3,987 research outputs found

    Representaciones mentales y enfermedades crónicas: un análisis de la escala causas del cuestionario IPQ en pacientes con hipertensión arterial y diabetes

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    89 p.El objetivo de esta investigación fue abordar las representaciones mentales en relación a las enfermedades crónicas, analizando la escala causas del cuestionario de percepción de la enfermedad IPQ en pacientes con hipertensión arterial y diabetes. Además se exploró la relación con otras variables como sexo, edad y nivel educacional. Se realizó un análisis de la base de datos obtenida de la aplicación del instrumento en cinco centros de salud de atención primaria de la séptima y octava región, obteniéndose una muestra total de 313 participantes, de los cuales 210 tienen hipertensión arterial y 103 tienen diabetes. Se realizó una comparación de medias de cada ítem según enfermedad crónica padecida, además de la correlación de estos con tres variables demográficas. Por otra parte se clasificaron los ítems de la escala según la dimensión Locus de control (Interno/Externo). Se obtuvo que la escala causas presenta 13 atribuciones causales con diferencias significativas según el tipo de enfermedad crónica padecida. Los mayores puntajes se encontraron en el grupo de pacientes con hipertensión arterial. En cuanto al análisis de variables demográficas, se encuentran relaciones significativas para las tres variables analizadas. Finalmente, en relación a la clasificación de las atribuciones causales de la enfermedad según dimensión, los ítems son clasificados en mayor proporción en locus de control interno. Se reconoce la necesidad de continuar investigando esta temática con el fin de ampliar estos resultados dado que son relevantes debido al efecto que tienen sobre la adherencia al tratamiento que desplieguen los pacientes. Palabras clave: Enfermedades crónicas, atribuciones causales, comparación de medias./ABSTRACT: The objective of this research was to approach mental representations related to chronic diseases analyzing the causes scale of the illness perception questionnaire IPQ in patients with hypertension and diabetes. We also explored the relationship with other variables like gender, age and educational level. An analysis of the database obtained from the application of the instrument in five health centers of primary care of the seventh and eight regions was made, yielding a total sample of 313 participants, of whom 210 have hypertension and 103 have diabetes. A comparison of means was made for each item according to the suffered chronic disease, besides the correlation of this three with the demographic variables. On the other hand the items of the scale were classified according to the locus of control dimension (internal/external). It was obtained that the scale causes has 13 causal attributions with significant differences depending on the type of suffered chronic disease. The highest scores were found in the hypertension patients group. In the analysis of demographic variables, significant relationships were found for the three variables analyzed. Finally, regarding to the classification of the causal attributions of the disease by dimension, the items were classified in a higher proportion for internal locus of control. Is recognized the need to continuing researching this issue in order to extend these results which are relevant due to the effect that has over the adherence to treatment that display patients. Key words: Chronic diseases, causal attributions, comparison of means

    Evaluación de la agrodiversidad en sistemas de producción con diferente manejo en las veredas el Mesón y Arenillo Palmira

