5,481 research outputs found
Fast emulation of cosmological density fields based on dimensionality reduction and supervised machine-learning
N-body simulations are the most powerful method to study the non-linear
evolution of large-scale structure. However, they require large amounts of
computational resources, making unfeasible their direct adoption in scenarios
that require broad explorations of parameter spaces. In this work, we show that
it is possible to perform fast dark matter density field emulations with
competitive accuracy using simple machine-learning approaches. We build an
emulator based on dimensionality reduction and machine learning regression
combining simple Principal Component Analysis and supervised learning methods.
For the estimations with a single free parameter, we train on the dark matter
density parameter, , while for emulations with two free parameters,
we train on a range of and redshift. The method first adopts a
projection of a grid of simulations on a given basis; then, a machine learning
regression is trained on this projected grid. Finally, new density cubes for
different cosmological parameters can be estimated without relying directly on
new N-body simulations by predicting and de-projecting the basis coefficients.
We show that the proposed emulator can generate density cubes at non-linear
cosmological scales with density distributions within a few percent compared to
the corresponding N-body simulations. The method enables gains of three orders
of magnitude in CPU run times compared to performing a full N-body simulation
while reproducing the power spectrum and bispectrum within and , respectively, for the single free parameter emulation and and
for two free parameters. This can significantly accelerate the
generation of density cubes for a wide variety of cosmological models, opening
the doors to previously unfeasible applications, such as parameter and model
inferences at full survey scales as the ESA/NASA Euclid mission.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures. To be submitted to A&A. Comments are welcome
Uso de la metribuzina, asociado con diferentes fertilizantes foliares, en cultivos de zanahoria
1 recurso en línea (páginas 351-358) : ilustraciones color.This study aimed to evaluate the use of different foliar fertilizers, associated or not associated with metribuzin,
in terms of carrot yield. The experiments were carried out over two crop years with treatments in a
2×4 factorial scheme. The first factor was the absence or presence of metribuzin (0 and 288 g ha-1 a.i.) and the second factor was the foliar fertilizers: FertiG, FertiB, sucrose and no application. In crop year 1, the commercial yield increased with FertiG with metribuzin, and the forked/total discard ratio decreased when the foliar fertilizers were applied together with metribuzin. The isolated metribuzin decreased the total yield and the
commercial/total yield ratio in crop year 1; however, the stress was attenuated when FertiG was applied. In
crop year 2, the metribuzin, isolated or associated with FertiG, increased the commercial yield. The FertiB decreased the forked/total discard ratio. The metribuzin, isolated or associated with FertiG, and FertiB obtained
similar results for the commercial/total yield ratio in crop year 2. FertiG satisfactorily attenuated the stress
caused by metribuzin in the carrot plants, with a positive effect on the commercial yield of the carrot crop.El objetivo del estudio evaluó el uso de diferentes fertilizantes foliares asociados, y no asociados con metribuzina, sobre la productividad de zanahoria. Los experimentos se realizaron en dos ciclos de cultivo con un arreglo factorial 2×4 de los tratamientos. El primer factor fue la ausencia y presencia de la metribuzina (0 y 288 g ha-1 i.a.) y el segundo factor fueron los fertilizantes foliares: FertiG, FertiB, sacarosa y sin aplicación. En el primer ciclo de producción, la productividad comercial aumentó en la asociación de FertiG y metribuzina, la relación bifurcación/descarte total disminuyó cuando se aplica los fertilizantes foliares junto con la metribuzina. La metribuzina sola disminuyó la productividad total y la relación producción comercial/rendimiento total en el primer ciclo, sin embargo el estrés se mitigó cuando se aplicó FertiG. En el segundo ciclo, la metribuzina sola o asociada a FertiG aumentó la productividad comercial. El FertiB disminuyó la relación bifurcación/descarte total. La metribuzina sola o asociada con FertiG y FertiB obtuvieron resultados similares en la relación producción comercial/rendimiento total en el ciclo 2. FertiG atenúa satisfactoriamente el estrés causado por la metribuzina a las plantas de zanahoria con un impacto positivo en la productividad comercial del cultivo de zanahoria.Bibliografía y webgrafía: páginas 357-358
Determination of freezing point standard for UHT milk
