740 research outputs found

    La dilución de los medicamentos intravenosos y su relación con la incidencia de flebitis de ocurrencia menor a las 72 horas de la venopunción

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    El trabajo de investigación sobre “La dilución de medicamentos intravenosos y su relación con la incidencia de casos de flebitis menor a 72 horas posterior a la venopunción”, a fin de descubrir si la forma de dilución de los medicamentos es la causa principal de una flebitis, la cual está relacionada con el contacto de soluciones hipertónicas o medicamentos con pH acido o Alcalino. Es por ello que se realizó una clasificación de medicamentos endovenosos más utilizados en las áreas del 2° Medicina Interna Hombres y 2° Medicina Interna Mujeres del Hospital Nacional Rosales. La clasificación de estos medicamentos permitió indagar sobre sus características químicas que mediante ellas se llegan a considerar de: bajo, mediano y de alto riesgo Flebitico. La ejecución de este Proyecto de Investigación se llevó a cabo mediante dos estudiantes egresadas de la carrera de Licenciatura en Enfermería de la Universidad Dr. José Matías Delgado en el periodo de Diciembre del 2015 a Marzo 2016. La investigación se efectuó mediante la lógica del método deductivo ya que se realizó un acercamiento teórico al fenómeno en estudio, describiendo las variables, y mediante ello se logró establecer una relación entre éstas facilitando la construcción de las hipótesis de investigación; y por tanto se considera de tipo correlacional. Se efectuó un sondeo de los Enfermeras y Enfermeros que administran medicamentos endovenosos de las áreas antes mencionadas, de igual forma se observó a diez pacientes de cada área verificando así el efecto que produce la dilución de medicamentos endovenosos y de esta forma poder comprobar las hipótesis de investigación. Para el procesamiento y análisis de los datos se hizo uso del software SPSS y para la comprobación de hipótesis se utilizó el estadístico Chi Cuadrado. Se considera que los posibles hallazgos que pueden surgir en la investigación podrían ser que en los servicios mencionados se cumplan los requerimientos necesarios para diluir medicamentos endovenosos y no afectar al paciente, o pudiese suceder lo contrario; afectar al paciente por un dilución inadecuada, por lo que mediante este estudio se obtuvieron resultados que sean útiles para justificar iniciativas de modificación o actualización de protocolos de Enfermería contribuyendo directamente al bienestar de los pacientes de dichas áreas al reducir las lesiones tisulares.Tesis para optar a la Licenciatura en Enfermerí

    Body, Health and Society: Socioanthropological Considerations

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    This text presents a sociological reflection on the biomedical discourse on the body and health in our society We propose to address the sociological anthropological and historical studies on body health illness and the scientific field of Health The objective is to provide a discussion on the processes of society medicalization and of social inequalities in healt


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    This article aims to understand the area of performance of psychopedagogy in the school context and how it is applied in learning difficulties and as specific objectives Contextualize Psychopedagogy as preventive work in Brazil, understand the areas of psychopedagogical activity in the school context, identify the contributions of the psychopedagogy in the learning processes. The question that guided this research was: What is the area of performance of psychopedagogy in the school context and how is it applied in learning difficulties? The research methodology is an exploratory- descriptive research, its source is bibliographical with a qualitative approach. With the study carried out, it is possible to understand that the work of the psycho-pedagogue is relevant and necessary in the school context, considering that this professional can articulate and promote actions of prevention, orientation, intervention, assistance aiming to overcome the learning difficulties of the students. Therefore, it is indispensable that the psychopedagogue concretize actions of prevention, diagnosis and intervention in the school context, analyzing the peculiarities, difficulties and potentialities of each student, aiming to guarantee the effective learning of the studentsEste artigo tem como objetivo compreender a área de atuação da psicopedagogia no contexto escolar e como é sua aplicação nas dificuldades de aprendizagem e como objetivos específicos Contextualizar a Psicopedagogia como trabalho preventivo no Brasil, compreender as áreas de atuação do psicopedagogo no contexto escolar, identificar as contribuições da psicopedagogia nos processos de aprendizagem. A questão que norteou essa pesquisa foi: Qual é a área de atuação da psicopedagogia no contexto escolar e como é sua aplicação nas dificuldades de aprendizagem? A metodologia da pesquisa é uma pesquisa exploratório-descritiva, sua fonte é bibliográfica com abordagem qualitativa. Com o estudo realizado pode-se compreender que o trabalho do psicopedagogo é relevante e necessário no contexto escolar. Considerando-se que esse profissional pode articular e promover ações de prevenção, orientação, intervenção, atendimento visando contribuir para a superação das dificuldades de aprendizagem dos alunos. Por conseguinte, é indispensável que o psicopedagogo concretize ações de prevenção, diagnóstico e intervenção no contexto escolar, analisando as peculiaridades, dificuldades e potencialidades de cada aluno, visando garantir a aprendizagem efetiva dos alunos