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    Se realizó la evaluación de la agrodiversidad en tres diferentes sistemas de producción (agroecológico, orgánico y convencional) en las veredas el Arenillo y el Mesón en la zona rural de Palmira Valle, desde la caracterización social, económica y cultural se mostró como los sistemas de producción están directamente relacionados con el bienestar de las familias, los predios se agruparon de acuerdo al uso y los predios con gran producción son los que tienen mayores ingresos, en cuanto a la participación familiar son los sistemas pequeños los que cuentan con mayor mano de obra familiar, en general en la caracterización los sistemas se agruparon según el manejo de cada uno. En cuanto a la evaluación de la agrodiversidad florística se observó que los sistemas agroecológicos son los que albergan mayor diversidad y abundancia de especies acompañantes, las familias botánicas más representativas fueron las Asteraceae con 19 especies, Poaceae con 16 especies y Lamiaceae con 11 especies, la única especie compartida en los tres sistemas de producción fue Bidens pilosa L. o papunga, los valores de alfa diversidad en los tres sistemas de producción son mayores en los sistemas agroecológicos, los que reflejan la mayor riqueza específica DMg (11.9), dominancia de Simpson λ= 0.05 y un valor del índice de equidad de Shannon – Weaver (H’) = 3.51, los valores de beta diversidad mostraron que los sistemas agroecológicos y orgánicos son los que tienen una mayor variedad de especies. En la agrodiversidad edáfica se encontraron 2 reinos (Archaea y Bacteria), 56 phylum, 190 clases, 386 órdenes, 632 familias y 1101 géneros, los phylum más abundantes en los tres sistemas fueron Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria y Verrucombia, 41 géneros encontrados cumplen funciones importantes en los suelos como fijar de nitrógeno, solubilizar fosfatos, promotoras de crecimiento (PGPB) y algunos patógenos, los índices de alfa y beta diversidad fueron muy similares para los tres sistemas, lo que refleja que muchos de los OTUs encontrados se comparten en los sistemas. Se realizó una evaluación de las interacciones existentes en estos sistemas, encontrandose que las familias botánicas más abundantes cumplen una función etnobotánica, sin embargo, la rizosfera de la mayoría de estas son albergues para las bacterias de los géneros Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Candidatus Nitrososphaera y Nitrospira quienes fueron las más abundantes. También se realizó un análisis múltiple factorial (MFA) donde se separaron los sistemas de producción de acuerdo a las contribuciones de las diferentes variables físicas, químicas, bacterias y plantas que se encontraron en cada agrosistema.//Abstract: The evaluation of agrodiversity was carried out in three different production systems (agroecological, organic and conventional) in the villages of El Arenillo and El Mesón in the rural area of Palmira Valle, from the social, economic and cultural characterization showed as the production systems they are directly related to the wellbeing of families, the farms are grouped according to use and the farms with large production are the ones with the highest income, in terms of family participation, small systems are the ones with the largest family labor In general, in the characterization the systems were grouped according to the management of each one. Regarding the evaluation of floristic agrodiversity, it was observed that agroecological systems are the ones that harbor the greatest diversity and abundance of companion species, the most representative botanical families were the Asteraceae with 19 species, Poaceae with 16 species and Lamiaceae with 11 species, the The only species shared in the three production systems was Bidens pilosa L. or papunga, the values of alpha diversity in the three production systems are higher in agroecological systems, which reflect the greater specific richness DMg (11.9), Simpson dominance λ = 0.05 and a value of the Shannon - Weaver equity index (H ') = 3.51, the beta diversity values showed that the agroecological and organic systems are those that have a greater variety of species. In the edaphic agrodiversity were 2 kingdoms (Archaea and Bacteria), 56 phylum, 190 classes, 386 orders, 632 families and 1101 generous, the most abundant phylum in the three systems was Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria and Verrucombia, 41 generous found have a function important in soils such as fix nitrogen, solubilize phosphates, Plant growth promoters (PGPB) and some pathogens, the alpha and beta diversity indices were very similar for the three systems, which reflects that many of the OTUs found are shared in the systems. An evaluation of the existing interactions in these systems was made, finding that the most abundant botanical families fulfill an ethnobotanical function, however, the rhizosphere of most of these are shelters for Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Candidatus Nitrososphaera and Nitrospira who were the most abundant. A multiple factorial analysis (MFA) was also carried out, where the production systems were separated according to the contributions of the different physical, chemical, bacterial diversity and plant variables that were found in each agrosystem.Doctorad