<p class="Default">Por apresentar prolongada vida útil e facilidade de estocagem, o leite Ultra Alta Temperatura (UAT) é o leite fluido mais consumido no Brasil. O processamento térmico ao qual o leite UHT é submetido provoca alterações na estrutura micelar da caseína favorecendo a precipitação proteica e a gelatinização; por isso, a legislação vigente autoriza a adição de estabilizantes (citrato e/ou fosfatos de sódio) na quantidade de até 0,1%. A adição de estabilizantes ao leite UHT é a razão pela qual não se inclui o índice crioscópico e a densidade como parâmetros de qualidade para o leite UHT. A avaliação do índice crioscópico é a prova de eleição para detecção de fraudes por adição de água ao leite, no entanto a adição de estabilizantes interfere nos seus resultados. O presente estudo teve como objetivo aferir as alterações promovidas por estabilizantes no ponto de congelamento e densidade em amostras de leite pasteurizado adicionado de citrato de sódio ou fosfatos de sódio, para sugerir padrões de crioscopia e densidade para o leite UHT. Para avaliar as alterações provocadas pela adição dos estabilizantes no leite, 16 alíquotas de leite foram preparadas em nove repetições, com diferentes concentrações (0%, 0,001%, 0,01%, 0,05%, 0,075%, 0,1%, 0,125% e 0,15%) de citrato de sódio chamado de substância 1 e da substância 2: um mix comercial de mono, di e tri fosfato de sódio. As alíquotas foram submetidas à prova da densidade e crioscopia. Como esperado a adição de estabilizantes reduziu o ponto de congelamento do leite. A concentração de 0,1% de citrato e do mix comercial provocou uma redução média da crioscopia do leite de –0,021°H (±0,001) e –0,017°H (±0,002), respectivamente. Em relação à densidade, a adição dos estabilizantes não provocou alterações significativas. Considerando que as indústrias de leite UHT usualmente adicionam o limite máximo de 0,1% de estabilizantes para obterem o efeito desejado, pode-se sugerir como índice crioscópico para leite UHT o intervalo entre –0,545 a –0,572°H. Em relação à densidade, como não houve alteração significativa após a adição de estabilizantes, sugere-se que seja adotado o mesmo parâmetro estabelecido para os leites cru e pasteurizado, de 1,028 à 1,034 g/mL para o leite UHT.</p
NPK combinations mitigate the deleterious effects of salt stress on the morphophysiology of West Indian Cherry
Under salt stress, plant growth and development are negatively affected due to physiological changes,requiring strategies such as fertilization management to minimize these effects. In this scenario, this study aimedto evaluate the effect of combinations of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium on the growth, leaf waterstatus, electrolyte leakage, and gas exchange of West Indian Cherry grown under water stress in the secondyear of production. The experiment was conducted in a protected environment in Campina Grande - PB.The treatments were distributed in a randomized block design with a 2 × 10 factorial arrangement with threereplications corresponding to two electrical conductivity levels of irrigation water– ECw (0.6 and 4.0 dS m-1)and ten combinations of fertilization with nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (80-100-100; 100-100-100; 120-100-100; 140-100-100; 100-80-100; 100-120-100; 100-140-100; 100-100-80; 100-100-120, and 100-100-140% of therecommendation in the second year of production). Irrigation with the ECw of 4.0 dS m-1 negatively affectedplant growth, the leaf water status, electrolyte leakage, and the leaf gas exchange of West Indian Cherry.However, the 40% increase (C4 -140-100-100% of the recommended N-P2O5-K2O level) in the nitrogen levelmitigated the deleterious effects of salt stress on the relative water content, internal CO2 concentration, and theCO2 assimilation rate of West Indian Cherry plants in the second year of production.Under salt stress, plant growth and development are negatively affected due to physiological changes,requiring strategies such as fertilization management to minimize these effects. In this scenario, this study aimedto evaluate the effect of combinations of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium on the growth, leaf waterstatus, electrolyte leakage, and gas exchange of West Indian Cherry grown under water stress in the secondyear of production. The experiment was conducted in a protected environment in Campina Grande - PB.The treatments were distributed in a randomized block design with a 2 × 10 factorial arrangement with threereplications corresponding to two electrical conductivity levels of irrigation water– ECw (0.6 and 4.0 dS m-1)and ten combinations of fertilization with nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (80-100-100; 100-100-100; 120-100-100; 140-100-100; 100-80-100; 100-120-100; 100-140-100; 100-100-80; 100-100-120, and 100-100-140% of therecommendation in the second year of production). Irrigation with the ECw of 4.0 dS m-1 negatively affectedplant growth, the leaf water status, electrolyte leakage, and the leaf gas exchange of West Indian Cherry.However, the 40% increase (C4 -140-100-100% of the recommended N-P2O5-K2O level) in the nitrogen levelmitigated the deleterious effects of salt stress on the relative water content, internal CO2 concentration, and theCO2 assimilation rate of West Indian Cherry plants in the second year of production.