    Service Innovation | A Service Blueprinting for Industry4.0

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    This research aims to conceptualize a service blueprinting framework to map the digital interaction and shared access to service system resources in Industry 4.0 operations. From the literature review we found that in Industry 4.0 operations, customer and provider are value co-creators, and thus, mapping the service process using such service blueprinting becomes useful to boost new dynamics generating positive and measurable innovation outcomes using either quantitative or qualitative indicators, indexed to the different stakeholders’ concerns. As recommended by the of Service Science, wealth comes from service innovation among service systems, so, it is necessary to know at the outset which resources are involved in value propositions along the service process. With this research, we have conceptualized an innovative service blueprinting framework for the digital innovation to visualize the bridge between the physical world and the virtual world in Industry 4.0 operations

    How and when immersion and distancing are useful in emotion focused therapy for depression

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    Objective: The potential benefit or harm of immersion (egocentric perspective) and distancing (observer perspective) on negative experiences are unclear and have not been empirically investigated in therapy. This is a first exploratory study aimed to analyze and compare the perspectives adopted on reflection (immersion and distancing) of negative experiences across therapy and the relationship between them and depressive symptoms in contrasting therapeutic outcomes of emotion-focused therapy (EFT). Method: Three good-outcomes cases and three poor-outcomes cases of EFT, diagnosed with mild to moderate depression at the beginning of therapy, were randomly selected. Immersion and distancing on negative experiences were analyzed using the measure of immersed and distanced speech. The depressive symptoms were assessed by the Beck Depression Inventory-II. Results: Significant differences across sessions were only found in the good-outcome cases which showed a significant decrease of immersion and an increase of distancing, and this evolution pattern was found related to the reduction of symptoms. Moreover, at the beginning of therapy, distancing was higher in the poor-outcome cases rather than in the good-outcome cases. Conclusion: The progressive and significant evolution from higher immersion at the initial phase to higher distancing in the final phase may be helpful in EFT for depression.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Serine hydroxymethyl transferase is required for optic lobe neuroepithelia development in Drosophila

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    Funding Information: This work was supported by the European Research Council under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (H2020-ERC-2017-STG-GA 759853-StemCellHabitat); Wellcome Trust and Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI-208581/Z/17/ZMetabolicRegSCfate); EMBO Installation grant (H2020-EMBO-3311/2017/G2017) and Fundaçaõ para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (IF/01265/2014/CP1252/CT0004 and SFRH/BD/135262/2017 Eunice Silva); ‘Inova4Health – UIDB/04462/2020 and UIDP/04462/2020, and the Associated Laboratory LS4FUTURE (LA/P/0087/2020), Fundaçaõ para a Ciência e a Tecnologia/Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior’. E.A.B.S. was partially funded by a Fundaçaõ para a Ciência e a Tecnologia doctoral fellowship under the PGCD-Graduate Program Science for Development (SFRH/BD/135262/ 2017). This research was funded in part by the Wellcome Trust [208581/Z/17/Z]. Open Access funding provided by the European Research Council. Deposited in PMC for immediate release. Publisher Copyright: © 2023. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.Cell fate and growth require one-carbon units for the biosynthesis of nucleotides, methylation reactions and redox homeostasis, provided by one-carbon metabolism. Consistently, defects in one-carbon metabolism lead to severe developmental defects, such as neural tube defects. However, the role of this pathway during brain development and in neural stem cell regulation is poorly understood. To better understand the role of one carbon metabolism we focused on the enzyme Serine hydroxymethyl transferase (Shmt), a key factor in the one-carbon cycle, during Drosophila brain development. We show that, although loss of Shmt does not cause obvious defects in the central brain, it leads to severe phenotypes in the optic lobe. The shmt mutants have smaller optic lobe neuroepithelia, partly justified by increased apoptosis. In addition, shmt mutant neuroepithelia have morphological defects, failing to form a lamina furrow, which likely explains the observed absence of lamina neurons. These findings show that one-carbon metabolism is crucial for the normal development of neuroepithelia, and consequently for the generation of neural progenitor cells and neurons. These results propose a mechanistic role for one-carbon during brain development.publishersversionpublishe