    Routine-based interview in early intervention: professionals' perspectives

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    The Routine-Based Interview is a promising method to collect information in Early Intervention, since it focuses on all members of the family and their routines, while seeking to highlight what parents consider a priority in the intervention. For that reason, in this paper, we aim to analyse the kind of benefits and difficulties that may be found in the Routine-Based Interview's implementation process. The present research comprises the qualitative interview method, according to which semi-structured interviews were carried out by eight Portuguese professionals enrolled in the Portuguese System for Early Intervention. The professionals highlight the benefits of the Routine-Based Interview as a way to clearly and objectively evaluate and identify the concerns and priorities of the family, as well as the child's competencies and the functional goals that will be included in the intervention plan. All participants stress the need for more training in the Routine-Based Interview process.This work was financially supported by Portuguese national funds through the FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology) within the framework of the CIEC (Research Center for Child Studies of the University of Minho) projects under the references UIDB/00317/2020 and UIDP/00317/2020

    Promotor del crecimiento en la producción de pollos de y cerdos

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    The pressure for reducing the use of antibiotic growth promoters (AGP) in livestock is an irreversible process, and several countries are adhering to the restrictions on AGP usage. Sweden was the first country that changed laws of AGP usage, and the USA is not only limiting AGP use but also moving towards a significant reduction of general antibiotics usage. The increasing pressure to prohibit the use of these additives is based on the possibility of allergic reactions and induction of cross-resistance of pathogenic bacterial strains in people. In broiler and pig production the AGP is used with the objective of obtaining better results of weight gain and feed conversion. However, considerable variability in performance response to AGP has been observed, contingent on genetic potential, phase of rearing, as well as hygiene and management practices. It is clear that AGP restrictions in the production of animal food are a growing process and therefore its consequences must be evaluated, including its effect on animal performance and the economic results of such restriction. Noting these considerations, the purpose of this review is to disseminate relevant information about the use of antibiotic growth promoters in broiler and pig production.A pressão para reduzir o uso de antibióticos promotores de crescimento (AGP) na pecuária é um processo irreversível, e vários países estão aderindo às restrições ao uso de AGP. A Suécia foi o primeiro país que mudou as leis de uso de AGP, e os EUA não estão apenas limitando o uso de AGP, mas também caminhando para uma redução significativa no uso geral de antibióticos. A crescente pressão para proibir o uso desses aditivos baseia-se na possibilidade de reações alérgicas e indução de resistência cruzada de cepas bacterianas patogênicas em pessoas. Na produção de frangos e suínos, o AGP é utilizado com o objetivo de obter melhores resultados de ganho de peso e conversão alimentar. No entanto, foi observada uma variabilidade considerável na resposta do desempenho ao AGP, dependente do potencial genético, da fase de criação e das práticas de higiene e manejo. É perceptível que as restrições de AGP na produção de alimentos para animais são um processo crescente e, portanto, suas consequências devem ser avaliadas, incluindo seu efeito no desempenho animal e os resultados econômicos. Observando essas considerações, o objetivo desta revisão é disseminar informações relevantes sobre o uso de antibióticos promotores de crescimento na produção de frangos e suínos.La presión para reducir el uso de antibióticos que promueven el crecimiento (AGP) es un proceso irreversible, y varios países se están adhiriendo a las restricciones sobre el uso de AGP. Suecia fue el primer país en cambiar las leyes de uso de AGP, y Estados Unidos no solo está limitando el uso de AGP, sino que también está reduciendo significativamente el uso general de antibióticos. La creciente presión para prohibir el uso de estos aditivos se basa en la posibilidad de reacciones alérgicas e induce resistencia cruzada de cepas bacterianas patógenas en las personas. En la producción de pollos y cerdos, se usa AGP para obtener mejores resultados de aumento de peso y conversión alimenticia. Sin embargo, se observó una variabilidad considerable en la respuesta de desempeño al AGP, dependiendo del potencial genético, la fase de reproducción y las prácticas de higiene y manipulación. Es notable que las restricciones AGP en la producción de alimentos para animales es un proceso creciente y, por lo tanto, sus consecuencias deben ser evaluadas, incluido su efecto sobre el rendimiento animal y los resultados económicos. Observando estas consideraciones, el propósito de esta revisión es difundir información relevante sobre el uso de antibióticos que promueven el crecimiento en la producción de pollos y cerdos

