4,917 research outputs found

    La percepción de las madres sobre las prácticas de los enfermeros en la promoción de la lactancia materna

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    Enquadramento: Amamentar é um ato cujo sucesso depende de fatores históricos, socioculturais e psicológicos da mãe, assim como do compromisso e conhecimento técnico-científico dos profissionais de saúde na promoção e apoio ao aleitamento materno. Objectivos: Identificar a perceção das mães sobre as práticas dos enfermeiros na promoção do aleitamento materno. Metodologia: Estudo quantitativo, descritivo-correlacional, numa amostra não probabilística intencional de 88 mães de crianças entre os 2 dias e 3 anos. Utilizámos 1 questionário aplicado em maio de 2012. Resultados: As práticas dos enfermeiros experienciadas por 43,2% das mães foram consideradas pelos investigadores como razoáveis e em 29,5% das mães as práticas foram consideradas como más. A escolaridade, o local e tempo dedicado à atividade laboral estão relacionadas com a perceção das mães sobre as práticas na promoção do aleitamento materno. Conclusão: Os enfermeiros deverão refletir sobre as suas práticas e sua formação em aleitamento materno, motivando as mães não apenas numa perspetiva técnica e normativa mas também numa vertente psicossocial, adequando as suas práticas às necessidades de cada mulher

    On the 2D Dirac oscillator in the presence of vector and scalar potentials in the cosmic string spacetime in the context of spin and pseudospin symmetries

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    The Dirac equation with both scalar and vector couplings describing the dynamics of a two-dimensional Dirac oscillator in the cosmic string spacetime is considered. We derive the Dirac-Pauli equation and solve it in the limit of the spin and the pseudo-spin symmetries. We analyze the presence of cylindrical symmetric scalar potentials which allows us to provide analytic solutions for the resultant field equation. By using an appropriate ansatz, we find that the radial equation is a biconfluent Heun-like differential equation. The solution of this equation provides us with more than one expression for the energy eigenvalues of the oscillator. We investigate these energies and find that there is a quantum condition between them. We study this condition in detail and find that it requires the fixation of one of the physical parameters involved in the problem. Expressions for the energy of the oscillator are obtained for some values of the quantum number nn. Some particular cases which lead to known physical systems are also addressed.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, matches published versio

    Global well-posedness for the nonlinear wave equation in analytic Gevrey spaces

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    We obtain an asymptotic rate of decay for the radius of spatial analyticity of solutions to the nonlinear wave equation with initial data in the analytic Gevrey spaces

    Modelação de ligações sob movimento cíclico e avaliação do comportamento global sísmico de estruturas compostas

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    Trabalho de investigação desenvolvido na Universidade de Tecnologia e Economia de BudapesteTese de mestrado. Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Civil - Especialização em Estruturas. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Role of Content Analysis in Improving the Curation of Experimental Data

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    As researchers are increasingly seeking tools and specialized support to perform research data management activities, the collaboration with data curators can be fruitful. Yet, establishing a timely collaboration between researchers and data curators, grounded in sound communication, is often demanding. In this paper we propose manual content analysis as an approach to streamline the data curator workflow. With content analysis curators can obtain domain-specific concepts used to describe experimental configurations in scientific publications, to make it easier for researchers to understand the notion of metadata and for the development of metadata tools. We present three case studies from experimental domains, one related to sustainable chemistry, one to photovoltaic generation and another to nanoparticle synthesis. The curator started by performing content analysis in research publications, proceeded to create a metadata template based on the extracted concepts, and then interacted with researchers. The approach was validated by the researchers with a high rate of accepted concepts, 84 per cent. Researchers also provide feedback on how to improve some proposed descriptors. Content analysis has the potential to be a practical, proactive task, which can be extended to multiple experimental domains and bridge the communication gap between curators and researchers. [This paper is a conference pre-print presented at IDCC 2020 after lightweight peer review.


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    This paper presents a hermeneutic and applied case study carried out with the purpose of understanding the main challenges experienced by the managers of the Pro-Rectory of Research and Post-Graduation at the Federal University of São João del-Rei in their efforts to consolidate graduate programs. The results showed that main challenges are the absence of actions aimed at the functional qualification of lecturers to hold the position of coordinator of masters and doctoral programs and the lack of regional business support to the research developed in these programs. The data collected suggest that the practice of leadership within the organizational unit studied has been driven more by problems and doubts on the part of managers than by reasons of planning and strategies, which indicates that these professionals currently have a more reactive rather than proactive managerial profile

    A reprodução e a subversão de imaginários de gênero no filme “ Beleza Americana”, uma análise a partir do figurino

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Artes, Departamento de Artes Cênicas, 2017.No presente trabalho proponho fazer uma análise do poder de influência do cinema na perspectiva das relações sociais. Foco principalmente na questão da construção de imaginários na Segunda Guerra Mundial e a reprodução destes no filme “Beleza Americana”, focando principalmente no figurino. A partir de uma análise e observação das imagens em movimento pretendo desenvolver uma relação entre os imaginários da Dona de Casa e da Bombshell, entendendo como estes se relacionam e se opõe dentro do escolhido filme, desenvolvendo ainda um pensamento quanto ao poder massivo de influência do cinema contemporâneo.In the present work, I propose to make an analysis of the influence power of cinema in the perspective of social relations. I will focus mainly on the imaginary construction in World War II and a reproduction of these in the movie American Beauty, focusing mainly on the costumes. From an analysis and observation of moving images, I intend to develop a relationship between the Housewife and Bombshell's imaginary, understanding how they relate and oppose themselves within the chosen film. I also develop a thought for the massive influence power of contemporary cinema

    Oxidative stress markers: can they be used to evaluate human sperm quality?

