dois hospitais parceiros da Blueclinical CRP

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    Este relatório descreve as atividades realizadas no âmbito do estágio curricular em coordenação de investigação clínica que decorreu através da BlueClinical, nos hospitais Pedro Hispano da Unidade Local de Saúde de Matosinhos e Senhora da Oliveira em Guimarães, no âmbito do Mestrado em Gestão da Investigação Clínica, durante o período de cerca de 8 meses, com início em setembro de 2021. Este estágio teve como objetivos a aquisição de competências para realizar tarefas relacionadas com a atividade de coordenação clínica, de modo a permitir o exercício das atividades desde o início até à conclusão de um ensaio clínico, num ambiente real de trabalho. Neste relatório é também abordado o estado da arte da investigação clínica em Portugal, com especial enfoque nos obstáculos que dificultam a evolução da investigação em Portugal e potenciais iniciativas para os ultrapassar. Adicionalmente, é ainda analisado o futuro da investigação clínica e que possíveis reformulações à forma de implementar ensaios clínicos podem daí advir. As características dos estudos com que foi possível contactar no decorrer do estágio curricular serão descritas, bem como as diferentes atividades que foram desenvolvidas no papel de coordenador de ensaios clínicos. Foi ainda realizada uma análise exploratória dos potenciais riscos na execução do estágio e da própria atividade de coordenação através de um plano de gestão de risco. A avaliação global da experiência no estágio e das competências adquiridas foi positiva e permitiu aplicar na prática todo o conhecimento que foi transmitido ao longo do programa do Mestrado. Os objetivos propostos inicialmente foram atingidos com sucesso, o que permite concluir que toda a experiência foi capaz de habilitar para o exercício das funções de coordenação da investigação clínica no mundo profissional.This report describes the activities carried out within the scope of the curricular internship in clinical research coordination that took place through BlueClinical, in the hospitals of Pedro Hispano of the Local Health Unit in Matosinhos and Senhora da Oliveira in Guimarães, within the scope of the master’s degree in Clinical Research Management, over a period of about 8 months starting in September 2021. This internship aimed to provide the skills to perform tasks related to the clinical coordination activity and to perform these activities from the beginning to the end of a clinical trial, in a real work environment. This report also explores the state of the art of the clinical research in Portugal, with a special focus on the obstacles that hinder the evolution of research in Portugal and potential initiatives to overcome them. In addition, the future of clinical research is also analyzed as well as the possible reformulations in the way of implementing clinical trials that may result from it. The characteristics of the studies that were accompanied during the curricular internship are described, as well as the different activities that were developed in the role of clinical trial coordinator. An exploratory analysis of the potential risks in the execution of the internship and the coordination activity itself was also carried out through a risk management plan. The global assessment of the internship experience and skills acquired was positive and allowed to apply in the practice all the knowledge that was transmitted throughout the Master program. The objectives that were initially proposed were successfully achieved, which allows us to conclude that the whole experience was able to capacitate for the exercise of functions in clinical research coordination in the professional world

    Breve Introdução aos Modelos Pontuais de Distribuição em Visão por Computador

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    O objectivo principal deste relatório é ajudar o leitor a familiarizar-se com os modelos pontuais de distribuição, a perceber a sua construção e a identificar possíveis aplicações. Assim neste relatório explica-se o processo de construção de um modelo pontual de distribuição, descreve-se a evolução que estes modelos têm sofrido desde a sua criação e apresentam-se alguns exemplos de aplicações

    Spatial and temporal variations of Cockle (Cerastoderma spp.) populations in two portuguese estuarine systems with low directed fishing pressure

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    Cockles are amongst the most exploited bivalve species in Portugal, playing an important ecological and socioeconomic role in coastal ecosystems. Two sympatric species of cockles, Cerastoderma edule (Linnaeus, 1758) and Cerastoderma glaucum (Bruguiere, 1789-1792) may co-occur in estuaries and coastal lagoons in mixed populations along the European Atlantic coast, namely in Portugal, France and the United Kingdom. The increasing importance of shellfish harvesting in Portugal requires a good knowledge of cockle stocks and temporal variability in stock levels to better inform sustainable management practices. Therefore, this study aimed at assessing spatial and temporal variations in cockle populations in two Portuguese estuarine systems where the species are exploited at low levels. Sampling was carried out using a clam dredge, covering the entire potential area of occurrence of cockles in the Tagus and Sado estuaries at around the same time of the year in each of the three sampling years (2015, 2018, and 2019). The abundance, spatial distribution and population structure of cockles were examined at each system. Moreover, several water and sediment parameters were measured to understand the influence of environmental conditions on the spatial distribution and abundance of cockles. The results obtained showed that cockles occur mostly in the intermediate areas of both estuarine systems and are more abundant in the Tagus estuary. Depth, average sediment grain size and the species Ruditapes philippinarum were the factors that better explained the probability of species occurrence. The population structure analysis indicated that natural mortality is constraining the cockle communities given the low abundance of adult individuals with marketable size in both estuaries. This study highlights the need for appropriate management measures to ensure the sustainability of these bivalve population stocks that have significant socioeconomic importance for local populations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Integrating factors associated with complex wound healing into a mobile application: findings from a cohort study