    La música: una herramienta lúdica para fortalecer el lenguaje en niños del grado jardín del colegio Franciscano del Virrey Solís

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    La presente investigación nació de las observaciones e intervenciones pedagógicas que se realizaron con niños y niñas de primera infancia, evidenciando que el lenguaje verbal de los estudiantes del colegio Franciscano del Virrey Solís de grado jardín es limitado; a partir de esta problemática se propuso como objetivo el diseño de estrategias lúdico-musicales que permitan el fortalecimiento del lenguaje.La metodología desarrollada en la propuesta investigativa fue la cualitativa, enfocada en los procesos de observación y creación encontrando la relación del lenguaje con la música, se generaron tres instrumentos divididos en tres fases, estos fueron: la prueba diagnóstica, la cual consistió en el diseño de una clase inicial como base para el reconocimiento de las dificultades del lenguaje verbal que presentan los estudiantes del grado jardín, por otro lado, el registro bibliográfico se construyó un formato para buscar la recolección de la información de metodologías musicales, y por último, la cartilla musical la cual contiene cuatro experiencias pedagógicas articuladas al fortalecimiento del lenguaje en los niños y niñas del grado jardín, estas actividades son una guía para el desarrollo de más ejercicios que se pueden generar a lo largo de la práctica pedagógica.The present investigation was born from the observations and pedagogical interventions that were carried out with boys and girls from early childhood, showing that the verbal language of the students from the Colegio Franciscano del Virrey Solís in kindergarten is limited; from this one on problem was proposed as an objective the design of ludic-musical strategies that allow the language strengthening. The methodology developed in the research proposal was qualitative, focused on the processes of observation and creation finding the relationship between language and music, generated three instruments divided into three phases, these were: the diagnostic test, which consisted in the design of an initial class as a base for the recognition of the difficulties of the verbal language presented by the kindergarten grade students, on the other hand, the record bibliographical format, a format was built to search for the collection of information from musical methodologies, and finally, the musical primer which contains four experiences pedagogical activities articulated to the strengthening of the language in the boys and girls of the kindergarten grade, these activities are a guide for the development of more exercises that can be generated throughout pedagogical practice

    Factor de condición relativo de Leporinus acutidens (Valenciennes,1837) (pisces, anostomidae) en el alto rio Paraná, aguas abajo de la represa Yacyretá

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    Leporinus acutidens (Valenciennes, 1837) es una de las especies más abundantes del Alto río Paraná. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar los cambios espacio-temporales en el estado de bienestar de sus poblaciones en un tramo de este río, aguas abajo de la represa Yacyretá. Los peces fueron colectados, desde julio de 2009 a junio de 2013, con una batería de redes agalleras en dos sitios seleccionados en relación con su distancia a la represa (Ituzaingó= 1 km aguas abajo; Itá Ibaté=90 km aguas abajo). Se aplicó un análisis factorial de la covarianza a fin de evaluar el efecto del sexo, sitios y ciclo hidrológico (2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12, 2012/13) sobre el factor de condición relativo Kn de los peces. Los resultados mostraron que el factor fue siempre superior en las hembras. Las diferencias entre sitios de muestreo no fueron significativas, aunque se registraron valores de Kn más elevados en Itá Ibaté. Además, se detectó un efecto significativo del ciclo hidrológico (p < 0,05), con valores de Kn mayores en ciclos con inundaciones más pronunciadas. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran el fuerte efecto modelador del régimen hidrológico sobre las poblaciones de L. acutidens en este tramo del río Paraná.Leporinus acutidens (Valenciennes, 1837) is one of the most abundant species in the High Paraná River. The aims of this study was estimate the relative condition factor as an indicator of population fitness of fishes, and evaluate its spatio-temporal variation. Fishes were collected using gillnets in two sites along Paraná River, which were selected according to the distance from Yacyretá Dam (Ituzaingó= closer site; Itá Ibaté= farther site). Sampling was performed from July 2009 to June 2013. Factorial ANCOVA was applied to evaluate the sex, sampling sites and hydrological cycle effect (2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12, 2012/13) on relative condition factor. The female always had higher condition factor than males. No significant differences were identified between sites, but higher Kn values occurred in Itá Ibaté. Besides, a significant effect of hydrological cycle (p < 0.05) was detected; intense and pronounced flood were associated to highest Kn values. Our results confirm the importance of hydrologic regime as strong determinant of population changes of L. acutidens in this section of Paraná riverFil: Silva, Natalia Andrea. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Instituto de Ictiologia del Nordeste; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste; ArgentinaFil: Soneira, Paula Alejandra. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Instituto de Ictiologia del Nordeste; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste; ArgentinaFil: González, Alfredo O.. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Instituto de Ictiologia del Nordeste; ArgentinaFil: Barrios, Carlos Eduardo. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Instituto de Ictiologia del Nordeste; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste; ArgentinaFil: Sánchez, Sebastián. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Instituto de Ictiologia del Nordeste; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste; Argentin

