3,618 research outputs found

    A symbolic network-based nonlinear theory for dynamical systems observability

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    EBM and MSB acknowledge the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), grant Ref. EP/I032608/1. ISN acknowledges partial support from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain under project FIS2013-41057-P and from the Group of Research Excelence URJC-Banco de Santander.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Usage of link-level performance indicators for HSDPA network-level simulations in E-UMTS

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    The paper describes integration of HSDPA (high-speed downlink packet access) link-level simulation results into network-level simulations for enhanced UMTS. The link-level simulations model all physical layer features depicted in the 3GPP standards. These include: generation of transport blocks; turbo coding; rate matching; spreading; scrambling; modulation. At the receiver side, all complementary blocks are designed, with soft-decision demodulation, and a turbo decoder using the MAP (maximum a posteriori) algorithm with 8 iterations. An analytical formula is defined that fits the CQI (channel quality indicator) dependent BLER (block error rate) versus E/sub b//N/sub 0/ results in an AWGN channel. This formula models the physical layer in the network-level simulator. A further extension for frequency selective fading channels has been defined. The network-level simulator includes propagation models that provide SNR values. Based on these SNR values and the simplified physical layer model, an algorithm selects the CQI, and determines the actual BLER at time of reception. The rounding down and delaying of the CQI reporting, which corresponds to the W-CDMA standard, has a significant impact on throughput and transfer delay of the HS-DSCH. Some compensation can be found in a modified transmission. The integration of the link-level and network-level simulators gives accurate and realistic results that can be used in more studies that focus on network layer aspects of packet based services over HSDP

    Relações de vinculação íntimas, relações familiares e bem-estar psicológico : um estudo com jovens adultos

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Psicologia (área de especialização de Psicologia Clínica)O presente estudo tem como objetivo principal avaliar a relação entre as relações familiares e o estilo de vinculação íntima dos jovens adultos. Apresenta ainda como objetivos específicos: 1) avaliar a prevalência dos diferentes estilos de vinculação íntima em jovens adultos; 2) aferir a existência de relações entre o género dos participantes e o seu estilo de vinculação íntima; 3) verificar a existência de diferenças entre o sexo feminino e o sexo masculino ao nível de dimensões relevantes para a vinculação íntima; 4) avaliar a existência de diferenças entre indivíduos com um estilo de vinculação íntima seguro e inseguro ao nível das dimensões da representação da vinculação ao pai e à mãe; 5) aferir a existência de relações entre o estilo de vinculação íntima e a estrutura familiar (famílias intactas vs famílias divorciadas); 6) avaliar diferenças entre indivíduos com um estilo de vinculação íntima seguro e inseguro ao nível das dimensões do conflito interparental; 7) avaliar diferenças entre indivíduos seguros e inseguros na relação de vinculação íntima ao nível de vários índices de perturbação psicopatológica e 8) verificar se a perturbação emocional se encontra associada ao estilo de vinculação estabelecido com o parceiro romântico. Para a concretização destes objetivos foram utilizados instrumentos de autorrelato para a avaliação e caracterização da vinculação íntima, avaliação da vinculação aos pais, avaliação do conflito interparental e avaliação da sintomatologia psicopatológica. A amostra foi constituída por 300 jovens adultos estudantes universitários com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 35 anos, sendo 191 (63.7%) participantes do sexo feminino e 109 (36.3%) do sexo masculino. Relativamente aos resultados, a maioria dos participantes foram classificados com um estilo de vinculação íntima inseguro (63.1%), não se verificando associações entre o género dos participantes e o seu estilo de vinculação íntima. Todavia, verificou-se que os homens apresentaram maior evitamento da proximidade nas suas relações de vinculação íntimas do que as mulheres. No que respeita às relações familiares, os participantes com um estilo de vinculação íntima inseguro apresentaram maior Inibição da Exploração e Individualidade, maior Ansiedade de Separação e Dependência e menor Qualidade do Laço Emocional face ao pai e à mãe. Verificou-se ainda uma associação significativa entre os estilos de vinculação íntima e a sua estrutura familiar, e diferenças entre indivíduos com um estilo de vinculação íntima seguro e inseguro ao nível do conflito interparental. Relativamente ao bemestar psicológico, foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre indivíduos com um estilo de vinculação íntima seguro e inseguro, com estes últimos a pontuarem significativamente mais em todas as dimensões de psicopatologia e índices do BSI (Derogatis, 1982). Estes resultados são discutidos com recurso a uma interseção da literatura respeitante à Teoria da Vinculação na infância e na idade adulta, à qualidade das relações íntimas em termos de vinculação, à psicopatologia e características das relações familiares, particularmente o divórcio parental e conflito interparental.The present study has the main objective to examine the relationship between family relationships and romantic attachment style of young adults. The study encompasses as specific purpose: 1) to assess the prevalence of romantic attachment style in young adults; 2) to assess the existence of relationships between the gender of the participants and their romantic attachment style; 3) to explore differences between females and males in terms of romantic attachment relevant measures; 4) to evaluate differences between secure and insecure romantic attachment style on representation of the dimensions of attachment to father and mother; 5) to assess the existence of relationships between romantic attachment style and family structure (intact families versus divorced families); 6) to explore differences between secure and insecure romantic attachment style on the dimensions of interparental conflict; 7) to evaluate differences secure and insecure romantic attachment style on measures of psychopathology and 8) to assess the existence the relationships between romantic attachment style and the emotional distress. In order to fulfill these purposes, participants filled in self-report measures for the assessment and characterization of the romantic attachment style, assessment of attachment to parents, interparental conflict and evaluation of psychopathological symptoms. The sample was composed by 300 young adults college students, ages ranging from 18 to 35 years old, 191 (63.7%) female and 109 (36.3%) male participants. Results revealed that most of the participants were classified with an insecure romantic attachment style (63.1%) and no association was found between the gender of the participants and their romantic attachment style. However, it was found that males presented greater avoidance in their romantic relationships than women. Concerning to family relationships, participants with an insecure romantic attachment style reported more Inhibition of Exploration and Individuality, greater Separation Anxiety and lower Quality of Emotional Bond in father/mother attachment compared to the secure romantic attachment group. There was also a association between romantic attachment styles and their family structure, and differences between individuals with a secure and insecure romantic attachment style on interparental conflict. Regarding the psychological well-being, significant differences were found between individuals with a secure and insecure romantic attachment style, these having scored higher on all psychopathology scales. These results are discussed by means of an intercrossing of attachment theory in childhood and adulthood, quality of intimate relationships in terms of attachment, psychopathology and characteristics of family relationships, specifically parental divorce and interparental conflict