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    Complex, chronic or hard-to-heal wounds are a prevalent health problem worldwide, with significant physical, psychological and social consequences. This study aims to identify factors associated with the healing process of these wounds and develop a mobile application for wound care that incorporates these factors. A prospective multicentre cohort study was conducted in nine health units in Portugal, involving data collection through a mobile application by nurses from April to October 2022. The study followed 46 patients with 57 wounds for up to 5 weeks, conducting six evaluations. Healing time was the main outcome measure, analysed using the Mann–Whitney test and three Cox regression models to calculate risk ratios. The study sample comprised various wound types, with pressure ulcers being the most common (61.4%), followed by venous leg ulcers (17.5%) and diabetic foot ulcers (8.8%). Factors that were found to impair the wound healing process included chronic kidney disease (U = 13.50; p = 0.046), obesity (U = 18.0; p = 0.021), non-adherence to treatment (U = 1.0; p = 0.029) and interference of the wound with daily routines (U = 11.0; p = 0.028). Risk factors for delayed healing over time were identified as bone involvement (RR 3.91; p < 0.001), presence of odour (RR 3.36; p = 0.007), presence of neuropathy (RR 2.49; p = 0.002), use of anti-inflammatory drugs (RR 2.45; p = 0.011), stalled wound (RR 2.26; p = 0.022), greater width (RR 2.03; p = 0.002), greater depth (RR 1.72; p = 0.036) and a high score on the healing scale (RR 1.21; p = 0.001). Integrating the identified risk factors for delayed healing into the assessment of patients and incorporating them into a mobile application can enhance decision-making in wound care.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Impact of Oxidoreductases-Related MicroRNAs in Glucose Metabolism of Renal Cell Carcinoma and Prostate Cancer

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    The reprogramming of metabolism is one of cancer hallmarks. Glucose’s metabolism, as one of the main fuels of cancer cells, has been the focus of several research studies in the oncology field. However, because cancer is a heterogeneous disease, the disruptions in glucose metabolism are highly variable depending of the cancer. In fact, Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC) and Prostate Cancer (PCa), the most lethal and common urological neoplasia, respectively, show different disruptions in the main pathways of glucose catabolism: glycolysis, lactate fermentation and Krebs Cycle. Oxidoreductases are a class of enzymes that catalyze electrons transfer from one molecule to another and are present in these three pathways, posing as an opportunity to better understand these catabolic deregulations. Furthermore, nowadays it is recognized that their expression is modulated by microRNAs (miRNAs), in this book chapter, we selected the known miRNAs that directly target these oxidoreductases and analyzed their deregulation in both cancers. The characterization of these miRNAs opens a new door that could be applied in patients’ stratification and therapy monitorization because of their potential as cancer biomarkers. Additionally, their delivery to cancer cells, using glucose capped NPs could help establish new therapeutic strategies that would improve RCC and PCa management

    The cyclooxigenase-2 inhibitor parecoxib prevents epidermal dysplasia in HPV16-transgenic mice: efficacy and safety observations

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    Carcinogenesis induced by high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) involves inflammatory phenomena, partially mediated by cyclooxigenase-2. In pre-clinical models of HPV-induced cancer, cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors have shown significant e cacy, but also considerable toxicity. This study addresses the chemopreventive e ect and hepatic toxicity of a specific cyclooxigensase-2 inhibitor, parecoxib, in HPV16-transgenic mice. Forty-three 20 weeks-old female mice were divided into four groups: I (HPV16+/-, n = 10, parecoxib-treated); II (HPV16+/- n = 11, untreated); III (HPV16+/-, n = 11, parecoxib-treated) and IV (HPV16+/- n = 11, untreated). Parecoxib (5.0 mg/kg once daily) or vehicle was administered intraperitoneally for 22 consecutive days. Skin lesions were classified histologically. Toxicological endpoints included genotoxic parameters, hepatic oxidative stress, transaminases and histology. Parecoxib completely prevented the onset of epidermal dysplasia in HPV16+/- treated animals (0% versus 64% in HPV16+/- untreated, p = 0.027). Parecoxib decreases lipid peroxidation (LPO) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and increases the GSH:GSSG ratio in HPV16+/- treated animals meaning that oxidative stress is lower. Parecoxib increased genotoxic stress parameters in wild-type and HPV16-transgenic mice, but didn’t modify histological or biochemical hepatic parameters. These results indicate that parecoxib has chemopreventive e ects against HPV16-induced lesions while maintaining an acceptable toxicological profile in this model.This work is supported by National Funds by FCT—Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, under the projects UID/AGR/04033/2019, UID/CVT/00772/2019 and UID/EQU/00511/2019 - Laboratory for Process Engineering, Environment, Biotechnology and Energy—LEPABE funded by national funds through FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC); Project “LEPABE-2-ECO-INNOVATION”—NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000005, funded by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Manifesto à cidade de Ponta Delgada dos arquitetos e estudantes de arquitetura micaelense

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    Os micaelenses sabem-no já: o importante conjunto da nova praça lado-sul da matriz, está projectado e vai erguer-se em moldes pombalinos!... A incongruência e o absurdo de uma tal proposição sente-o todo e qualquer leigo; basta para tanto boa fé e um pouco de bom senso