Processo De Preparação Do Polieletrolito Cloreto De 3-n-propilperidinio Ligado A Uma Estrutura De Silsesquioxano
Compreendendo um polieletrólito constituído de cloreto de 3-n-propilpiridínio ligado a uma estrutura silsesquioxano, com elevada capacidade de troca aniônica, bem como apresenta também características de filmogenia e aderência sobre sólidos porosos de vidros e superfícies metálicas.BR9803053 (A)C08G77/00C08G77/00BR19989803053C08G77/00C08G77/0
Stilbenes from Deguelia rufescens var. urucu (Ducke) A. M. G. Azevedo leaves: effects on seed germination and plant growth
The Amazon biodiversity may provide plants whose chemical substances are capable of controlling weeds. In this study we report the isolation and identification of five stilbenes from the leaves of "timbó vermelho" (Deguelia rufescens var. urucu): 4-methoxylonchocarpene (1); 3,5-dimethoxy-4´-hydroxy-3´-prenyl-trans-stilbene (2), lonchocarpene (3), 3,5-dimethoxy-4´-O-prenyl-trans-stilbene (4) and pterostilbene (5). Compounds 2 and 4 are new natural products although 2 has been previously cited as synthesis product. Potential allelopathic activity for 1, 2 and 4 was evaluated over seed germination and plant growth of Mimosa pudica weed. The observed effects on seed germination did not vary significantly (p > 0.05) when the analysis of phytotoxicity was performed with the substances alone, the maximum inhibition did not exceed 20%. The most intense inhibitions on radicle and hypocotyl development were found for compound 4 (p 0,05) quando a análise da fitotoxidade foi realizada com as substâncias isoladamente, cuja inibição máxima não ultrapassou 20%. A inibição mais intensa, quanto ao desenvolvimento da radícula e do hipocótilo, foi encontrada para o composto 4 (p < 0,05). Isoladamente, 4 causou efeito inibitório significativamente maior (p < 0,05) no desenvolvimento da radícula e do hipocótilo, do que 1 e 2. Quando testados aos pares, apresentaram antagonismo para a germinação de sementes e sinergismo para o desenvolvimento da radícula e hipocótilo
Porto Primavera Ichnofossil Geosite, Brazil: Geoconservation Measures in a Protected Area
Porto Primavera geosite comprises aeolian sandstones with tetrapod trace fossil cropping out at the Porto Primavera Hydroelectric Power Plant, São Paulo State, Brazil. The Upper Cretaceous Rio Paraná Formation, which contains these tracks, is composed of medium–fine quartzarenites well- sorted and supermature, with typically large tabular/trough cross-bedding. They accumulated in complexes of large barchanoid dunes, moved by winds to the south-west. The Porto Primavera association consists of tracks of theropod dinosaurs and small mammals preserved in concave epirelief. These rare records in aeolian desert environments from the Late Cretaceous of Brazil indicate that even the interior Caiuá desert was occupied by organisms. The study focused on the characterization of the ichnofossils, assessing their susceptibility to degradation by natural and anthropogenic processes, and proposing measures to manage the geosite. Because the risk of degradation of the geosite is high, it is proposed that prior to their removal the slabs should be replaced with synthetic resin replicas made using silicone rubber moulds. The sense of disconnection between the objects and their natural geological context could be addressed by depositing the objects near the geosite in the Museum of Regional Memory. The geosite is indicated as a new holostratotype to the Rio Paraná Formation
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