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    Objective To study the effects of an acute lifestyle change in human semen oxidative stress (OS) by applying seminal parameters and OS markers and to study the feasibility of mid-infrared spectroscopy with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) as a complementary tool to evaluate the effects of OS on human sperm samples. Material and methods Sperm samples were collected from healthy male students (n=8) who voluntarily submitted themselves to acute lifestyle changes during academic festivities. The samples were obtained before and after the academic festivities and were compared by basic semen analyses and OS markers, namely with thiobarbituric acid reactive species (TBARS) and total thiol (SH) groups by spectrophotometric assays and carbonyl (CO) groups by slot blot. The samples were also submitted for spectroscopic analysis to evaluate the feasibility of FT-IR coupled with multivariate analysis to calibrate OS biomarkers. Statistical analysis was performed applying paired Wilcoxon tests. Results Acute lifestyle alterations during academic week festivities were associated with a significant decrease in the percentage of normal spermatozoa in the ejaculate (p=0.011) and a decrease in sperm concentration and in semen volume. Regarding OS, acute lifestyle changes promoted a significant increment of TBARS (p=0.018) and an increasing trend in the SH group. With FT-IR and multivariate analysis, it was possible to develop calibration models to the following protein OS biomarkers: SH groups and CO. Conclusions Acute lifestyle changes during academic festivities have negative effects on sperm quality, in both conventional seminal parameters and OS markers. The evaluation of OS biomarkers and FT-IR could improve andrology diagnosis and therapeutic follow-up.publishe

    Velocity and temperature distributions in compressible turbulent boundary layers with heat and mass transfer

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    In the present work, asymptotic methods are used to derive new expressions for the law of the wall, for the law of the wake and for the skin-friction and the Stanton number equations, for compressible turbulent boundary layers with heat and mass transfer. The results are compared with previous theories and experiments showing good agreement. The two parameters in the law of the wall, the angular coefficient and the linear coefficient of the straight part of the velocity and the temperature profiles plotted in appropriate logarithmic coordinates, are shown to vary with Mach number. Only the second of these parameters, the linear coefficient of the straight line, is shown to vary with the injection rate. No dependence of these parameters on Eckert number, E could be assessed. Also, it emerges from the present analysis that the dissipation effects become important only when E = 0(ut−1), uT = non-dimensional friction velocity.Indisponível

    Possível relação de causa-efeito entre estrogênio e hiperplasia nodular focal. Relato de caso

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    A 22-year-old female patient sought medical care due to an asymptomatic solid nodule in the liver,incidentally diagnosed by abdominal ultrasound. She reported the use of an estrogen-based oral contraceptive for approximately 3 years. She denied smoking or alcohol drinking. Her mother had a history ofnonalcoholic steato-hepatitis and her maternal grandmother had a hepatic hemangioma. Physical examination revealed an asymptomatic patient with discretely painful palpation of the right hypochondriumclose to the xiphoid appendix. Ultrasound examination revealed a 5.9 x 4.1 cm hypoechogenic nodule inthe left lobule and computed tomography revealed a 5.3 x 6.3 x 4.5 cm focal lesion in the 2/3 segments.Other tests of hepatic function proved to be normal, except for serum gammaglutamyl transferase, whichwas increased by approximately two times the mean reference value. With a diagnosis of focal nodularhyperplasia, she was submitted to exploratory laparotomy followed by partial hepatectomy (segment III,Figure 1). With a macroscopic diagnosis of hepatic adenoma, the anatomopathological report was focalnodular hyperplasia. At present, after four years of postoperative follow-up, the patient is well and istaking progesterone instead of the estrogen-based anovulatory agent.Paciente do sexo feminino, 22 anos, procurou auxílio médico devido a um nódulo sólido no fígado,assintomático, diagnosticado incidentalmente por ultrassonografia de abdome.Relatava uso de anticoncepcional oral, à base de estrógeno, por cerca de 3 anos. Negava tabagismo e etilismo. Mãe apresentava história de esteato-hepatite não alcoólica e avó materna era portadora de hemangioma hepá-tico. Ao exame físico, apresentava-se assintomática, com palpação discretamente dolorosa dohipocôndrio direito próximo ao apêndice xifóide. Ao exame ultrasonográfico apresentava um nódulohipoecogênico no lóbulo esquerdo de 5,9 x 4,1 cm e à tomografia computadorizada apresentava lesãofocal nos segmentos 2/3 de 5,3 x 6,3 x 4,5 cm. Foram colhidos outros exames representativos da funçãohepática, que se revelaram normais com exceção da gama glutamiltransferase sérica, que apresentava-se aumentada aproximadamente duas vezes o valor médio de referência.Com diagnóstico dehiperplasia nodular focal foi submetida à laparotomia exploradora e realizada hepatectomia parcial(segmento III, figura 1). Com diagnóstico macroscópico de adenoma hepático, o laudo anatomopatológicofoi hiperplasia nodular focal.Atualmente, com quatro anos de acompanhamento pós-operatório encontra-se bem, tendo sido feita substituição do anovulatório à base de estrógeno por progesteron