    Alkali and acid polysaccharides blend nanofibrous membranes prepared by electrospinning

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    Poster apresentado no "Smart and functional coatings conference", Torino, Italy, 2013Electrospinning allows the production of polymer fibres with diameters in the sub-micron size range, through the application of an external electric field, keeping intact the bulk properties of the polymers. Electrospun membranes possess some unique structural features, such as a high surface to volume ratio and very good mechanical performance, properties that are determinant to their use in several applications such as air and liquid filtration, tissue engineering, optical and chemical sensors [1]. In this work, alkali and acid biopolysaccharides blended with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) were electrospinned into a polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) basal microfiltration membrane, with the goal of developing a mid-layer nanofibrous porous support for exploitable thin-film composite (TFC) membranes for water filtration. The alkali and acid biopolysaccharides chosen were, respectively, chitosan (CS), a cationic polyelectrolyte (in this case with deacetylation degree around 85), and cyanobacterial extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), an acidic polysaccharide isolated from Cyanothece sp.CCY 0110 [2]. The electrospun blended nanofibrous membranes were fully characterized in order to investigate their morphology, diameter, structure, mechanical and thermal properties. The results showed that these membranes have great potential for filtration purposes [3].This work was funded by FEDER funds through the Operational Competitiveness Programme – COMPETE and by National Funds through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia under the projects FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-022718 (PEst-C/SAU/LA0002/2011), FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-009389 (PTDC/CTM/100627/2008) and FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-009697 (PTDC/EBB-EBI/099662/2008), and the grants SFRH/BPD/37045/2007 and SFRH/BPD/72400/2010. The authors also thank to the project INVISIBLE NETWORK nº. 13857 * SI I&DT Mobilizador

    Posição canguru: efeitos imediatos nas variáveis fisiológicas do recém-nascido pré-termo e baixo peso