    The sisters: a study of D. H. Lawrence's mode of female characterization

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras


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    Reflecting on Our Time“Stop to think about, stop to look around, stop to listen to the other, think carefully, look carefully, and listen carefully; stop to feel the other, feel carefully; dwelling on details, stop hearing your opinion, stop judging, stop your willing, stop with automatic actions, because you need to improve attention and tenderness, open your eyes and ears, talk about what happens to us, learn with no hurry, listen to the others, cultivate the art of getting together, be very quiet, be patient and give yourself some time and space (Jorge LARROSA, 2002, p.24. Our tradution)

    ¿Cómo vive el alumnado la evaluación en formación inicial del profesorado?

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    La finalidad de este trabajo es conocer cómo vive el alumnado de último curso de universidad los procesos de evaluación experimentados durante toda su carrera. El estudio se lleva a cabo en la formación inicial del profesorado, concretamente en cuarto curso de grado de educación infantil, con una muestra de 86 estudiantes. La metodología utilizada ha sido: entrevistas en profundidad, grupos focales y entrevistas individuales. Los resultados indican, por un lado, que gran parte del alumnado parece no saber que está realizando una evaluación formativa y compartida, sienten una gran preocupación ante estos procesos, no entienden para que sirven muchos de los instrumentos de evaluación que utilizan y parece que no encuentran relaciones entre estos procesos y sus competencias docentes. Por otro, valoran positivamente estos sistemas en relación a su aprendizaje, el papel del profesorado, la organización y el reparto equilibrado del trabajo a lo largo del cuatrimestre.   The purpose of this research was to determine how university students live assessment processes experienced throughout all their university years. The study was carried out in the Pre-service Teacher Education, particularly in the fourth year of the degree of Master in Early Childhood Education, with a sample of 86 students. The methodology used was in-depth interviews, focus groups and informal interviews. Results indicate that most of the students seems not to know who is doing a formative and shared assessment, have great concern with these processes, don’t understand many of the assessment instruments used and seems to found no relationship between these processes and their teaching skills. Furthermore, they welcome these systems in relation to their learning, the role of teachers, the organization of work and the balanced distribution of work throughout the semester

    Incentives for Investment in Brazil

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    Incentives for Investment in Brazil

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