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    Introduction: The Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) method is a significant neonatal alternative that ensures better quality humanized care for preterm and low birth weight newborns. Objective: To analyze the immediate physiological effects of the kangaroo position in critically ill newborns. Methods: Open clinical trial with parallel interventions, involving preterm (up to 28 days old) low or very low birth weight newborns (minimum weight of 1,250 grams) of both sexes, that were clinically stable and undergoing enteral nutrition. The degree of respiratory distress was assessed and quantified using the Silverman-Anderson scoring system. Heart rate and peripheral oxygen saturation were collected using a pulse oximeter. Respiratory rate was determined by auscultation for one minute. The newborns were submitted to the kangaroo position once only, for 90 minutes. Results: Participants were 30 newborns, 56.7% of which were girls. Comparison of the variables before and after application of the kangaroo position using the Wilcoxon test showed a statistically significant reduction in respiratory rate (p = 0.02) and Silverman-Anderson score (p < 0.01). The remaining variables showed no significant differences: heart rate (p = 0.21), peripheral oxygen saturation (p = 0.26) and axillary temperature (p = 0.12). Conclusion: There was a decline in the respiratory rate and Silverman-Anderson score after application of the kangaroo position, while peripheral oxygen saturation, axillary temperature and heart rate remained stable.Introdução: O Método Mãe Canguru apresenta grande importância na atualidade como uma alternativa ao cuidado neonatal que proporciona uma melhor qualidade na assistência, priorizando a humanização no atendimento do recém-nascido pré-termo e de baixo peso. Objetivo: Analisar os efeitos fisiológicos da posição canguru em recém-nascidos criticamente enfermos. Métodos: Ensaio clínico aberto com intervenções paralelas, no qual foram incluídos recém-nascidos pré-termo, com até 28 dias de vida, de baixo peso ou muito baixo peso ao nascer (peso mínimo de 1.250 gramas), de ambos os sexos, com estabilidade clínica e nutrição enteral. Para avaliar e quantificar o grau de desconforto respiratório foi utilizado o escore de Silverman-Anderson. A frequência cardíaca e a saturação periférica de oxigênio foram coletadas por meio do sensor de oximetria de pulso. A frequência respiratória foi avaliada através da ausculta durante um minuto. Os recém-nascidos foram submetidos à intervenção com a posição canguru em um único momento durante 90 minutos. Resultados: Participaram do estudo 30 recém-nascidos, sendo 56,7% do sexo feminino. Ao comparar as variáveis antes e após a posição canguru, por meio do teste de Wilcoxon, foi observada redução estatisticamente significativa nas variáveis frequência respiratória (p = 0,02) e escore de Silverman-Anderson (p < 0,01). As demais variáveis não apresentaram diferenças significativas: frequência cardíaca (p = 0,21), saturação periférica de oxigênio (p = 0,26) e temperatura axilar (p = 0,12). Conclusão: Houve diminuição da frequência respiratória e do escore de Silverman-Anderson após a realização da posição canguru, além da manutenção da saturação periférica de oxigênio, da temperatura axilar e da frequência cardíaca

    Estrategia de fortalecimiento de los procesos de inclusión de la discapacidad auditiva ,a partir del trabajo con docentes de la I.E.D. Instituto Técnico De Oriente RIENTE

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    La investigación está regida bajo una metodología cualitativa y va dirigida a suscitar en los docentes de la Institución Educativa Departamental Instituto Técnico de Oriente, a que inicien un proceso de inclusión apto en referencia a la atención de las necesidades de los estudiantes con discapacidad auditiva, por otro lado, el método de investigación es de Investigación-Acción (IA), siendo dividida en cuatro fases que son: revisión documental, indagación, diseño de la propuesta y finalmente la socialización de avances y resultados. Cabe resaltar, que se trabajó con la población docente de la I.E.D. Instituto Técnico de Oriente, manejando una muestra poblacional de 30 profesores de 60, realizando encuestas con preguntas abiertas y cerradas a cada uno de ellos, donde las autoras se rigieron bajo la línea de investigación institucional de la Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores, denominada como “evaluación, aprendizaje y docenciaThe research is governed by a qualitative methodology and aimed at raising in the teachers of the Departmental Educational Institution Technical Institute of the East, to initiate a suitable inclusion process in reference to attention to the needs of students with disabilities auditory, on the other hand, the research method is Research-Action (IA), being divided into four phases that are: documentary review, inquiry, design of the proposal and finally the socialization of advances and results. It should be noted that we worked with the teaching population of the I.E.D. Technical Institute of the East, handling a population sample of 30 teachers of 60, conducting surveys with open and closed questions to each one of them, where the authors were governed by the line of investigation institution of the Los Libertadores University Foundation, known as “assessment, learning and teachin